I'm going to mcdonald's, you want anything?

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The Legend of Sparda video game

Can you post the flavor of the month sticker? Looks like good shitposting bait.

>food analogy

I’ll take a Jumbo Jack and some curly fries

ya know what? Sometimes I like a small fish sandwich and sometimes I like a stacked burger with bacon and cheese.

20 dollarydoos says OP is both white and American.

origins was better than legends, fight me

>food analogy
One of the worst bait images I've ever seen

>created by hipsters/tumblrinas

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It looks exciting, but I think it's designed to kill me.

Get me 5 junior chickens


$50 says you're a minority on welfare

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40 says he’s not white but still American


Why are they so obsessed with eating? Why is literally everything about food to them? They don't even have good cuisine.


You're the minority now whiteboi. Now pay your taxes so I can get my neetbux

>white and American
You'd have a better chance of winning the lottery.

>being this much of a retard
This is the worst bait ive seen in years

>a minority
no I'm not white


Legends highs were higher, but its lows were also lower. Both games kinda even out for me.

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I'll have 2 number 9s
A number 9 large
A number 6 with extra dip
Two number 45s, one with cheese
And a large soda

>doesnt work

im utterly shocked and surprised

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Bet my white nuts you're both a nigger and useless.

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Thats right, wagie now pay up

I can understand that but Legends is more fun to me
However I hate that they made the Origins stages easy as fuck in Legends

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i will as soon as your dad gives me back my money

Nope. Eat dirt black boy.

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where did I say I was black?

>getting robbed by niggers twice

The current state of the """"""master""""" race

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Lol, why do you niggers, and the left wing in general, count every non white as one entity? That's pretty darn racist, in my opinion.
There are more whites than blacks, more whites than Asians, and more whites than Latin Americans living in the USA. Whites ARE the majority in the USA, and nothing you faggots can say will disprove that.


cuphead has too much autism/authenticity to have been made by tumbler. It's a western equivalent Japanese game.

It's either or

Yeah. I'll have a Big Mac....

Still more non whites which is hilarious

Because in America if you removed the whites democrats would win every single time. If the white population % decreases the chances of Republicans winning goes down ya see. In America only 2 parties matter so in like 1-2 decades when whites are like 45% of the country repubs are gonna be way different.

Whites are a minority on planet Earth.

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Oh you're definitely black. No other minority is obsessed with race and racism as you guys are.

>implying the fish sandwich is bad
I do gotta say I've managed to create a better tasting fish sandwich at BK though. Buy the fish sandwich and put their sweet and sour sauce on it. Mmmmmmm

What's your point? We're all world minorities if we aren't asian they're 60% of the worlds population.

If Whataburger has the A1 Thick and Hearty back on the menu get me one.

Was bound to happen eventually, seeing as we welcome immigrants to enter our country ezpz.

Its okay to have opinions, but cuphead is objectively good. You can not have fun but still realize that this has more heart and passion put into it than anything a AAA dev has had in a while

Now gtfb2

They still sell it at the one I work at

This, the Murfy stages sucked but the rest of the game was fun

Double cheeseburger with mac sauce and some nuggs.

That's not true. US population is still currently at 76% white. Granted that's going by US census stats which are not only incorrect but will also be changing in the very near future but still you're wrong.

But you're not entirely incorrect. It won't be long until the U.S. is a third world country but I welcome it. Our infrastructure is already failing and the new generation is extremely lazy and colorful (brown).

Both games are fantastic.

Which town? They don't have it at the one near me.

>the guy who always has to bring up /pol/

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I live in Tulsa, I think we were supposed to stop selling it but we still have sauce leftover so we keep it going

>minority stats go up to become the majority
>crime becomes the majority over order
Wow who could have seen this turn of events.

>inequalities drop
>so does crime
Wow never would've seen this coming

Nigga, I ain't driving to goddamn Tulsa, Oklahomo for a goddamn Whataburger.

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Except neither of those things have factually happened.

Can't blame you, this city is shit





Oh say can you see...

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It's lent you fucking heathen you had best be getting that Filet-o-Fish.

what did you give up user?