>draw a girl
>call it a boy
Draw a girl
Those shoulders tell a different story
>make him a girl
It just doesn't feel right.
what's the issue?
reminder liking traps is VERY gay
gay men love traps. gay men don't really find men attractive, they like dicks, 90% of their sexual attraction is dick, the remaining 10% is a mere bonus. that's why gay men would fuck a trap like Luka, but wouldn't even touch a roided trans-"male" like Shawn Stinson because "he" doesn't have dick
literally any jrpg
>draw a girl
>call it a girl
feel nothing
>draw a girl
>call it a boy
Boner Achieved
>faggot herrington calling anything gay
i think he would be a pretty good authority on it
>tfw the cute trap has a bigger dick than the protag
If a gay guy tells you that liking something is gay, then it's gay
>Dad walks in
imagine being this much of a shoulderlet
>20 years history of making traps
What are the nips scheming with this?
>mother didn't eat her vegetables
>doomed to be ultimate twink
Astolfo > Bridget
Yoy couldnt come up with better examples?
Fucking traps is objectively gay, but wanting to fuck them is straight.
This. So much fapping has broken me.
This honestly baffles me even more than the time travel shit. I can suspend my disbelief for that, but is this game really trying to tell me that a pregnant woman eating vegetables will make the fetus female? Why do Japs have the most absurd superstitions that don't even qualify as "beliefs" because they're provably false?
>wanting to fuck them is straight
nope, gay men want to fuck traps
>wanting to fuck someone you know full well has a penis is straight
>he doesn't get the intent of the character
the design was meant to be androgynous at least in this case because of the constant fucking up of the time line in Steins Gate, the character's gender was nonchalantly flipped to mess with the cast's minds about responsibly using time travel and understanding the consequences of their actions.
other traps though, who the hell cares, at least this one had a purpose
Gay men are degenerates who would fuck anything.
Traps/Girls embarrassed by the length of their skirt is my fetish.
It is straight to want to fuck whatever resembles a female. Fucking it is another matter.
>gay men would fuck anything
...as long as it has a dick, see unlike straight men who like many things about the female body, gay men only really like dick
>Gets aroused by the thought of another person's penis
What a manly man
Yes, as long as you think it's female. As soon as you discover that whatever you're lusting for has a penis, your lust better disappear otherwise you're a certified homo.
Gay man here, I wouldn't fuck you.
The idea is that they miscalculated the timing of the page and the time of inception was delayed/sped up, resulting in a different sperm fertilizing the egg and creating a different person. Convergence helps to form Luka into generally the same person, just without a Y chromosome.
>straight men who like many things about the female body
Which means they're be attracted to traps, as the resemblance is what attracts them in the first place.
That makes slightly more sense.
The only one talking about penis is you gayboys.
That's not how attraction works. Okabe still finds Luka alluring even knowing it's a guy, but wouldn't fuck because that's gay.
That's just to convince you to have sex with men. The idea is that if you accept being gay/bi, you will fuck men, but we're smart enough to know that you fap to traps, but have sex with woman.
nope, because traps don't look like females, they look like twinks
>draw a demon
>call it female
Thank God, keep your aids to yourself.
Then Okabe is bi.
Astolfo is the only trap I would fuck because he looks like a girl. All others disgust me. Does this still make me gay?
>SJW fat whale
Everything makes sense when you can handwave it away with convergence. Everything.
Pretty sure Luka and Lukako are indistinguishable. Oh wait, you're talking about Yea Forums tier "'''traps'''', which are dogshit that don't fit the actual definition.
>feminity = faggotry
Nope, he's attracted to whatever resembles a chick and doesn't do dudes.
And yet they wouldn't even fuck you...
>I want to engage in feminine shit like putting on make up
You do you, homo
ITT gay bois trying to convince themselves having sex with pretty men is straight.
the denial
That makes you especially gay. Be sure to register for the next pride march.
I can see why someone would say this. Okabe is surrounded by hot chicks, Faris is all over him, but for like the first half of the story the only person he seems aroused by is Luka.
>like a girl.
Astolfo looks like a crossdressing twink
Reverse traps are opposite of traps, not tomboys. Wanting to fuck them is gay even though fucking them is objectively straight.
this, tomboys are the patrician choice
being attracted to reverse traps is gay even if fucking one is technically straight
Pretty sure it's been established fucking men is gay. You gays are too desperate.
Real talk, I know it isn't, but this looks fucking photoshopped, it's weird as fuck.
He's attracted to someone with a penis. That's gay.
Does it really matter if I'm "gay" or not? I'm not getting any anyway
If none of you would ravage this beautiful woman you're all faggots
>straight male attraction
part vagina, part thighs, part boobs, part butt, part face, part midriff
>gay male attraction
90% dick, the face and body are small bonuses
No. As long as you accept that being attracted by traps is gay then you're fine in my book
>that shoulders
>that jaw
no thanks
He's not attracted to penis, otherwise he'd fuck Luka. He is straight.
So, either you're wrong or you're a permavirgin then.
He's attracted to a person with a penis. He's bi.
can we just get to the root of the problem and admit that anime itself is gay? would you like traps if you never watched anime? would you like futa or any of that shit? no. anime made you gay because anime is inherently gay
traps all look like that underneath the clothes
Seriously, that looks like a dude. Reverse trapfags are in denial. There is no rule a tomboy has to resemble a guy.
>that shoulders
>that jaw
not the same user, but both Suzi's jaw and shoulders are very female-like though
>Top 10 Anime betrayals
Neither, go hookup somewhere else, mentally ill faggot.
He's not attracted to penis.
0 was such a disappointment. Fuck Kagari.
>be a woman
>look like a child
No. The problem is that people started conflating porn with real life. Just because you like furry porn doesn't mean you like real life animals, just because you like traps doesn't mean you like real life dudes. Only a fool would call himself gay for liking traps.
I assume Naoto, the blue haired girl from Nisekoi and Kino are the more common examples.
whats the appeal of traps to a straight man? are you attracted to the girl parts or the dick? if the former, the trap aspect is unnecessary. if the latter, well, nigga you gay
>Fuck Kagari
Don't mind if I do. Did you watch it or read/play the VN? From what I heard, the anime's really hard to follow.
miko attire is too dangerous
>dad walks in
>"she's pretty cute"
>"it's a boy"
>"oh, he's pretty cute"
love u dad
>hard to follow
If you're fucking retarded or trying to follow it as a 1:1 walkthrough of the VN routes I guess it might be. It's absolutely not as good as the original though.
Am I the only one likes traps specifically because they have dicks? Vaginas are so gross by comparison.
nope, gay men like them for the very same reason
>whats the appeal of traps to a straight man?
feminine benis
ah, at last i truly see
well, beautiful penises are very beautiful
gay men are repulsed by traps though
Bridget used to be the top meme trap and astolfo is the top meme trap right now
what would you have used?
>there are no gay men attracted to twinks
user look into a mirror and you'll see that's not remotely true.
I don't really "hate" vaginas but I have zero interest in them sexually.
you do know that traps is just a roundabout way of getting around the fact they are transgender girls right
>everyone used to be gay for bridget
>now meme spouting ironic weebs straight out of reddit claim how they love astolfo, felix and hideki while claiming they're not gay because le feminin penos
What went wrong
I don't know what I dislike more, false flaggers spreading this lie or actual trannies
Why post actual wemen when talking about fake wemen. I don't understand.
>be me
>unzip dick
traps != twinks
He's attracted to someone with penis.
someone's on /gif/
traps are crossdressing twinks, twinks are like their most popular category
gay men don't like men, they like dicks, they don't care about what's attached to it for the most part, it's just a bonus
Yeah that's basically how I feel, girls are hot but vaginas are just ugly holes. Guys are unappealing but dicks are hot, now I'm a trapfag.
>gay men don't like men, they like dicks, they don't care about what's attached to it for the most part, it's just a bonus
yea this, at least for me
>feminine males != feminine males
So this is the mental gymnastics of trapfags
wtf based japan
He's attracted to someone who resembles a chick but is not attracted to penis, therefore he is straight.
The delusion of faggots.
Why would you ever call yourself gay unless you want to attract gays? Even if traps are gay you should still call yourself straight if you want to have sex with woman.
Every rectangle is a square!
my favorite part about about the trap meme is seeing all the mental gymnastics guys make to deny their latent homosexuality
>being a tranny defender
neck yourself tranny
look at Astolfo the most popular trap
that killed my boner thanks
>trapfag trying to cope with his homosexuality
>this isn't a twink
Mfw the only thing that made me think I wasn't gay was that I don't find men themselves attractive but don't mind dick. Ah shit...
>faggot this desperate for a fuck
>acts like a girl
>dresses like a girl
>wants to be the girl
>still biologically a boy
>somehow not transgender
you people and your mental gymnastics
Being the uglier sex sucks desu. It's really no wonder so many men are taking the tranny pill.
I want to fuck that frog.
>>wants to be the girl
this is the key part, called "dysphoria" that traps do not have
>my meme character is representative of all trap characters
>gay men don't really find men attractive, they like dicks, 90% of their sexual attraction is dick, the remaining 10% is a mere bonus
you have been horribly misinformed
>projecting your homosexuality onto others
I want no part in your homo desires faggot. Leave me out of them.
Why would you think you're not gay for liking cock?
I'm sure there are tons of gay people who actually like men (i mean, bara fags exist) but I just have no real opinion towards them and do only care about the penis
big-breasted girls with dicks that put yours to shame are the pinnacle of the human form
Do we dislike Sue simply because she he is a transsexual?
problem faggot?
>projecting your homosexuality onto others
The ironing.