Soul vs Soulless

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Other urls found in this thread:


super soul

Attached: ryustance.gif (78x111, 22K)

A challenger appears

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Frame limits were a limit with the system, weren't they? There is always going to be some magic to how they got it to look good within those limitations, where as the upgrade could easily be Ultra HD photo realistic but is drawn with pixels just to be retro.

post the mario one

Attached: 1549568643722.jpg (314x273, 16K)

we have a winner

Left: What retro games were like
Right: What indie devs think retro games were like


8 frames

Attached: metroid.gif (132x144, 8K)

Rights legit better tho. Especially the way the armor looks

this has actual weight to it and doesnt look like a slideshow in the process

finally it's good, it actually has weight now






Basically contra level

did you have a fucking stroke?


Just because your scale triggers you and reminds you that you're a lardass doesn't mean laws of physics do not exist.

Weightless post.

This actually even better.

holy based and redpilled

If he's posting here then I doubt he's weightless.

effort=/=better quality

The best job is the one done right, and effortlessly!

Cringe ancient dinosaur singular pixelshit. I feel bad for you boomers who had to grow up with shitheap excuse of games like Atari and NES. Us late boomer chads enjoyed the refined ps2 and Xbox while you all playtested garbage.

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Why is she doing the running man on the left?

yes yes le boomzoomwoomtoomyoomgoomfoomdoomroompoomloomkoomsoom

the pinnacle of basedness and redpilledness

Attached: 1552603274214.gif (270x270, 2.3M)

You don't have to be seething as I enjoyed good games with good graphics while you played with shitty pixelshit garbage user.

i don't play video games
but amerishart memes are the worst


Absolutely based and redpilled

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Wojack didn't do anything wrong this time.

I still have yet to figure out what this meme is supposed to mean.

he's lying.

OG NES Samus looks like fucking garbage don't even try to deny it. You can argue about key frames all you want but the sprite to the right looks much better

But then why the chocolate bar?

Nestle's Crunch.

Attached: 1538673190271.gif (400x200, 23K)

thats not the argument being made though, dumbass

But that's a Hershey bar.


Ok now this one is just insultingly bad

...oh, I see. Thank you for the explanation,

I'm old. I remember borrowing Metroid, Flying Dragon, and Conquest of the Crystal Palace from friends. Anyone who says they like the original run animation over the upgrade is either a zoomer blinded by the retro meme or trolling.

get down!

It's a great animation, but it wouldn't work in game.

Attached: Samus Boogie.gif (128x148, 4K)

Pretty sure the Soul/Soulless meme is supposed to imply one is superior than the other. Therefore my point still applies. Samus's original NES sprite is ugly and has always been ugly, even people with the tightest nostalgia goggles will agree on that

Can you help me out? I still don't get it.

The reason the 8 frame version works, is that when a person runs, there is a slight lull in between strides. Which the absence of some of the frames allows for. This could still be improved though.

Let's get this shitshow started, shall we?

Attached: $RQYNC3L.gif (400x200, 31K)

Attached: $R32ZLNO.gif (400x200, 31K)

Mario's in game animation is much faster than what is shown here.

keyframes overstated

keyframes understated

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Attached: $R6DMP6X.gif (400x200, 35K)

Im not one to say buzzwords like "zoomer trash" but this legitimately looks like some trash that would be in an "old school" "retro" platformer made by a 10th grader.

Attached: $RUM4C00.gif (400x200, 37K)

Too flickery. Only the bandana thing should move

the only real upgrade here. everything else is too weighty or floaty, something wrong with the movements

Attached: $R0CGVBQ.gif (400x200, 38K)

Looks like he's going for a jog

what is this fags obsession with hats going fucking apeshit?

Reminds me of castlevania alucard

Why do hats have to bounce?
It should only do so when jumping

An easy copout to make a sprite look more lively

I think the hat bounce is a good idea in principle, the problem is that it happens too frequently. They should keep it but make the hat bounce every 3 or 4 steps.


>He doesn't wear a spring-loaded hat complete with a movement sensor that constantly bounces wildly on his head like a fucking circus clown's whenever he so much as blinks his eyes


Just solidifying that anime animated on 3s > shitty cartoons animated on 2s

Ninja movements should be fast and decisive. What is that puppy dog walk shit?

Castlevania (Game series)
Castlevania (Netflix)

Now that's a nice strut. Totally in Bat's character.

That style does look pretty good on Disney characters.

His arms really need to move less like in the original animation. Even if it's kind of goofy it's supposed to take that and improve it.

Netflix Castlevania has practically nothing to do with the real Castlevania.


look at all this soul

Attached: noooiiiiicceee.gif (244x244, 65K)

I never expected someone to make a fucking Madness character do a default dance
I hate everyone involved fuck this faggot planet

Who makes these retarded animations
They all have this bizarre "look i made it better it bounces now haha xd" amateur feel to them

They must work for Blizzard

The stomping motion of his footsteps is overexaggerated.

Upper body shouldn't move, just as in the original, which is to demonstrate the light footwork of the ninja.

Too bouncy for an old man walking with a cane.

I hate it.

this but unironically xD

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It's kinda like when you make a Dark Souls character and put over 25% equip load on him. Oh nevermind, you wouldn't understand, you don't play video games. I mean, I assume you don't, because what level of retardation would a video game player need to be at to not understand a character's weight? And I know you're not retarded, so it can only be you've never played a game...right?

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Heads pivoting during the walking animation creates a feeling of a retarded unga booga manner of walk.

The joke is it makes no sense. Its to get people to ask about the chocolate bar.

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I'd be a liar if i said i hated the little hat hop

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Sonic Mania has some of the best sprite work since metal slug

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When was this?

Attached: Upgrade.gif (144x200, 13K)


The right is actually better here, though.

yeah no I still play the original gaiden every month and fuck that bullshit

My god I really hate that fucking floppy hat.

this post gave me an aneurysm

cutscene at the end of green hill act 2, going through one of those tunnels that make you spin automatically, to spy on eggman and the heavies. afterwards, the phantom ruby activates, sonic and tails are taken to chemical plant.

The only "upgrades"

>the Chad run
>the virgin boogie

I don't remember this. Was it one of the Plus additions?

this is what soul posting does to your brain
don't engage in this discussion, kids

I kinda wanna fuck this car

That's what the guys from Arc Sys understood while making Guilty Gear. Their animations are perfect.

Attached: HOMERUN.webm (854x480, 2.76M)

Attached: DI YRC.webm (960x540, 1.55M)



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When the first post is also the best post

The chad 8 frame strut
The virgin 4 frame skip


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Aren't they supposed to be dark elves ?

This one isn't as bad as the others that have been posted here. I'd play it as some kind of Zero Mission de-make.

>that awful hat bobbing
Do these people think hats are floppy and ill fitting as standard

Yeah but that gets in the way of blacked

eternally based

Attached: BADBADNOTGOOD.jpg (960x540, 42K)

You don't remember because he's lying and that's fanmade


I think the reason why and works is because they're walking sprites.
Also, why did the animator decide to make Ryu's torso move? Has he never seen how ninjas run in movies and shit?

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Yea Forums

I'm bad, and that's good. I will never be good, and that's not bad. There's no one I'd rather be... than me.

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no, they hand-made all the animations in the 3d game as well, no interpolation whatsoever
they controlled every frame

what is this actually from?

You don't get the point I was making. They removed animations frames to get a better results. That's why for the example in OP it work better with 8 and 4 frames than with 12.