So this... is the power... of 100 hour workweeks...
So this... is the power... of 100 hour workweeks
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and it doesn’t even look better than BOTW
more proof that artstyle > graphics
This game has the most boring art style and color palette of all time. Not a single concession to style whatsoever.
t. salty nintard kek
Not this faggot again
>and it doesn’t even look better than BOTW
spoken like a true delusional nintendofan.
>muh artstyle
>muh colorful baby open world
Can we take Rockstar's art team and budget, and hand them off to a developer who knows what tight controls are?
But it does? Breath of the Wild is ugly as fuck.
this, it makes me unhappy that rockstar games will forever be plagued by awful controls
Max Payne 3 being the odd exception for some fucking reason.
Remember when wind waker was shit? Show me the best graphics from 2002. Medal of Honor: Frontline? Halo CE? Even their HD remakes look shittier than OG gamecube Wind Waker. 3D realism games make slightly less blurry photos. Nintendo makes art.
BOTW looks really rough in motion, but actually playing it isn't so bad as long as it's docked and on a decent TV.
More importantly though, RDR2 while impressive at times, wasn't as fun overall to play, even though I enjoy both games thoroughly. I still play BOTW to this day, but RDR2 was a one and done deal and I can't see any reason to play it again.
Shit, I meant "BOTW looks really rough in screenshots," not in motion.
>no hat
You need to get your eyes checked.
BOTW's artstyle is washed out garbage
botw doesn't even have grass more than 10 ft away from the character
:) literal blasphemy
When will they realize realism in video game is shit? The west have better technology, but their games are uninspired as fuck.
game looks amazing, i would love for it to come to PC. seems like it should have been a no brainer day one port.
PC version when? I like the game, but the blur is fucking horrible.
Maybe because its going for realism (which is fine) and not a particular style (which is also fine)
Nintenfag here. I really want to play RDR 2 if it ever comes to PC, but it seems like the world is so...empty. In BoTW, I felt like I was always discovering cool shit. That's the case for Red Dead, right?
What happened to the team that made MP3?
It's a nice comfy game.
It was good animation or good controls. They chose wrong but it would've been weird to have a bunch of foot sliding and insta turns in a game so focused on realism.
Max Payne 3 had both good animation and controls though.
You can tell the mountains in the background and the clouds are flat textures
>8000ft cumulus clouds at all times
they look nice enough but they get pretty old
this guy
Absolutely disagree with you.
I agree, why play this when I can go outside
Videogames are for FANTASY
That's bullshit, animations have nothing to do with response time.
You know, the sad part isn't that a lot of those replies are youe own but the fact that there are some genuine people who fell for it in there.
I was merely pretending to be a retard haha! I got you guys, haha!
I love RDR2
Every time. You didn't get me the first time and you're not fooling me this time.
More companies should do it, totally worth it, if that’s what it takes to make a game look this good on a $199 machine
thread OST
It will, but no idea when. The RDR2 Companion App apparently has some PC related stuff embedded in it.
epic, try playing the game next time first. your claim of emptiness has no proof. you faggots cry about empty open worlds no matter the game. RDR2 is a rare case where its not empty, I just believe 90% of the people who complain about shit like this just wished they had their hand held through everything. Play the story missions if you want that, or play another dime a dozen 6 hour long hand-holding game like shitty cod-story modes or shitty DMC hack n slash generic bs.
almost forgot how cringy Depeche Mode is
and again
Just imagine what GTA 6 is going to look like
>large city where most of the buildings are closed-off copypaste highrises / offices
Bleh. I'd take detailed wild west experience any day. But I think they can take a little break before the next RDR game.
Uncharted series and MP3 both had their cake and ate it too with regards to good controls + animation flourishes.
I'm expecting the next GTA to employ procedural building interiors based off a set of rules + a pre-determined seed.
That doesn't really sound at all how Rockstar does things. Either way, I'm generally much more fond of the wild west as a setting over the modern world. Probably still would buy GTA6 but I see it as a breather until the next Red Dead Redemption.
Honestly if my boss made me work 100 hours, shooting myself would be more painless as my job is barely doable enough to get 40 hours in. Coding probably isn't. I imagine coders need lots of breaks and recreation as to not get brain tumors and autism.
They could've put in just a little more saturation and it would've been perfectly fine. There are so many time where the game looks fantastic because the lighting changed for some special event. Don't know who thought the near monochrome palette was a good choice.
>That doesn't really sound at all how Rockstar does things.
Rockstar uses smart engineers and employ technology where-ever possible. RDR2's world wasn't fully hand sculpted. They wrote some AI to help generate portions of the terrain off a set of rules when building the world, and then went in by hand after the fact to tune it for gameplay purposes/oddities.
I expect that kind of thing for buildings. Sets of rules to abide by so the building is built like.....a building in terms of interior layout. Then they can tweak it or add rather unique rooms if a certain story bit requires it.
I actually agree with this.
botw is a great example of that shitty piss color style that will never be good and ruins entire games just by existing
Huh, that sounds pretty smart way of doing content in bulk honestly. Combining proc gen to save time in laying the groundwork but then adjusting manually to make it feel unique and hand crafted.
I'm a pcfag and even I admit rdr 2 is one of the best looking open worlds.
>And, the grafix, that's, y'know, that's what this is really all about
Looks empty
When will Rockstar learn how to properly design a mission in an open world game?
Listen, you may or may not be a retard, but on our end we only see the thing you wrote out without any idea who you are so all we can go by is the statement. There's always bound to be a group of retards who believes it so why not take the words for face value?
stay mad
exploration is so cool in rdr2 please stop this shitposting PLEASE
Why simulate going outside when you can actually go outside
The Rockstar Fanboy Checklist:
>go back to Fortnite
>you have ADD/ADHD
>short attention span
>you're opinion doesn't matter
>I never had a problem/it's on you
>Rockstar sold x amount of copies
>the horses are better than RDR1
>the controls are better than RDR1
>it's only the beta
>Online review scores
>reddit spacing
>angry PC gamer
>muh realism
>muh immersion
>it's a single player game
>it's not a twitch shooter
>nobody complains about x
>regurgitated Dutch memes
And their personal favorite
>you didn't play the game
If you think you're arguing with a fanboy, simply resort to this checklist, call him a fanboy, then ignore him. Watch him cower and recoil as he's been found out.
why would you write all this shit lol
I'm sorry show me this magical land where there are entire living wild west towns where I can go shoot people legally without getting kiled myself. Fag.
yes. i actively avoid rdr2 threads because i haven't beat the game yet, but there is a LOT of shit to do in the world, substantially more than breath of the wild. idk if this is a Yea Forums approved opinion however so if i'm shitposted to death, know that it's just the hivemind at work
Why the fuck this game so blurry?
It legitimately looks like dogshit with TAA. Literally what were they thinking? There's almost zero clarity whenever I look at any thing on this fucking thing.
First of all, this game isn't realistic in any way, shape, or form. In fact, the heavy, clunky movement and slow animations are the most unrealistic parts of the game. Also, the "bloom" in this game is ass-backwards. Bloom is supposed mimic and simulate recoil in videogames. Therefore, bloom should happen only AFTER you fire shot. In this game you have to wait a full second and sometimes 2 seconds just to fire an accurate shot. It makes no sense, not even from a realistic point of view. On top of this, there's bullet sway. Then Rockstar has the nerve to "challenge" by asking us to be 80% accurate while landing a certain amount of headshots for gold? Bullshit. As of the controls weren't bad enough. It's much worse online when you're actually fighting other players too. The controls worsen tenfold. Worst controls/gunplay I've ever experienced in a game. Not even exaggerating.
accurate depiction of the midwest
It's blurry because it's either base xbox/ps4 or ps4 pro.
>emulated high res image of RDR1 vs base xbone/ps4 screencap
I wouldn't have to look for "3 star" animal pelts in the Midwest, nor would I consider sucking venom out of a nigger's foot to be "immersive".
I have literally never seen a screenshot/video where the general game isn't blurry as fuck.
>nor would I consider sucking venom out of a nigger's foot to be "immersive".
You could just walk away, you could just shoot him. Nobody said you had to help.
But it do on PC. Still an average 7/10 game though.
You can also give him an antidote.
If you don't help the generic, annoying NPCs they'll keep appearing until you interact with them.
I would've agreed with you if BOTW had the original artstyle/effort from the first teaser.
actually play the game
RDR1 never looks this good on console so yeah it's emulation magic to get a good looking still image [which is also the framerate]
>shit on others
>get response
Oh you baiting shitter
They want the double dip. It worked wonders for them with GTA 5.
I did. It sucked ass on console for more reasons than that, so I promptly stopped
When they decide they don't want a cohesive story in their open worlds anymore.
avatarfagging should be punishable by medieval torture until death
>posting screenshots or images directly related to the game
What kinda stuff that is related to pc?
ok fag
Then get your eyes checked. XboneX is the only clear one.
This one is all you need to know you're dealing with an avatarfag but lets go!
I am aware I am an even bigger autist for this list but it is very easy to filter by md5
>only wore that outfit for one mission
it's not fucking fair, bros
ok but what about the gameplay
Are you retarded
thread theme
Yeah, it's sexy and classy/believable at the same time. Same as with Sadie's tight ass hugging pants and her yellow shirt. Love it and would've liked to see way more of her in that putfit and on missions.
So you mean to tell me that forcing soul crushing 100 hour workweeks (14 - 15 hours a day) with absolutely no time given to mentally recharge results in a lesser product?
Well oh my good golly gosh, Batman, who would've fucking thought. Golly gee wilikers.
RDR2 is a great game and the 100 hours work weeks were only a thing in the crunch leading up to release.
along with MCC
I unironically dropped this game and thought it was boring, while I couldn't stop playing BotW. RDR 1 was so much better than this slow paced snoozefest..
RDR2 is a masterpiece. y'all niggas just weebs
I heard one of them hung themselves after the game was released
The controls and movement of RDR2 were perfectly fine for what they were trying to achieve. They wanted a slower paced game with the player becoming more intimate with Arthur through the more deliberate and detailed animations.
is it true horses have a self cleaning anus
>that guy who plays multiplats on a fucking PS4
I hope you guys don't do this
in /rdrg/ that autist was known as gallowsfag due to his hanging fetish. he's obsessed with karen, sadie, abigail, the game's VAs, and cowgirl waifus in general. he will bump this thread despite its low quality as an excuse to empty the same old folder once again
Hmm I could buy a console just to play RDR2 on a high resolution or I could play it on the console that was worth getting for the exclusives....
Now imagine if it was developed for PC.
just reading this sentence put me to sleep
It would still be developed with console / multiplat release in mind because just making this expensive as fuck production on the pc would be a financial hit.
You sonnygers have been playing nothing but (inferior versions of) multiplats for the last 6 months, just like us Xchads
PS4 has less than 5 good exclusives
>Now imagine if it was developed for PC.
>imagines something else
Why do you feel the need to be a chronic contrarian?
Sounds kinda based desu
Now that I've got some time away from it, it's really forgettable and bland.
Thats because ever since GTA4 Rockstar hasnt made a single open world game that actually had an open world worth having. Its just not fun at all to fuck around in GTA5 or Red Dead 1 or 2
>pink urkle daddy
What kinda name is that
This. All these broken halfassed boring systems makes the game fundamentally unfun to play. Its just an unsatisfying slog with some preddy visuals
How many does xbox have?
and 'fine' is all it is. not outstanding.
>100 hour workweeks just for a bunch of empty fields with nothing to do
Yes, the graphics are good, but what about everything else?
Ugh I played it for 30 whole hours.. 30 WHOLE HOURS BROS.. that's almost how many hours I work in a whole fucking workweek. I honestly don't think anyone has played a video game longer than I played RDR 2. PS4 is so worth it.
Temporal anti-aliasing.
>those leaves
Fucking disgusting
Abigail is the cutest rat!
Comfiest camp?
That's when you see people falling for baits like , that you know Yea Forums has been invaded by nufags
Except he's right. It doesn't look better than BotW.
This game is like the typical bimbo, hot but with no brains/personality.
Does anyone else not get the "wow" factor of realistic graphics? I mean, whenever I see them I think for a few seconds "damn that looks awesome" and then never think about it again.
Realistic graphics never work out well IMO. They'll never be as good as real life, and I mean shit, you can just go out in real life and experience the real life "graphics" at the fullest. Artstyle and other such graphics always look better and are more enjoyable to consume in a game because it allows for more creativity and otherworldlyness that you actually can not get in real life like you can with a realistic graphic setting.
Like for RDR2, were the 100 hour work weeks worth it for graphics that you look at once and think "neat" and then never think about again because they're just "bland" real life graphics?
Look at the credits to the games. They're all there in the lead positions. Ever since gta 4 at least.
She's not the prettiest and was one of the camp whores but damn if her personality doesn't get me hard. Mary Beth was best girl imo and that widow you teach to survive was second best. Too damn bad Bonnie is only in multiplayer which I'm never playing because she's purty too.
>look at once and think "neat" and then never think about again because they're just "bland" real life graphics?
I don't think RDR2 suffers from stylistic suck though, every time I boot it up or see other people's screenshots I get that dayum effect pretty much every time. It's probably the first hyperrealistic game to do so, it's just so charming.
>Does anyone else not get the "wow" factor of realistic graphics? I mean, whenever I see them I think for a few seconds "damn that looks awesome" and then never think about it again.
I think that about any graphics style. Novelty wears off. There's nothing you can do about that. I've never understood people who claim technical limitations don't apply to "stylized" graphics. They absolutely do. Killer 7, for example, looks a lot fucking better than Another World. These are two games using the same artistic style separated by more than a decade and that technical gap is obvious.
Also, who decided you can't portray fantasy elements photo-realistically? That's a non-sequitur. Ironically, the people who say that are doing the very thing they accuse realistic graphics of doing, constraining creativity. Frankly, it's snobbery and nothing more.
Good graphics/world/story but the gameplay is boring and the missions are repetitive.
Max Payne 3 has horrible mouse acceleration and no amount of good controls would ever fix the issues caused by over-the-shoulder aiming.
Dude just stop no one wants to discuss the game with a sick fuck like you
>100 hours for scenery and graphics
>forget the gameplay
this is the most boring 10/10 i ever played :(
What does it matter when I am discussing the game like normal?
I prefer to discuss with anonymous
not someone who attaches self importance and pretense to their posts, there's this great site called reddit for that garbage
bow looks like a fucking mobile game, like all nintendo games.
>when you're so fat that your typing sounds out of breath
if you add a sharpening filter to tempAA in Unity engine you get a sharper and better image than with 8xMSAA. a sharpening filter adds almost zero performance cost so they're dumb not to use it. or maybe their tempAA cuts too many corners (literally).
>botw runs worse in docked instead of portable
What amazes me isn't that it looks good, it's that in 15 years, everyone's gonna think it looks like shit.
I am the opposite with the preferences because I fucking love RDR2 but I just gotta say I wish more people were like you in terms of commentary instead of pushing a childish BOTW/RDR2 war because it just ends up boiling down to preference which one you prefer, both have their strengths and weaknesses.
>100 hour work weeks
>still no horse pussy
what a piece of shit game