How do we keep this sort of cancerous pussyboy horseshit from existing?

How do we keep this sort of cancerous pussyboy horseshit from existing?

Attached: 1007718_231x326_en_US_^_2013-05-30-15-13-37_22226235708cce5bfbfbb8b1cb97e628a1c45c71fbb1f1518076a2fb (231x326, 94K)

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You've got the wrong game, Overwatch is two doors down.

Nah i mean this numale level shit of a game even the way the characters act is numale

Peggle is unironically a good game

me mum loves peggle

why'd you just say overwatch again?

are there even gays in peggle?


Don't you hate on Peggle. It's too pure for this board.

Well you're doing the opposite now by making threads bringing it to everyone's attention.

Attached: 1192658231922.png (202x217, 115K)

Peggle is based, OP is a zoomer faggot

Peggle is pretty fuckin great though

Anyone play Bookworm Adventures?

Attached: 372AED74-8C1A-4AC7-83D5-F414DBF69304.jpg (480x360, 47K)

But Peggle is a great game. OP is probably just mad he can't finish the campaign.

anyone who picked the rabbit needs to fucking die, fuck that OP piece of shit

this is ultimate coze

This. It's a decent PC game, the kind of ones you'd find already on your pc tier good.

This as well.


Where can I download this game? I had popcap CD years ago but lost it

steam forum says someone dumped it on, there's no official way to get it any more unless you find a key floating around.

i miss the times when the worst thing that could happen to gaming is rise of AAA indie shit

wait a second... i have it in my library, but it looks completely different. How many variations of this game are out there?

Thanks senpai