Is 4eddit right, are these the most overrated games ever?
Is 4eddit right, are these the most overrated games ever?
swap doom with duke 3d and mario with mario 3 and its a solid list.
BOTW, Fallout New Vegas, GTA V, Dark Souls 1 and Minecraft deserve their spot.
>no halo
Whoever made this list was probably born post Y2k
Id say the only thing overrated on that list is The Last of Us. Every other game was actually fun, had solid game play, and went on to influence the industry in some meaningful way.
TLOU and Dark Souls belong there. The rest actually were not bad games for their time nor for their relevance to gaming communities.
Mario 1 is underrated unironically
Do people even overrate GTAV? I have never seen anyone praise it.
I agree
How could anyone seriously argue Starcraft is overrated? it's one of the most deep games ever
> Le Zoomers! Argument
Yep, that's when you know a older game is shit
Comments like this that overhype & suck the game's dick
A majority of these games are from either this generation or the previous generation.
Just the witcher, god what an average game.
All of these games are shit though, you NPC's only defend them because Reddit hates them
Le "overrated" games - absolutely meaningless and lazy criticism that says nothing about a game, movie or any form of entertainment. Just a reflection of the critics unwarranted self-importance usually
Yep you are seething my friend
last of us, uncharted, botw, new vegas (because bugs), dark souls (only because its fucking unfinished), gta 5, witcher, half life 2 and skyrim are all overrated
Not bad for Reddit
> Convienently leaves off Doom
didn't even look at the games, but yeah, I am pretty sick of people parroting the term overrated
Yea Forums is by nature, contrarian. If something is popular with the majority, Yea Forums will hate it. Good games tend to become popular, so...
Don’t fall for Yea Forums cynicism and contrarianism.
Maybe you should leave.
Can you really say a game is overrated if it had massive influence on the industry?
If it has a bad influence on the industry like Half Life 2 or The Last of Us, yes.
So... this is the power... of reddit
Truly impressive what something like söy can do
/thread once again Reddit is fucking gay
>no Halo
>no Ocarina of Time
>SMB being overrated
is this a joke?
>Super Mario Bros instead of ocarina of time
Reddit grew up on Candy Crush, Angry Birds & Minecraft during the Youtube generation. If you are any of this you don't belong in Yea Forums, but are free to stay in this containment board.
> Ocarina of Time
Nice try contrarians, cope more
>No FF7 or OoT
Gee, I wonder what console generation this guy grew up with...
This entire image is a smokescreen to dump on BotW in a round about way. Everyone else knows the other games are overrated.