ITT: post a game but only the back cover of it. Others guess what game it is

ITT: post a game but only the back cover of it. Others guess what game it is.

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is it sonic 3?

Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Stroker


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>guess what game it is
What? That doesn't make any sense

how does it not make sense?
not op btw

If you played the game you'd know what game it was based off the back of the box without any effort, this isn't a "guess-the-game" experience this is a "did you play this?" experience.

fucking retarded

I like this idea.

If youve played it you probably know it. But the description and art can give clues


Based and snakepilled

Cringe and Konami pilled


Attached: 63329_back.jpg (640x800, 475K)

Magna Carta 2? I only played the first one but the art looks the same

Digimon Digital Card Battle

Monster Rancher

Yokai Watch

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