Spyro 3 Appreciation Thread

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Best one in the trilogy. The darker story and worldbuilding were cool, it had a great villain, and it felt more meatier than the last two. Sure they animals and minigames are not perfect but hey, they add more variety.

I always thought this was the best one, to be honest. I wish there wasn't so many minigames/side characters though.

I'm glad I got to experience it, taught me a lot about ethno-nationalism

I never played this one as a kid except for a demo. Is it really better than Ripto's Rage (Gateway To Glimmer)

i loved it and the minigames, a nice change of pace and just something different to do

2 is so overrated. It's the easiest, most handholdy game in the series. 1 has more freedom and challenge to it and 3 does everything 2 does but better. I can have fun with repeated playthroughs of 1 and 3 but for 2 I always start feeling burned out by the time that I make it to Winter Tundra. Still a decent game but certainly not the best.


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I recently played the remasters to 100% completion (112% or whatever) and I've got to say the third game is the weakest. I have the most nostalgia for 3 but when I went back to them 2 was a perfect sequel and 3 just felt like a mess.

I played the first game first, but I owned this one first. The music stood out more and so did the worlds. Playing them backwards was a trip, from YotD, to Ripto's Rage and then Spyro 1. Seeing Avalar and its elements was wondorous and even being spoiled from 3, 2 was still fun and atmospheric, moreso than 3.

First game i ever finished and i still adore it

what's better, Yea Forums, the original or the remaster?

I don't understand how you can take that message away from Spyro 3. He literally teams up with other species to get the dragon eggs back.

Add this one to the pile of “forbidden to talk about on Yea Forums.”

Yea Forums is probably gonna be nuked soon. Dude was an edgelord ironic mass murderer. Time to shut things down.

Good run bros but it’s over.

Read in another thread that he was actually a cripplechan faggot. Hopefully we'll be left alone but if you come on and the site's frozen, you know who to blame

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Lost Fleet is a terrible level in the original games. This is not talking about how it runs like butt in Reignited.

The missions suck. The submarine is the worst single mission in all of Spyro 3. Yeti boxing is bad, hovercrafts are awkward to control, and the escort missions in Spooky Swamp suck. This is worse. The lock on is super dumb and the line of sight is easily broken. The control of the sub is not great either. It’s a mess.

You also have the worst skateboarding part of the game. Bad course that is super easy to win both challenges. At least I had to think in SBR and the points challenges were fun.

The music is so bad too. Easily one of the worst songs in the original trilogy. Granted overall Spyro 3 has the weakest soundtrack of the three games but still.

Worst level in the trilogy. For the record worst in 2 is Shady Oasis, worse in 1 is probably Blowhard.

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He was shitposting. He is Australian after all.

Pales in comparison to RR, I'll never understand its mass appeal

after playing reignited, i do think i like the 3rd the most now, originally i like 2 the most. 3 has so much diversity in game play, I really enjoy it. I enjoy the atmosphere of 3 more as well, Midnight mountain best hub world. 2 becomes a slog for me, especially half way through autumn planes, since it is such a full level. But this is someone who has played the games over and over and over.

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I'm glad someone had the same experience with the game as I did

Just a reminder that all spyro games are peak aesthetic, anyone saying anything else is a shitter and must be ignored

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For anyone out of the loop, some dude that shot up a mosque in New Zealand posted a manifesto online and he memed about Spyro 3 in it


My fucking God, what a madman

when the fuck is spyro 4 coming out

Oh fucking hell, the shitposters and faggots are gonna have a field day with this one. RIP Spyro 3 discussion. Just saw the video, fucking hell. Worst part was the woman screaming for help right on the ground before she was murdered.

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I thought he was a New Zealander.

an immigrant

Felt like a compromise between 1's whimsy and 2's HEYSPYROHEYSPYROHEYSPYRO.

Eggs > Orbs

Original, mainly for aesthetic reasons and other non-gameplay stuff.


thread music

>monkey has a gun
just like irl

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Still haven't played the Reignited version. Did they release a patch yet?

Ripto's Rage wins again

Now THIS is shitposting.

They patched it recently.


3 also has yeti boxing

Holy fucking kek

First game I bought with my own money. Good times.

I played the 2nd Spyro recently and there was waaaaay too much fetch bullshit.
