Epic Games Spyware #3

Epic Games Spyware #3

Continued from and >...Epic Games Launcher on start up searches for Steam install and proceeds to get list of files in your Steam Cloud (this includes mostly game saves for every user that has logged in on your PC)
>It will also create encrypted copy of config\localconfig.vdf.
>This file contains your steam friends, their name history (groups you're part of, are considered "friends").

Chink representative responds
>We only import your Steam friends with your explicit permission. The launcher makes an encrypted local copy of your localconfig.vdf Steam file. However information from this file is only sent to Epic if you choose to import your Steam friends, and then only hashed ids of your friends are sent and no other information from the file.

New news since last thread:

But their "encryption" is just an XOR'd copy of the file
>Look, they are making their own copy of the localconfig.vdf Steam file, XOR'ing it with FF, and calling that encryption.

Chink representative does more damage control and backpedals
>We don't use the Steam API because we minimize the number of third-party libraries we include in our software. While Valve is above reproach, shady API practices are a concern we take very seriously.
>It would be better if our launcher only touched localconfig.vdf after the user chooses to import Steam friends. After this was pointed out today, the Epic Games launcher team is going to work to do it that way instead.

Credit to and for the updates.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>yfw you didn't fall for the chink botnet

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important pic from last thread

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Fuck I installed epic once since I wanted to try fortnite craze, but got bored and left it for a while. Uninstalled it when they went full nigger chink.

>tfw no steam friends

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OP here. If/when this autosages someone else can make the next thread if there's interest. It's getting late.

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ill say it again, people are out here calling it chink spyware but still have the league client installed, which is owned by the same company. and then you also use discord to communicate..

>Epic swoops in and steals millions of steam users' data including purchased unreleased games that they used for strategic exclusivity deals and market research
>this has been going on for at least a year, for everyone that ever opened the epic client like Fortnite zoomzooms and UE4 devs, before the store was even a thing
devilish, now that's what I call a trojan horse

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What the fuck I use unreal engine (without epic store until they gave out free subnautica)
But then again discord is almost as bad...
I knew I shouldn't have trusted chinks.

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Half the people still posting here haven't even bothered with LoL for years now due to a variety of reasons.

>when you install so much spyware you forget countries have laws against this
>Epic store goes down in flames after litigation

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>tfw no chink spy shit on your system

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Have sex.

Time to use that massive chink money to weasel out of this one.

I uninstalled UT, my UE4 dev kit, and the Epic launcher after they did Paragon dirty. Fuck Epic Games.

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It's a stupid thing, but you have Pooh Bear taking with a Japanese accent instead of a Chinese one

Chinks have more incels though.

>Valve carelessly leaves all this private information out in the open
>People blame epic games for using it rather than Valve for leaving the info out in the open in the first place.

This place is nothing but braindead valve drones.

Such joy can only be felt.

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thats fucked up
why would they do that?

from leddit
>I just went through the whole procedure of linking Steam to Epic via the Epic launcher so it can add friends and guess what, it didn't access that file once. Their entire justification of copying the file in their press response is for the friends functionality. And yet it isn't used during linking to Friends.
Literally everything Tim and his goons said has been false so far

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Knowledge is power

>its your fault the nigger stole your bike, you left it there inside your house whitout a chain

absolutely comfy

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So. I see absolutely nothing wrong with this.
>oh noes, now they know what games you buy and who your friends are

I can’t believe I helped my little brother install this on his account (he lives with me and uses my PC) so he could play Fortnite. Whatever, I can always just pirate the exclusives.

yeah but why know my friend list?
can they get my card info too?
my password?
can they acess data in my browsers? like my other passwords andbank data?

this raises a lot of questions

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Get sterilized

>victim blaming

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June 4th, 1989

Yes to all of that. A lot of people with Epic accounts have been victims of identity theft and fraud shortly after downloading the client.

Why do you guys care about being on a botnet. you are on Yea Forums/channel a known botnet and no one bitches about that.

Windows 11 will come with application sandboxing as a default feature, despite the 10% performance hit it'll incur. It's for your own safety. Programs demanding to run as admin to override that are auto-blocked by our lord and savior Bill Gates.

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fuck Epic, fuck Tim Sweeney and fuck China

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Don't listen to this guy we are perfectly fine you even get free games every two weeks. Sign up now!

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>No reviews
>No voice chat
>No community forums
>No workshop
>No screenshot sharing
>No wishlist
>No game tags
>No discovery queue
>No one-click online streaming
>No h-games
>No music category
>No software category
>No video category
>No linux support
>No mac support
>No regional pricing
>No payment option variety
>No marketplace
>No trading cards
>No trading
>No user profile customization
>No achievements
>No controller support
>No family sharing
>No overlay with browser
>No client skinning support
>No controller-friendly mode
>No local network gameplay streaming
>No cloud saves
>No backup feature
>No adding third party games to your list
>No third party key registration
>No reason to use Epic Store

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Can you really be a victim when you invite the thief into your home and kindly show him where all the silverware is.

Yes, that is theft.

You wish, EpicVirgin.

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Where is this man when we need him most? He could end this all in one swift stroke, yet he remains silent. Did Blizzard have him killed?

But the guy was wearing a shirt that told you he'll be stealing all your shit.

How is epic reacting to this, besides their shills and shitposters getting fired up?

>no proof
And all steam users are leftist snowflakes

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It's essentially corporate espionage user.

Millions of people downloaded and installed their spyware, a large percentage them also use steam because its the biggest game distribution platform on pc.

Their spyware is looking at the information from your steam account, your browsing history, and who knows what else to figure out what games (and who knows what else) you are likely to purchase. They figure out the games that the most people are likely to purchase and attempt to make them exclusive to their spyware platform. They do this in the hopes of overtaking steam as the primary global point of sale f

$0.10 was added to your Steam wallet

well that actualy makes sense

I wonder, if this is how they targeted niche games like Exodus and Phoenix Point.

Tim basically said he was sorry he got caught and said that he will keep doing the same and didn't really explain what he's doing copying and obfuscating the steam data.

Epic also launched a little paid article campaign today on PC Gamer with biased articles about it.

Russia & China at literally tagteaming to disrupt the PC Gaming market purely for the sake of mining PII and yet shills still come out in defense of them, even on Yea Forums of all places. Sure feels like the vidya "master race" is all but a sham.

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Go to bed Stallman

10 points have been added to your social score, Pooh.

>Metro Exodus
stopped reading there.

I hit submit by accident.

The primary point of sale for digital pc games. There are potentially billions of dollars in profits to be made for them. Epic isnt going to steal your credit card specifically, but who knows where the data ends up and who has access to it?

I sold my desktop in 20013 and I keep no personal information on my phone or anywhere on the internet. The whole fucking world is 50% retarded and 50% malicious. Stay woke.

$0.1 fagget

That's rich coming from a communist. Doesn't get more "leftist snowflake" than a fanatical socialist country of people offended by images of a Disney cartoon bear.

PC has always been the Wild West of gaming. You want order? Go play on consoles.

Or ¢10

There where only 3 words left in the sentence and one of them was an article.

How where you even physically capable of not reading the rest? Did you have to sound out all the words?

One guy is offended, that’s the president. Meanwhile the entire country is in an uproar over the dumbest shit like some white teen smirking.

This should be pinned on every board, desu

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I don’t speak chink, fucker. Not everyone who opposes your self jerk off group is from China.

Stop wasting time and start hiding, Wong, they'll start knocking soon to get you "re-educated".

Chinks gets insta banned if they looked at that copypasta.

whats wrong with discord? legit question.

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imagine devoting 4+ hours a day of your life multiple times per week to fighting against a store for video games just because you don't want to have 2 programs running in the background

How the fuck is this even legal holy shit

B-b-b-but f-free g-games!

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动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

That just means Epic and Tencent are outsourcing some of their shilling to Pajeets too.

Please don't tell me you're stupid enough to believe this

rol just move out of ray of tank, filthy citizen

Its a tool for communication and everyone is retarded. Stop talking to people and examine the universe through your own perceptions.

>Tim Shitney will go to prison in your lifetime

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Okay but why should I care?

Its not legal and also just a theory.

What do you mean believe? The localconfig.vdf file does contain that data and Epic does copy it and send it to their servers, these are facts.

this but unironically.

>proof all over the multiple threads

People have yet to learn no one gives you shit for free. When other stores do they're just Steam keys so it has nothing to do with them, bu Epic is invested in getting customers to their proprietary store.

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the first two parts of that is fact, the last part is unverified speculation by people who have a vested interest in epic doing poorly

the stretch that they know your steam friends means they might leak your credit card numbers is absurd

>the stretch that they know your steam friends means they might leak your credit card numbers is absurd
in this thread and the last one i havent seen anyone try and assert this

the guy I quoted was the one who was asking in the first place
>yeah but why know my friend list?
>can they get my card info too?
>my password?

>unverified speculation by people
Read OP's links, the client doesn't even access the file for the friends import so why is it making several backups of it every time you open the client?

They also gather data from their users and have blatantly denied it.
Friendly reminder that if it is free, you are the product.
Besides, how do you think they made money before they got a store nobody uses? They sell user data.


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fuck the chinks
>arrest huawei CEO in Canada
>now the chinks won't buy our canola oil putting thousands of jobs at risk

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If anything I imagine this will be a problem for them under EU law.

if you don't know why, how can you claim it's fact that they're sending it over the network? if they were, it would be trivial for someone to have identified the packets through wireshark at this point

but I wouldn't expect the retarded OP of the original reddit post to be capable of that, because he thought a web browser using https was a security flaw

>my password?
already confirmed it takes passwords from browser

FUCK Canada, it's a filthy stupid chinese colony and deserves to get fucked

>if you don't know why
we do know why, he was taking the piss out of you by presenting obvious information as a question
to be honest its shocking you are over 18 and never experienced that before

Can't they get into serious shit for this? I mean yeah the spyware thing is already a big deal but aren't there laws against taking data from children (which is 90% of Fortnite's playerbase)?

>play stupid games
>win stupid prizes

What were you expecting?

>how can you claim it's fact that they're sending it over the network
Tim and the VP said that, the VP claimed it only sends the steam friends data but there's no way to confirm that since they purposefully obfuscated the data.
It's like that comic of a guy about to shit on a plate, you can see everything is setup for the turd.

Hey fuck you too buddy

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you need to start a trash tag to get the zoomers mommies attention like #FortniteMomsAgainstEpic

american children have been conditioned to bootlick for the past 50 years so pretty much the entire epic userbase (all 2000 of them) will either defend it to the death or flat out not understand what is happening

No because they have money, expect more shilling from journos and hitpieces against steam while they pretend they "updated" the spyware.

like user above said most likely with european laws, it seems like anything goes in the us as far as corporation profits are concerned.

>ever trusting the chinese
Can they do literally anything without cheating or being underhanded about it?

t. actual ping-ting

It that chinese for "please buy my canola oil?"

People will now be forced to preorder games 6 months ahead of time just so they do t have to fear Epic making power moves at the last minute

Epic knew how many Fortnite players had Steam installed for months.

The spying has been going on for a very long time.

No, it's the Chinese way. They always work counter productively against themselves because they care about NOW more than securing a stable future. It's even worse back in China.

So has anyone actually tried to run this to confirm it's real or are we all just circlejerking over random images/webms

YOU *runs over child* GET *jumps in elevator shaft* WHAT *falls into industrial machine* YOU *stabs someone in a cyber-cafe* PAY *shits on the pavement* FOR :^)

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There is no law for companies looking into your buying activities. In fact, these info are often sold and bidded to other companies. There is nothing wrong here. You fuckers are just racist assholes.

Not him, but technically he's not wrong. Chinese is the first language on basically all signs and businesses and everything else public in Vancouver. Then it's French everywhere on the other side of the country with nothing but empty tundra in between. You're basically cucked on all fronts m8.


why? just wait a month and get it 50% off.

no it says "you fucking chinese"

>I cant read anything posted in the last 3 THREADS
user please fucking kill yourself, this thread barely has 100 posts, start reading retard

China really does seem like one of the worst places on the planet.

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>you must read THREE FUCKING THREADS IN A ROW before you can post here
shut up nigger
proof or stfu

If you have the chink launcher you can just go to C:\ProgramData\Epic\SocialBackup and see for yourself, it keeps backups of your steam data file with your steam id in the filename.

>two of the biggest chinese colonies with deep ties to them
>they're always sucking off epic store and defending china and chinks
>two of the worst shitposter countries

a coincidence? I think not

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>everyone in this fucking thread has steam installed
>not a single fucking letter about what steam does in the background
hey remember that random update the forced download 5mb of something for each game you had installed?

Shh little boy. The adults are talking. Let them handle this, you're obviously too stupid to see a bigger picture.

>proof or stfu
read nigga read
also yes i would expect some cunt to be in a little more than THREE fucking threads in their life before they started posting, faggot

Why aren't programs sandboxed yet? Why can programs reach into other program's shit unfettered? Why do I have to run every program in it's own VM just to keep from being spied in?

I've seen that; there's nothing in it that I can read, unless someone has a way to de-crypt it. It seems like it's just there for linking steam friends with Epic's launcher.

yeah sorry buddy but you're filtered now

This is like if the only thing broad casted over seas were world star videos, and then the rest of the world thinks we’re a bunch of violent niggers. Quit playing into the propaganda machine and do some real looking around, bitch.


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This is the part where you act autistic

from the original reddit/resetera posts, the only actual security/privacy issue is that the launcher will make a backup of a steam file containing data about your steam friends, and epic sends the hashed ids of your friends back to their servers

anything else is rumor at this point

Seriously, how the fuck does that affect me in any way. That’s shit that most company can find out easily.

>actual underage fairy upset he got told to lurk more because he stood out so hard
i provided you with the links :)

Imagine posting this, thinking you made a funny or, even more pathetic, are adding to the discourse. Leave.

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>other than just webms/images

That's what I'm thinking, I'd love to see some more proof than just the weird webm.

It's a copy of the localconfig.vdf file which is not encrypted, it's somewhere in Steam's userdata folder.
It's a pretty big file with all sorts of data including purchased games and cookies.

Is anyone surprised?
The Chinese are notorious underhanded cheating faggots. Just step into any university. Fuckers unapologetically cheat on every test and assignment.

Fucking read the thread retard, having to repeat shit to lazy idiots is exhausting.

They are evolving ways to avoid their natural predator. Clever.

>whats happening? someone sum it up with evidence
>no no, REAL evidence!
alright later faggot

Farmerfag here, I grow canola in canuckistan. As far as I know there's no jobs at risk, and in fact the price of canola recently actually went up. The asiafaces are just posturing and trying to gain an edge because we actually did something right FOR ONCE and arrested a god damn spy.

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>reddit post
so fahnny

I can't see shit in here

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Just because you THINK it doesn't affect you, doesn't mean it doesn't some of the millions of other people. If you have nothing to say, then don't type a comment. You're adding nothing.

cry about it
proof or stfu

>a backup of a steam file containing data about your steam friends
Wrong, it contains far more than just steam friends and it apparently doesn't even access the file when you use the friend import.

>and epic sends the hashed ids of your friends back to their servers
According to Epic, there's no way to actually confirm this since they obfuscated the data on purpose, this has already been told several times in this thread.

Because oh no, now they know what games people buy and who they play with? Fuck off.

if you want people to take it seriously you're going to have to update the 33% of the image proving they're doing security properly on the web and the other 33% covering how windows works and has nothing to do with the launcher.

just leave the 33% about steam

ah yes let me just waste money to fly over there and get blown up by a faulty factory just so i can be 100% sure it sucks, good idea

Do you really don't know how to use a search function and need to be spoon-fed this hard? I already told you the file's name, stop being an idiot.

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>So, Jay, what did you think of the Epic Games Store?

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With Epic trying to buy every exclusive they can, you’re just leaving that to chance.

Too bad retard; no proof, no argument

>nd then the rest of the world thinks we’re a bunch of violent niggers.
but literally everyone acknowledges that america actually IS a 3rd world country full of violent niggers and useless cops

I'm tech illiterate. How do i completely clean my pc from this?
Yes i fell for it, i wanted subnautica really bad.

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>literally too stupid to understand the proof even with help

I actually don't think they'll go all generous with sales. That will still cut into profits for studios and profit is the 100% motivator why they jumped ship.

You are a complete moron.

delete the folder C:\Windows\System32 that's where epic is storing all the backups about your steam data

>post proof
>no, post proof or shut up
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm........not an argument

When did Chinese become synonymous of cheaters when they were once renowned as human calculators?

subnautica is shit
use a 3rd party uninstaller such as iobit
clean that shit as hard as you can
pray china doesnt descend on you since they have your data forever

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winnie the pooh

are you guys actually afraid of the chinese government personally doing something to you because they know how many hours you have in team fortress 2?

is this a big inside joke I'm not part of?

>pointed to proof already posted in thread
>>D-doesnt count
>some user goes into some tech shit to prove it personally
>>I dont get it
what are you trying to achieve here exactly, you know everyone here can read this exchange?

When people realized they cheat on math tests.

When they started entering all foreign universities and they got exposed hard. Chinese expats are a different story.

fuck off

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I don't have this installed on my system, but I did for a bit. Did it leave this shit behind? How do I get rid of it?
I don't want to god damn chinamen to have my data.

shut up and jerk, retard

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here's how Yea Forums works

Someone spreads a rumor, it has a webm, and everyone believes it with absolutely zero confirmation themselves.

It circlejerks and spirals out of control and no one believes anything.

Paranoid /pol/-tier faggotry should fuck off

I asked for proof and you still can't provide it. Quit being a fag.

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How do we report that to the gdpr?

see This has big ramifications, they're basically stealing extremely value industry data owned by a competitor.

>hahaha it's ok to collect information about me I have nothing to hide
>based chinese communist party leading us to glory and eternal bliss
ok, Ching Chang

>play game designed for children
>chinese government suddenly know all my friends, my location, my internet history, my internet passwords, my interests and my frequently visited sights, as well as my cookies
reminder that Epic Games Launcher is literally marketed at children

>reddit spacing
>scream pol for literally no reason
>deny evidence
yep its an underage american

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>subnautica is shit
I really like underwater games, i don't have much options.
>use a 3rd party uninstaller such as iobit
>clean that shit as hard as you can
I don't know what iobit is. You say i need 3rd party uninstaller. Is ccleaner's build in option for uninstalling any good compared to that iobit?

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>/pol/ for literally no reason
would you prefer if I say /x/ so that it doesn't offend you?

Why are you trying to force this narrative when not even your boss Tim denies that they do collect steam data? The question is how much data they steal and we do know they copy the entire file, what we don't know is what exactly they send and they made it purposefully hard to find out which heavily implies they are up to no good.

>would this form of off topic shitposting in place of me having an argument offend you less?
no, fuck off retard

that argument doesn't really make sense since steam charts is already going to be a much better overview of trends than when the last time someone played a game was

>got it for one game
Why? You may as well have just pirated it.

>force this narrative
I literally launched it myself and it didn't do any shit like that at all, so either this shit is fake, or there's some other shit at play that the webms and images are disingenuously hiding.

>if I compare this paranoid delusion to a group known for paranoid delusions that doesn't offend you politically would it be better?

cry more faggot, EGS isn't datamining you you paranoid faggot.

The file contains all your owned games and even pre-ordered games that aren't out yet, this is more than what you can get on any website especially since owned games are private by default now (and there's no way to show pre-ordered games)

>using the discord app
You'd have to be retarded to do that. I have always used it in my browser because they're known for doxxing people.

You aren't fooling anyone, moron shill.
Read OP's links and tweak your narrative to at least fit that.

im tech illiterate so hopefully someone else will jump in but i used ccleaner for a while and it was fine, then on new PC i moved to IObit and it did the same job, uninstalls and then cleans residual and temp files

>if I compare this paranoid delusion to a group known for paranoid delusions that doesn't offend you politically would it be better?
what the fuck are ye talking about retard, you started crying about pol for literally no reason and now you think they are attacking you?

reinstalled windows this morning to get rid of every trace of it

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门


Free Tibet
Tiananmen Square Massacre

bless u user, a shame they ban this now

The Great Leap Forward
Republic of China
Tianamen Square

EGS isn't datamining you

>3 threads in a row there is always someone denying reality
Are you just extremely bored? I guess it makes sense, Epic doesn't have that many games after all

Type in "localconfig.vdf" in your file explorer's search bar.

>just got in this thread

Honest question, I'm not baiting

Why would I give a fuck if they know my steam friends? I actually couldn't care in the least. They're not even tied to actual names and identities of the individual

of course it isn't, why the FUCK would i download a fortnite simulator made by the chinese which is now confirmed to datamine by the man himself on reddit?

>cry more faggot, EGS isn't datamining you you paranoid faggot.
Sure is denial here. It's already been proven multiple times that it does. That fact does not change because you refuse to listen to argument that disproves your opinion.

Ive been banned four times so far. Fucking chinkmoot.

>be a human who wants to learn
Somehow i don't think people are going to be sympathetic that you don't understand something

Try reading OP's links and at least a few posts in the thread, it's far more data than just friends.

>implying the sympathy of paranoid /x/ fags matters to me

Attached: 4568247429153.jpg (1280x720, 64K)

Fitting considering Keanu's father is Chinese and basically abandoned him.

Attached: Steve nice.gif (444x250, 3.04M)

china is buying data from here so of course poor innocent hiro needs to purge it

Attached: 1534882353580.png (1136x640, 680K)

Attached: 1526697396707.png (1920x1080, 1.32M)

I don’t care, you have to be a retard if you don’t your data’s aren’t already leaked for using Yea Forums.

>paranoid /x/ fags
this is getting desperate
>you are a paranoid pedo if you have the ability to go into previous threads and look at evidence
>you are also a paranoid pedo if you look in THE CURRENT THREAD at the evidence
>you are also a paranoid pedo for showing someone the evidence when they ask to be spoonfed
>you are also a paranoid pedo for calling them retarded when they deny or literally dont understand ()
>i-im not paranoid and denying reality though
there is no winning this exchange for you unless you are literally being paid

Stop responding to chinese bots user

hahahahah what the fuck who was talking about pedophiles you autist

seek help
you are literally too stupid to talk to

Attached: Discord_tjnxhpQ3fE.png (232x194, 124K)

nani? is this what they call bait?

>mention /x/
>i didnt mention pedo's!
im sure this was the first thing i said to you but: lurk more faggot
if you dont even know the boards you are mentioning why mention them? shitposting is meant to be alot more than just acting like a drooling unsupervised child
>inb4 hurr spoonfeed me 4chans 15 year history and tell me exactly why they are considered pedo's, im not a shitposter btw :)

Attached: chuck.jpg (1920x1080, 360K)

What the fuck are you talking about, retard? /x/ is the board for paranoid fringe fags who think you can astral project into the pyramids by doing acid and shouting obscenities at your mom. Sounds like you're one of those /x/ fags.

Stop replying to the retard user. Nothing you say will convince them.

>Discord Tranny literally cannot navigate Yea Forums and stands out LONG before they post an image called Discord
Always makes me smile

Attached: doin me ead in.gif (500x281, 98K)


Attached: beast.png (491x738, 494K)

why cant i get fucking paid for my shitposting i've been here for 10/11 fucking years damnit

Perhaps we should check LOL to see if it does the same shit?

nobody plays that dead shit except chinky gooks and their bots

i honestly wouldn't even play LOL as a joke
might be better to just assume that as its directly connected to tencent it will be as corrupted as humanly possible

I'll just keep pirating my games, thanks.

Attached: 1544393344911.png (1080x1840, 1.81M)

Why do mods ban tiananman square but not malicious and obvious shitposters like this?
Tiananman actively tries to eliminate shitposters = deleted
The shitposters themselves = here to stay
Get rid of both or Get rid of neither

Mods couldn't care less about Yea Forums, the copypasta is flagged globally.

tl; dr Yea Forums has been awful for atleast 4/5 years now and mods couldnt give a fuck

The mods are in the pocket of Tencent/Epic, the Chinks are protected here. They take bribes from any company that wants to shill here actually, which is why no matter how obvious the marketing and no matter how many times you report it, it'll never be deleted. Surely you've all noticed this by now?

Yeah i noticed i just like phrasing things as questions rather than being accusatory
Fuck china
Fuck mods

>it's the Chinese way. They always work counter productively against themselves because they care about NOW more than securing a stable future
So exactly like the American way.

A map of what users own what games is VERY useful. Particularly games in early access that can get sniped.

No surprise here. Also epic doesn't have any games themselves worth playing so how could they carry a fucking platform?

Who would bother?

>I don’t play LoL
>I don’t use Discord
>I don’t play Fortnite
Life sure is good.

>3 threads later and people still too dumb to understand literally nothing happens if you don't try to import friends from other platforms

They already tested it, It doesn't care if you import friends or not. I doesn't even access the data if you do import friends

>3 threads later and this nigger didn't read a single post or link

the image is in this thread, it performs these friend checks with or without authentication. stamement from the chink VP himself say "we take the code and only act on it when the user requests" which is marketing talk for "UHHHH UHHHHH UHHHHH"
only children download the epic games launcher, so please stop trying to decieve children anonymously on the internet thanks

feels pretty nice
fuck zoomnite


Given discord's policies, assume anything said by any method on discord is completely public. There is NO encryption, and discord's privacy policy explicitly reserves the right to sell any information about you. All messages pass through their servers.

They also have a history of blatantly denying what they do in the past.

Epic has absolutely nothing, nothing to offer me and it feels damn good

Attached: 1541294678437.jpg (320x454, 106K)

No I don't, because I don't have the big gay

Attached: Screenshot_2019-03-14-23-00-09~2.png (1026x967, 1.12M)

Because in Mao's red china era, it was literally cheat or die.

>all you have to do to shitpost on Yea Forums now is:
>read thread
>see conclusion
>say opposite of conclusion
fuck everyone here, trolling is a art

Attached: 1547393753694.png (368x425, 249K)

yeah well, your "art" has been fucked to easy levels of shit, but i feel for you.

People still play LoL?

Attached: 1505418981674.png (986x797, 869K)

Attached: dfsdfs.png (784x712, 765K)

>never installed League
>never installed Epic
>only use Discord for my boomer hobby, why the fuck would chinks wanna know about my Model Train layout construction and planning?

based, dont know how malicious discord is but its great for voice chat

Attached: 1511158463816.png (443x451, 226K)

So chinks will make model train that you'll want to buy

Attached: 1551390000864.jpg (640x462, 90K)

Attached: 1552445846712.jpg (618x527, 164K)

Attached: burn.jpg (960x633, 111K)

that's more like it - so far there were only accusations and now some real hard evidence.
Software warfare, available on every consumer botnet-node in 2025

Attached: 1356514238210.jpg (768x576, 47K)

Knowing who's playing games defined as "anti chinese" is already a thing. They currently don't fuck up anyone who isn't of chinese decent too badly, unless they're in S.E. asia, but the've been expanding their shit rapidly.

Imagine a game like homefront or world of conflict or endwar.

Epic Games
There's nothing that they'll miss, huh?
They pay the devs so that they will never miss yah!
They will spy and learn all there is about ya!

Attached: 1552151850568.png (295x255, 82K)

only boomers play LoL

>tfw Epic has no games im interested
>tfw Halo MCC dropping this sunday/monday on steam

Fuck spyware period.

Attached: download.png (213x237, 5K)

Run by furries and cub enthusiasts with connections to zoosadists and actual pedophiles.

>i am 16
>i will make fun of what 16 year olds are doing to appear NOT 16
good try son, lurk more

why is Duffman so happy

t. Idiot

do they gather the data when only web version is used and the tab is not open?

>my harddrive is public
fuck off

Attached: 1472680877114.gif (357x201, 2.94M)

>being able to directly quote 16 year old humour
embarrasing posts user, if you know anything more than "hit or miss huh" and above the age of 16, you are a mega sperg

that webm is both endearing and sad

>calls others spergs
>gets triggered by memes

Is the context that escalators are known to collapse in that area or...?


>gets triggered by memes
>posting on a website where all communication is exclusively memes
how retarded are you son damn

>Wahhh he didnt laugh at my reddit joke
Miss, huh?

define what "fuck up" means
name one gamer who has been "fucked up" by chinese authorities outside of china
explain why the gov't would be pushing for tencent when they are cracking down on tencent

reminder that tencent is the very embodiment of capitalism in china and that you are helping the reds by making tencent the villain. reminder that although tencent owns 40% of epic, a dutch african company is the largest shareholder of tencent and tencent is therefore a white company by the same definition that makes epic owned by "chinese"

Attached: tencent_owners.png (1081x150, 21K)

There was a big controversy over some lady getting sucked into the gears of an escalator over there so now people are spooked about it

Exactly. Its all memes yet you're so triggered by memes.

The future of market research

>trusting Chinks or anything related to them
Can't wait until Germany gets downloaded to China completely once they install their Huawei trash.

Attached: I know.jpg (968x728, 429K)

Attached: doctos groove.png (557x522, 305K)

>you have no choice but to look at my memes
>i will choose the worst memes that no one here gets
>this is your fault
i correctly identified that you were 16, no need to reply and get tears all over the keyboard, faggot

Okay, I'll fall for the chink paranoia, Yea Forums. Even if it is just to play along.
So how the fuck do I go about uninstalling the Epic Games installer? Is it really as simple as deleting its installation folder, or is it something convoluted like messing with the registry files?

Attached: 1532400307012.jpg (878x592, 40K)

>only underage install the epic launcher
>underage's dont know how to uninstall things
i dont care what anyone says, this timeline is great

Attached: website.png (663x661, 390K)

>I'll fall for the chink paranoia
you don't have to insert the racism into it. Epic using scummy tactics to collect steam user data its not supposed to have is 100% fact, and has nothing to do with chinks or china. its just Epic trying to gain a competitive edge, though illegally.

>no need to worry about chinese, everything's fine

Attached: 961347.png (500x488, 16K)

holy fuck the niggers were behind it after all

Faggot. I'm saying this because you guys accuse of it being a botnet. I was thinking that even if you delete the files, some of its data would still remain in the registry if this whole thing is true.
Like I said, I'll play along. Give me details.

china has nothing to do with it. this is just capitalism at its finest. epic tried to illegally collect data on competitors in order to gain an advantage. not so china could have it.

>all these words
yes user, you cant uninstall shit, i'll do my best to help
download iobit uninstaller or ccleaner
uninstall program
clean registry and temp files (will be prompted)
thank user on the internet

>couldn't provide a single answer for any of his bullshit

CCP still has full access to entirety of Tencent's data, dumbass. Even if company want to use it one way, government has other ideas.

Answer for what? Nothing he provided negate the fact that Chinese government can do whatever fuck it wants with Tencent and they don't give a single fuck about foreign investments.

based retard

>mfw epic didn't find all of the home made porn movies of me fucking random asian women

Attached: 1548902299670.jpg (634x485, 97K)

I wonder how much of that shit is steam process doing?
Kinda doubt they're not collecting anything

Attached: 1552258211657.png (510x332, 66K)

you mean the boers, who are in turn in bed with the russians.

well one of them is a /g/ shitpost full of complete misinfo that only proves that the epic launcher is a normal piece of software

steam uses all kinds of the typical tracking measure, just like epic and like so many other companies. What steam does not do is illegally spy on your data that belongs to its competitors. that is the only dirt on epic right now. everything else was just retards spreading misinfo to the tech illiterate.

Attached: op-btfo.png (1914x4402, 909K)

Well it actually is because of China, this is standard Chinese practice and Tencent is in full control of the company.

But that's wrong. Tencent and China are in charge of Epic completely and this is what they always do.


he is right though, chinese government dont give a fuck and tencent has a long history of openly scummy practices

no more replies from me

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-03-14 at 6.25.41 PM.png (628x51, 18K)

>He doesn't have a computer exclusively for gaming and shitposting on 4channel so any important data isn't spied on.
L M A O?

>he thinks hes safe
i bet that processor of yours isn't open source, is it? enjoy having intel dick up your ass at all times dummy

He isn't. His share of the company is less than 25%. Tencent own him. Fucking kill yourself Chink.

Attached: 5838519_orig.jpg (527x650, 125K)

This except with no irony.

you're right, an american in control of a corperation would never conduct a scummy business practice and/or potentially work with the government of the country the business is based

Attached: 1537668752616.jpg (403x394, 34K)

this is what I do too
feels good man

also samefag


>chinese government doesn't give a fuck
What does Tim Sweeney have to do with that?

>dumb newfag bootlicker cant detect samefag because he is so engrossed trying to follow 1 user who is making him rage
you know there are 300 posts in this thread and 111 unique posters? look above the argument you're having and you'll see me and others also posting.
open your eyes chink

learn reading comprehension dumb third worlder. i didn't excuse epic's scummy practices, did I? i just pointed out that there is still nothing that indicates that this has to do with china collecting your data, and in fact since all we've found is datamining of your steam data it supports the idea that Epic isn't controlled by china at all. they are using scummy practices for their own interests, not china's. otherwise we would have seen evidence of them collecting other data already.

I use amd tho

Hopefully the next mass shooting will be at epic management offices and Sweeney the swine house

He's trying to spread a damage control lie about Tencent not being the majority controlling stake in the company despite that being the case. Tim Sweeney is China's newest autonomous region.

Attached: 1180655944552.png (520x520, 14K)

>user dressed as winnie the pooh mascot shooting up the place while screaming about Tienanmen square massacre

either way enjoy that corporate dick up your ass as they collect literally all your data with their backdoors and mine crypto

your gay

Attached: 1541178204747.jpg (400x289, 21K)

They are literally collecting every bit of data on your machine, it accesses everything not just Steam directories and has already been proven by tests done by people in the previous threads and /g/. Retarded lying shill.

Attached: PDLdRgc.jpg (724x778, 158K)

you seem incapable of handling 2 ideas at once, but everything you wrote doesnt count for shit under the statement "chinese government doesnt give a fuck".
im not even saying that chinese government legitimately have a stake in this in reality, but that as a statement is true and has been true with plenty of examples for centuries
ignoring that and making excuses is basically just pure autism.

Half of those point are useless gimmicks that you use maybe once.
Just list the important ones like
>no reviews
>no voice chat
>no h-games
>no controller-friendly mode
>no linux support
>no mac support
>no local network gameplay streaming
>no cloud saves
>no backup feature
>no third party key registration
The last one alone should be a huge red flag.

A man can dream

are you the same retarded shill in the first thread than denied all evidence almost immediately and then tried to derail the thread with 2 hours of autistic rage and semantics?


Attached: kazuya.jpg (818x503, 32K)

and as always, nobody will read your post
chink chink chink

>literally all your data
Yikes! Good thing I'm not a self projecting retard like you.

But it does come with spyware, rootkits, and bitcoins miners. Not having features and stealing from you is a feature.

Lmaoing at these ching chongs on full damage control

0.2 dumplings have been deposited in your bank account

>he got memed on by /g/
thats not what we're talking about retard. read what you are replying to.
i don't even see how you managed to make that connection. did i deny evidence at all? no, i didn't. i even endorsed such evidence.

Attached: 1550198456129.jpg (182x226, 9K)

I wonder what reaction would I get if I asked chinese tourists if they know about Tiananmen square

>started to mass reply in sperg language
it actually is the same fuckin cunt, nice
Yea Forums really is still worth coming to

Attached: its a yes from me.png (1901x968, 1.35M)


0.2 dumplings have been deducted from your account for using a pic that looks like Pooh

I'm guessing most of you are too young to remember when Origin launched. Feels like it.

This is just a rerun of that exact thing.

He's the same Chinese shill in every thread who spams things like "Proof?", "Source?", "But it's ok when Steam does it?", "DEBUNKED" to every single post. He follows a damage control script. You'll notice he rarely is able to deviate from it because he's not actually fluent in English.

its a shame screencaps have died out cause the first thread was JUST that 1 guy damage controlling hard

only confirming that you are a retard. oh no, i replied to more than one post at once for my own convenience and to your benefit by making it clear which posts itt are mine? must mean im the same retard from hours ago who also replied to multiple posts at once.

And they failed just the same as this is. Actually, scratch that, Epic is failing a thousand times harder. None of the games on their store have sold a single copy, it's a complete moneypit and with Fortnite dying rapidly they are becoming increasingly desperate and panicked.

Tiananmen Square Massacre
Free Tibet

Attached: game design.jpg (750x738, 71K)

Serious question.

Why does anybody care about your data being mined? As long as it doesn't hinder the performance of your system and you're not doing hyper illegal shit then why does it matter?

Attached: interesting.webm (400x300, 441K)

Attached: LoaAognT8K.png (300x250, 41K)

>gog galaxy
>battle.net launcher
>Twitch launcher
>Windows store
>Bethesda launcher
Among others

>just let them bro you got nothing to hide riiiight? just letting corporations do whatever they want is good for you as a consumer, they might lower your prices with all the money they get selling on your information

Oh I member alright.
The difference is that Epic is pulling from Steam games that aren't their exclusivity just to force people to use their shady launcher.
Every game Origin pulled from Steam it's EA owned.
Which is the same shit Uplay did.

that's kind of hot

if you knew what data they were taking you wouldn't ask this, read the threads

If you think their objective is to sell at this stage you are an idiot. Business 101 nowadays is make people use your product, income comes later. Why you do think they have been giving away all these free games? Is it to make you buy other games? No. Everyone knows that today you're not competing with other games as much as you are competing with people's time. You can't expect people to play a game and buy another, no time for that. No, they want you to install their launcher so their market and client base can grow, then they start offering more so you actually spend your money.

Jesus... it's not that hard.

did you read the OP you nig nog? they are illegally making copies of literally all your steam user data and almost certainly sending it to home base for Epic to analyze. They are probably going to be facing a lawsuit by the end of this month.

Because they aren't paying me for taking my data, honestly.

Would you want a security officer 24/7 in your house watching everything you do?

They are mining email and various account logins, credit card information, bank information, all your internet history and program usage, etc. If you don't care about that, then you are just a moron.

It's the same fucking thing. Exclusivity for the sake of getting people to use the launcher. Stop being butthurt and you might see more clearly.

>blanks out all the parts about fiddler being malicious without disproving the original infographic
oh no no no ahahahaha
>im not chinese i swear

room temperature IQ responses
big brain responses

>EpicGames Launcher, being built on web tech, is using root certs for cookie access
the person who made this edit is as tech illiterate as the first guy




you realize that fiddler is a tool OP downloaded right? epicgameslauncher doens't use fiddler to spy on anything. the person who made the image is using it to spy on epicgameslauncher. it really says something about the ability to clearly communicate ideas of retard who made the image. so many people got this confused because the image was made by an underage edgelord trying desperately to fit in.

>the counter to "Who cares about your data being mined" is apparently "Data you don't want mined is being mined" as if this wasn't a fucking given

>look mom im being epic on the internet

Attached: bioware.png (600x338, 251K)

literally epics response you mong

? context ?

get the fuck off Yea Forums then if you aren't comfortable with companies knowing your location and where you click and what external links you go to.

kek prove it troll, cause thats an outright lie

Nice to know you don't even know the first thing about business you complete and total fucking retard.

Their only objective is to data mine and bitcoin mine your machine. Downloading it is the trap, the exclusives and free games are the bait. You're right that the sales don't matter to them, but they do to the devs who got duped and who are all now suffering for their idiotic short sighted greed since none of them have made any sales at all. And it will collapse by the end of the year. It has already failed and Tencent will just discard Epic's empty husk when the Fortnite revenue stream dries up in a few months. Tim Sweeney will be bankrupt and probably go to jail for this shit too.

>It's the same fucking thing
It isn't.
EA and Ubisoft are very much allowed to pull their game from Steam because those are their IP.
But literally-who devs and other companies getting paid from pulling their game from Steam on purpose? Come on now.
It's not the same fucking thing just stop acting like a special kid.
Also it doesn't help that Origin and Uplay have more important functionality than Epic, those being full controller supports, third-party key registration and voice chat.

i need to get off Yea Forums for a while. you fags are insufferable. why can't we just have a normal, productive discussion? doesn't all the false flagging and baiting get tedious for you guys?

>chink roaches will still defend tencent epic

Attached: 1535635648851.jpg (667x716, 52K)

nice argument
>why is this thing bad?
>this is why it is bad
>WELL it will happen anyway so may as well kill yourself
feel free to start us off, my friend

But now you are going into detail. I can find differences in details in every store online.
That's not the big purpose, details are not important, even though they are to the individual.

>screencap is literally epicgameslauncher using fiddler
gain height pinhead

>he doesnt know
Yea Forums is quite literally only underage posters, the occasional marketer, and shills (employed or otherwise)
i feel alone in the universe

Attached: YANA.png (499x284, 81K)

ITT: jews mad you aren't using america based products that track you 100x as more
Just look how they reacted to hauwei

>edgy newfags think anyone is defending epic just because not everyone falls for their racist false narratives that have nothing to do with the actual, tangible issues at hand
retard. no one denies that Epic is illegally collecting your steam data. itd be nice if we could actually talk about that instead of dealing with you faggots.

There is nothing to discuss, these are Chinese shills and must be crushed like the mindless ants they are.


There's a lot of prophecy there. It'd be interesting to see if your doomsday is right or not. My guess is probably the opposite.

>you're either with us or against us
america sucks
china sucks
eat my dick you 3rd world faggots

But that was my point in the first place, user.
Of course those are minor details but they are still there.
You'll be an idiot to even think Epic is doing the same as those other 2 launchers, mainly because I don't remember Origin or Uplay pulling out their games days before the planned release on Steam.

The nigger or the bike?

>these are Chinese shills
I wish I could believe you right now because it would actually be more reasonable to just see normal people actually defending that atrocity of a launcher for free.

Days before? What game is this? Phoenix Point?

Do not suport racist stores and their video games.

Attached: 1552616952464.png (791x461, 77K)

there are people who DONT believe it?
in 2016 you might have had a case but there are plenty of proven cases of shilling on Yea Forums and other boards
do you know how fucking easy it is?
if someone paid me half a dollar for every post defending tencent and pissing cunts off, hell yeah i'd fucking do it, wouldn't you?
you are basically the equivilent of a few decades ago, our parents time, imagine your dad younger saying "no no of course they're not indians in another country just calling, its obviously someone here"
its completely reasonable, but there comes a time when its too obvious to not notice

Daily reminder that Epic Store is "American software" and Epic Games is "American company". This is the real "fact" no matter how hard you shills try to twist and deny it.

Attached: American Spyware with 1776+ fake genders_.jpg (2572x1036, 566K)

I get it

That, and Metro Exodus. Valve even written a post of apologies on the Metro Exodus market page explaining this wasn't their doing.
Basically 2 weeks before launch they announced that within 24 hours it won't be possible to pre-order it from Steam anymore.
I won't be surprised if they will be doing that in the future to other games.

Attached: bang.jpg (600x464, 69K)

And you probably are western shill or anti-Chinese shill. Yea Forums is renown for filling with mindless anti-Chinese shills, there are even anti-Chinese been caught many times.

*anti-chinese spambot

It's not that I don't believe it, it's jsut that it has become tedious for me to go along those shills and the poeple actually acting to be shills.
I'm here since 2009 and I've seen plenty of shills on the past years, mainly from Ubisoft and just having more and more of those people here just saddens me but I guess it's what you get in the long run to have an anonymous board.

thats called a normal person you fucking robot

2008/9 here aswell, im sure plenty of people are merely pretending but the truth is that Yea Forums is a lot uglier now than it was, and thats saying something.
i get the impression most posters now are 16-20. i mean i was 14 in 2009 but FOR ONE i fucking lurked and 2 it was actually important not to be seen as underage
now people dont give a fuck how they're seen, any reply is a good reply that they can turn into more replies haha im trolling xd
it was good while it lasted brother

We're still basically dealing with installers and launchers on PC, ooh I need to download Launchpad to download Planetside 2, I'm going to tell Daybreak to kill themselves

The bullshit part is the fact Epic is as thirsty for exclusives as an incel is for women, to the point they interrupt plans of many developers to get their games exclusive on their store, like Phoenix Point and Metro.

Attached: EpicGames.jpg (185x160, 10K)

But all who preordered got it right, and was able to play on Steam? Why would you want to buy it on release day and not preorder it? Anyway, an irrelevant question. I can see a really small amount of people not preordering and expecting to play on release day. An even smaller amount disgruntled because they needed to buy it on Epic Launcher instead. I don't see that much of a fuzz about it for two reasons:

1. All who preordered are still able to play on Steam.

2. All who wanted to play on release day and still able to do so, just through another launcher.

>According to this website: Fortnite Guide- Now Add Steam Friends In Fortnite - VoStory the functionality that lets people import their Steam friends into the EGL was added with Update 4.3 of Fortnite. That update was released on May 30, 2018. The first files scrapped by the EGL on my computer were generated on May 4, 2018. Did those files travel in time?

>I-it's an opt-in feature, guys. epic games would never harvest your data without permission

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Yeah, seems more like we got "REGION LOCK CHINA"ers finding some excuse to say "chink" while boasting 'murican supremacy, when it's any company, no matter where, that tends to do this shit. I mean, what about the developers selling their souls to Epic, many of them are European and American. EGS isn't even in China. Ten-cent is just there to milk off more of the Fortshit money.

Oh, by the way, I'm not shilling for Epic BTW. Not when I'm a Linux guy who feels like they spat on our platform, let alone abandoning UT4 for Fortshit.

>i don't get why gdpr exists or why would would even want or need it

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Why don't you use the same tools people used for EGS to find out, dumb frogposter?

What about Phoenix Point? They decided to just drop Steam and GOG entirely, while going "even if all refunded we'll still be covered" Even more of a rude awakening than with Metro.

Did Uplay only pull Division 2?

>1. All who preordered are still able to play on Steam.
The only reason that much happened was likely because Valve's legal team dick slapped Deep Silver
Also, everybody who pre-ordered the physical version had their steam key swapped for an epic key
>2. All who wanted to play on release day and still able to do so, just through another launcher.
Please re-read the OP

Reminder that SteamSpy earned $14000 per month on pateron by scraping your data from Steam.
If you think your data is worthless then feel free to keep being exploited.

No one gives a shit about Div2. Siege on the other hand that would be another story

Nope, a shill oppose another shill is still shill, like you.

This. Anglos are immune to truth and facts.

$14k across millions of users is pretty worthless my manchild

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>Also, everybody who pre-ordered the physical version had their steam key swapped for an epic key

Proof? If so, that just adds salt to the wounds for them.

you cheeky fucker

I think Phoenix Point is more terrible. It was the backers they gave the middle finger.

Can't wait for the russian-chinese alliance to smash filthy angoblins. Literally all issues is caused by Brits and their little slave minions. The moment we eradicate the last goblin child from the earth is the moment sjws goes away

I know that one. And it makes me sad.

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socjus is getting pretty big in china plus they have cancerous shit like social credit ratings.

no one cares idiot. assume you have 90 apps all linked to your contacts on your phone, every text voice and video call is saved in multiple corporations clouds, every cookie tracking every mouse movement on your PC, and the NSA already scanned all your files during their annual checkup. no one cares about ur shitty friends list and dick porn files.

Here you go

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>a sticker
haha good thing their profits are gonna make a metro exodus because of their flip flopping.

Everyone cares fag. Just because you're the only one slurping on the dick doesn't mean that everyone else does. Especially people with rooted phones. We use xPrivacy to restrict access for apps

>if you didnt do anything wrong you have nothing to worry about


And still they're far better than United shitholes and goblin kindoms. I dream of the day Russia rolls into Europe and clean up the mess that was angoblin rule

>think some silly app will stop government funded hackers

dude they had a facetime exploit that listens to everything on iphone before going public "fixing" it. how many other exploits do u think they have?

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I don't use iPhone, I use android. Second, xPosed framework allows system calls. The only way to monitor is through blackbox located on chipset which is cellular modem. Which is well known fact. There are phones with physical kill switch for that though

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android lol, thats even less secure, and on a China made device. fucking retard. at least Apple denies the FBI access when they try to get Apple to hack into phones of "criminals". who knows wtf Samsung is allowing China to see on their phones.

That's the immigrants descended from the intellectuals that fled the chaos of the Qing dynasty fall and Mao's takeover, as well as the subsequent Cultural Revolution. Now the brainwashed peasant leftovers are stepping out of the country and showing off how bloody dumb they are.

>calling racist just because we want privacy
how much does epic pay you?

All right guys, yfw you didn't fall for the steam scam and shilling!

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Apple is made in china you retard


That's not showing a different key though.

That said, that tells you how rushed they got Metro on Epic as an exclusive.

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Cmon guys lets go! Fuck steam, we all know that lol

>That's right, Mike.

its an american company forced to follow american rules. lol wtf

Simply epic fellow Redditor

People do care you faggot and AIDS existing doesn't make Ebola ok.

Agreed, tired of steam shills!

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nah, if anyone cared youd hear about it in the news or on social media. no one cares lol.

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>yeah sorry buddy but you're filtered now
>Thinking you can filter anons that are not tripfagging

The most unfunny shit I've seen on this board, and Yea Forums is the least funny board in general.
Good fucking job user. This is literally 9fag tier comedy.

>all their reddit posts have positive upvotes
>CEO responds and stays around 1 upvote

Totally not using bots to boost our upvotes guys, this is totally normal

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>muh proofs
You sound like a /pol/ack

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humble bundle user detected

Get your boring ass off this board. Lurk before you post, newfag.

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This. I agree with user that the other guy is retarded, but calling him a newfag when you don't even know /x/ is fucking ironic.
Goddamned user, how can you fuck up that bad?

lol wtf? go outside and have sex with girls idiot

I should delete my account.

This is fucking ridiculous

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>important stuff
>not mentioning family share
Check your priorities bro

you think thats bad? u should see what google and facebook know about you! :)

Noted, this just slipped the list.

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>Chink representative
More like "Americunt representative".

Repeating your lie 1000 times and it'll still be a lie.
Epic Games/Store is your "American" company! Reddit is also "American" website. You have to deal with it, soulless faggot shill. Over 50% Epic's stocks are controlled by you Americans, they're created and registered in America, their bosses are Americans, managements are Americans, HQ is in America, their data are stored in America/Europe, and they have to obey US laws and EU laws, not China's laws. These info are all completely open to public and addressed on their websites, unlike your far-fetched paranoid bullshits.

Epic Store doesn't even have regional prices in East Asia/China right now, Chinese have to pay in "US dollars", their "refund page" doesn't even support Chinese language, yet, and several games on Epic Store are blocked in China. If it's really a spyware, then it's still you American spyware.So go suck on it.

So this is the cost of my free copy of Slime Rancher.

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friendly reminder privacy is a human right

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Yeah, because it's Americunt botnet.

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>caring about privacy in 2019


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and what about the other half? What's their excuse?

Why do you think privacy is such a huge concern lately? Information is really valuable. Everyone does this. There are so many things companies can just hide in their ToS, fully knowing that nobody is going to read it.

And now, we can see a strange case of shilling, where the chinks are trying to distance themselves from the accusations

It also sells you're data, so you have to be smart about what your talking about there. Never post anything private.

My excuse is to shitpost about Epic in the hope to convince some people to uninstall that malware

Why would china be so interested in our autistic personal info? They care so little of us Yea Forums is not even banned there.

Taking all bets as to when the hot pockets will start nuking these threads
Bonus if you can guess what pathetic excuse they'll run with

That girl on itch.io is cute, I'll now buy things on itch.io :)

Name one.

>Steam spies on you
>Nvidia driver spies on you
>Windows spies on you
>Epic launcher spies on you
Who is at fault here?

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>China? I love China, Jay. I want nothing more than to sing praise of our glorious prime minister who is most certainly not winnie the pooh.

I miss original steam that also didn't have all that bloated shit.

All 4 of them.

capitalism and the government
enjoy your free market

That's call "stating facts", against your shilling, not shilling, sorry to break your mindless shilling and accusations.

You miss the steam that regularly broke during updates?

>One lady
Try several. So far I've seen 4 security footages where either a worker or customer gets meat grinded. Seems like something uncommon but for fucks sake, it shouldn't be uncommon, it should be non-existent, especially in todays technological society.

people for continuing to use their products after hearing the news.


thats not the point retard, what they used to pay people to give surveys and focus groups for, hundreds of dollars a day for, they now just collect for free retard. u couldve been paid $200 to give out the info they just all collected on u today

Changing the place where they do business doesn't make them less scummy.

the beauty of the free market is, if millions of their customers all boycotted, then the companies would change their behavior. but no one cares so they dont lol.

>the beauty of the free market is, if millions of their customers all boycotted, then the companies would change their behavior. but no one cares so they dont lol.
and we have normalfags to thank for that
fuck NPCs and fuck Normalfags

>Changing the place where they do business doesn't make them less scummy.
Except they didn't change the place where they do business, they're still in America. You're lying again, you scummy shill.

Maybe because steam isn't open like that about it's stealing of information? Nothing valuable has been found so far, unlike Epic Chink where everything is Chinese botnet.

ironically it seems like a lot of the 3rd world countries are the ones under the radar because of how insignificant they are, aside from the nature of their "bureaucracy"

>u couldve been paid $200 to give out the info they just all collected on u today
as someone who spent days filling out surveys for that sweet ingame cash currency,

>you scummy shill.
I said "doesn't make them less scummy" you retarded idiot. How does talking shit about Epic makes me a shil is beyond my imagination.
When I was talking about changing the place I was talking about YOU not them actually moving their HQ, which I don't even know if they ever did that. All I care is that they are accessing datas on PCs which they shouldn't and thats enough reason to not allow Epic to enter your PC

>Maybe because steam isn't open like that about it's stealing of information?
Yes they do, they state it very clearly.
>Valve also processes anonymous data, aggregated or not, to analyze and produce statistics related to the habits, usage patterns, and demographics of customers as a group or as individuals. Such anonymous data does not allow the identification of the customers to which it relates. Valve may share anonymous data, aggregated or not, with third parties.
If you call Epic "stealing data", then so are Steam.
>Epic Chink where everything is Chinese botnet.
Fake News.

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as someone whos gone to multiple focus groups. yes.

Yes, you're scummy shill, who spreading lies. Epic Games is still based in America and operating in American, but you claim they change place to do business, that's a "lie"! And you're shifting focus again.

You've reading comprehension issue.
I've never said a good word about them yet you're so fixated on finding the shills that you even fail to see a point made by an anonymous user.
What do I know, maybe I phrased it bad.
>Pointing out the place where they do business doesn't make them less scummy.
There, better yet?
Just the fact that they have their HQ in America instead of China doesn't suddenly make them good guys who aren't stealing infos.
>And you're shifting focus again.
You're the one shifting focus pointing out useless info on where are they operating, it doesn't matter. What it matter is that they're reading and copiyng the localconfig.vdf file on the users PCs, something that they shouldn't even consider to do.

>tim sweeney scrapes pii from other software without consent
>it's ok because look at this agreement

i use the voice chat all the fucking time