Games that strengthen friendships?

Games that strengthen friendships?

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Objectively the best Mario Party and no one can convince me otherwise.

Hey, kid... Wanna see some magic?

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Mario Party 2 costumes though....

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that game truly makes people rage, me and my brother were constantly getting angry trying to screw each other over when one of us got the darkling sword

Only played up from MP1-5 and Mario Party 3 is the only one I genuinely never tire of.
>10/10 minigames
>Best boards in the series
>Duel mode
Felt like the peak of the series.

Never play this 4 players with a room full of alcohol

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haha caused a break up with that game once

the tagline of "The Friendship Destroying Game" on the back of the case was no joke

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when you have buch of deathblocks and revives and he gives you a big bug.
t-thanks webber... s-see you next time....

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Bitch that game will still make you and your friends hate eachother

The fucking name changing option, I seriously think this game has ended friendships somewhere.

haha my friend took a turn for his girlfriend when she was doing something in the kitchen... ex-girlfriend now, of course

>Different people I've played City Trial with

>People who've complained about me killing them within half an hour of turning on Air Ride

>People who don't want to play Air Ride with me ever again

>My average kills per game, per player (since I started keeping track in 2015)

>My overall City Trial winrate since 2015
100%, not counting 2 ragequits

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Ik the game isn't out yet but the thought of a co-op racing game sounds really fun to me
Imagine if your team worked really well together how unstoppable you'd be

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Are you me and my friend?
City Trial is the best shit ever and really needs a Airride2 on switch with online multiplayer up to 16-32 people

Double Dash

Wasn't great since only one person gets to use items and the other just drives

Dd was pretty unique and still fun, but yeah it kinda sucked how one person was on item duty while the other did most of the work

i only ever played this with one friend, and we went back and forth on who would win. never had any salt at all somehow.

Pic very much related.

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Why? People stealing loot?

City Trial is great fun, but play it seriously, and I mean really seriously, for long enough and you start to notice how toxic optimal play is.
>1. Opponent farms powerups
>2. Find Shadow or Slick and kill them
>3. Steal powerups
>4. QS the nearest star for 70% of its HP
>5. Collect volcano, Star Pole or event boosts
>6. Drive to the star opponent is still running toward. If it's the damaged one, break it. If not, QS it
>7. Farm
>8. Repeat Steps 5-7

Yeah, but I remember the minigames and boards in 3 being a little more "fuck you" style.


>not going for Dragoon or Hydra and knowing where red boxes are useless and never spawn parts
C'mon son, there's so much variety in CT. I guess if you play it optimally you can ruin everything, just like how people ruined playing Smash or RTS for fun. The only game that can hold up to optimal play is Arena FPS if you put some effort in.

This is the greatest game of all time to play with your friends, with each guy stopping at nothing to dick over the other guys and building their characters to counter the others, with everyone's scheming and fighting overlapping into beautiful chaos. I've literally put hundreds of hours into it with my friends and we'd still be playing it to this day if we could. If a sequel came out that fixed some minor issues (adding trading, making it so other people have a real good reason to watch the screen while it isn't their turn), it would be my favorite game of all time in any situation. God I love Dokapon Kingdom.

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Dragoon is a casual trap that usually ends up being a waste of time. You give your opponent map control by sticking to the outskirts/underground where the boxes spawn, and I can just take a piece to prevent you from assembling, then camp with my stat advantage.

. Hydra is suicide. The moment you're close to assembling 3 parts I'm going to start tailing you, and I'm going to kill you while you're charging for the first time. Have fun beating the final challenge with Compact.

See, you're talking like a tourneyfag again. Stop being a boring wanker and just have fun in a game that was designed after having fun

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THIS GAME. So fucking fun. Unlocking the minotaur and all the shit was great.

Nearly 10 years ago I became best friends with a kid who I invented over for this game, we're still best pals to this day

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All of them.

I love it every platform and version! Such good times with my pals.

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worst game ever made

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never played it. should check it out sometime.
is the wii version alright? will it work with dolphin's netplay?

Kirby games are fun as fuck. Easy, but fun.