
>no russian

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Other urls found in this thread: kebab/

It's been years, and I still don't understand what that line means.

When I first played it I thought he said "No rushing" so I was walking around the airport not knowing what to do

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>no muslims

To not speak in Russian as to blow the whole thing. Remember? They were posing as American's or some shit shooting up a Rusky airport to start a war?

>subscribe to pewdiepie

dios mio

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>no muslims

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I thought they meant like...they will remember no russian that they

Did they think Americans can't know a little Russian?

It's why they all walk slowly through the airport and don't go quickly.

>Remember, no rushin'

Makarov was doing a false flag operation to make it look like it was America who was responsible for the attack since Allen was in the group. They used American weapons and spoke English as a way to sell it.
>But everyone knows who Makarov is
They know he works for the highest bidder so the Russians would just assume the Americans hired him. Also the Ultra nationalists won the civil war so they were just looking for an excuse to attack America. the False flag gave them the justification to do so and not worry about any of America's allies from intervening in their invasion plans.

Oh shit I thought it was like operation no Russian aka kill all the Russians.

>YFW we're more likely to have this happen in real life than a CoD game now after what happened.

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Wait, what? I always thought it meant to kill all the russians

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I don't read the news, what happened?

It meant 'do not speak Russian'. Play it again and notice how Makarov and his men only spoke English during the level.

ITT: retards who dont understand the plot of a fucking call of duty game

>hello brador!

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>2009 was 100 years ago

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Some 4+Yea Forums kiwi shot up a mosque because he drank too much accelerationist koolaid and thought it would cause civil war in America.

Guy livestreamed himself shooting up a mosque in NZ.

I was fucking 14 or some shit

Dude said "subcribe to pewdiepie" and killed like 40 people. He livestreamed it with a gopro.

I'm not too soft on this shit but the woman down on the ground crying for help before he shot her straight in the head kinda got me.

I hate the fact dubs threads were purged.

based kiwis

Where can I watch it

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it's all over /pol/

grabbed it just before the pewdienigger thread got deleted by jews mods

no dumbass it means don't speak Russian

also I thought this was a NZ mosque thread


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>oh ok he's heading back to the car he's done
>he grabs another gun

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chances this guy had a girlfriend are ______.

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>i-i-i-i-it's a joke bro!

they always pussy out

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11:55 for KINO

>witness described the shooter as white with blonde hair, male, and short
Manlet rage claims more lives.

What a fucking retard, 6+2chan /pol/ was created because they thought our /pol/ was too soft and compromised, and now they cry that it was just a joke?
What a fucking faggot

prepare yourselves for the muslim extremist attacks niggas :^)

was the guy caught?

>Game has custom skins

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>hate browns because they are violent and evil unlike whites
>prove it by murdering dozens of innocent people

really makes you think huh


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Fuck man

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That is the desired outcome of this action, if it indeed is not a falseflag.


honestly surprised at how many people/drivers in the immidiate area didnt know what was goong on. I thought guns were supposed to be loud?

I remember when I was like 14-16, having fucked up daydreams about how someday soon people would do crazy shit like slo-mo beheadings and livestreamed go-pro mass shootings.
The future is here.

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Society will collapse soon. Are you ready?

>if you kill your enemies they win

Not to mention he just ends up shooting anyone he sees once he leaves the mosque

He definitely killed a few white non-muslims

I'd post all the necessary links to back it up because this will undoubtedly bring in a damage control team, but I'd get banned for being to off topic.
tl;dr version is Russian meddling in the 2016 US elections and how they're both using social media to divide and conquer the American people while conducting cyber warfare to break into key American infrastructure, such as the power grid and voting system (39 states were confirmed targeted.)

Basically we're seeing Russia wage true 21st century warfare against the United States where they don't even need to fire a single bullet.
It would be a boring as hell Call of Duty or shooter game though, which is why you don't see people try and use cyber warfare as a game.

Infinity Ward predicted the future

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Rimimbuh Nu Meslems

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and its beautiful

>Christchurch Mosque

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Why is that the only problem when people like soros have poured millions into doing the same? Why are you being biased?

Well did you fucks subscribe to pewdiepie?

>remember lads, subscribe to pewdiepie
what a madman

yeah know the whole thing about acceleretionism and shit but i really want this country to get a kick in his ass,and terrorist attacks are the best form of doing it

This, and for some time now.

We are living out a real life Tom Clancy novel in slow motion

this is so crippling

freedom of speech is not cause for speaking irresponsibly

>shit actually goes down
>i-it was just a prank bro oh god I just pissed my pants
Fucking man up and accept responsibility, holy fuck I hate those faggots so much.

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>if you kill thirty Muslims you stop Islam

It's... certainly something.
I think the matrix is coming undone at the seams.

Which CoD map is this?

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not condoning his actions but you would have to be an absolute retard to think that peace can triumph over violence. being a pussy doesn't make you a superior lifeform

But Israel is totally okay
This incel is a falseflag

No Muslim no Islam

Welp. RIP gun laws in New Zealand. Fucking CIA niggers.

America accepted funding from France for the revolutionary war. It's only convenient that we take back our nation with Trump letting Russia do whatever they want with Crimea and the black sea

dont disguise this pol thread as a cod thread! get this shit out of here!

>our /pol/ was too soft and compromised
True. Our /pol/ is probably 70% paid agitators. There aren't even Holocaust denial threads anymore.


Hillary/CIA please go

This, makes me think he just wanted to kill and couldn't stop after he was done LARPing

vr is here old man

Yeah this was cool until he started shooting in the street like a dumbass

"sub to pewdiepie
4 months ago
Almost forgot to watch this tonight "

What the actual fuck?

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Wow I can't believe that all 30 muslims left in the world are dead, guess there's no more islam.


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so what's all this about a civil war and shit?

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i dont think killing thirty muslims and making brown people extremist and hateful is gonna stop like islam idk man just my opinion

I don't get it, somebody explain please.

holy shit im dying

You clearly don't understand how the Russians went full La-Le-Lu-Li-Lo with their information warfare and the fact you're trying to say this is a political issue where both sides are to blame just makes you a useful idiot to them.

That's what really makes the Russian's new war on American terrifying, they not only have the American people thinking there isn't a war, but they're managed to trick people into siding with them. The damage control responses only proves that.

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There's some people saying he's an Australian.

Good, they deserve it.

I suppose it would also be cool if it happened to one of your family members?

In his autism manifesto he was conceited enough to think his chimpout will cause a civil war in the US.

The west has been turning the other cheek for over fifty years. You can only get fucked over so long before someone has had enough.

Have sex.

how are the two even connected?

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>killing the people who want to kill you only makes them stronger meme
Nice one

So was he

p will honestly
gotta see in the morning

I didn't say both sides, I said there is more players than just the russian boogeyman you stupid fuck, soros isn't american.

What a fucking pussy

Rome wasn't build in a day

yeah actually, depending on who it was specifically
a lot of my family are complete shitheads

>cause a civil war in the US by doing terrorism in a different continent with little to no US prescence

>I have no idea whats going on

Those where Russian shills you tard, both sides bought them for the election

Also cyber attacks happen on every part of our infrastructure from every part of the world every day

Stop drinking kool aid

Brown apes killing my family? Are we initiating a race war? Because it would be great to initiate a race war.

/pol/ppets who were 'merely pretending' realize their stupidity has consequences, in this case the guy who committed an act of mass terrorism announced he was going to do it on that board and the admin is now shitting himself because he's going to be held liable by the Aussies for the actions committed by the terrorist because he could have warned the authorities.

no, but those sandniggers got iced real quick lul

>a bunch of muslims are trying to kill me
taken your meds today lad?

Watch his video and immediately remember No Russian. He was fucking based.

Nothing will happen, shit like this happens on the daily.. well, eight chin will probably be shutdown

4+Yea Forums on suicide watch

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Fucking retard, do the world a favor and kill yourself.

And a lot happens in a New York minute, this is literally the problem with social media. No one takes anything seriously until someone's cousin is hurt.

Are gun prices about to go up or down now? Fuck I guess time to finally buy a gun


>mfw military
>mfw safe during a civil war
>mfw can sleep comfy knowing im heavily guarded all around me

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>shoot up place in New Zealand
>people in the US will probably snap at each other over gun control like always
>civil war
Pretty much how the manifesto went. That was just one small section of it though.

Neocon fuck off

nigger didnt go to fucking middle east and killed isis members or some shit he just killed random brown people

>uhm, you see... you're too much of a brainlet. ISIS are the REAL heroes here, the beheading videos is simply a cultural statement. Every country has it's own culture. Let them in!

Games with this feel?

oh shut up about racewars happening
this will blow off in a week and everyone will go on about their mundane lives and shitpost about the latest vidya


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/pol/ faggots having the world's most gradual mental breakdown as they realize that there isn't really a clear line between trolling and sincerity when spreading hatred and encouraging violence.

yeah same

*There Goes My Hero. Watch Him As He Goes.*

nobody is gonna go out of their way to attack a trained infantry unit. The only people who have to worry about getting attacked are MPs.

Sure me too


ah yes

the beating heart of ISIS Hagley park

>Terrorist groups use mosques to stash weapons and recruit local muslims and terrorize the native population
>urgh /pol/ pls go, why do you care haha

Which is exactly why I can sleep at peace

Good luck in the civilization world fuckers

>I didn't say both sides
>But let me say both sides again.

Actually, they only supported one candidate fully while using several others as disruptors for their preferred candidate. Feel free to look up the Translator Project.
Also have this for the full effect

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>hiro reacts by shutting down Yea Forums and only keeping up 4channel, albeit a more heavily moderated 4channel
this is the future we chose, and thats a good thing

but wouldn't this only help gun laws in the US? Anti-gunfags whole argument was that other countries have banned guns and have had their shooting rate go down to zero. Now that even antigun laws can't stop mass shootings, antigunfags have no legs to stand on.

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Unironically Hatred

That one japanese school shooter game

Can you just not? “Drinking the KoolAid” is meant to mean crazy people and was named after the Jonestown Mass Suicide. Guess what you uneducated fuck? It WASNT cyanide-laced Kool Aid, but cyanide-laced Fla-Vor Aid, a cheap competitor. Stop besmirching the good name of Kool Aid and help us correct this injustice.


>redditfags first gore vid


i'm glad sociopaths like you don't actually have the balls to pull stuff like this off. cripplechan is truly fucked

>terrorists are restricted to one place and one place only

>tfw starting to actually hope /pol/ gets nuked and they have to retreat to a new site

why do you people keep posting this shit? it wasn't even on Yea Forums.

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NZ gun laws aren’t as strict as Aus though

holy fuck an omnipotent being that knows everything about every place and is never wrong im so sorry

Did he die

>muslims rape and murder daily
>"wtf stop criticising them that's their culture"
>false flag white man kills 9 muslims
>"oh my god it was all supposed to be satire fuck white people aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh it's all over bros just give up oh nooo"

>i'm glad sociopaths like you don't actually have the balls to pull stuff like this off
>when someone just pulled it off

Don't expect too much from someone who got memed into committing a mass shooting.

You're not convincing anyone Hildog

>I was totaly able to track down all the shills, believe me!

Lmao go home kool aid drinker

this is fucking grand by any standard set before this.

Most americans can't even point out new zealand on a map, why the fuck would anyone even care?

holy fuck an omnipotent being that knows everything about every place and is never wrong im so sorry


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Innocents aren't your enemy.

Confirmation bias, they have probably never spent more than 30 seconds on /pol/ to even know what is it that they hate so much.


the other people that replied to you are right but mark is bo of Yea Forums, not /pol/. /pol/ is fucked

>m-muh false flag

>where did this come from

moot chickening out and making /pol/ after deleting /new/

It really weeds out the newfags when you see how much they react.

>that mosque was being used to store weapons for terrorists

shooting some no-name goons instead of the ones in charge isn't going to win much

No, it clearly meant to not speak Russian. Lol.

Back when Cawradooty was good and had good writing.


>503 page

Fucking liveleak.

I've read his shitty manifesto, he want the world to become an huge civil race war,and people to lose their gun rights or something, the guy is a nutjob, even more than other killers.

underrated post

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if a single person in that crowd had a pistol
he would've either been killed or aborted the assault
you know it to be true

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>Yea Forums has retards who genuinely view MW2 with nostalgia
I mean we all knew it was coming back in 08 but its still embarrassing to see.

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Pretty fucking disgusting.

>kill 30 muslims in a random mosque shooting
>5 muslims blow themselves up in the middle of whitey city and kill hundreds
>muh k/d

Kek. Feels good not being a /pol/fag. These redditors should really lurks some before practically announcing their presence.

What’s the chance of trolls on Yea Forums getting cripple Chan taken down

looks like i win an argument on Yea Forums again
call me when your iq is over two digits please

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>make an echo chamber of hate and vitriol full of online autists
>achieves natural end result

listen man he only had sole control over the site, what was he supposed to do

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but like what if no one in that country had a gun? then it wouldn't have happened in the first place


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8-chan? damnit.
always knew those guys were cunts anyway.

cripplechan retard. a Yea Forums /pol/fag would never have done this


baby's first false flag?

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>nooo if you kill them they'll get mad

Moot should have left /new/ in the grave where it belonged.

You know, I once hated on youngfags on Yea Forums back when I was 18.

I'm 23 now. I wish I was called young. We're not getting any younger. Be proud of your youth.

I guess the dude with the key to the weapon locker was out of town for the weekend.

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>chick crying for help on the ground
>shoots her
"oh man that was fucked up"
>gets in his car
"oh shit, she's in the way, is he go-"
>runs her over
>see the camera visibly bump as he rides over her corpse

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I'm no antigunfag, but having no gun laws doesn't automatically mean everyone will actually have guns.

bravo, Christopher. bravo.

youth is overrated, kids are dumbfucks and the only cure is getting older.

>spyro 3

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Why is this patriot ai malfunctioning and spouting conspiracy theories about ruskies for the cia while getting solid digits?

>a Yea Forums /pol/fag would never have done this
>/pol/ celebrating

woah, actually using your brain and googling for a second really took the energy out of me bro


Send PDF

>taking this seriously
>as he lists spyro as what taught him violence
>while he shouts subscribe to pewdiepie

then it would've been 100+ dead in a truck attack

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A shame really. If even a couple of them were armed probably would have dissuaded that clown - is there a no weapons allowed rule in mosques like churches?

>hates browns
>citation needed
He likes Candace Owen

These people are always spineless as fuck I don't know why anyone is surprised

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>That guy at the end who tries to rush him

Brave man.

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Colonel, i trust you more than our politicians.
where are the AIs to save us?

Lol I'm 26, go fuck yourself you stupid piece of shit.

Until you start seeing wrinkles and hairloss.

Uhm gamers????

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I think all the chans are fucked over the next five to ten years. Internet anonymity is gonna be gone

I have always felt like if one of these /pol/ memer edgelord shits decided to do something like this, a whole bunch would follow. I hope I’m wrong. Fuck this shit, we are fuuuuucked.

>hey bro, you cant win by insulting me! only I can do that!


yeah and then kill children and woman

>Be Aussie
>Rants about foreign invasion
>Travels to New Zealand to shoot them for some reason instead of Sydney, making you one

lol what a subhuman

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>kebab remover

fucking lol

Attached: kebab remover.png (1920x1080, 2.09M)

>Someone actually linked to express and daily mail intending for them to be legitimate sources for something
I knew this day would come, but I gave it another 2 years or so. We're fucked.

Bias aside or whether you believe it, it's different when a foreign power is directly trying to undermine your country's influence and stability, the end goal of which is complete domination over our country.

I seriously need to get the fuck outta Yea Forums.

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>shoot a bunch of old people in a mosque
>this will not lead to a bunch of young people detonating themselves in Auckland, killing dozens of sheepshaggers

B-but I thought mosques were all secret weapons depots for ISIS

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This shit is why I support an armed populace man, fuck dealing with some nutjob with no way to defend yourself.
Fuck this guy.

But honestly, it's always "we need guns to protect ourselves!!", when do we EVER see a gun self defense for a mass shooting or some shit?

what's all the shit say on his gun? Looks like writing?

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damn i think the key got lost
fucking retarded animal

get on fin and stay out of the sun. Easy enough for the social recluses on this board.

>it's different when a foreign power
How is soros, the multibillionare and political powerhouse, not a foreign power?

meme magic has never been this real

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Did you misread my post? I said that specific mosque.

I'm 29, and I'm proud of myself. Age has nothing to do with it.

Nothing’s going to happen, a retard incel from /r9k/ shot up a school like 2 years ago and nothing happened

>Not cropping out the "no".

I think that is what he wanted


Good for you.

can we give that guy props for trying to rush him?

just a few weeks ago some shooter in a waffle house got his brains blown out after his first shot- that missed.
That church shooting in Texas as well, a fat old uncle of one of the attendees showed up with his AR 15 and fatally wounded the shooter

Attached: texas church shooter shot.png (641x401, 244K)

There are people who unironically think like this.
Thank God they all live in 3rd world shit holes like America and Nigeria though.

>That one japanese school shooter game
whats the name ?

hey man he felt bad because all the people on the boards (/r9k/ got got at the same time) he deleted for being absolute shit didn't have anywhere to post absolute shit
you had to let them back in, nothing to be done about it

>nuh uh the mass media never report on this so it means it never happens sweetie

>Not shitposting in real life even when being interviewed

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Hahaha wow based stormfag there was a rape happening on one (1) Christian church guess virtually all churches on earth are secret rape dungeons.

>but dude 8fags are normal Yea Forums users

Don't forget to subscribe to PewDiePie

they tried to forget that the people theyre about to shoot are their countrymen.

Memes, names of historic battles against (or people who fought against) muslims, names of terror attack victims.
Bit full of himself to compare slaughtering mostly kids and old people in a church to Shipka Pass.

what an ugly mutt

>innocent people
No, he killed in a mosque

Yeah thank god we don't have people defending themselves here in New Zea-

names of victims of islamic terrorism and historical battles and instances where muslims attempted to invade europe

I honestly hope it gets shut down. It’s not worth shit like this. It hasn’t been good in years anyways.

For our benefit against a common foe.
If anything they were the ones who lost out on the deal because it gave their people ideas.

Its funny every time

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You don't shitpost where you eat.

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I reckon, this shit isn’t bad at all compared to some of the shit I’ve seen here. It’s actually getting annoying seeing all the redditards screaming “OMG DONT WATCH AHHHHHH DELETE THIS”

It's /pol/ memes and random historical battles and shit. Dude really hated the Ottoman empire.

It's true. I'm 25 and wish I could go back

at least /pol/tards will now be treated like terrorists, and will be systematically hunted down in all countries by intelligence agencies and imprisoned

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I popped on goldeneye today, put on the Inivisible cheat and went around with AR33. i didn't find its burst firing too good though so switch to sniper rifle which you can use zoomed out


>this is right after the THQ Nordick shit
Oh man what a ride

this! of course it's easy going for innocent people if this faggot tried going after big game he would be mowed down in not time

Someone un ESL that tweet

see you in prison brother

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Kek, was he really aussie?

>Invading force comes to your country
>People are suprised when there's retaliation

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Where the actual fuck is the police?

Those are cops. Neither of them even looks like the shooter.

Lot's of different guns user, some assault weapons can be silent enough that you can kill an entire neighborhood and the next will not know about it until it's too late

See what I mean? You faggots that say shit like this are no better and actually foment this kind of insane behavior, end yourself.

Imagine having to swallow a blue pill THAT big.

i really hope this is it, so i can finally leave this awful site
like it's an intervention for drug use but instead of friends and family it's the fbi

>there are Big Kool-Aid shills ITT

>good writing
The best thing about this mission was playing it in arcade mode and watching numbers flash on screen while you go for a high score by killing civilians.

at their local donut shop

Really not sure what to make of this. He never mentioned an accomplice, and he was definitely alone throughout the entire mosque shooting.

fuck, this really sums up what's wrong with the dickless frustrated retards who've made it their mission to ruin Yea Forums with their mentally ill obsession over identity politics for the past ~4 years

he was being sarcastic with the spyro if you read, retard
he says no

Based IngSoc poster


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>Kill people with guns to start a gun-law debate in a different country
>Said different country already has frequent mass shootings on its own soil almost monthly. None of which result in any form of gun control
>Post about your plan online so people know exactly what you're doing and know not to fall for it
This guy was pretty fucking stupid

i have never posted on /pol/ and i have always thought doing so should shadow range ban you from the entire board except /pol/
after today i think the same, only it also should report your IP to all police agencies on the planet


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This. American cops would be on that scene before he even left the building.

Why do you newfags pretend to be this old grizzled veteran when you have clearly not been here for even a few years? This is has happened multiple times already not to mention that the guy was from cripplechan and not here

I understand you but there is no defending against this. He could’ve used all kinds of methods. It’s a fucking place of worship, there is no way you can always be aware of threats while in there. It’s these bullshit ideas. It’s the fucking cynical ironic memeing which no one has control over. The reach of that MUST be minimized. It can’t be ignored anymore.

>your country

He wasn't a New Zealander though.

I'm fucking had it with /pol/ at this point. I used to browse them when I thought everyone was making edgy jokes but didn't mean any of it. But this is too damn far. I don't want /pol/ infecting the rest of this website anymore.

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Are you upset that your retarded Remove Kebab memeing has caused the deaths of dozen of innocent people

>wanting to get rid of a containment board
Imagine being this low IQ

Two mosques were shot up and they have four people in custody.

/pol/ from here are celebrating
After this day i consider those fags terrorist tier and 8mene needs to be nuked
I bet Hiro is on suicide watch at this moment

Hi damage control team.

/pol/ did nothing wrong.

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>dude it's YOUR fault for treating the insane as insane!
shut the fuck up, dumb faggot

Now use it to falseflag it everywhere.

Fucking /pol/tards. This is why we need to delete it.

Solidus was a good guy and was fighting for the freedom of all, not this.

90% of my family deserve it, so yeah, pretty cool

In America he would've been caught in the crossfire of another shooting on the way there.

reset era trannies out

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White apes are subhuman. Always starting shootings in a fit of rage.

Hiro should just delete it for good, it's an unholy cesspool


I can't believe that memes just murdered over 30 sand niggers. I'm both highly amused and terribly depressed. Did anyone else notice when he shot that dude in the corpse pile and his little hat flew off? That was hilarious.

I guess the 4channel split was for the best after all.

I'd rather have the option to at least have some control over defending myself and others instead of just sitting around waiting to get shot because I'm stuck in a no gun zone that the shooter obviously won't give a fuck about.
Just the fucking option at least.

/pol/ wasn't always like that user, well, not at this degree.
but pol and b got a lot of popularity in 2016, probably the US elections.

was an aussie

what's the score at the moment, last I heard was around 30?


>educating yourself about crime statistics and immigration automatically makes you a racist insane person

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Attached: mosque shooter 5.jpg (960x720, 213K)

When can we start gunning down white people on the street? Fuckers are the worst things to happen to this planet.


The point of the flashing light is? Confuse people?

You know this can be checked in a literal fucking second right? Why lie like this? This is what I fucking mean with this post Why are you blaming something without thinking it through for a fucking microsecond?

Attached: Untitled.png (1549x657, 757K)

Just get additional mods for a time until they clear out for another site, it's not like these retards actually care about Yea Forums anyways.

if you're not joking, go back to Yea Forums

27 or so confirmed dead

I wanna fuck this kike with my uncircumcised cock

Excuse me but REMOVE KEBAB is an innocent internet meme.

He walked outside and shoot a bunch of random people too. Chances are he killed whites.

It wasn't even someone from this website you fucking moron

There were children and toddlers in that mosque

Fuck you /pol/

That this is all moot's fault for reviving /new/ after it was deleted. If that never happened then this guy would've never been radicalized, which would've prevented the death of over 30 innocent people.

niggers already do with no repercussions or media coverage

Attached: black on white murders.png (936x716, 106K)

Statecraft is tricky business, I guess we'll see who makes it out of this deal

Oh I agree with you totally I just don’t think this guy could have been stopped before doing massive damage.

except most of that shit happened under moot who genuinely loved this site and wanted to keep it up, instead of ad-friendly hiro

It's a strobe light that blinds you if you look at it

/pol/ was always like this, they just became the majority after 2016 and those who were there just to shitpost have to deal with the consequences that the real idiots are with them.

Why would an undercover operative let this happen?

Then he gets shot anyway after killing innocent civilians what a fucking loser lmao


how does it work if I'm not white? and will I still a racist if I still believe in those statistics?


Why do you keep repeating the same thing over and over in the same thread? You know we can tell you are not a new IP right?

It's a strobing flashlight and it's supposed to disorientate people who look at it.

Why do people actually think the Russians are some sort of serious threat? No, really? Our country is slowly dying and we're probably the most spineless and whipped citizens in any first+second world country combined (barring maybe China), how the fuck are foreigners afraid of Russia doing anything? Monkey with a grenade effect?

Newfag please leave, thanks.

do it,do it right now please,aim to kids please

>saw him live a couple months ago

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It wasn't even about that, NZ has far more of a Chinese problem than Muslim, he ended up wasting a few White folk on the street anyway

this fucker just wanted attention

Welp now I'm paranoid as fuck. Whats a good pistol to carry around discreetly anons?

This is so fucking awful. Fucking memed into it.

those same muslims cheer when white children are masscred in their own countries
fuck them

Attached: ebba.png (458x559, 330K)

executing 30 people makes you an insane person

>oh no my incessant calls for genocide were actually heard by an insane man!
>i feel so sad! this was not my fault!
fuck you, nigger

What is this?

They're more autistic than we are.

That's a good thing at this point.


But they are celebrating you goddam mongoloid oh and they are also fucking cowards
>dude it was a falseflag from soros!!
>there are two shooters
>its not us!!

>help me help me

Well yeah, that's it, back then it was mostly some funny shitpost, now a lot are taking it SERIOUSLY.

>white children are massacred
and the bad thing is ????¿¿¿

>muh falseflag
Every time

Attached: qJ9Xm2L.png (574x658, 112K)

Cool, a handpicked screencap kebab/

Have fun

Don't get me wrong. It's a horrible and senseless loss of human life done by a sick incel with too much time on his hands. But the little hat flying off really got me. Or when he shot the guy who rushed him then tripped over his corpse? Objectively funny.


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It's legitimately gone out of control at this point. I see the posters tell me to go to resetera just because I didn't like seeing innocent people dying. And going over to /pol/ I see the vast majority of /pol/ in actually celebration of this. This is way beyond edgy jokes at this point. They're psychopaths. And honestly I think they're part of the reasons why it's so hard to enjoy anything on this website anymore.

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I honestly can’t tell the difference between Yea Forums and Reddit anymore

>everyone I don't like is the same person
schizo behavior

>It wasn't even about that, NZ has far more of a Chinese problem than Muslim
Funny you say that, his manifesto says he feels the Chinese government is the one that best represents his views.

I read "kill yourself" directed at people at least a 100 times every day, shouldn't this shitty board be shutdown too for inciting people to that kind of thing? That is what you are suggesting, it is the same thing, people incite death thousands of times sitewide here

Tell me why citizens are allowed to own fucking military-grade rifles, shotguns and all sorts of murder-machines? We need to strike out all laws permitting citizen's rights to own firearms, as long as the general public can own these weapons, there will never be peace among the peoples and cultures within the country.

Holy fucking schizo

This was fucking hard to watch.
the guys moaning in pain we he comes to finish them also was horrible.
he's a monster.

you wouldn't need to do that if you knew anything about privacy. also you're a literal nobody. no ones cares you jerk off to dva.


Lmao what a pussy. You are already on our list by the way.

>Or when he shot the guy who rushed him then tripped over his corpse? Objectively funny.
yeah i'm not edgy but that was kinda funny

>help me help me

Attached: 1533110602920.jpg (482x427, 71K)

Those were semi automatic, not "military grade" you retard



Links are dead. Anyone got one?

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But most of those are either celebrating it, or only condemning it for the effect it might have rather than the fact that people died. What did you mean to prove by posting this?

You faggots are literally repeating the same thing over and over like a looney and I am the schizo? Thanks for the laugh

w-was he listening to eurobeat as he drove away?
chan culture was a fucking mistake.
just last night i was thinking "it's been awhile since Yea Forums did anything remarkably stupid"

because they sell for a lot, that's about it

>that dude who tries to take him out at 6:55
Fuck man, he was so close

More like people will forget this tomorrow because mass shootings are normalised now



anyone celebrating this retard should be shot alongside him

do I

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It's 8ch you retard

member when that dude on r9k livestreamed himself shooting himself
also when you absorb information even if you consciously disagree with it it embeds itself into your subconscious and becomes part of your thought process
so even if you don't think jews control the media you'll still start noticing all the Goldsteins under Producers in the opening credits of every movie you watch

It's not containing shit. All it's doing is condoning their cancerous presence by existing

Not really. Both /n/ and /new/ got nuked because it was clear the board population were actually racist and not just doing it for laugh. This time around moot just kept it up as a containment board, but didn't do enough to stunt them, as a result the racists took over again and continued to grow until they became the gateway board for newfags which then infects everything else.

Anyone who says they were merely pretending is as guilty as those who are seriously because they let this happen as they refused to self moderate like other boards do.

absolutely not
if a mentally insane person is told to commit suicide and they do it, then the only loss is their life
if a mentally insane person is told to go out and commit genocide and they do it they kill a number of innocent people

*Subscribe to PewDIEpie

>proceeds to shoot up a mosque

This man will do anything for subs!

Most of them aren't psychopaths, at least i don't think so, but there's definetely more of them now that pol is popular.
i will stay here tho, i still love Yea Forums, here since 2010 and don't plan to leave yet.

That shit was crazy. Unironically looked like a video game.

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don't watch it, it's more cringe than interesting

Majority of gun owners are law abiding citizens, the people who don't own guns are also law abiding citizens. Most firearms used in violent crimes were purchased or stolen illegally. Taking away guns is taking them from law abiding citizens and skewing the power dynamic towards violent criminals.

It is the first posts on the catalog every time you refresh you faggot
Are you that retarded you cannot count or something?

>no gay sex with hats on

>reminder that the Patriots were fighting against the echo-chamber infested politically polarized world we live in today

Attached: SelectionforSocietalSanity.jpg (800x1000, 251K)

>8ch is fucking toast
Pop the champagne!

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Meh, the French government censored what the Muslims did to girls at the concert, pushed their eyes in, cut up their private bits, etc

A quick bullet to the head is far more civil

user i'm not watching some innocent people getting shot everyday to get desensibilize.

/qa/ won’t considering their huge /pol/ boner

This is disgusting

>all these fucking faggots crying about white genocide
>finally cry and run home when someone actually does something about it
Hopefully this will separate the pretenders from the children

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Man I remember laughing my ass off on /pol/ when Elliot Rodgers manifesto was posted. I don't think its been remotely decent since Maple Snake.

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Looked exactly like Hardcore Henry.

8ch is derivative of Yea Forums rejects and houses the same kind of retards. the two are essentially the with with one website being more autistic. you know all Yea Forums will be lumped together with 8ch because of this garbage. time for another newfag invasion

I said faggots, as in plural, you stupid retard.

Yeah it's true, he had the camera in just the right spot

My go-to is "midget sucks throbbing horse cock" alas I forgot it

My posts on this website are satire and not to be taken seriously.

I can't believe memes did this.

You think that's gonna stop me, kiddo? I'm already half way down your block.
Don't even start lubing now, because I'm gonna make you suck it back out before you go in raw in my van.

Attached: FBI-chan.png (556x675, 608K)

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Holy fucking BASED

Well fuck, maybe it was because i was naive or something, but i thought they were mostly shitposting back then.

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The sad reality of a mass shooting, if this retard didn’t record the whole thing POV every retard user would’ve been saying “BASED” but instead you see the true reality when it comes to a mass shooting, and now the whole site is split on how to feel lmao.

FBI here. Hiro already give me your IPs and post histories, get dabbed on fags. I hope you enjoy federal prison after me and the boys file some paperwork.

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Almost Lynchian, the combination of your regular banal everyday memes and a mass shooting. Makes it hard actually to view it and feel the same way as a conventional killing, or maybe video games do desensitize you

>military grade
Try researching the guns you support banning before making stupid statements, these guns are used in a tiny fraction of mass shootings.

How long until we fuck ourselves for good?

I hope all you pearl-clutching faggots are subbing to pewdiepie

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>they're going to be coming back here
This is unironically terrible.

what did this fucking faggot do about anything other than kill innocent people you braindead fucktard? explain in logic steps

Both the patriots and solidus had a point ,in fact, all MG vilains often have points, even the vilain in Survive had a pretty interesting goal.

That was cripplechan m8
They've always been a retarded imitation of this site

That's how they get ya.

When a Yea Forumstard tries to do a high score

>the possibility of two people sharing the same opinion is something I can't comprehend, it must be the same person posting the same thing over and over again
again, schizo

>throw my toddlercon and hentai around all day, avatarfagging using my special anime collection
>cry about everyone being stupid and just mad about your hobby
such is life, as an animefag

We'll forget in a month or so is the consensus. Well, maybe not outside of /r9k/. They venerate their psychos there.

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they're going to come here, you fucking retard

I wasn't here very long, but I was here just a bit before the 2016 election kicked into full swing, so I have a taste of /pol/ a little bit before things went this far. I do think, comparatively, that there has been far more "toxic" posters who destroy all fun there possibly could be in threads outside of /pol/ And there are definitely far more posters who are teetering on the psychopath side, especially on /pol/.

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Hey feds


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Yeah its not like we're short on mass shootings.


The left needs to get armed up, faggots will learn real fast how a real revolution goes down

You dumb racists and your Holy Crusade fantasies. Good job killing innocent people.


Damn, only 27? sure looks like more in the video

worst part of the video is how mechanically he did all that shit
he doesn't even fucking hesitate, it's crazy

But the porn boards are the only good ones

They'll continue existing.
Except it'll be worse without /pol/. When /pol/ exists, you get exposed to it by visiting the board. Without /pol/, they'll scatter and come to you while they find a new place (if they do)

i didn't got on pol for a while, i never really liked the board even if the terry davis shitposts were funny.
Yea Forums will always be my primary board.

i'm well aware of that fact my guy see we all know 95% of the retards post on Yea Forums as well despite their hateboner for this place

what was kino about that traffic cone?

Retard anons ARE saying based.

It's fucking hilarious seeing all the leddit/retardEra fags freaking out over this. Why don't you just go back?

Well I don't have anything to fear. All of my posts have been condemning what had just happened in New Zealand.

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Mass shootings are a meme, like getting struck by lightning.

>kill innocent people
They came and attempted to force everyone to bow down to their culture, they're complicit in the violence


They come to us now already, though.

Attached: cripplecucks.png (974x748, 174K)

About time you showed up. Maybe you can salvage this thread.

dozens wounded as well.

Political Polarization is the greatest mistake of the 20th/21st century. Fuck the internet and fuck the media.

>crying for help

I shouldnt watch this but...where in the whole thing is it? I can't stand to watch 16 minutes of carnage.

Good info right there, this stuff is easy to find anywhere (and cheap)

Name one other mass shooting that was livestreamed in its entirety.

Yeah, I don't know where you guys are from or how reported it was internationally but there was also a couple of columbine-loving retarded incels who shot up a school in Brazil yesterday and suddenly my mom is asking me what's a chan

i'll go back once you have sex

They're doing a shit job then.

I watched it and felt nothing. I'm not a newfag fresh of the boat from leddit dumblr.

Why the fuck do these people never have a plan? Why do they never even try to get away? Why do they never try to kill a politician or blow up a food supply or something instead of just fucking doing random shit that will clearly get you hated? Why do they all have the execution of amateurs when even cartel members know that you don't fucking spray into a pile of bodies to cause maximum damage? Why would you even care about the white race when it so desperately wants to die in the first place?

Attached: you are not immune to propaganda.jpg (974x709, 67K)

Honestly if every one of those Muslims had a suicide bomb strapped to their chests he probably would've thought twice. Make terrorism legal NOW

Fbi here, we get paid with all the stuff we take, you're just giving us tips.

>some dude in NZ has Yea Forumsermin this butthurt

[citation needed]

drink bleach

even the """moderate""" sandniggers are in favor of all the extremist shit, they're just called moderate because they don't act it out (yet)

Epic, epic for the win bro!

Initially yes, but overtime it subsides.
/pol/s existence allows them to fester and grow.

We're just harmless NEETs here, furious shitposting about new games is all we desire.

>final stand perk
>runs out of bullets
why are they such noobs?

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It's hilarious, all those tears and "wow i really need to leave this site", like it's the first time something like that happened on an imageboard. What a bunch of fags.

>posts that go on about the world being media sheep
>SUB to pewdiepie! and a bunch of other npc shit
the hypocrisy is fucking real but it's a shame retards play it off as MUH SATIRE or he didn't mean it!