*Blocks your ending*

*Blocks your ending*

Attached: ElderPSMonster.png (310x272, 68K)

Other urls found in this thread:


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>Mario and Luigi and their baby forms fight an ayylmao mushroom bitch
>battle music sounds like Kingdom Hearts or some shit
what were they thinking

>be me as a kid
>dont realize you can move the level bonus up and down to put it in other skills
>end up putting every level bonus into hp
>Beat part 1 of the boss thinking its over after a few hours
>It's not over
>then she comes out and KOs me
>dropped the game for a few years

God I was retarded.

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I like your Pokemon Black and White let's play. Can wait for you to finish Phantom Hourglass!

I hear this story from so many people even some ecelebs, that it makes me feel like it wasn't people's faults for doing this, but instead the game for not conveying it clearly enough.

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Yoko Shimomura did both the KH and M&L soundtracks.

*get rid of one entire race menacing her throne*

That's the music of the end of a race. youtube.com/watch?v=4DWzLMC9KiM

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The fuck does this mean

An eceleb told a near incidental story in one of his videos, and user was just referencing it, hoping that someone would pick up on it

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Pshht, nothing personell

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I did the same thing to when I played Super Star Saga. Then on playthrough 2 I found out I could select other stats. They really should have had a little pop up the first time just giving players a quick heads up.

I didn't beat this the first time I tried it. Years later I learned there's an end game badge for sale in the present day castle that gives you unlimited Bros. items or something like that.

I fought this thing for two hours

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I beat this game as a fucking child, you people are pathetic.

I swear this is pasta
I feel like I've read this exact post, like 8 years ago
And then I realize that I've lost control of my life

>Battle against 2 Bowser's in a forgettable game
>Gets the most epic Mario theme

Based yoko


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Holy shit it’s literally KH music in a Mario & Luigi game. That’s great

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Me too. Games are for childs, retard.



Is she supposed to have that much HP or is there a trick to it?

The american version is actually harder than the japanese version because they gave the bosses a shit ton of health and slight buffs

*Steals your star piece*

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>post has 5 replies
>3 out of 5 of the replies reference an eceleb not even alluded to in the post
how does that autistic fucker do it?

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When I was a kid I put all my points into Stache, because I thought it looked like a car, so I figured it'd make me walk faster on the field because the roller skates (which also looked like a car to me) in Bomberman Generation made you move faster.

>thought stache meant car which meant going faster
i dont know what to say

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funny enough only in the US version because they somehow fucked up her stats. She's baby mode in everything else

do lets players still exist on youtube?
I'm not talking about this specific one, just in general
really doesn't sound like the most profitable hobby

>double the HP
>the crown has attack power

most of them have moved to streaming, but some of the most stubborn have stuck around and have made a permanent residence on the website. For others, like you said, it really just is a hobby. The truly lucky ones have it both as their hobby and their job, but those are few and far between.

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I had no idea what a "stache" was, so I could only go off of what the sprites were, and I guess the word "speed" wasn't as convincing to me as a car sprite when it came to something going faster.
Another bit of retardation I had as a kid when playing Superstar Saga, I had trouble on the final boss and only understood the basic idea that fighting enemies made me stronger, so I spent countless hours grinding enemies that only gave like 10 EXP, and somehow did that long enough to be really over leveled, like level 45 or so when the game could easily be done at about 35.

raocow is still around after all these years
good lad