Dwarf Fortress


So DF is getting released on Steam with options to play with graphics or original ASCII. I have never played it but I have saved some images from here and /tg/ because it looks interesting.

Tips for new players? What are we getting into?

Attached: 1286127638923.gif (800x777, 76K)

Other urls found in this thread:



To be honest it's not very difficult and far less complicated than it seems.

Wheres the dip in warcraft skill required? Its got like 3 button rotations now doesnt it?

The only hard part is fighting the UI and figuring out what every key does.

Is it just on my end or does that picture flicker when you scroll the page?

Literally the difficulty curve of DMD mode.

Not just you

lol I know the part about dwarf fortress taking more skill than starcraft is a joke, but atleast widen the gap between wow and starcraft. Even halo should take more skill than wow though.

t. wow fag

>Tips for new players?
Losing is fun. Revel in the suffering and death.

its learning curve, not skill floor/ceiling/progression

I hate these stupid memes
DF isn’t hard and it’s easy to survive with a totally shit inefficient noob Fort if you start out in an easy area and never push your luck

>d+d is Designate > Dig?? How was I supposed to figure that out!!

Embrace failure. Your fortress will die. Dwarf Fortress is a game about failure and ingenuity. You will falls in spectacular and unique ways. You will find new unique ways to overcome your old failures. Then you will learn of new ways to fail.

If only it were Human Fortress and has a mature mode. I would play the shit out of it.

If I start out in a safe location often I’ll horribly neglect security for a long time while I get my autistic plans in order

You can play a human Fort

Still more difficult than any other mmo because of how fast paced it is and how cutthroat it is at the top level in pve or pvp
Most retarded faggots play their class completely wrong and think the game is easy and there aren't enough buttons but then you look at their logs and they parse like shit and their uptime is low and don't press shit in the correct order

Thats an awful graph, not only the labels dont make sense, a function cant have different Y values with the same X value.


Are there detailed sex scenes?

Download a mod if you want pages of “Human Swordsman (F) bit Human Cheesemaker (M) on the penis bruising the muscle and tearing the skin”

The real hard part is trying to make a huge fort without your fps tanking

What kind of epic gaming skills do you need to play Dwarf Fortress? An ability to read wikis and use your imagination a bit?

t. someone who has never built an inverted underground obsidian pyramid dungeon that the sieging goblin army have to navigate ending in an arena battle with a captured forgotten beast. The survivors, if there are any, being mopped up by a dozen legendary axelords.

Dwarf Fortress isn't about survival of your dwarves. It's about spending their lives in a way that pleases you. It's called Slaves to Armok you bitch, act like the Blood God not some hamby pamby bitch boy fertility god.

nah it's shit like scrolling through a list could be arrow keys, +-, page up page down, etc.

>Tips for new players?

Dorf Fort really isn't hard, especially in the newer versions. It's just convoluted. My advice: Don't bother playing it for another 5-10 years. In its current state it really isn't very fun at all.

Ok but that is 100% player choice and in no way necessary to simply play the game and have a fort sustain itself

I’m a big fan of recent updates
More fun for role playing and work immersion

>More fun for role playing and work immersion
The autism runs so deep most people could never hope to reach the bottom.

Also I like that adventure mode has not been left twisting in the wind as well since I enjoy a nice adventure game in between forts or to explore my new world a bit

>simply play the game and have a fort sustain itself
That's the point where the training wheels come off senpai.

press k to look at stuff
press q to look at stuff, but different?
press b to build shit
press p to make piles of shit
press d to designate various jobs like digging, cutting down trees
the game isn't hard. the interface is hard

Does anyone know what does this even mean? will it be only an official tileset or something completely different?
Also what about fps death?
I still hate the UI though, I always have and I always will.

just an exclusive tileset and more audio, it will stay identical to the free version codewise

>Does anyone know what does this even mean?
It's just the game with an official tileset for $20. The free version will still be up on bay12 for anybody to play.

Dwarf Fortress is cool but the meme reputation is has is really overrated. Fake DF stories of lul crazy random happenings are very tired now


Attached: Ota4Lp8.png (304x484, 93K)

>Fake DF stories of lul crazy random happenings are very tired now
Stuff like Obok Meatgod was fake, but it's easy to interpret some of the older stuff that wasn't fake as fake now that the bugs have been pressed out. Elepehants, Undead, and Undead Elephants aren't the threats they used to be. Tantrum spirals aren't a near-instant descent into chaos anymore. The game's as accessible as it's ever been.