It's actually insane how good this fucking game is

It's actually insane how good this fucking game is.
It's like the stars aligned above Capcom's office or something, it's damn near fucking perfect. Literally the only issue is that the bottom 10 or so characters are really bad but that's fucking nothing compared to Marvel 2's unbalance. Also I would have appreciated Venom being in.

Attached: UMvC3_Cover.jpg (299x313, 66K)

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How good would you say this game is for casuals?
I've had my eyes on it since it's had characters like Zero/Pheonix/Strider but I suck at anything competitive

it's a shame they never made another MvC after this

Is there a platform where this game still has players? I tried on PS4, but it's dead.

There's a Heroes & Heralds mode which is almost like Spirits from Smash. You fight teams of "heralds" (ie Silver Surfer-ized characters) and earn cards of other Marvel & Capcom characters. It's a nice side mode that really expands the single player, which was just Arcade mode in the original release.

Does anyone even play it still?

MvC seems fun but the idea of learning three characters and managing how they all work with each other stresses me out.

Both this and MvC2 in my opinions are the best fighting games for casuals ever made. It's still really fun if you don't know what you're doing, and it's not dumbed down either, it's naturally fun for casuals without compromises. Literally every one of my friends I've played with loved it, who have never even played fighting games before. All I had to do was tell them how specials and supers work.

yeah I sure hope they make a fourth one soon, i mean come on it's been 9 years now

Around 60 people usually on Steam
Keep in mind this is more than many Fightcade games, and you only need 2 people to play a fighting game

Can you use any combo of characters and do well?
Like could I just use people I like (Let's say, Zero/Ghost Rider/Strider combo) and still have fun?

Memes aside there supposedly has been rumors of a "MvC4" from capcom. There's a been a lot about their "redemption" but I'm still skeptical of them with fighting games.

If you're playing with friends yeah
I would assume that the online is mostly populated with people who know their shit though
Competitively, Ghost Rider is low tier
Doesn't necessarily mean you can't perform well or have fun with him though

Online? Ghost Rider will hinder you quite a bit. Zero and Strider are top tier, though.

Well now that that stupid fox deal is settled up, maybe now we can get deadpool

Not online most likely, mainly singleplayer and if it's online it's with friends

Singleplayer can be beat by any character with enough practice

I don't mind if a character is low tier (I did use sonic in smash since brawl after all)
As long as you can still have fun with the character then that's good enough for me

this game has one of the most interesting/highest skill ceilings in a game. the skill floor to get in is also very high as well, its definitely a lot to take in to get a general idea for neutral/team building/mixups, but feels so incredibly rewarding when you actually get there. I personally feel theres never been a fighting game that lets you leave your mark as much as mvc3. When you see someone's team and their gameplan you can just see their personality right there in it. A few people still play this online via parsec, but lobbys are pretty scarce.

That specific team would probably be fine. Zero is an entire team on his own on point, ghost rider doesn't bring a ton to the table, but strider is a super solid anchor. You already picked 2/3 of a fairly meta team already, and in the right order.

>bottom 10 or so characters are really bad but that's fucking nothing compared to Marvel 2's unbalance.

pretty shit logic here comparing mvc2 at the end of it's competitive cycle of 10+ years to umvc3 that made it to about the middle of that. umvc3 would definitely turn into a 10 character or less game as well.

Fuck your shitty memepool.

I wonder when if ever we will get a MvC revival. I guess Rival Schools has more of a chance now with Itsuno wanting to bring that back.

infinite came out less than two years ago and current marvel doesn't seem to want anything to do with licensed games so I wouldn't expect anything new for a real damn long time. i don't care about the click bait mvc4 shit eventhubs keeps pulling out of its ass either.

Only fighting game experience I have is smash so I'm sorry if this is a stupid question but,
What do you mean by "Anchor"?

you pick characters in an order, the last one is refereed to as your anchor. you either want to be in a situation where your anchor is the character who best utilizes resources or has an assist that's vital to your first and 2nd characters.

Basically your main character you can bust all your X-Factor energy into as your last remaining (and best/strongest) character

Ah alright. Thanks for the explanation

>we will never get another MvC game with Cyclops in it

it hurts bros. Why does wolverine have to be so much more popular?

Attached: cyclops.jpg (372x687, 90K)

>marvel doesn't seem to want anything to do with licensed games
Spider-Man PS4 and Ultimate Alliance 3 literally just came out

>10 hours combos
>muh aggressive gameplay
>muh character balance
There's no way it's as good as MvC2 was, let alone a good game alone. Capcom's legacy ended with MvC2.

There's also the square enix avengers game

Dude, UMVC3 gets played actively a lot still, and the characters have only gotten more diverse. We've started seeing Chun-Lis competing at high level, for God's sake.

I just watched a tournament with two (2) (not 1, but 2) Nemesis players in the top 8

Highlighting his talented tactical prowess requires talented writers.

Nobody gives a fuck.

I do.

Which one? Wanna watch it later.

Memes aside, GIVE, IT, UP!

MvCI was such a shit show that it killed the franchise forever, plus in the current shit stat marvel is thanks to disney, its not worth it anymore, and DO NOT FORGET, Sony going full sjw echochamber cause ''japs dont care about consoles no more'' its only gonna make it worse.

which means that my hopes of seeing Rouge the scorching beauty again are dead forever

Is this game worth getting into now? I only recently started playing fighting games and this game's roster makes my dick hard

Why do people believe Story mode to be essential in fighting games nowadays? It's alwasy just an animated movie that plays in between generic cpu fights. They might as well just release the animation as a promotional material on the side.

its pretty hard, but really you just have to be pretty decent on the point character, have doom on 2nd because hes easy mode S tier, then use some unga shit for the last guy like strider or super skrull where you land one hit then do a super and get a kill

shit i won this on steam maybe I should get into it if someone wanted to casuals against my Joe.

diversity due to competition not being stifled by the strongest players using the strongest character shells for where the meta is at currently. i don't think it's a surprise that a punisher, dual kevin or ryanlv does well in an environment where a majority of the top players no longer play. that's not to say that their teams couldn't become the meta or aren't strong.. but it's definitely not because of a push in competition that more characters can appear.

If you have friends, yes. They don't even have to be into fighting games. They'll like this.

if you have friends then sure, if you try to go online you will wait for ages then get stomped by some guy doing a 300 hit combo on you. single player has no meaningful content but pressing buttons is still fun

Who cares about cyke, his moveset would just be OPTIC BLASTS. Put Gambit in.

damn it's actually not top 8 i'm just dumb and tired
it's the first match
still a lot of variety throughout

>If you have friends

Attached: Crying Wojak.jpg (633x905, 103K)

>Why do people believe Story mode to be essential in fighting games nowadays?

Blame Netherealm and the fact that Injustice/MK is the only fighter that normies will play.



It took me a while to realize how much shit you can fucking WHIFF CANCEL in this game


I never liked the comic book artstyle in that game

What a coincidence. I was just watching this to remind myself of when the game was fun to watch.
Man, things seem a lot drier compared to 7 years ago.

How's Ammy?

Legitimately one of my favorite sets. Think my favorite is still Rayray vs. Moons with spooky commentating over it.

Spiderman was in development for years, before Spidey even showed up in Civil War, and it was less of a hassle since Sony owned the rights to Spidey anyways. Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 ain't out yet, though I guess it's still a good sign. Honestly, I'd put on this on Capcom as much as anyone. Infinite had no budget and the rumors of Disney choosing the roster and ruining the story are probably true. I doubt they're rushing to go through that again anytime soon.

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RIval Schools isn't going to come back when Darkstalkers, which was far more successful, still can't come back.
>But Itsuno says he wants to make it!
Ono said he wanted to make Darkstalkers for years, and it still didn't happen.

I love UMvC3, however my team didn't make it in Jill/Jin/Gambit

That opening from MarlinPie was so strong that I didn't even remember he lost.

I want to fuck that Muslim virgin pussy.

All them TAC infinites wasn't going to save him from INNNNNNNNNNNFERNOOOOOOOOOOOO


Why I played sentinel. Hard drive on incoming beats everything. Sadly hard drive is sentinels best move in neutral as well lol.

try not getting hit

Are we posting clips? I've always been partial to this one. Or just about anything with I

>Two Nemesis mains
>Neither of them are Scamby or Sacktap
Neat. I fucking love Nemesis, one of the most fun characters in the genre. I mained Hulk for most of the game but Nemesis just kept growing on me. So fun that he's one of the few characters in Infinite that's more fun than in 3.

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Champ ragequitting after his dark phoneix got 1 frame justiced was great.

Champ was so good as a heel in the scene. Anybody off-meta beating him was hype as fuck because he acted like such a dick. Even if some of that was him actually being a dick.

FChamp vs KBR in that FT10 where Champ paused as soon as the game started and yelled GIVE HIM ONE, followed by Grand Finals the next night with Yipes yelling I'M BIASED every time Hulk landed a hit was fucking incredible.

Attached: 1529722718541.jpg (729x740, 56K)

>Yipe's breaking WE ARE THE WOOORLD after Champ's loss

Darkstalkers has furries, hard pass