>jrpgs aren't good anym-
Jrpgs aren't good anym-
Other urls found in this thread:
jrpgs were never good
Take octopath off of there. It's a 6/10 but a spiritual successor could be a 9/10 if they improve it.
>Tales shit
>Ni no Kuni
>Persona 5
Where can I start with etrian odyssey? i played the demo years ago but never got around to the full thing, is there any reason not to start with 5?
>square refuses to localize the dragon quest monsters series
Fuck this game earth
Start with IV.
The only worthwhile JRPG there is Persona 5
Why? Is 5 a direct continuation?
>He never played Etrian Odyssey
>Might be cool
>Might be cool but the localisation is shit
>Might be cool but the localisation and PC port are shit
>Worst game in the series
Good list OP.
I love Xenoblade 2 so much
EO games are standalone so it doesn't really matter beyond personal preference.
Unironically hang yourself
They all have only loosely connected stories outside of X being fanservice for the rest of the series. People recommend 4 for being the easiest and having QoL features that the older games don't. 1 and 2 both got remakes but 1U is still more archaic than 4 and 2U is harder. So you either start with 4 because it's the easier or you start with 3 because it's the most dated.
These last few years have been great.
This year there's still Fire Emblem and Pokemon to release.
alright thanks, I'll start with 4 then.
>only game worth playing is YS
>Worst game in the series
Oh no you're not an EO1 contrarian are you
remove all the neokikeshitendo shitch garbage like octoflop shittler and neptuniablade
only one with gameplay is ys and none of these are rpgs
Xenoblade Chronicles 2? did I miss something when I played it?
The only playable thing in there is Etrian, all the rest belongs in the garbage bin.
He's probably that user who hates any and all jrpgs.
Did you learn how to play it?
Don't forget the best jrpg this side of the decade
Of the ones I played:
best SE game of the current console gen
pretty good but drops in quality near the end
>Bravley Second
Okay game but an unnecessary sequel. Did fix some flaws of the first game
Everything else I didn't play because:
didn't care for previous entries (NNK2 and EO5)
No Switch (Octopatch and Xenoblade 2)
NISA butchered the game (YS8)
Sequel to a shit game I never played (Beseria)
Lol no, etrian is the only one out of place.
>Handheld garbage
>ever being good
That's a JWRPG
>neokiketrashitpisstendiaper games
oh nonononono
The only decent games there are DQ11 and EOV and both are weaker than previous titles
Out of nine games in there 6 are handheld games.
Coincidentially, the console games are also the absolute worst in that list.
Basically a VN with short gameplay segments
Baby's first dungeon crawler.
Basically a primitive slasher.
No, my favourite is 2U. 1 is the second-worst.
You're not very good at detecting implications, since by noting one game as the worst, I'm obviously implying the rest are better.
No seriously. Your kind are a cancer to this earth.
Ys and NNK and I'd argue berseria and XBC2 are hardly JRPGs, they're more action RPGs.
>berseria and XBC2 are hardly JRPGs, they're more action RPGs
Are you retarded?
god, berseria was such a mediocre snorefest
I've played all of these and beaten all but tales and ys, the only one I can recommend without reservation is P5.
I think so? It's just you only control the moves of one character and the rest do their own thing except when you use them in combos.
persona 5 is the only good jrpg on this list and it is still casual garbage compared to the rest of the series.
waifushit aside, is there any reason to play JPRGs?
They're fun though
the only good modern games are JRPGs
So you didn't learn about toppling and chaining then.
Bravely seconds sucks as do ocotpath and xenoblade
Take EO and XC2 off the list if you're trying to talk about actual good games
RPG is,being overused as a descriptor. EO4 is the only real role-playing game on this list. The rest are standard adventure games with some inconsequential decision-making sprinkled in.
>tales of
Then he'd have to remove Persona, Ni no Kuni and Berseria
action rpgs aka action games are fun
>EO4 is the only real role-playing game on this list.
But there's no EO4 in there
>action rpgs aka action games are fun
as long as the combat is good. Some action games have really shit combat, like FFXV
RE2 is my favorite JRPG
Yea Forums is filled with a bunch of dudebros what did you expect?
>taking off those but leaving XB2
I honestly cannot believe people like things that I do not
FF15 has shit everything.
>ys, octopath, etrian, bravely
Nah. 8bit nostalgia and hipster pandering crap
>ni no kuni
Average at best.
Japan is finally back bros, golden age incoming
>taking out XB2
>hipster pandering crap
Literally Ni no Kuni and Persona
>inferior to the previous entries barring combat (which still takes til post-chapter 3 to get good)
>has a budget
>pander to hipsters
Chose 1 and I really mean just 1
>start with 3
I would only recommend 3 to people tjat are already familiar with the genre, because it's fucking brutal. If you make it deep into second stratum and find that your original party is not designed well enough to make it to third stratum and multiclassing, you might as well reset the game because you're going to spend that much time training a replacement team anyway.
Of those, only DQ, Ys, and EO are worth playing.
I'll pick both, you know, because they aren't mutually exclusive.
>barring combat
Oh wow, how will I ever live knowing that XB2 has the best gameplay in a video game series.
>implying combat is the sole aspect of gameplay
>especially in this series
>especially since it takes 15~20 hours to get good
They are though.
Let me guess you think Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts are bad right?
if you're in an rpg thread you should already know that combat is only part of gameplay
>>implying combat is the sole aspect of gameplay
Yes user that's literally the entirety of the gameplay. I hope you're not going to say something retarded like story or menu navigation is a gameplay element.
>Let me guess you think Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts are bad right?
What does that have to do with anything?
Exploration, dumbass. World and level design? Merc missions? Field skills?
>especially since it takes 15~20 hours to get good
You learn everything about the combat about 2 hours in.
2U sucks dicks its bloaty enemies and baby-tier FOE "puzzles" on each and every floor until you get proper grimoires to break the game wide open (Grimoires are about 4 levels of RNG rolls to get optimal, by the way)
Is there any point in replaying Persona on NG+ apart from very minute details?
i hope you don't play xenoblade series just for the combat
no im in it for the 30-year old anime tropes
>arts recharge is slow as fuck
>no arts to start battle with
>no arts cancelling
>no chain attacks or orb chains
>can't move while attacking
New Boss that's only available on the New Game Plus route.
>Shit but might be ok with the new Switch stuff
>Eternally trapped on a dead system
Try again
I played Xenoblade 1 just for Ryo Horikawa as Dunban.
Oh wow, you actually think you play that part.
Heads up, hitting up and rotating the right stick every now and then isn't gameplay. Even then the design of the titans were better than that of the bionis and mechonis and don't get me started on mira.
That's what people play RPGs for in general unless they're retarded enough to fall for NuPersona.
Oh yeah the most important ones.
>only start with one weapon, then shortly after one blade, then two blades at max for the remainder of multiple chapters
>Tora is even worse off until the tail end of 4 and then close to end-game that's locked by a poor and lengthy sidequest
...All of which were done better in their respective shows. Combining them into a game doesn't really help since they're all done so poorly.
I accept your concession.
>titan design
Mediocre, and also smaller than the areas from previous games. And let's not forget how poorly implemented field skills are.
>everything conveniently not on nintendo is flamed
Right there with you bro. Killer game.
>concession posting
>thinking bigger = better when x1 had fuck all in it
And this, everyone, is why you should ignore secondaries.
It baffles me how little this series has evolved it is the same old bare bones gamewith all the awful traits nobody likes from RPGs. But at least the story used to be somewhat good, but this stopped with IX and XI has the worst story by far.
>Tales of rehashing the same bullshit over and over and over and over
>Bravery Series/Octopath
When the main appeal of your game is the turn based combat then your game is a big pile of shit.
>Ni No Kuni II
This is the most disappointing game of the list.
Good series actually but the MMO combat ruins it entirely. If platinum could help in that area it would be the only decent game.
>Persona 5
Pokemon for lonely manchildren that will never get laid.
Secondhand weebshit.
Weebs first dungeon crawler
>Japanese game where you play the role of one of two survivors of a zombie apocalypse
Checks out.
>2babby, let's player babby, or Smash bab thinks he can call someone who's played all 3 secondaries
>no counter to anything I said
To be fair they are the worst in their respective series especially persona.
Not being on Nintendo is a coincidence.
Also DQ isn't on Switch yet.
All DQ games are bad
Same deal with tales
>Bravely Second
Shit was years ago and also bad
>Ni No Kuni 2
Also bad
>Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Terrible. Retroactively make XC1 worse.
>Persona 5
Generic shit
>Etrian Odyssey
>thinks he can call someone who's played all 3 secondaries
Sure you have. Let me guess, you put in an hour on 1 and said it was the best because it was big due to OP Rainfall.
>and also smaller than the areas from previous games
Not him but X2 has more areas to explore in general and they aren't all just wide open fields.
>Pokemon for lonely manchildren that will never get laid.
Yeah except it's literally nothing like pokemon
Why would anyone do that? Not sure what kind of crazies you've met.
>Xenoblade Chronicles 2
>Terrible. Retroactively make XC1 worse.
I would actually say it did the complete opposite.
>inb4 "you're wrong because it overcomplicated things!"
Yeah, they're small linear hallways.
>Morytha Cliffs
>Elpys (granted, bigger than the above 2)
>World Tree
They literally aren't
> Top 10 RPGs on Yea Forums's 2019 list
1. Castlevania SOTN (1997) (4th Overall) (JRPG)
2. Final Fantasy VI (1994) (10th Overall) (JRPG)
3. Chrono Trigger (1995) (11th Overall) (JRPG)
4. Deus Ex (2000) (15th Overall) (WRPG)
5. Pokemon HG/SS (2010) (16th Overall) (JRPG)
6. MOTHER 3 (2006) (17th Overall) (JRPG)
7. EarthBound (1994) (18th Overall) (JRPG)
8. Dark Souls (2011) (20th Overall) (JRPG)
9. Final Fantasy VII (1997) (31st Overall) (JRPG)
10. Persona 5 (2016) (33rd Overall) (JRPG)
could you imagine going into a thread just to complain about how you don't like the thread and then your only answer is "Hahaha you guys need a hobby, cope harder!"
You tell me, you're one of them.
>You post
>Deus Ex
>Dark Souls
I will kill all you faggots.
You forgot DMC5 and REmake2, best jrpg ever made. First one have leveling and second have inventory, that makes them RPG, right?
>has no argument except to pull shit out of her ass
user, the entirety of the mechonis was a linear hallway too.
Says the person who's only argument was
>lol concession accepted!
14 major areas (not counting High Entia Tomb)
12 major areas (not counting the ship they took and arrived on to get Pyra)
And they were big.
You could have always countered the rest of my post. Especially since the part you concded your post was basically "navigating the world isn't exploration".
>And let's not forget how poorly implemented field skills are.
Did people really have problems with them?
Deus Ex, Persona 5 & Dark Souls are literally garbage
Why do you faggots keep on trying to out-contrarian each other?
Castlevania is blatantly not an RPG, but Deus Ex and Dark Souls 110% are.
>major areas
What exactly are you counting as a major area?
Having to go back into the menu everytime became tedious.
no we're not
Nope, Deus Ex is a stealth game and Dark Souls is an action game
Only 3 decent games on there m8. Xenoblade 2 is without hyperbole the worst game ever made.
Nope, Deus Ex is an RPG with stealth mechanics and Dark Souls is an RPG with action combat.
You don't really have to do that all that often unless you're going for that one superboss on Temperantia.
Every area except the ones I mentioned that I didn't count. I mean, the ship to get to the sunken one at the start of 2 is basically just a room and a half with no enemies. I COULD count the Tomb, I suppose. But Pyra's ship is a complete one-off area that's even smaller than the tomb, while the tomb also has reason to come back to for sidequest items. I was trying to be a bit fair.
lmao good one
>with stealth mechanics
Kill yourself, my man
There's a lot more of them than you think. Especially when finding out you don't have enough and have to return later, only to find out when you do have enough you need to go into the menu.
Dark Souls is an RPG through and through. Deus Ex is an FPS Stealth RPG.
>Every area except the ones I mentioned that I didn't count
That doesn't tell me anything given you've left out quite a few in both games.
I see we agree Etrian Odyssey the clear winner then.
>Xenoblade 2 is without hyperbole the worst game ever made
even worse than FFXV?
XV is bad but at least most people knew it would be bad.
Did you not rotate your three blades regularly or do merc missions to raise affinity? Because that's the only way I could see it being a particularly big problem outside of that boss.
>This wasn't the first post
Still based as fuck
So then it's not the worst game ever made.
>Colony 9
>Tephra Cave
>Bionis' Leg
>Colony 6
>Ether Mine
>Satorl Marsh
>Bionis' Interior
>Makna Forest
>Eryth Sea
>High Entia Tomb
>Valak Mountain
>Prison Island
>Fallen Hand
>Mechonis Field
>Central Factory
17, minus 2 if you think HET and Colony 6 aren't major enough.
>Argentum Trade Guild (nation)
>C.S.E.V. Maelstrom
>Ancient Ship
>Gormott Province (nation)
>Kingdom of Uraya (nation)
>Empire of Mor Ardain (nation)
>Indoline Praetorium (nation)
>Kingdom of Tantal (nation)
>Leftherian Archipelago (nation)
>Spirit Crucible Elpys
>Cliffs of Morytha
>Land of Morytha
>World Tree
>First Low Orbit Station
15, minus 3 if we discount Maelstrom, Ancient Ship, & Low Orbit Station/Elysium for not being major enough.
Affinity isn't the problem, it's simply not having the right blades out at the same time.
Dragon Quest 11 is max comfy
I spent a good 93 hours from start to finish and I can't recall a point in the game that I felt like outright wasted my time. Easily one of the best DQ games in the series, especially now that we have the definitive version coming out later this year.
P5 was a real slog around August / September and it didn't really pick up much after 11/20. I ended up playing P4G right after beating P5 and in spite of all the QOL improvements P5 had I enjoyed P4G far more.
I'm ashamed I took this long to get into the Etrian Odyssey games. I did beat 5 just before I started playing Nexus, which I only got around to because I gave up in the third stratum of 4. I might revisit 4 later on from the start with a more exciting party, but for the time being I still plan on playing Nexus.
Octopath was another game I enjoyed my time with, though I don't have the energy or motivation to ever revisit that game since beating the final boss. The systems in that game are so cool, it's a shame that out of combat stuff isn't nearly as developed.
I got maybe a few hours into XC2 before giving up on it though. I don't think I have the energy for this level of fanservice / anime.
Persona 5 and Dragon Quest XI are literally the best games I have ever played
No, Xenoblade 2 is. FFXV has at least a shred of substance and grandeur.
>it's simply not having the right blades out at the same time
Thing is, a lot of the major uses of field skills are covered by the main blades and by the time you venture into optional content you should have gotten a few of the freebie rare one so it pretty much comes down to affinity.
>I don't think I have the energy for this level of fanservice / anime.
How did you get through two persona games then?
>FFXV has at least a shred of substance and grandeur.
So XC2 isn't the worst.
Real shit
JRPGs have failed to keep my interest. It feels like nothing has changed except the graphics.
Bravely Second and Ni no Kuni II are awful sequels and shouldn't be on here.
Still need to go into the menu because I'm not using Roc for jump and wind, and Dromarch can't handle all the water/dives alone.
>I don't think I have the energy for this level of fanservice / anime.
What the fuck is that supposed to mean? If anything, it takes more energy to get upset over some harmless silliness.
Why do jrpgs always have such stupid ass titles and subtitles?
FFXV has a shred of something that XC2 doesn't, so obviously XC2 is the worst game ever made.
Lines like this get exhausting when they show up in every cutscene.
I can also appreciate that the English VAs have far better voice direction in P5 / P4G than they do in XC2. This combined with a high school setting makes it far easier for me to tolerate whatever dumb shenanigans the party gets into.
I played a fair bit of XCX back on the Wii U, and even that game was far less off-putting than XC2 is right out the gate. I never got much further than unlocking the mechs for that game, but at this point I would much rather keep playing XC2 and see just how wild the game gets.
Persona is more tasteful than "HAAIIIIII~~~ PANTSU DESU BAKA"
hi eric
>literally EVERYONE hating neptuniablade 2
based, glad to know it was drone force all along trying to defend this shit
n-no it wasn't! eric scapegoat bad!
I do too.
I made a pretty shit team as it was my first Etrian Odyssey and I'd never actually knew how to abuse the game at the start.
I was just surprised at how well balanced it seemed to be and that I could actually die in a fucking turn based RPG.
Etrian Odyssey 3 is a great place to start but it's fairly difficult.
I've only played 2U - 3 - 4 - 5 - and Nexus. But difficulty went in this order
Hardest to easiest
3 > 2U > 5/Nexus > 4
4 is definitely the easiest and has a fairly cheery atmosphere so it's an easy playthrough that is relatively fun. I liked flying around the overworld too and the FOE's on the map.
Only 5 games there are actually good. You have shit taste, fag.
Out of those games Lacrimosa was the best one that I played. Etrian Odyssey's are cool too. Berseria overall is a pretty good game. I liked both Berseria and Zestiria despite the complaints about it.
Make sure to report off topic pokemon threads as well, assuming you're full on anti-nintendo. We really don't need multiple rehashed threads up at a time on Yea Forums.
Strawpoll time, what's the best vidya franchise?
really? My team was ass (wildling+support ninja lol) and I still destroyed the whale since the game showers you in Amritas and heal items. Had a harder time with the broken ass first two games.
>Links to results
>Doesn't list exclusively RPG series
Nu Persona and SMT are entirely different. I can't enjoy new Persona because it's just a visual novel and school sim with The gameplay and exploration coming off as secondary.
haven't played DQ XI, XC2 or EO V but why is a massive ancient tree in the center of the world so common in JRPGs? do they justify themselves or is it a pointless trope? I played secret of mana and tried to play dawn of mana, and in mana it seems like part of the central plot. maybe I'm wrong but did mana do it first and everything else is copying it or is even mana not original? why is it so common?
am I just a fucking idiot?
yggdrasil is from norse myth and it's in everything
How about you stop being a faggot and enjoy both
I like the pure gameplay of SMT but I also like the change of pace in Persona with more story-telling and breaks from constant grinding with social links and character interactions
Playing Y's 8 on Inferno right now and it's one of the best third-person ARPGs I've played.
Those games ain't real strong in the plot department user.
Playing Stella Glow atm
Its fucking fantastic
>Hate VNs
Nah, fuck you, Persona is garbage. By the time you finally get every party member the game is already over. Fuck that noise
I started with 3 and yeah, I quit at the boss of the second stratum. But I still liked it enough to go back to 4 and then play every game since.
I played the demo when it was a few weeks from coming out and the mechanics frustrated me.
>and baby-tier FOE "puzzles" on each and every floor
As opposed to what? They're miles better than anything 4, 5, or X has to offer.
It is to remind you youngin's of the importance of nature and that all life comes from nature. The great tree is just a reminder that it is mother earth that grants us all life.
Very nice. I agree. It was really fun and I enjoyed the entire flow of the game. The defense attacks etc everything. The Night Raid's having different and fast paced music was pretty fucking cool too. I personally really liked the story and the ending. Most of the characters are likable too.
Absolutely love the character outfits and art though.
It's not even a good vn either. Most of the social links aren't even interesting. Nearly all of them are so corny.
Have sex.
Only 3 of those are good
japs dont speak english so these stupid titles sound fine to them
They never were good,stupid.
I'm willing to bet money that you haven't played more than 2 of the games listed in OP's picture.
It's not a tree, it's a space elevator
The whole island exploration gimmick for the game works better than I thought it would. It also helps that it controls really well and flash move/guard put a cool spin on the combat. A lot of J-ARPGs feel too floaty and easy.
I have and will continue to do so user.
ah, so I am a fucking idiot
thanks tho
i was just curious why it's the same thing so many times
I can sort of understand stuff like "collect the stones of the 4 elements; fire, water, earth and wind" being overdone, though sometimes it's changed, but even something like infinity wars' six infinity stones or sonic's chaos emeralds is more or less the same idea. but something as specific as a massive ancient tree in the center of the world seemed odd, since rarely does it even provide an excuse for a plot to take place and instead is just in the background doing nothing
Ya, its a subpar srpg heavily carried by the story
Wow, so many anime movies with tacked on gameplay in one pic.
>keeps insisting it's a VN
You literally didn't play the game
Also complaining about length in a JRPG is fucking retarded
6 of those are literally absolutely fucking horrible, especially that Tales of trash with the horrendous level design, Ni no Kuni with non-existent depth and difficulty, Bravely Second and the trash in the bottom line.
Kill yourself holy shit lol
You are like album fags on Yea Forums who don't even know shit about music and just put together compilations with covers they think look good as if it was indicative of the quality.
you need some culture
None of the games above SMT on that poll are better than SMT
Lacrimosa of Dana is one of my favorite games go fuck yourself how dare you try and imply my fun isn't good. Your fun isn't good you stupid idiot retpoawdhoiuawdohu aboihh9 a2i3w 9puihr q92-i
We're reaching next levels of based
Luminous is best Dana