Will vidyas ever break the trope that katanas > longswords?
Will vidyas ever break the trope that katanas > longswords?
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stupid jordan poster
Doubtful seeing as most devs are retarded and think longswords are one handed weapons to be used with a shield.
Longswords are one handed you fatso manlet
Rapiers are the real coolest sword
tfw you can't use the pommel the way it was intended
>Longswords are one handed you fatso manlet
Burger education tier resposne.
The Longsword is primarily a two handed weapon and most widely used when suits of plate were a thing which negated the need for a shield. Broadswords/Arming swords are what were commonly used in one hand with a shield.
is there a game where I can bash peoples heads in with these bad boys?
will spergs ever stop caring?
it would fucking help if I included that picture
I just love jordan so much idk why! she's my favorite face model!
Kingdom Come.
Maces and Warhammers were OP last time i played.
too tall
Dante beat Vergil with Rebellion
She looks borderline white trash to me.
Thats because jordan is VERY cute
Thin, quick and elegant. The Rapier is simply best. It brings to mind not the brutality of the middle ages but the era of discovery and enlightenment, when the world was being explored, when technology was advancing but men still had honor.
It's the civilized weapon.
A japanese game already broke it.
In general, european weaponry was heavier and better suited to bashing in heavily armored targets while japanese weaponry was more for light armor/unarmored combat. They're both really good at what they're designed for.
Well Dark Souls series I guess? Too most notably if you backstab or riposte someone you lift the mace or greathammer above your head and just SMASH them with it.
fuck off, Chakan
Plebian: Longsword
Contrarian: Katana
Patrician: Macuahuitl
m'lady weapon
Both sword users got raped by the Mongols
It's clear that the composite bow is the superior weapon
>Horse archer spam
gg noob.
The Katana only does one thing better than the Longsword and that's cutting which is meh versus anyone in armour, even padded armour. It also weighs more than the Longsword, has less reach, terrible thrusting, is made from inferior metal, and isn't flexible meaning it's more likely to get bent and break.
It's a sidearm for killing peasants.
>posts a samurai armor paired with a kanabo
What would a decomposite bow look like?
Who's the girl?
>european weaponry was heavier and better suited to bashing in heavily armored targets
That must be why the most common weapons were spears and bows...
>tfw taller than jordan
I'd have a shot with her right?
And they got raped by trees and wind.
>and that's cutting
Only once or twice. Shit is too sharp to be very useful.
Any games let you use a trebuchet?
It's almost as if working with wood is cheaper and easier than metal
>posts an estoc
>Implying the Mongols didn't also have their own sword and spear wielding troops in addition to the horse archers.
Jordan McEwen
>Implying that spearheads, lanceheads, polearms, arrowheads, and bolts weren't made with metal and didn't require a smith.
It's not a Kanabo, it's actually the last surviving Macuahuitl, the Spanish armory just had it, and the last surviving Tepoztopilli, grouped in with their Japanese collection for some reason. The shield shown is also Persian.
Here's a higher res image of a sketch of it, you can see the blades along the edges.
The original manuscripts these are from are here gallica.bnf.fr
>posts superior kanabo
what did he mean by this
Look at how hard she is straining her neck, Jesus fuck
check litterally the post right above yours, user
Steppe Godde: shashka
... Girls not liking a sword that curves upwards?????
I like you.
You are that guy from the Conan movie that the best thing in life was the steppe. That khan can fuck off, he was fucking right.
Kingdom Come unless you're looking for actual chinese maces.
What kind of noises do you think she'd make if you started kissing her neck haha just wondering
Based Saltzposter
The midwest was a steppe not long ago, maybe when civilization falls it can be a steppe again
>Thats a woman? Apologies, I mistaked her for a boy.
American Steppe Horde sounds cooler than any gay leather clad Mad Max movie. We will drink from their skulls.
Sushi is so fucking good
>Oh, my! She looks so hungry and has done no work her whole life! Shameful...
That's my wife Jordan
>sidearm for killing peasants.
yeah, kinda, but it's mainly an officer's sword for decoration and ordering charges.
Swords of almost all types are self-defence weapons while spears, halberds, and other polearms are the battlefield weapons. They can be used in tighter formations and the reach advantage is very relevant.
i hope not, realism doesn't matter at all compared to visual style
katana looks sleek, sharp, and dangerous so that's the trope
Kill yourself
is their black boyfriend the guy who's filming?
Are you in every fucking sword thread?
Maybe there are other anons who like Macuahuitls
Isn't it usually more the case that impractical fantasy sword>realistic western sword=katana.
If you're the guy who always bitching about aztec setting game
Never, katana are just cooler and before you go hurr weeb, how many hollywood action movies treat it as THE SWORD when other shit is available? The meme is here to stay. He'll look at Highlander.
No wonder Claire Redfield's so ugly if this is what she's modelled on
Pretty sure it's only a morning star if it's on a stick and not a chain
you too tall
Both are great, why people can't understand this?
Gunstaff > all
Morning star refers to the shape of the head. If it's on a chain it's just a flail that is also a morning star.,
>wanting realism
Katanas are aesthetic
is this bait?
if you think the same amount of labor/resources goes into making tiny arrow/spearheads as it does giant swords/armor, then you're a brainlet, but you aren't are you, y-y-youre just fuckin with me
look out chad coming through
>roiding for this
Made with equal materials Katana wins every time.
someone post the gif of the katana doing a small chip against an european sword while ending up all bent and unusable
Did you remember to bow to your giant katana today, user?
But seriously, I don't give a fuck what anyone says, I love katanas.
Reading comprehension is obviously your strong suit...
Everyone back the fuck up. This is a chad weapon only zone now.
Is there any other romanticized weapon in the world?
>finds biased knight enthusiast video making the longsword look better than it is
>finds biased samurai enthusiast video making the katana look better than it is
I've seen katanas cut through steel and i've seen longswords survive hammers trying to crush them. Only autistic fanboys are going to deny one of the sword's strengths. If they weren't good swords, neither would've continued using them.
>black guys
she fucks asian guys
swords are cool but they were never that useful as a weapon throughout history with a few exceptions
Steel can't cut steel, stop being retarded.
probably the most flamboyant weapon of all weapons.
that weapon reminds me on that 2000 anime called "X"
camera trick asian guys not tall
It was a steel pipe but it's still steel.
M1911 .45 stoppin powah
Structure is just as important as the material. Call me when it cuts a steel sword.
Face is literally the only thing she has going for her. The rest of her body is a 0/10.
she cute if shorter
>Longswords being able to use with a shield
>Nearly 3 feet to over 3 feet long
Good luck there buddy.
Fuck your swords, give me a good mace. Nobody's living through a good pounding with that, armor or no armor.
Look for a western RPG, they usually treat western weapons right. Like Skyrim.
I'll tell you this, western swords look prettier than eastern swords when covered in blood. Don't know why, they just do.
I know this is bait, but I'll bite; Samurais actually didn't use their Kataras on the field of battle very often; they used polearms and bows/arrows, and later on, matchlock rifles. The Katana was, at best, a tool for cutting down peasants in peacetime, and a sidearm in a war. If you were using your Katana in combat against enemy soldiers, chances are you fucked up, are basically defeated, or were ambushed, and in all scenarios, are probably a dead man.
No armor and a katana is better. They're sharp enough to cut people in half (which is how the blades used to be tested). "Katanas are sharp enough to cut steel" is just a meme though, and you're not actually supposed to hit anything harder than leather with one (which is also why you never go blade to blade with a katana; the blocks are done with the fatass back part).
I prefer longswords though. They're a lot more versatile, and they can be half-sworded to make them a decent weapon versus armor. If the two swords swapped settings and a samurai received a longsword, he'd do fine, but a knight with a katana would probably be fucked versus another knight.
>They're sharp enough to cut people in half
...you realize this is a point against it, right?
Based bastard
Weeaboos don't want you to realize it, but japs of old actually had an almost fetishistic desire for western weapons and were importing western swords alot.
The steel quality was higher, so the weapons were alot stronger and wouldn't snap as easily. Its why they folded the shit out of them, it wasn't some dilligence towards the ultimate weapon thing, it was literally REQUIRED to compensate for the shittiness of their available metal.
There's plenty of katana vids cutting steel though. Not in half but definitely cutting into it.
This guy gets it. /k/fags should go fuck a doe and stop sperging about muh realism.
Shiavona is superior
Oh shit Yea Forums, it's the zombie apocalypse! The last weapon you used in a video game is your only defence, how fucked are you?
Instead of saying Samurais did this, it seems simpler to jump back and say that everybody did this. Everybody with a sword would still prefer a pike or a bow on a battlefield. The actual advantage of a sword is that it's small and versatile. It can be carried inside a building and used indoor. Knights and samurais went through the same logic: they needed to be respected as figures of authority, they needed to be feared, therefore they needed to be armed indoor.
The same principle is still alive today: cops carries guns. Guns are the worst firearms. Any cop on a battlefield would prefer a rifle, but their job is to be a figure of authority, which means they need to carry a deadly weapon that can be used indoor. So they carry a gun, and it becomes associated with them, and only very few people actually believe that it's better than a rifle. Likewise, very few people actually believe that a sword would serve better on a battlefield than a pike or long bow actually designed for large scale warfare.
why they taller her she 180cm too tall for girl
cause you too dumb for english
>Guns are the worst firearms
That word. I don't think it means what you think it means.
Blame the existence of oversized anime greatswords taking the 2 hander slot in most games
Not sure if it's alot of Yea Forums or just like 3 guys who are obsessed with black dudes. Knowing that they've saved pictures like this makes me happy because I'll always be better than them.
My dream is to get a medieval sword. Since I'm a kid I want it. I'm a man now, never got it. I was always a fan of Japan and Anime. But my favorite sword is medieval sword. Europe medieval history I'm a fan too. But the my favorite country of the world is Japan. I'm from Brazil.
As soon as they break the trope that shields are used with plate armor despite being redundant as fuck.
Longswords are gey
They retconned katana guy getting cucked
>*beats your sword, beats your axe, opens up your armour like a tin can
Nothing personal kids
Are the Aztecs the most /fa/ soldiers in history?
>This garment is made of thick cloth and is covered with a layer of feathers of different colors, making a fine effect. Some companies of soldiers wear white and crimson, others blue and yellow, and others again of different styles. The Lords wear over everything garments like short jackets, which with us are of chain mail, but theirs are of gold and silver gilt. These feather garments are in proportion to their weapons, for neither arrows nor darts pierce them, but are thrown back without making any wound, and even with swords it is difficult to penetrate through them
>It is one of the finest things in the world to see them in war in their squadrons, because they move with perfect order, and are splendidly attired, and make such a fine appearance that nothing could be better
*beats your spear
Damn it
VR does, they are for different purposes and thats apparrent when you're the one wielding it not some character doing bing bing wahoo depending on what buttons you press
>I'm more of a longbow kind of guy
One of, I'd say.
I've got a hard on for Landsknechts.
>It brings to mind not the brutality of the middle ages
It's literally a civilian sword that non-combatants had to carry around every day for fear of getting stabbed to death on their way home at night and/or some drunkard claiming you've sullied his honor.
That's it. I'm sick of all this "Masterwork Bastard Sword" bullshit that's going on in the d20 system right now. Katanas deserve much better than that. Much, much better than that.
I should know what I'm talking about. I myself commissioned a genuine katana in Japan for 2,400,000 Yen (that's about $20,000) and have been practicing with it for almost 2 years now. I can even cut slabs of solid steel with my katana.
Japanese smiths spend years working on a single katana and fold it up to a million times to produce the finest blades known to mankind.
Katanas are thrice as sharp as European swords and thrice as hard for that matter too. Anything a longsword can cut through, a katana can cut through better. I'm pretty sure a katana could easily bisect a knight wearing full plate with a simple vertical slash.
Ever wonder why medieval Europe never bothered conquering Japan? That's right, they were too scared to fight the disciplined Samurai and their katanas of destruction. Even in World War II, American soldiers targeted the men with the katanas first because their killing power was feared and respected.
So what am I saying? Katanas are simply the best sword that the world has ever seen, and thus, require better stats in the d20 system. Here is the stat block I propose for Katanas:
(One-Handed Exotic Weapon)
1d12 Damage
19-20 x4 Crit
+2 to hit and damage
Counts as Masterwork
(Two-Handed Exotic Weapon)
2d10 Damage
17-20 x4 Crit
+5 to hit and damage
Counts as Masterwork
Now that seems a lot more representative of the cutting power of Katanas in real life, don't you think?
tl;dr = Katanas need to do more damage in d20, see my new stat block.
Fuck the french my good man
They can be used either way you pretentious dipshit
Who pike chad
>games still don't get shield right
Is vr our only hope?
Something like that would weigh like 300 lbs good lord
I think it's just a super easy bait for insecure people who HAVE to reply to it to show their disdain. Are you new?
would be much more accurate for katanas
and at the end of the day all medieval weapons fall under fedora wearer territory anyway
Yeah, rapiers are cool and all, but why not get you a sword that can thrust AND cut all in the same package?
The 18th century embodied in one weapon, a dueling weapon as well as a workhorse
Spadroons, the versatile swordsman's choice
based on the handle even more
based gentleman
Spadroon sounds like a racial slur
>stanning the one sword that was universally despised by its users as utterly useless and completely unsuitable for combat
I don't think you know what versatile means
This. Any game I play, I always look for rapiers. From ricards to the chaotic rapier from pre eoc runescape.
>Beats your sword
um try again sweaty
Exactly, is there nothing the spadroon can't do?
>Single edged
>Straight blade
Talk about the worst of both worlds
It’s literally just shitposting.
>rapiers are cool and all, but why not get you a sword that can thrust AND cut all in the same package?
Y'all realize early model rapiers -were- cut-and-thrust swords and only specialized in thrusting like a hundred years later right
You're thinking of specifically the 1796 British Infantry Officer's Spadroon, which had specific design flaws like an incorrectly sharpened blade and shitty hilt.
>Spadroons – straight bladed, flat backed, single edged light swords of the cut and thrust type – were not bad weapons in of themselves.
So as you can see, although that specific model was shit, Spadroons in general were an excellent weapon. They could cut (unlike rapiers), they could thrust with long reach, they were light for carrying around all day, and they had a good handguard.
Just watch these 50something boomers chopping gashes into pork with one.
your picture looks like it has tumors on its face
Does it even matter? How often were they even pitted against each other? The japanese were plenty occupied with themselves with the warring states. Longswords are obviously going to fare better against platemail, but how many people fighting in the warring states were wearing platemail? Not very many I imagine, and even the ones that were constructed were less sturdy than western platemail. If you're fighting against someone without plate armor you might as well use the katana, a more cheaply manufactured and light weapon. Is the Katana better than a Longsword? No. Does is serve it's purpose just as adequately if not more so than a rabble with less access to refined metal armor? Yes. Why even bother with this argument when crossbows were way better at piercing platemail and had the benefit of being used at range but were barely used because of "honor"
>They could cut (unlike rapiers)
Rapiers could cut.
Rapiers only became thrust-exclusive weapons very late in their history, at the same time Europe stopped sharpening their god damned sabres past the tip for fear of even accidentally performing something so base and barbaric as a cut.
>they were light for carrying around all day
Evidently not, or they would never have been replaced by the smallsword
>and they had a good handguard.
Picture not related, I hope?
That's a thin, compromised guard that trades protection for being somewhat more comfortable to wear. I'm surprised it doesn't have a little hinge to fold half of it out of the way.
I feel you bro
its not a trope, its plain stupidity.
you can actually grab a katana and bend it with your barehands, katanas are not supposed to hit other stuff made of metal or shields(Japan never adopted shields)
Katanas are top tier to kill someone without armor and a sword, it cuts trough flesh and bone just right, but it fucking useless against a shield or medium/heavy armor
No it means exactly what I say. A gun (handgun) is a firearm with the minimal amount of components so that it fits in the hand. I'm sorry if I offended you by saying gun to mean handgun.
But the longsword is already the best weapon overall in DS games.
Pic related is superior.
Yes, the rapier evolved from cutting swords, but what everyone calls a "rapier" is pretty much made specifically for thrusting, and cutting is an afterthought if they even bothered sharpening the blade edge at all. Unless you're fighting someone lightly dressed you might not even get through their clothing, because the rapier is designed for circling around a lightly dressed duelist in a controlled environment for 3 minutes before trying to stab him.
Spadroons on the other hand are specifically designed to cut and thrust, with some weight behind the cut. While rapiers are a dueling weapon, spadroons are a battlefield weapon.
Actually, blame D&D. They've been calling one-handed swords "Longswords" since the 70s, and it's been mimicked across RPGs until recently. It took until 5th Edition D&D for them to define the longsword as a two-handed weapon (that could be used one-handed to lesser effect).
My man
Hello axefriend.
Imagine sounding like such a soft faggot while talking about weapons
There's a paired weapon in Dark Souls 3 that are quite like these. Drang Hammers I think? It's been a bit since I played.
>Rapiers could cut.
>Rapiers only became thrust-exclusive weapons very late in their history, at the same time Europe stopped sharpening their god damned sabres past the tip for fear of even accidentally performing something so base and barbaric as a cut.
I grabbed this randomly off Google as a source:
>ARMA Director John Clements answers email on swords and swordsmanship:
>The best answer I can give is that the TRUE rapier is a long, narrow, rigid, nearly edgeless single-hand thrusting blade with a thick, tapering cross-section and very narrow and sharp point. There is no question rapiers vary in their shape, length, and width and especially in their hilt configuration. But rapiers are generally thin, light, fast, and well-balanced thrusting swords intended for unarmored single-combat.
>The definition of the rapier as a form of Renaissance sword differs among various authorities on historical arms. The various historical terms for rapier referred to a slender cut-and-thrust sword capable of limited slashing and slicing blows and equally suited to military or civilian use. Eventually however, it came to mean exclusively a long and slender thrusting sword with virtually no edge.
>What all rapiers have in common is that they are decidedly slender and rigid blades designed for a thrusting (as opposed to a “cutting and thrusting”) style of swordplay.
So the common definition of rapier now is: "not for cutting".
>Evidently not, or they would never have been replaced by the smallsword
They were lighter than broadswords is my point.
>Picture not related, I hope?
I just grabbed a random picture. Spadroon guards come in a wide variety.
>having a literal, actual vagina effigy for a weapon
get good nip
Gun katana > other swords
Chakan was such a fucking based game
>you can actually grab a katana and bend it with your barehands
The same was true of pretty much every sword until the advent of modern monosteel. There's delightful illustrations in medieval manuscripts of knights taking a quick break in battle to bend their swords back into shape after whanging it on a bloke.
>(Japan never adopted shields)
Japan had shields, ya blithering simpleton.
They had shield and pike formations before the rise of the samurai social class
Samurai themselves almost universally dropped shields in favor of those enormous shoulder guards they had on their armor. The key word here is almost, since they still used hand shields off and on into the 16th century.
Non-samurai infantry also had plenty of shields, from the small old-fashioned hand shields to free-standing pavise type shields
Not to mention the light fortifications they pretty much always built all the time
>John Clements
>I just grabbed a random picture. Spadroon guards come in a wide variety.
Picture not related, I hope? All of those guards are shit.
1. why, and 2. are you going to give a source then?
>1. why
Clements is a notorious retard. You'd know that if you did anything even resembling actual research, rather than just taking random shit off of google that seems to support your existing viewpoint here and now in the moment.
2. Do your own reading, see point 1.
Reminder that the club was and always will be the best melee weapon to exist
So you're not going to give any sources and you're not going to say why my source is supposedly wrong?
That's cool, I'm just going to assume you're a shitposter (because you're behaving like one) and continue to believe my source until you stop bluffing and back up your argument.
that's an arming sword you soulsnigger
You're the one citing a source that actively conflicts with your own god damned eyeballs.
Look at an early rapier. It is a cut and thrust sword.
Your source, Clements, rather than conceding that early rapiers were cut and thrust like every sensible human being on the planet, instead doubles down on contrarianism and says "well I'm just going to pretend that's not a rapier"
There's nothing supposed about this blatant retardation and you're a blatant retard for buying into it, or a troll pretending to do so.
Either way you're not worth the time of day.
>Thin, quick and elegant
Motherfucker the things weighs the same as a regular one handed sword.
>It brings to mind not the brutality of the middle ages
It was used to exploit armor gaps and to jab in there deep, it fucking kills people painfully and slowly.
It takes some muscle to use it one-handed with any sort of deftness.
>Longswords are one handed
>mfw americans call swords which are clearly of medium length in the sword spectrum "long swords"
>full plate armor with helmet
>uses nothing but his gauntlets as weapons to beat the shit out of other people
Most kino combination
>looses a finger when it collapses inwards
>It was used to exploit armor gaps and to jab in there deep
A rapier was for fighting unarmoured opponents in organized or street duels, not for fighting armoured opponents at all.
>It was used to exploit armor gaps and to jab in there deep
That's the estoc, which was several hundred years earlier.
Rapiers were civilian weapons and generally were not expected to face armor.
>it fucking kills people painfully and slowly.
The thrust is the quickest sword kill of all, there's a reason europ became so autistic about thrusting being more "civilized" than cutting.
Rapiers are not just for civilians. Civilians carry around swords of all kind from sabers to dueling swords. In fact when people think of rapier they are actually thinking of thin dueling swords.
The Rapier is a sidearm sword, in an age where armor made most edged weapons useless, so it had to specialize in stabbing, even then you'd be better off using a rock.
Well the katana was the main weapon of use among 1v1 duels of samurai in feudal Japan. But that just proves even further that it's a weapon meant for cutting down unarmored opponents. You would not use that in a battlefield.
It was an Aztec sword, user
they hardly ever did use it in battle
They're actually both Latino
that thing is badass. games with this?
>in an age where armor made most edged weapons useless, so it had to specialize in stabbing
Yet it needed an elaborate handguard, because the wielder was expected to be unarmored and needing hand protection for lack of proper gauntlets.
Those are dueling swords and foils not rapiers you misinformed twats. Just because its thin does not make it the same thing.
The rapier came into play in the 1500s, when the plate armor was at its peak. Rapiers are sturdy, hard, and is actually quite hefty.
Stick with faggy modern fencing and leave the manly weapon alone.
Follower's Saber from Dark Souls 3 comes to mind
>You're the one citing a source that actively conflicts with your own god damned eyeballs. Look at an early rapier. It is a cut and thrust sword
Let me make this simple for you. The argument here is about what a rapier is (cutting and thrusting or just thrusting).
The source doesn't contradict me on this at all. It says: "the modern definition of a rapier is a sword specifically for thrusting". So what's the issue?
>Your source, Clements, rather than conceding that early rapiers were cut and thrust like every sensible human being on the planet
Again, you're not giving any source at all on this "every sensible human being on the planet" crap you're spouting. It would have been really easy for you to provide any source at all on him being a contrarian if you actually had one.
But it's nice of you to accuse me of trolling when you're the only one here acting like it. I came here in good faith to tell people about a less known weapon, and you jumped in flinging shit, and flinged more shit when I asked for sauce. Which one of us looks like a shitposter again?
For reference, this is the estoc.
Note that a) the wielder had gauntlets, so it didn't need a huge cup guard
and b) it's two handed, so the wielder can actually wrestle and pry and wrench his way into armor gaps
More like not tall enough.
Even civilians used gloves and hand protection when dueling. Elaborate handguards was simply the fashion and style at the time. Even two handed swords had them and its not the same case for every single piece.
and again, dueling swords =/= rapier.
>It says: "the modern definition of a rapier is a sword specifically for thrusting". So what's the issue?
The issue is that this is Clement's definition, not the modern definition
Further, this definition directly contradicts both the historical definition and the historical rapiers we still have today and can pick up and gawk at and go "oi m8 this eres got a proper blade fer cuttin on it innit" rather than listening to a know-nothing LARPer.
>Even civilians used gloves and hand protection
A leather glove is not armor.
>Even two handed swords had them
Because the wielder was unarmored and not wearing gauntlets.
They deserved the pox.
he's yellow
Dynasty Warriors.
Pole weapons are the best meme.
You may not like it, and I'm a polearmfag myself, but sabre and its variants is the greatest melee weapon of all time. It was developed indepedently in all sorts of cultures ranging from eastern Asia, Middle East to western Europe because it's so versatile and natural.
pikes are only good in groups
1 one 1 it's totally useless
That's a flail user a morning star only has one head.
Swords in general is almost always ceremonial and for prestige. Spear is the weapon of choice in war.
Do you not have friends?
Variables are not the same for every situation and gloves are considered appropriate hand protection.
Only those caught in a surprise wouldn't use gloves even with basket hilts.
how tall is Jordan?
From the thumbnail I thought this was an elaborate hand guard
180 cm too tall
Technically the spiked balls are the morning stars.
So its a multi-headed morning star flail.
>>Thats a woman? Apologies, I mistaked her for a boy.
you must be rly gay
Even if this is bait that's a yikes from me
>A leather glove is not armor
Tell that to my +2 base defense and lockpicking bonus, faggot
how tall is she?
Just tall enough for me.
>pole arms
Naive. The ultimate weapon is of course, the short spear. Small and unimposing, it can be crafted easily and many can be carried at once. It has all the dynamics of a dagger, yet the fortitude of a broadsword. It can deliver a powerful 2-handed slash like a nagamaki, or easily thrusted between platemail like a rapier. The short haft allows ease of throwing, while giving one space to wield an additional weapon or shield. It is truly the most efficient and underrated weapon, the folding shovel of the world of arms.
all swords are beautiful
Gloves are not appropriate hand protection for getting smote with a two pound bit sharp metal at high speed.
That's why the gauntlet exists for armored blokes, and the cup hilt for unarmored blokes
Rapiers are for unarmored blokes, so they have cup hilts
Refer back to the estoc, which was designed for armored blokes
i am not a short she too tall me
ok but what in the fuck are these called?
fouble edge polearms? glaives?
Katanas just look way cooler than most swords, in fact that only ones really as good are great swords
gunlance a best glaive flyer
get out weeb
my beaner
I’ve only ever heard them called retarded.
180cm giant girl
these are rapiers.
>this is Clement's definition, not the modern definition
S o u r c e ?
>rather than listening to a know-nothing LARPer.
rather than listening to a know-nothing user shitposting on the Internet who won't provide any sources, over a member of the community who was apparently at least seen as knowledgable enough to run a HEMA association*
sorry user but you're not making a convincing argument here at all
double-sided weapons are just that, a double-sided weapon. in that case it's a glaive, in other cases it's a scythe, or an axe, but in every case it's just incredibly stupid. I mean, it's not like you can hit a single target with both sides at once, and any attempt to do so would mean the power comes not from a slash, but from a twirl; a weapon based on fucking twirling
Dekapitatyurallyz is their traditional name I believe
A glaive is a single-edged polearm.
The word for what you've got there is "silly"
>S o u r c e ?
The self same article. Do you even read what you post or do you just skim it for things that look like they support your argument without actually grokking the whole piece?
>not dressing up as your region's apex predators
Why are you on Yea Forums if you do?
They're called nothing because they never existed. It's been popularized by Dungeon and Dragon where they are treated as a real exotic weapon called Lajatang which is entirely made up.
again the retard spouts shit he has no idea about.
The Rapier like the Estoc is made to exploit armor gaps albeit one handed. Take a look at these. Those are Rapiers, take note of the length and tapered points designed to slip in gaps.
And gloves are considered proper hand protection, for glancing blows, deflected strikes and unnecessary cuts. While it might not prevent an injury from a direct heavy hit but it sure as hell was better than going in without. Wearing gloves during martial activities was common sense even today.
So why didn't they dress up like human beings then?
checkmate furfag.
>Are the Aztecs the most /fa/ soldiers in history?
the sandals with onesies look fucking stupid, the only cool things about the entire design are the swords, capes, and shields
>again the retard spouts shit he has no idea about
>The Rapier is made to exploit armor gaps
not him but your post is incredibly ironic
not during the 18th century, when swords were still in more common use than polearms. You really going to lug a spear around all day?
You have to remember the onesies were made of tehs of thousands of iridescent feathers, so it was basically going out with your entire warsuit glittering and gleaming and changing colors and shit
The same technique would later be used in the colonial era to make shit like this
Again its because you, like that ignorant user, are misinformed about the subject.
>what are bayonets
>tapered points designed to slip in gaps.
You mean the giant flared points that specifically will not fit into a gap?
Fuck me this is too rich.
>The same technique would later be used in the colonial era to make shit like this
on what regards were they reused?
Uniforms? Banners? Gay Pride floats?
> city guard: hey you can't enter the city with a sword!
> me: don't worry it's just a Messer (knife)
> city guard: oh carry on then
Don't you mean Rapier *and pistols?*
I wouldn't go for a white dude either if he wore a t-shirt over his button-up.
Rapiers were designed for dueling, not for fighting armoured opponents, dumbass.
It's not "MADE to exploit armor gaps" just because that's the only way you're capable of using it against a dude in armour; you're not mean to be using it against dudes in armour at all.
Rapiers are specifically made to stab a guy in a shirt and tights in the vitals from further away than he can stab you.
You want a weapon "made" to fight armour? You're looking at a warhammer or war pick.
I don't think I've ever played a game where they've outright claimed a katana was 'better'.
what are some games that do this?
This kills the weeb.
like a normal bow but with holes rotted through
The messer was knifemaker guilds wanting to make swords without getting their legal anus torn open by the swordmakers guilds.
Swords weren't banned. Swords were in fact very popular, which is why the knifemaker guilds wanted in.
>tfw when you need to fix bayonets to your sword
>draw a sword
>call it a knife
>giant flared points.
Armor gaps are not minuscule holes that can only accommodate tiny fucking needles nor are armor solid blocks of steel.
If you actually took the time to look at armor you'd notice a lot of slits, from the visor, gorget, breastplates etc. Those tapers are designed to inflict more sizable wounds when it manages to penetrate. Not that the thing is flat yet still minute enough to go through the gaps.
Just give up user, you have nothing aside from the shit you pull out your ass.
this is an Estoc btw.
Katanas will never truly disappear from media. Thing is, in action films and games and whatnot, looks are generally treated as more important than practicality. Katanas are generally considered to be among the prettier looking sword types. Even back in olden times, katanas were prized by a few Europeans for their beauty, even if they thought nothing of them as actual weapons. At the end of the day, especially in fiction, looks are king.
You are also a misinformed child. Again what you are referring to are dueling swords, in which themselves were a broad definition. Its only in popular media that "rapiers" where defined as "civilian only" weapons when such things barely even existed.
These are real rapiers
Long bladed, one handed, thin and tapered full sized swords. Now a civilian can use that for dueling but they can also use a wide variety of swords and weaponry from foils, daggers, broadswords, pistols etc.
>If you actually took the time to look at armor you'd notice a lot of slits, from the visor, gorget, breastplates etc
>Man swinging a big sword or mace in your general direction vs. you, trying to poke him in his eye at an angle the sword will actually go through
pic related retard
Yep, he's baiting. We don't even have to guess at this point. Here's the (you) you needed so badly, user.
Based, but rapiers are not strong enough, I would say Estoc is the absolute God of weapons
>Can pierce plate
>Big range
>Can also slice
Who the fuck is that Chakan the Forever man
I would just walk backwards while you swing it and you would miss. Misinformed child.
Straight Swords are king in dark souls. Only fags use chaos blade
Katana is not even a good curved sword
>you, trying to poke him in his eye at an angle the sword will actually go through
Eye poking was generally done on the ground, with your dagger
Standing game was wrestling the pointy bit into his leg or something so you could trip him
Truly the worst fetish
supported network of 4 men
3 single individual men
>A thrust weapon
Really user?
Who is that disgusting e-celeb nigger on the right?
I don't really like Vermintide but all the characters in it are extremely based
Kerillian is based compared to other treeniggers
Its a sidearm you condescending mongoloid. Of course heavier concussion weapons are more effective and not all combatants are decking it out in full armor. If you have more than 3 functioning brain cells you'd think of that,
but then again logic and common sense seems to be elusive to you.
>As soon as they break the trope that shields are used with plate armor despite being redundant as fuck.
I want someone else to weigh in on this, because what about arrows? And maces?
it would be more effective to dismiss with refuting arguments rather than leaving cause some buzzwords offended you.
here, a crash course for a child like you.
is a notorious retard. You'd know that if you did anything even resembling actual research.
Arrows were never really much of a threat to a plate armored knight, and in terms of bashing weapons it was best just to carry a bigger polearm to bash fags with.
Bastard sword.
>when a Jordan thread reaches 300 posts
uh huh. Do you even have anything you can use to refute with?
Here, its a good list since you like to pretend you are actually literate.
literally the "b-believe me, I'm not a weeb" toothpick
it depends what you are trying to do with it
in a head to head match up thrusting > cutting
but it doesn't matter because in most cases a katana was used for cutting down unarmed peasants or as a back up weapon when if a samurais pole arm failed or they ran out of arrows
swords in general are pretty shit weapons, the reason they are the "default" weapon is because they have utility and are sorta alright at a lot of things
you can cut, you can stab, you can smash, you can block and parry, they have decent reach to keep you away from the bad guy and they are relatively light for their size
they don't fill a niche. if you're not sure what you're up against you bring a sword
if you do know what you're up against you choose one of the other types of weapons out there, all of which are specialized for doing certain things
Chivalry has some really fine blunt weapons
>mfw 193
So I never read it, but I heard redhead girl got raped and mindbroken and katana-man pretty much abandoned her. How do you retcon THAT?
>was used for cutting down unarmed peasants
please stop with these.
why would you cut down the people who tend and can tend to your lands?
Mount and Blade: Warband
Blackwake (not actually medieval because it's a pirate game, but it does have knives, rapiers, sabres, pikes, and axes)
Warhammer Vermintide I (dead, you have to play with AI, only get it on sale) and II (well populated)
Blade Symphony (very small tightknit community for a fightan, so I hope you like challenge)
Nidhogg 1
Team Fortress 2
Mordhau, when it comes out
Kingdom Come: Deliverance
what's going on in this thread, laddie?
>I want someone else to weigh in on this, because what about arrows? And maces?
Instead of baseless speculating, why not look at the historical record?
How often do you see period depictions of plate armored knights with shields?
How often do you find shields with plate armor in historical armories?
How often do you find written documentation of armies purchasing shields alongside plate armor?
maybe he meant to say "unarmoured" and was referring to peasant conscripts
because they accidentally brushed into me while I was walking >:(
Based kniggerbro
It's fiction. If the author decides that a katana can cut through a motor block, then it can cut through a fucking motor block.
If the author can't provide sound reasoning for a normal bit of steel to cut through an engine block, then the author has failed to suspend the reader's disbelief and will have his book tossed in the bin.
You needed a shield with plate armour if you were mounted, to protect you from polearms.
nice zwei
>he can't swing the multidirectional giga mace of fuck-your-face
get /fit/ faggot
S+++ Rank: Kris
> Lighter and more mobile than Greatswords
> Can be used two-handed effectively
> Longer than a short spear
Best weapon.
The curvature of the plate armor glanced polearms aside.
You might be thinking of jousting armor, which is monstrously overbuilt stuff compared to battlefield armor.
except a claymore IS a greatsword
nice boomer meme gramps
Never. Katanas sit in a very unique niche - they look elegant and cool without being seen as gay like rapiers (because they're associated with the samurai and not women). Not to mention how the Japanese writers managed to turn kenjutsu into an art of cutting the fabric of reality itself with a blade - that's not something you'll ever see done with a Western sword because Western writers never came up with something like that.
Also, thanks to the overexposure ever since the Middle Ages, here in the West the longsword is seen as a basic bitch weapon while katanas are very exotic in comparison.
Except sometimes it isn't
She friendzoned him hard, though.
>Can pierce plate
> He thinks it's a claymore
Why were you at a place full of peasants in the first place? Why didn't you sodomize the peasant like a true man of high birth?
>peasant conscripts
A bit of a misnomer. Even the lowest of bushi had some armor.
Feather "paintings", which is what that image is of
here's another
Don't mind me, just posting actual best sword.
>Not to mention how the Japanese writers managed to turn kenjutsu into an art of cutting the fabric of reality itself with a blade - that's not something you'll ever see done with a Western sword because Western writers never came up with something like that.
Roland cut a god damned mountain in half, what more do you want?
It was only folded 999 times.
That john is looks high on something.
>when your sword is so keen it can split an atom
Shields were used commonly until the late 14th century.
There would have been knights who wore plate and used shields outside tournaments, it just wasn't common.
Now make a cartoon or a movie where he does that while looking cool as shit. Let's not pretend like modern people care about these old legends unless they were properly adapted.
Hell, if someone made this hypothetical cartoon about a cool Roland nowadays, it would most likely be the Japanese.
Wasnt it used by Caucasus tribes and then adopted by Russians?
Sellsword twinblades from DS3 is literally this.
>moving goalposts
I thoght you said they could never come up with something like that?
Same here, I tried to think about one and couldn't find any.
Ah, Roland. The OG paladin.
best polearm coming through
Claymores are twohanders, your pic isn't a claymore; it's just a basket hilted broadsword.
>The term claymore is an anglicisation of the Gaelic claidheamh-mór "great sword", attested in 1772 (as Cly-more) with the gloss "great two-handed sword"
They couldn't. I was talking about the modern culture, not the ancient myths. The reality-splitting katanas are a modern thing, that's why they're so popular with modern people. Sure, there were stories about great exploits in the "ye olde" times, but that's obvious (and doesn't really matter in this context).
>Let's not pretend like modern people care about these old legends
Paladins, which Roland and his comrades originated the concept of, are still a big thing to this day.
>when they called you a coward
>so you made your monopod into an axe
>he uses bladed weapons
>They couldn't.
They did.
> I was talking about the modern culture, not the ancient myths
Sounds like waffling to me. You got proven wrong, accept it like a man.
>ooga booga bix nood
>I was talking about the modern culture
Redguard in Elder Scrolls, then. They have atomically destructive nuclear swords. BTFO on all fronts.
>American Steppe Horde
Playing as indians before the arriving of europeans would be cool.
>before the arriving of europeans
But then who would be around to mistake them for an entirely different continent and name them Indians
Indians aren't even one civilization but many. They would just be called by their tribe's name.
>mistake them for an entirely different continent
do people actually, unironcially think this is what happened?
Swordstaff, now that's a cool weapon.
And now his friend can fuck you up.
>ebin blunt mayay
bet you always play heavy slow characters for the memes of super armor and shit
>Why don't we replace the handle with the blade and the blade with the handle?
*blocks your path*
It's actually what happened.
Columbus being so embarrassed by the mistake that he threatened to cut out the tongues of his crew if they didn't call it India is less known, but also not relevant.
When I said they couldn't, I was talking about the modern age. Only a retard would say that there were never any great legends with swords in the Western mythology. Hell, Excalibur is the most famous blade in history. But that's not the subject here. We were taking about the modern pop culture (modern is the keyword), and katanas nowadays are better than swords for one simple reason - the Japanese are better at making cool shit.
Man, look at that chad 2h axe horseman.
>Only a retard would say that there were never any great legends with swords in the Western mythology
That's literally what you said:
that's not something you'll ever see done with a Western sword because Western writers never came up with something like that.
Actually it was more like
>oh shit, polearms is all the rage now
>were outdated, they're gonna calls us nerds
Cavalry sabre and cutlass are the chad's picks
>I cannot into pressure
Nice selfie, zoomer.
It didn't last long but people kept calling them indians for some reason.
hon hon choppe choppe
I admit, I worded that badly. What I meant was that the modern Western writers never came up with something like what modern Japanese writers are making. It's easy to imagine a ridiculously overpowered character posing with a katana - you know how he would stand, move, unsheathe his blade, etc. It's almost impossible to imagine the same thing but with a longsword. The only example that comes to my mind is Devil May Cry and the way Nero and Dante handle their weapons, but again, that's Japanese work.
or you just use his buddy as a hostage. you can do one rough twist or shove and he's dead
man of taste
What mango
>I admit, I worded that badly.
That's not how you spell "I am stupid and wrong, please allow me to retroactively change my point so that my e-peen doesn't shrink."
Ancient peoples breed and die fast. Losing one or two is not that big of a loss.
Also revolutions were real. Bread & circus techs were practically non-existent compared to modern age, where peasantry literally kills themselves with overfeeding and playing vidya.
Columbus's documents said he was authorized to travel "towards the regions of India". It wasn't a mistake, it was a loophole to cover his ass.
At the time, people in Europe commonly called everything in South and East Asia as either "India" or "the Indies". Even China was occasionally referred to as India. en.wikipedia.org
So by continuing that conglomeration, he wasn't working outside his jurisdiction.
Is that your answer?
e-peen status: shrunk.
>Ancient peoples breed and die fast
Mortality rates are high. But they didn't live like rockstars.
>Losing one or two is not that big of a loss.
Yes but you don't do it for no good reason. Because it leads to
Which ruins things economicall and militarily making the other clans attack the weakened one.
>expecting people to act perfectly sensible and reasonable at all times
How do wars even happen in the first place then