Should I get this on PS4 Pro for 60fps, or on a regular Xbone for fuck censorship?
Should I get this on PS4 Pro for 60fps, or on a regular Xbone for fuck censorship?
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Two scenes. Two scenes are censored, and it is censored so half-assed it is comical.
>Lady's ass censored... but her side boob is perfectly fine.
>Trish's ass censored... but you can see through her corset most of the time and see amazing amount of jiggle.
It's the principal of the matter.
Pirate it on PC. Not worth buying and PC has mods to make it way better than the shitty console versions that drop frames. Even just the graphics options make it better.
My PC can't handle it.
I advise against the PS4 Pro version. Whenever I play it my Pro sounds like an F16 taking off.
you have youtube for some cutscens OP, don't be stupid
Regular Xbone.
You can upgrade later. Do not support censorship.
It's the principal of the matter.
Then upgrade your PC you pleb. It's literally not worth buying esp on console.
Don't listen to the pcfags on Yea Forums
Just go for the ps4 pro version.
I played it on my pro and I never encountered a single frame drop.
Meanwhile pcfags have to deal with audio issues, stuttering and some even can't launch from what I seen from the day I thread.
Why does this game keep fucking crashing in missions on my PC. It only happens near the end of the game as well
pretty sure it'll be censored on anything but PC.
>I played it on my pro and I never encountered a single frame drop.
>Meanwhile pcfags have to deal with audio issues, stuttering and some even can't launch from what I seen from the day I thread.
Imagine being a lying console cuck. Hows that CA, 40fps, no turbo, and 900p treating ya?
I got it for ps4, runs fine on my Slim, console tuns into a jet engine on main menus and customization screen though.
So much this. This game is not worth the price, coming from a fan, it's a huge disappointment.
It's only censored on PS4 actually. Xbox and PC are clean.
Don't do it OP. If you support censorship that will make them think it's okay.
Import the Japanese version if you want it on ps4 uncensored. That's what I'm doing. It has full English support.
All PS4 versions need to be cleaned quite frequently, thanks to the genius who decided that putting the power supply inside the console was a good idea, even a month of accumulated dust inside your console can be enough for it to start getting really loud and even overheat if you live in a warm place.
I say pirate it on PC because there's a mod that actually gives Dante an actual red coat instead of a muted burgundy one.
>It has full English support.
>Pcfags trying so hard to justify their $1000 "gaming PC" purchase while a much cheaper console achieved the same thing
Kek whatever helps you sleep.
>it's a huge disappointment.
how so?
>cheaper than free
>worse version as well
How is that no turbo treating you lmao
Particles. Same thing happens with me, if a boss has too many effects, it crashes, I need to reboot my PC and pray for it not to crash. Happened 4 times when I was playing.
How do I git gud at Dante? Im getting hit way too much, currently on mission 11
sell both shitstations and upgrade your PC, then buy it there.
also learn how to make simple decisions yourself fuckwad
I looked at a frame rate analysis video earlier because I was dubious about the claims of "mostly 60 fps locked" on consoles.
>PS4 Pro: 60 during light stuff, mid-upper 50's in taxing areas, low 50's when things really kick off
>Xbone base low-mid 50's during light stuff, low 50's in taxing areas, 40's when things really kick off
Looks like it ran pretty rough on base xbone. Also how do these tech sites get away with saying "60 fps locked" when any time something happens it dips?
bait harder faggot, the game is amazing
To be fair it sounds like you already have your answer.
Save the frames op. XD
>not worth buying
Hey buddy
And this is why I don't buy Sony consoles holy shit, I hate the noisy kind.
Dante is too much information for you too handle, too much gimmicks that you won't even be using in first place, trying too hard to appeal to the hardcore fan base that is almost inexistent nowadays. Nero is godtier gameplay/design, Vergil would be as well.
thanks for proving my point DmCunt
if you're bad just switch between trickster and swordmaster when on defensive/offensive.
if you want to get decent then practice royal guard.
other than that it's just getting used to know how to chain combos between weapons.
pirate on pc
>muted burgundy
Don't support censorship, don't be a faggot, besides the PS4 Pro sounds like a fucking jet and the xbone is completely silent. Runs on 60 fps on both.
This is why I fucking dmcfags, game is full of flaws but NO, IT'S A FUCKING MASTERPIECE. Neck yourself, fucking faggot.
If you think I enjoyed DmC because I posted a .gif showing a proper use of "fuck you" you're dumber than Nidhogg.
Upgrade Trickster and Royalguard, you are gonna need them eventually anyways. Royalguard is not as demanding as in the previous games, if you can't perfect guard you'll lose DT charges instead. Also, I don't think enemies attack you offscreen.
Can i get sweet S's if I just stay on one style? Still trying to get the hang of swapping between trickster and swordmaster on the fly so I would rather stay on swordmaster.
fuck you his coat looks like trash in 5. Look how much better this looks when it is a proper red.
Use Royal Guard and jump cancel it's really easy to do in this game and it's really fun to do it.
This actually looks bad too though.
Xbone, Microsoft actually decided to advertise a good game for once and Snoy deserves nothing
pirate it pleb
it's harder, but yeah. just make sure to switch up your moves. if you switch between 2 moves constantly you won't be able to hold your style meter for long, even if you raise it quickly.
Just buy it. It's a really good game. But I would say Ps4 pro.
>not understanding the devs included the "fuck you" DT to make fun of DmC
Sorry you are such a brainlet user
It's my Game of the Year, so flock off.
Lady is censored on all version, PC can turn off lens flare to remove the censor. Trish is only censored on PS4, but you can just not download the patch and get the uncensored version.
Orgasms are fleeting. Frame are forever
For the people coming from the last thread - yes, I have seen TLJ a lot, and I like it for what it is. I saw TFW seven times in theatre. Gonna try and see the next one nine times in theatre.
>swearing isn't allowed
Okay, then.
The PS4 Pro version is very close to the PC version on Ultra 4k. Regular Xbone probably kinda sucks. It's up to you to decide if you want to get mad over a buttcrack shot. It's understandable but keep in mind DMC isn't exactly niche, so people are gonna buy it regardless so in the grand scheme of things your boycott doesn't matter.
Sure thing, pal. Itsuno is NOT a fan of Donte AT ALL, right? Retard.
>bloody palace won’t have co op
So what was the fucking point of mission 13?
You're fucking delusional.
get it on pc for the nude mods that are already available
>Not worth buying
Fuck off, nigger
>The PS4 Pro version is very close to the PC version on Ultra 4k.
No. The console version isn't even max settings, you can't turn off blur and chromatic aberration, it drops below 60fps(my PC doesn't drop below 120fps),there's no mods(turbo is the main one worth mentioning), and your loading screens are long as FUCK on console. It's just like MHW, the PC version is the definitive version by far.
Don't be a retard.
Make me shill.
Who the fuck said it was a masterpiece, dumbass! It has flaws, but it's still a fucking good game. As the other guy said, bait harder. You're making Barry look bad.
DMC2 has no story beyond "Discount Tekkan man bad, stop bad Tekkan man"
DMC3 was when we got some actual plot in the games beyond just the goal, with 4 and 5 adding on more story and lore as they came along.
You're already shilling, nigger.
Wait does demon Dante not have eyes? What the fuck.
I'll buy it next month when my paychecks aren't disappearing into thin air. But I want to play it now so pirate it is.
>Who the fuck said it was a masterpiece
I say it. Because it is.
>Capcom makes a really good game
>Makes one the best DMC games in years
>Oh no you must shilling there is no way video games can be fun and good.
Yeah. Text and audio. You also have the JP audio/text as well.
Reasonable. Please proceed.
I have both versions, played on PC with a 2060 and I can assure you that comparing them on the same TV they look very similar. Maybe not Ultra but definetly all settings High + some Ultra. That's not too shabby considering you'd need a 1080 to really max out everything.
As far as loadings go I found them faster on the Pro but that's probably because I only have a regular 7200rpm HDD on my PC.
I unironically think DMC5 is a masterpiece and has the best combat system of any 3D game ever made
I literally can't read the tips because it loads so fast in my PC.
if you play 720p on low yeah
This stuttering shit is unbearable, I had no stuttering on Devil Hunter and now it's all over the place on Son of Sparda. I just finished my playthrough and it made Vergil so, so much more difficult than it needed to be
Any idea how to fix this? I keep seeing "switch to directx11" but I don't know how to force the game to run on that.
Go to the game's folder and open the .ini file
You can't even fucking read. It's not maxed and you can't turn off awful effects. It's a shit port.
>As far as loadings go I found them faster on the Pro but that's probably because I only have a regular 7200rpm HDD on my PC.
LOL you fucking loser, the difference is 30 fucking seconds.
I tried that. Capability keeps reseting to DX12 every time I open the game.
It's flawed. Story is a letdown after the good first half.
>good first half
What's good about it? V is a faggot and Nico is annoying.
It looks like the kind of game I would have rented from Blockbuster back in the PS2 days, which is exactly how I played the first 3 games. Since that option isn't around anymore I'm just going to pirate it.
pc for mods
it's the only place where you can do shit like play as Dante w/ Lady's model or run any stage with any character
if you're getting hit a lot remember that jumping has iframes
swordmaster/trickster should be your go to moves, in fact might wanna rebind one of these 2 to L2 for quick access, since it's not often that one changes guns
might wanna start using only 2 weapons of each type to learn the basics
swordmaster is pretty much a must for styling, unless you're good with royal guard
enemy step does wonders with Dante's moveset
trickster 3/4 are great to chase enemies / reset combos
shotgun is great at interrupting enemies, works great with enemy step canceling
I play 1440p with everything maxed (but default render resolution) at about 120 fps
Go to the ini’s properties and mark it as “read only” after you change the directx12 to x11.
So wait
is there gonna be dlc for Lady and Trish with a new mission or what
where the fuck does the series go now, are Dante and vergil in underworld forever now? Is the series over?
someone spoonfeed me pls
>is there gonna be dlc for Lady and Trish with a new mission or what
There's rumors of a "Ladies night" with Trish, Lady, and possible Lucia
>where the fuck does the series go now, are Dante and vergil in underworld forever now? Is the series over?
Nope, this is just the end of the Sparda twins spergfest. Now that they're playing nice, we'll probably have now Vergil as a recurring playable character.
Sure, user, just gimme a second to rev up my time machine
OK thanks let me know
I mean I'd be cool with that. I just can't see more DMC without Dante and vergil to a lesser extent.
Was anyone else kinda disappointed they glossed over DMC2 in the story recap? I know the game is shit and all, but I would have liked to see Capcom at least try and make some sense of it. Especially since they now place DMC2 before dmc4 which makes no fucking sense.
>he doesn't have an X
Most I could see is maybe Nero getting a whole game to himself since he's finally proven he can stand against the likes of Dante and Vergil, then afterwards bringing back the Sparda boys for their own joint adventure.
Seems to have done it thanks!
There really wasn't much to say other than "A warrior woman summons Dante to stop an evil businessman, said woman is really a manufactured demon, Dante goes to fight businessman's demon god, he disappears into hell for a few months" and that's about that.
i have a little fan pointed at my ps4 all the time
PC is censored, but can remove the censor relatively easily
>he doesn't keep his ps4 submerged in sub-zero liquid
It's like you're asking for hardware failure
PC ya scrub
Nero has really grown on me, id play a game exclusive to him. Problem is, I just don't know how they can do it without the styles Dante has. Like it just wouldn't feel right, unless they just say fuck it and give Nero styles because who cares.
Although this is true, I still feel like they could have given it at least a mention. Argosax always fascinated me, being second in command to mundus, but whatever. Still pisses me off they shifted the chronological time line and put 2 before 4.
They could probably make Nero learn some new moves, integrate the Breakers into the Bringer in a way that allows for more seamless transitions between their attacks and tricks. Maybe have him build some new weapons since he does seem to prefer making his gear than dominating demon ass.
Only cringe is your post, newfag.
>can't even reply properly
>calls others newfags
Ah, is wittle babby mad he's not getting his (You)? That's adorable. Keep crying, newfag.
Get it on ps4, dont fuck around with performance
Nice samefag, newfag. You're still not getting (You)s for your shit bait.
PS4 is the worst platform to play it on.
I got a few questions. How do we call the "Donte" DMC game so that it's easily referencable? Also, will we ever go back to that timeline to see how it goes on or did they completely axe it?
it's called DmC
we're never going back to that universe, although part of me wants a sequel set like twenty years later where Donte's settled down, married Kat, and turned into a boomer with the personality of Hank Hill.
Donte's game is called DmC
Dante's game is called DMC
Notice the difference?
Pretty sure we just either say "the reboot" or "DmC" since those are easily recognizable ways of referring to it. Not like anything's changed now that confuses the issue.
We don't.
That's the same dumb boomer joke people are making about DMC, though.