>completely and irrevocably ruins your immersion
Omega was a mistake
Other urls found in this thread:
Whens echo going to come out?
Since when were turn based games ever immersive?
Alpha is a good boy and omega was the best side story they ever made after DRK job quests
>turn based game
Alpha was a great character, and I like how he got that cameo in the ladies' day event if you finished Omega.
You can find him all over the diffirent maps as well. I found him near the kobold mines looking at the night sky by a campfire.
>playing a Lala
based and DRKpilled
so I hear, but I haven't happened across him yet.
I found him in the Rowena's House of Splendor's kitchen upstairs in Revenant's Toll.
why is sid a fucking furry
I don't know the requirments for him to spawn. Might as well just be a random chance on some maps at specific eorzean times.
Is there even a single reason to play MCH over BRD?
Dark arts must be pruned.
brd is for women and trannies
Yeah, it's random. You just have to keep zoning in and out until you find him.
Yikes my guy
This... We respect ALL women (trans and cis) on 4channel
saying it like it is
I instantly leave if my FC has a tranny.
On a side note why is FFXIV general filled with tranny faggots? You'd think they would avoid Yea Forums like the plague.
>he's too new to know that Yea Forums was ground zero for the tranny plague
Nigga google linetrap and then lurk two years minimum before posting again
/vg/ is basically reddit.
>one guy says it and the thread collapses
I really want to like this game but the lack of speech bubbles is really getting to me, I'm not some massive rpfag but I do want to have the ocasional short conversation and its a lot fucking easier to do that with speech bubbles
semi-related, how good is chocobo dungeon? im thirsty for mystery dungeon games since etrian MD gave me a taste
Word filter when? It kills any form of discussion in an instant and all it means by now is "THING I DON'T LIKE"
8 days until fanfest by the way, full trailers gonna be kino.
Will Fordola be back or was her story really ended by the short story?
Ahhhhhh how do you get the big Gil?! I don't want to do Eureka but nobody is buying crafting materials in my server!
/vg/ mmo generals are all cesspools for avatarfagging, roleplaying, and circle jerking due to the nature of mmo playerbases
unless you wanna get hit on and stalked by a fat man catfishing or a non passing tranny or roped into a discord to kiss the feet of whatever circle jerkers run the place you should stay far away
>mfw Papalymo died
She'll probably be in the SMN questline in 5.0, like how a lot of HW side characters came back for 4.0 job quests.
You can find him hanging out with the bird people in one of the stormblood maps
Anyone else know where to discuss this game other than Yea Forums or Reddit?
Seems like a waste for someone who posses the echo and is capable of fighting primals.
The plot swung back to Ala Mhigo so I'd think it'd be more than likely for her to make an appearance
the official forum :)
That's what she's doing though. She's fighting primals with Arenvald and the Immortal Flames summoner squad.
is the next job confirmed yet?
That's what I mean. It's shitty that it was delegated to a side story outside the game. She deserves a much better resolution.
LORE TIME! What do you think Solus means when he's talking to the WoL at the end of the 4.5 trailer?
find friends or a free company in game and talk with them about it
do not try to get in with redditors or xivg because you will hate it unless you're a tranny or want to orbit trannies
>there will never be a digital release of Chocobo's Dungeon 1 & 2 with the glitches fixed
He's not talking to WoL. Did you do the story? He's talking to Varis.
I seriously hope BLM gets nothing new in the expansion rather than risk ruining an already perfect class.
That's why I imagine she'll come back with the SMN squad for those quests in 5.0 and help you deal with primal-related shit so you can unlock a new power.
Obviously not idiot
same but nin
but I know its going to be ruined for shitters
the fights were fun as hell but yeah Alpha sucks.
Was that dialogue already in the current patch? I must not have remembered. The trailer made it seem like he was talking to the WoL and that it would happen in 4.5 Part 2.
He's not talking to WoL, he's talking to Varis. they intentionally mislead us with that for some reason.
Lala is the master race so shut up and buy my merch goy
As a Scholar, how do I breed my fairies?
>Was that dialogue already in the current patch?
Yeah, it's when he's talking to Varis in the black rose facility.
>The trailer made it seem like he was talking to the WoL and that it would happen in 4.5 Part 2.
Yeah they wanted it to seem that way but they do that red herring shit in trailers all the time.
How can you be a """""master""""" race when you don't even reach my kneecap? More like a manlet race if you ask me
The blue carnival is fun
Fire V: single target, consumes enochian
Blizzard V: Party wide reflecting shield like radiant shield, consumes enochian
Black Waltz: allows you to cast while moving for a little time but can't be used with leylines
I would be more worried about that fact that such short creatures can jump high and fight at the same level as a freaking roe. This is because we Lala are extra blessed with the Aether as the chosen race of the gods
God mods fucking suck, delete that stupid shit.
not my character or mod
>no Burst
>no Warp
is the starter edition best for a starter? :^)
>master race
>still gets eaten by tons of random fauna
This but with SAM.
>we will never get back Burst for BLMs or Tornado for WHMs
you weren't chosen by anything as you are constructs like the ixals
yeah because you may not even like the game
I'd be surprised if WHM didn't get Tornado and Quake in 5.0. I want them to get Flood too.
This is why I could never main BLM in endgame content, I would panic too much and nervously try to move instead of being a master of positioning.
No Zettaflare
>larboard? what the fuck is a lar-
I mean to be fair, the game has previously used port and starboard before so people would expect that, but honestly it should be pretty fucking simple to realize larboard is opposite of starboard just based on how it sounds.
Here's your alliance bro.
I remember when Syrcus Tower first came out, there was one entire Alliance that removed all their gear except their accessories including their job stones. My alliance plus the other called them a bunch of fucking trolls; I decided to parse just for lulz and turns out they did the most DPS out of all three. I wish I still had my laptop, I saved all the screenshots from that run, it was fucking hilarious.
>MNK is the only big brain DPS
As it should be.
>I decided to parse just for lulz and turns out they did the most DPS out of all three
Really goes to show you how braindead the average player is, when a bunch of dumbasses in almost no gear playing as the BASE CLASSES still out-DPS a geared, job'd player.
That might have been my static. We did that just to see if we could out-parse the other groups around the time of Final Coil.
mnkeys love telling each other that
A water spell for WHM or CNJ in general would be welcome, that knockback spell is the only thing they have going as far as any control over water.
who wants to be my friend?
>static stuck on upheavel/gaols for two weeks in UWU
Should I start looking for a new one?
are you Zenos?
t. got larboarded
>do one pull
>learn which means right and which means left
>use my brain to remember
>never die to that attack again
wow that was hard
All the half naked cat and lizard sluts didn't do it huh
>never die to that attack again
That's where you're wrong, kiddo.
>hating alpha
i don't even play XIV but i love chocobo tales so much that i'm legally obligated to call you a fucking stupid bastard
Announcement on the 23rd user stay strong.
>Announcement on the 23rd
As a limited job.
The sheer amount of butthurt this would cause makes me want this to happen.
On the other hand most people who want DNC have no intentions of actually playing the game so a limited job would be perfect for them.
I want DNC because I want a new fresh healer.
AST and SCH are getting boring.
>chocobos break your immersion in a final fantasy game
I've been playing since the 1.0 beta and ur a faget.
Post yfw DNC is a support dps like brd in melee range.
If it's a dps, they'll make it a ranged job because physical ranged desperately need more jobs.
>I don't know, what if we add a cartoon chocobo to the game? We got one from that old Wii can that we can rip and do slight adjustments to
I think the devs of this game forgot that the reason most mmos include short races is to appeal to pedophiles, they all have adult faces
>Ask one of these guys selling clears how much gils would be Ucob and Uwu
>Uwu is 100M Gils
>Ucob is 150M Gils
>150M gils on my server is worth 356.25 usd
Why not pretend it's a stuffed animal someone magicked to pretend-life?
It's a construct made by Omega to intentionally look as non-threatening as possible to lure you in.
I bet Omega-M/F is also made to lure my dick.
Did you actually read the dialogue for the omega storyline? You're talking like Alphas existence was never explained or justified.
>Chakram DNC
>this giant talking stuffed animal is lore friendly, therefore it's ok
You'd defend anything if Yoshi wrote a line into the game setting it up. Oh, giant chocolate covered talking dildo? It's okay, the computer bad guy purposely made it!!
Ah, my bad. I haven't gotten that far (just started last week)
Guess I wasn't so far off.
like he wrote a line setting you up to be a complete faggot?
>popular twitch streamers make 100-500k/month
>one of them got 1 million usd to stream apex legends for one day.
Juggler DNC
Have you read a book in your adult life?
>implying you are an adult
Disciple of War Healer when?
>MT the fight since forever
>Friends come back, start playing as DPS so they can tank it.
>Muscle memory still makes me run the wrong direction since I'm looking at the fight backwards.
except the sultan apparently. even has a loli voice
>this giant talking stuffed animal is lore friendly, therefore it's ok
Yeah? The purpose of his existence was to get you to help him, so he was made to look cute and non-threatening. What's wrong with that?
Yeah, because a giant cartoon chicken isn't enough to cause concern if the NPCs weren't complete retards. Wedge should have died.
Throwing knives DNC healer would be kino. But im still hoping for something melee oriented.
don't be rude
fuck u
>physical ranged needs more jobs
They have bows and guns, I guess maybe they could add a blitzball class and some Wokka hairstyles, but Id rather they just fix MCH. Theres a decent balance overall of ranged vs melee and the distinction between physical and magic is mostly fluff. I'd be fine with no new jobs if they made a eureka/diadem that didnt suck so I could sub for more than 6 months per expac.
Anyone playing on Primal needs help with anything?
I'm bored out of my mind.
>Yeah, because a giant cartoon chicken isn't enough to cause concern if the NPCs weren't complete retards.
Somehow I think the NPCs have bigger things to worry about than a cartoon chicken being a living, breathing thing around them, given the circumstances.
Dude he's really not that far out of place in the context of hydaelyn. Biggs and Wedge have seen some shit.
Carry me through Ucob.
spawn nms for me in hydatos while I afk
give me big gil money thanks
Omega story was boring as hell. At least it had great characters on it like Alpha and my bro Nero.
I'd like to see a Cannoneer as like a heavy gunner.
I'm on primal. Can you help yoshi push more content so I can resub and play with you?
Heck no.
I wish.
Guess I could do that.
Give MCH one handed guns and make a new rifle wielding job that's high DPS. They also have a raise.
That actually sounds neat but is there an example of that job or a character like that in any other ff game? Im honesty asking becauae I cant think of any but im far from an expert.
FFV GBA version has a Cannoneer job. It's like an advanced Chemist kinda.
Brb emulating, thanks user.
Is it even organic? I thought it was a robot, just like its master.
Barret from FF7 would probably be the closest. Most of his gunarms are pretty heavy duty
Throwing knife job would be cool. I guess NIN already kind of has that though.
Yoshida plays a Lala user. The guy in charge of your game is a FemLala BLM, have you not noticed his character every time he shows off something new or teases something in-game?
Tactics Advance 2 had these guys.
FFTA2's Cannonneer.
Outside of aesthetic? No, as it stands at this point is for those very dedicated to the job. Only other MCH mains i've met are like me in the sense they picked it up, capped it out first and couldn't let go of it from there.
DRK story was great Omega was not...at all in any way good except for Alpha just being the cute mascot.
>They also have a raise.
Lmao nah. That triggers my lore autism. Instead, MCH should have deployable AoEs that function similarly to BRD's songs. Standing in it would raise your direct hit and apply a buff. Make them stronger than BRD songs since you'd have to be standing in the area to have the buff. Make the area relatively small, no bigger than a doton.
Could be fun to play around with strategically placing these things. Maybe pre-place a healing AoE turret that can be remotely triggered when a mechanic occurs.
Anyone know a good shield that goes with Zantetsuken? I'm getting a glamour ready for ShB and just need to be the edgiest.
>the amount of butthurt from people who excused BLU being a limited job
>Limited Job defenders killed overnight
Let it become the one to shift the community against Yoshida's retarded ideas
Producer himself confirmed canon WoL is female plainsfolk though.
I thought so too, but you get used to it. The more content you do the more you notice those pixel perfect spots aoe seem to never hit.
What I'm hearing is make laylines for the entire party. I like it, god save our healers.
Reminder that Yoshi has stated that the WoL is canonically a female moon cat.
no he did not you dumb sack of shit
it's a generic-ass male hyur with black hair
>Any Job big brain
Horde Shield.
You can go with the crafted version if you want some fluff effect too.
>actually watching live letters
fucking yikes
Just learn the fight.
how about the shield that go with it
Get a fucking job
Y'shtola is just for that futa rogue cat with the thousand fanarts.
fuck off jew
>buffing shitters instead of carrying the group yourself
explain yourself
It was fun for a while, but two whole expansions of fire4 spam gets real old.
>being a non-neet on Yea Forums
reminder that yoshida features the default male hyur despite this statement
Why did they make him look so cartoony when we already got actual chocobos running around in the world?
I get he's from another realm but jesus.
I skipped through his whole story, only to find out he randomly shows up in parts of towns just fucking around like, can he just go home???
It's inexcusable.
>Why did they make him look so cartoony when we already got actual chocobos running around in the world?
>I skipped through his whole story
Fucking retard
because it's a recreation of a chocobo by an entity that only knows what chocobos look like by reading about it in a space book
also he is home, he lives here now with his robot friend, deal with it
He stated if he had to choose one it would be a Female Mooncat, the "canonical" WoL/D is Derplander since he's so generic. As is WoL is left open ended in terms of "Canon" given the snippets where you can switch gender and the fact that the story makes sure to tell you that YOU are the chosen one.
He was created by Omega specifically to be cute and innocent so you would follow him and inadvertently walk into Omega's death tournament. After Omega is destroyed he decides to explore the world as his own lifeform.
>tfw you use the same glamour as a prolific futa commissioner
>playing samurai
The only way you're carrying that group is down.
yoshi give mixed races please
Wonder what Blizzard thinks of Viera
Asuran Greatshield.
Everyone and their moms use that shitty glamour. Actually I am surprised you are using pants with it instead of a tanga.
When's the next fanfest or whenever they will announce the lion race and dancer?
Fat Kul Tiras dudes look better than Highlanders and roes though.
March 23. One week.
But DRK story is pretty boring and cringe,
I dunno man, if only there was a site where you could see the schedule.
Nigger Roegayden's are what protect you and make you live in the frontlines. You scrawny fucking faggot.
His voice is pure sex.
Cry me a river fucking roe faggot. Don't you have to erp with your cat boyfriend?
Of course I use the pants, my character isn't some balmung slut.
I'd rather them just devote all the resources they'd spend tacking on possibly useless fluff to classes that already work into developing new classes entirely. Beyond a few jobs that need fixing like DRK and MCH, most of them could do with nothing or very minor tweaks.
I can understand it gets old after a while, but switching to something new for a few raids is more than enough to make me enjoy my favorite classes again.
I wish we had a hammer class with a weapon like this
all the english lala voices are fucking weird and i don't like them, none of them (except for papalymo i guess) sound like you'd expect a little potato person to sound like
>there are people who skip event quests
>Voiced in japanese by the guy that did Viral and Balmung (.hack)
>not playing as femshrek and embracing it
saw this earlier and I have to say, its pretty nice
Fucking this. The only class with a 'mace' is Paladin and the thing is fucking PVP item.
Pipin is awesome. Better than Raubahn
I did the repeatable quest 4 times, stopped after getting the same scene a second time. I know there's like 7 scenes but I'm not gonna sit there grinding them out just for some dialogue.
Well, mooncats are the best race. Better than theire protitute cousins.
>Better than Raubahn
Raubahn is pretty damn great too.
You're all thieves and scum
He totally is. BUt I have a thing for "Passing the torch" arcs and I like to see Pipin as a proper succesor to him. He is doing well enough so far.
Yeah, Suncats are big babies.
All Miqo'te are fucking animals.
>Why if it isn't my adopted son who has been away fighting a distant war and who I have never mentioned before until this very moment, and who is also conveniently a lalafell around Nanamo's age
Pipin is a contrived character.
why do you keep posting this 5 months old mod like you just discovered it
>cut back from playing XIV 25 hours a week to 10 hours a week
>start dieting and walking at night
>down 5 lbs in ~10 days
I'm gonna look like Hien by the time ShB rolls around
What's the difference between yell and shout?
>Very well, Ilberd... I will take our homeland back...
>...for the both of us.
and then the whole ala mhigo part of sb really sucked but that part was pretty good
Why wow failing more and more while XIV only gets better?
What happened to this little dude after Baelsar's
Blizzard is dead while the xiv team still half way cares about their game.
Shout is the entire zone. Yell is like 10x the distance of /say.
I have a very specific demand. I want at least one class to have a skill that involves them losing a massive chunk of life (40-50%) in exchange for a ridiculous damage boost.
It also has to have a really cool name. Ideally, I'd like this on MNK since I honestly think the class could use something make it really stand out although I wouldn't mind seeing something like this on DRK.
Shout is for the whole zone, yell is an area around you
Black Mage already has that
xiv is a japanese self published game in a flagship franchise
wow and blizzard games in general are under activisions thumb and the direction is influenced by diversity quotas, casual pandering western social media trends
what exactly do you think a story is, user?
a skill like that would be op and retarded in this game. as long as you do the dance avoiding aoe you're never going to have a risk of dying.
Didn't they catch him and other responsible and ask the WoL what to do with them? I know you could tell them either prison or execution, but I don't know if anything came of it.
>use convert
>healer cure 2 me
xiv is better in most ways at this point
Xiv will die with classic unless blizard fucks it up
I mean they already fucked it up but I mean really fuck it up.
Yeah, they got caught when Ala Mhigo was recaptured and Raubahn said he'd like to execute them but wants your input.
Then they aren't mentioned again.
Yeah it's a throwaway line in 4.1. you don't decide their fate, just give your opinion of what you want happen to them
Raubahn better have carried out the execution. Laurentius had his chance.
Can't see them adding a skill which gives people more opportunity to kill themselves, especially one that only benefits the user but shifts all the burden onto the healers. Ultimately that's all a health sacrifice skill is, "healers adjust". DPS and tanks don't have to manage their own HP.
>BLU is the "overpowered" solo job
>RDM is actually the only job that can solo things
DRK gets a big oni club for some reason
feels like a safe bet they'll get out in some chaos
To be honest, they had a decent plan that forced you and the alliance to go to war to liberate AM, and there wasn't shit you could do to stop them at that point. All of that could've been avoided had the alliance simply pressed into AM instead of sitting on their collective rear, and it could've been done with the Griffon's brigade alongside us, instead of them summoning a primal with their deaths that we eventually had to clean up.
I just want some justice for Meffrid, man.
He was trailing you the entire last leg of Stormblood up to Ala Mhigo along with the Hyur dude from around the Toto-Rak dungeon story but it was only mentioned by various NPCs in and aroound the area.
When am I supposed to use the Garuda-egi? Seems like ifrit does the same thing.
Based retard
blu is super-overpowered if doom/missile/tail screw actually works and useless otherwise, not really different from job-system games where blue mage pops up
i love this guy. he's the same psycho who refused to use a job stone for three expansions.
Garuda-egi is useful primarily for Contagion, otherwise yeah keep it on Ifrit.
vanilla/classic has always been fucked up, from balance to itemization the game was a fucking broken mess. but it was a novelty in 2004-2006 and had a good community, neither of which are true now. blizzard is in a tough spot because if they actually make the game better they piss off grognards, but if they don't then the kids with second hand nostalgia won't play for more than a week, even with BfA being in its sorry state
Garuda is superior for bosses because of Contagion, but she requires a little bit of micromanagement in your opener. Ifrit you use pre-pull when using Garuda so you can have Radiant Shield up and fish for a Ruin IV. Otherwise you use him for dungeon trash because he has better AoE. Or just use him for any casual content because it's less effort.
all the time? pretty sure current garuda-egi is better than ifrit-egi except for farming further ruin on the opener.
Hey Yea Forums, whats your rarest mount?
your mom
either the legacy chocobo considering all legacy players quit, or the new tranny marble
must be roleplaying as a FFXI apologist
Probably this
well it isn't as bad as the male uraeus coat with built in gynecomastia
freaky to be honest.
i didn't know i wanted this but i guess i do
>Guy just cleared PotD 200 on steam
heroic shield
It's hilarious how the fucking legacy tattoo exists and yet yoshi still has the audacity to fucking lie about the complications of tattoo implementation
so there are Airy and Anne skins? I don't like that, neither of them are healers
When do you think Stormblood will be on sale? I want to play again but I quit in the middle of HW. I want to be able to play next expansion on launch.
Yes, there's ones for Airy replacing Eos and Anne replacing Selene
One more week. They will reveal it at JP fanfest next Saturday.
slightly less freaky but still off
thats spot on as if she were right out of BD. unfortunately Airy never had -1 on her wings so the autist in me can't approve of it
It will become a bootleg Requiescat/Inner Release where all your shit becomes enhanced with 200 extra potency
Also on a 60 sec CD to conviniently align with party buffs to please the FFlogs autists
This is the game you play
>not being proud of your clownsuit
If you want to look nice do it in settlements, not when out fighting
literally who
it's rossi oh
>finally add Zantetsuken for SAM
>have no good glamours to go with it
I had a healer today in Bardam's Mettle, I think they had just used a jump potion to get to 60 since they still had the sprout tag. It was quite an experience, since they couldn't keep the group and the tank alive at the same time, and not avoiding the AoE made the job even harder.
It really didn't bother me all that much though, it's pretty rare to see someone so new that they can't actually do the content, so I was kind of happy in a way. I'm sure they'll get lots better as they practice.
whats the xiv equivalent of this outfit
probably the low level harness+subligar combo
The pre-50 gear you buy from vendors that comes pre-dyed in random colours.
any leveling set
garo with each part in a different cash shop metallic color
I don't know about that, but they can't seem to get away from including leather briefs.
It's when you had just enough tomes to get one hand piece, won the hat from the 24-man raid, got shoes from the 8-man, and the pants from the roulette dungeon. The chest part is the previous series of tome gear.
Where's the best place to find an FC or linkshell that raids together? I know it's pretty late in the expansion to be looking, but I'm about to ditch my current FC mates since they're not really doing anything.
Usually whenever Yoshida's lying through his teeth about something it's an overcomplicated, roundabout way of saying "No, fuck off" desu
When is the next story patch?
Are we getting welfare 400 ilvl rings like Proto Ultimate in HW?
I'd play a Kul Tiran in a heartbeat in XIV. I like their build more than Roegadyn.
>When is the next story patch?
The 26th
>Are we getting welfare 400 ilvl rings like Proto Ultimate in HW?
Maybe from Yojimbo
roes are kinda like wow orcs if they didn't slouch, they're not really comparable to the strongfat guys
WoW Orcs have a non slouch version now.
Better catch up on Hilidibrand user
and it completely fucks their gear lol
oh fuck, it's hildibrand? I think I'm still in fucking HW hildibrand
Hildibrand is the only quest line I don't skip text or cutscenes and I'm still in HW Hildi
>still no doujins where the WoL teaches Omega-F how to be human by impregnating her
>skipping cutscenes
Me on the right
>still need my weapon from Kefka for Weapons Refrain
>only groups doing it are complete shitters
I’m on the verge of giving up, I’m pretty sure everyone competent enough to run Ultimate has already done so
> by impregnating her
I want to get a custom printed playmat for the FFTCG. I play a Scions deck. What XIV related image should I get?
This if you can find a high res version.
Y'shtola making love to Minfilia
only answer
All lyse does is mope about how she's not good enough. It's annoying.
i got you pham
Give credit where it's due user. She also clenches her fist and tells the elderly that they're cowards for not joining the resistance.
Which is the funnest tank?
The wedding dress glamour tanks didn't ruin your immersion first?
>still no blue eyes or exodia edit
I am disappoint
>DRK- most fun tank
>WAR- most meta tank
>PLD- most powerful sleep aid
>Fist is ribbed for her pleasure
Is Lyse a lesbian?
>I’m pretty sure everyone competent enough to run Ultimate has already done so
they mostly have, so yeah you're fucked. There are a lot of B-tier groups getting their clears around now with the long lull leading up to the expansion
general reminder for anyone doing uwu as a melee/tank, the diamond and ultima weapons are the only viable ones you can use. Anything higher that gets synced down (eureka weapons included) goes down to i370 tome weapon weapon damage due to the scaling bug they only fixed in diamond weapons.
What did Michael-Christopher Koji Fox mean by this?
The Blackest Night is objectivity the best ability added in Stormblood.
Fight me.
What's popping, gamers?
Midare Setsugekka was also added in Stormblood, friend.
It's just a shield. Wow, fucking amazing.
>Allagans had bioengineered tentacle sex pets
How do I get these skins?
The only thing I don’t like about TBN is that it’s very easy to over cap on Blood. I know it probably won’t make a difference to jump from 63 blood to 100 but it still feels bad. Hope there’s an increase in max blood or a reduction to how much blood TBN gives and the cost of other moves.
Other than that TBN is amazing. A 20% on demand shield on a 15 second cooldown that manages to be DPS neutral despite costing Mana is such an unbelievably satisfying tool.
>I know it probably won’t make a difference to jump from 63 blood to 100
Considering TBN is already effectively DPS neutral in most cases that's actually a big DPS loss
>tfw saving a teammate from a melee lb
>Told DRK questline is good
>its actually fucking bad
I should've known better then to trust a bunch of literal faggots desu.
>dislikes the only good storyline in the entire game
only faggot here is you user
I can hardly think of a game with worse pvp than this one.
The reason I say it’s probably not a DPS loss is because it works like AOE arrow.
AOE arrow gives 60% of a GCD in a perfect ping situation but that doesn’t mean it will be a DPS gain for each individual unless they would have been within 60% of reaching their next GCD by the end of the phase.
When you play Dark Knight there are times where you end a phase with 1 blood and there are times where you end a phase with 48 blood. Both of these would amount to the same DPS. The only time that 13 extra blood would actually add to your DPS is if you would have ended a phase at 37+ blood.
a 20% HP shield on a 15 sec CD that lasts 8 sec and refunds your MP as potency if it breaks
If you actually played a tank, you'd know it's amazing
No it was gay and your a fucking mongoloid for thinking its good writing. Just like how shadowbringers is just gonna be "LIGHT AND DARK ARE DESTINED TO FIGHT FOREVER" will be bad but you will still suck its cock.
it's better than nothing. i wish there was more than just variants of king of the hill. i think it's one of the few things wow does better.
So you didn't understand the story at all. That explains it.
So you have a lack of understanding the story then? Gotcha.
I play every role, and I can't really say I'm impressed when classes can shit out more and better shields than that.
>melee lb killing someone
fuck them for nerfing it
So we got PLD, DRK, and SAM Zantetsukens, RDM when.
Yeah but compare that to Paladin which gets a free Shadow Wall on any tankbuster.
Bro if you somehow can't understand the concept of Jungian shadows go play Persona and come back when you can manage to grasp a concept that lobotomized waifufags can even understand.
>he literally didn't get it
Guys, Aldo is way better than TBN because it gives a bigger shield, is on a 2.5 second CD and it heals too!
That was not even remotely the point.
Not sure if it’s just me are people afraid of putting titles next to their names
Don't do it.
I believe you are intentionally baiting the thread. Nice job user. Nobody could be this stupid.
Hopefully never.
The only one that looks decent enough is with it is SAM anyway.
that's right
Your shitty sickdark story was vague and retarded.
Odin's shield. whatever it's called. It's sold at the gold saucer.
Fucking what?
>aldo shield takes a gcd to actually kick in after hitting the target with the healing portion of the skill
Sheltron's problem is being single hit, which makes it susceptible to misstiming against tank busters that comes instantly after auto-attacks, which is pretty ever savage add and mechanics like O6S last kiss
TBN is much more flexible
TBN might block less than Shelton but it doesn’t suffer from deminishing returns with other % cooldowns like Shelton does and it can block multiple hits. The fact that it can’t be eaten away by a single auto attack makes it much better in fights like UWU where a lot of tank busters aren’t telegraphed. No need to count autos like it’s ARR with DRK.
because the game generates the shield at the time of the heal. it doesn't exist until it knows the value of the heal.
Heres the better Minifllia
>t. Thancred
all lala players are pedos
I got all the non ranked pvp mounts. So whatever one of those is the rarest
Why do people find her eyes so weird? Shes had them for fucking forever. Its her Word of the Mother eyes.
>tfw your party buff actually exists for your party to buff YOU
MNK chads reign supreme
Oh dear, it's a shame that Ilberd did not live long enough to see how he fucked up everything and gave this fucking dragon right into the hands of the empire
weird. lolis usually look cuter, but not this time.
If WoL and Omega hadn't interfered it would have razed all of Ilsabard so really that one's on you.
no pupil, that's why
wasn't Shinryu just chilling in Ala Mhigo's back garden until WoL walked up and killed it? Did it do anything in the war?
>tfw the only reason zenny was able to capture it was because the omega that we released injured it sufficiently
She doesnt have pupils as WotM either.
Omega captured it during their fight over the wall, and it was sealed up somewhere in the mountains until Zenos found it.
Omega was the one who caught it. Look at the designs on the shield.
Playmat user here. I might just go with this one. Mostly because it's the correct size for the playmat and doesn't look stretched or pixelated.
That would've opened Pandora's box. Remember, your actions do influence the other provinces; Dalmasca is proof of that. If Shinryu razes Ilsabard to the ground, then that sends the message of "shit, primals work" and suddenly they're fucking everywhere.
>Omega was the one who caught it. Look at the designs on the shield.
oh shit, right you are
There are much cooler ones.
>blight mages casting medica 2 while the regen is still up
I'm glad they died
explain what is good about the omega story
cat man cat man cat man
DMC6 Protagonist
Nothing. Just jacking off to f omega is worth it.
>Commissioned cute cosplay waifu to make his outfit
Why is Yoshida so fucking based?
>tfw I bought Encyclopedia Eorzea Vol 1 and actually enjoying reading it. Even the most autistic things like how the world was formed, and what the astral and umbral eras are
I swear sometimes I actually have autism. Gimmie some lore and I just eat it up
Now buy and read through vol 2
This game has great lore user, nothing autistic about it. I've been hooked since 1.0.
it is pretty well written, and so is no. 2. looking forward to the third volume at the end of shadowbringers
for as much shit as koji gets for being a fucking hack and a fraud, his lore autism is genuinely good for the game
Cant believe she`s dead bros
That's what Blizzard think
Koji fills in so much obscure shit that really makes the world feel alive. Originally JP levequests had no lore to them, but he decided to start filling in why you were doing them and when the nips found out they got mad because they were just getting bland 'Go kill 10 skeletons' shit with no lore. Start doing fishing and realize just how much fucking lore actually exists for the weirdest most obscure parts of Eorzean life.
It only sucks because healers exist to be quite honest.
That's the reason he gets free pass to act like memester.
>none of the other guys from the 1.0-2.0 video ever show up again, it's just derplander
shit they really did die, didn't they
Koji confirmed in 1.0 that the FMV party were both stand-ins for the PC and their own characters you might run into someday.
They died and the WoDs were using their corpses.
Because he's actually played MMOs and knows what's up.
It's Yoshi who said that.
>When both 5th ages are more interesting than current one
I already own Vol 2 but I I want to finish Vol 1 first.
yeah i know arbert + friends are dead in "your" game, but they should still be alive in the trailer continuity or whatever you want to call it since it's the same character every time
All she wanted was Derplander's loins. It's not fair!
I've been playing since 1.0 and I've literally never done any of them.
I've never really cared about glamour though and that seemed like one of the main reasons to do them.
Why do you think WoL changed from Archer to Warrior? Because Paladin sucked ass. When he left them, they were basically doomed
>Literal brainlet incapable of understanding a story thinks he has the audacity to call anything retarded
>anime loliposter having this shit of taste
checks out, continue
Will he ever speak again?
ok i will post something more suited to your tastes
*turns head slightly*
How did Yoshida get away with this?
I see you haven't seen 3 highlanders in sailor uniform wearing tights yet.
I need a comprehensive SAM rotation/priority guide or list
As i understand it, it's something like
Always Kaiten the iaijutsu moves (midare + higanbana dot)
Always hagakure + Guren when available
Shinten when above 40 kenki (or something like that)
His name is Kuwabara. He's being retarded on purpose. Based RPer.
Shinten forever, Midare not to overcap Sen and all Sen into Hagakure.
Higanbana>Shinten (Hagakure)>Midare
For AoE, over 5 enemies and don't Kaiten the Tenka.
/chuckle while moving when?
are their any emotes that can be used on the move?
I don't remember the weebshit names but
>rotate your 3 sen
>always convert sen into kenki when you can
>keep up the dot
>boost every iaito skill
>dump your kenki on the thrust
>dump your sen into midare when the convert is on CD (every other sen cycle)
Also haste > damage > slashing
Nothing wrong is ever going to happen to him, right?
Too irrelevant for bad things to happen to him, unless the Garleans pull a waking sands 2.0
We ended 4.5 part 1 by talking with him.
I'll actually be upset if anything happens to him or Coultenet.
nah i'm pretty sure him and coultenet are safe, or at least i hope so since i make a point of checking up on those dudes whenever they're hanging around in the base
i think its about time we had a rising stones massacre
>only 2 cats
garbage pic, absolutely garbage
Honestly skipped Little Ladies Day cause just felt like it was not worth it and by the sounds of it was worse than the last 3 Ladies Days all together so don't feel like I missed much
Relevant Roegadyns always get shat on
>Merlwyb is by far the most stupid eorzean leader because muh pirate identity
>Moenbryda was a sacrificial plot device
>Gosetsu entire life is suffering
>that fucking retarded garlean Roe that serves Yotsuyu
It's best for him to remain irrelevant
Merlwyb isn't stupid, she's just malicious.
found the raid tranny
Have we heard anything about the English stream yet, other than the fact that it exists?
your race of rapists deserve no better, you only exist to be henchmen of the lalafells and aid them ruining the world
>English stream
Will he be a a job quest trainer?
>Merlwyb speech to Varis
>not stupid
Of all the arguements she could use, she chose the worst one and made herself look like the absolute joke of the parley
i could see him being relevant to the the 70-80 SAM quest
his character arc is pretty much over so i think it'd be a safe bet to put him in a class quest
The SB DRK mount because nobody plays DRK anymore.
Half my server is DRK... I see DRKs more then any other tank these days.
I blame the shadowbringers announcement.
I liked Alpha. Him being pretty much the opposite of Omega in terms of AI showing emotions and understanding was obvious but the raid storyline was actually pretty good. Way better than Goblins and Alexander.
What is this bullshit, why can't I store my Voice of the Just (the formal Ul'dah earrings you need to get into the banquet) in my Armoire.
If something like that can't be placed in it what the fuck can
Everyone is trying to level a DRK now since it's getting a massive rework with shadowniggers
Why even bother?
Most of these fotm faggots will hop on to Gun later anyway.
Barret is a gunner.
Don't forget meikyo when you have two sen.
Why would i meikyo at 2 sen?
Why xiv is so good guys?
Literally the only mmo right noevI gladly resub to, and have fun everytime.
I might as well go with squadron if it's like that.
>nobody plays DRK anymore.
There's a fuckton of casual DRKs which is really annoying because they're UNIVERSALLY terrible and only have Unleash bound.
Server? If Aether, ill tank queue for you.
Meikyoing at two sen is a bigger dps gain and is the optimal way to use it for sen generation.
I'm in Chaos and I was the one tanking. I hope that healer kills himself.
How exactly? I would end up with 2 sen at the end again, i dont want to tenka,
Protip: You can clean up your hud by disabling the arrows and numbers.
Thanks for reminding me how low xivs- playerbase standards are. I keep hearing about how good drk quest is and was considering taking a look but you are right.
SB brought a fuck ton of QoL changes, whats some QoL shit you'd like to see in ShB?
So I love guns in fantasy games like this but MCH is shit, does BRD have anything like a gun or am I stuck with MCH?
A button to kick all lala players from your party.
This is the reason why I'm fucking forced to heal. While them DPSing would be nice, I'm just happy with a healer that can manage MP. When I run as a non-heal it's a 50/50 that he's not totally retarded.
I found someone that let my tank die in Demzal because he didn't know how to use cure II.
>Ignoring where he gets blown the fuck out for being a retard incapable of reading
Better Glamour Armoire, just fucking copy how WoW does it's shit because it's perfect. If an engine that is over a decade can do it then SE has no excuse.
Or just remove it entirely
Transmog is trash and so is glamour
it builds midare faster than just meikyoing at zero or one sen.
Also it would go
2 sen > Meikyou > 3rd sen > Midare/Haga > 1 Sen > if need to refresh higa, refresh > if not, 2nd sen > 3rd sen combo > midare.
What a stupid opinion to have.
Add Yotsuyu's hair as an opion.
It's going to be mahjong reward.
Good because I am good at mahjong so I can get it.
they have a gun that shoots arrows, if guns were a long stick that was oriented vertically and had a string on both ends
I want to be able to change my menu color so I can use classic FF blue.
More hotbars pls.
Wrong idiot, he's guilt
That is actually happening.
When I pick to do a daily in the duty finder and switch to another job to level or do some crafting/gathering and the finder is ready, just let me go in and auto change to the previous job!
What's this shit on me needing to manually go back to the menu and switch back like that? Its just time wasting.
Because people could register to extreme and then sell their gear
Shit checks not just your job but ilvl too
>Not having a collapsing hotbar that houses all your jobs
>can completely remove gear in instance and be ilvl2
I would pay money if it meant they never added hime-cuts to the game so every fucking cat and lizard shitter doesn't run around with their stupid generic waifu haircut.
You know for a while I just assumed this game had no emote for laying down on the ground but I am looking at somebody do it right now, what the fuck is the command
Give Yoshida $7.99 on the mog station.
Pay up goy.
I can't check if you are joking or not since I have to enter my address to look at what's available and it apparently won't accept foreign postal codes
You could always ERP and get some stupid fag to buy it for you.
Hellhound and Faehound
>7 us dollars
>not even account wide
Jesus christ
What's the fitting end thing it comes with? some sort of dance
That's the item you use to unlock the emote.
I thought at that price it would come with some sort of bonus at least
What a sad state gaming is in
It's optional shit.
it's an emote you nigger. an emote.
>playing more than one character
I mean I don't but it's still pretty fucking jewish
Before the thread dies I want everyone to know Alphinaud is the cutest and best developed character in XIV.
I preferred Shiva girl