Whats the Yea Forumserdict?
Whats the Yea Forumserdict?
It's worst than anthem.
Not out for burgerfag PCfriends until 1 a.m. EST. The only people that have played the retail version paid 100 bucks for it so they're probably not the most objective.
Thread over.
Its the best loot shooter to come out in recent memory. so its okay, no borderlands but its a time killer till sekiro comes out
Nah, nah, you gotta get the $120.00 King Goy Edition.
Yea Forums “””””hates””””” it which means it’s damn good. Best looter shooter and a big improvement over the first game
way better than the first
way less cringe
still a pretty average shooter
6.5 or 7/10 id say, its pretty okay
Ubisoft can only make games that look nice and make you feel nice to walk around in.
As soon as combat starts of any kind it all goes to shit. They just can't make gameplay to save their lives.
will wait for sale in 4 months and hopefully all the cheating will be dealt with by then
Better launch than any other recent looter game. Feels complete. Bugs here and there with the GPS but you can switch it off and make your own way around just as easily.
Loot is plenty if you look for it, but you aren't forced to.
Gameplay is fun and more engaging than the first game as you don't have to run 1 of 3 viable skillsets to do well.
Haven't played PvP yet, could be trash.
Side missions feel like real missions, better than the first where it was just search for beeping box in apartment x4.
Not at the endgame yet so can't comment on that, Beta made it seem about the same as the first game but with sorta new enemy mechanics.
The fact it improved over the first from day 1 is a step forward in the genre (see: Borderlands 1 > 2, Destiny 1 > 2 on release, Diablo 2 > 3 on release, Anthem in general not learning from over a decade of other devs mistakes, etc)
As always with this kind of game, it's more enjoyable if you play with friends, but that goes for everything. Game is easily soloable though, and matchmaking is easy if you get stuck (hit button to call for help).
I don't play video games.
This game is shit. Makes Future Soldier look like a masterpiece in comparison. It's a shitty bullet sponge simulator, they have no clue how guns work, and the RPG shit is just padding. Keep in mind, Ubisoft is a multi-billion dollar corporation, and this is what they churn out?
I played the 4v4 pvp mode in the beta and it was pretty damn fun
pretty good
>It's a shitty bullet sponge simulator, they have no clue how guns work
The game is literally an action RPG loot shooter.
I like 2 alot more than 1
when can I play? In an hour?
Its good. Easily one of the better looter shooters out right now, and it only improves on the first. Side missions are actually interesting and are like lite versions of main missions. The changes to armor and health is the best thing they've changed and I love it. Tanks need to have their armor shot off to get to their health, and enemies without armor are just sitting ducks. TTK is lower than the first game at launch and even in its current state. Unlocking mods that don't need to be upgraded and rerolled and all that is good, you just slap whatever mod you want on for its bonuses and move on. Enemies are varied and even in early game there are a ton of different types that pop up as you complete missions. My only issues so far are the crashes and stuttering I keep getting, and not finding as much clothing as in the first game (and the awful hair choices, holy fuck are they bad). Its a complete step up from the first game so far.
Its okay. That's about it. Expected much worse
In the beta I saw that the skills/gadgets had equippable component slots. How does that work?
>Big improvement
>Mods now have the retarded + and - "balancing"
Nothing wrong with this. You SHOULD have to balance pros and cons in a loot shooter, if everything was a positive influence there wouldn't be a point to them even being in the game.
It would have been the best looter shooter had it not been set in a "realistic" setting.
I'm assuming it's like every ubishit game
Not bad but not very interesting or exciting.
lol this. Anytime Yea Forums or /g/ *hates* something, I go ahead and get it because I know it'll be good. /g/ likes to brag about their $59.00 piece of shit chink phones because their broke asses can't afford a flagship, so they shit on the flagships. Same here... unless it's a shitty no name anime game that no one but 14 year old boys play... they'll say it sucks, trying to pretend to be super sophisticated game conisouirs. They probably just can't afford the $60 price tag and prefer jacking off to cartoon lolies anyway.
You're basically right. If Yea Forums hates it - it's a worth buying and playing.
>Nothing wrong with a foregrip giving better accuracy but negative stability
You're fucking retarded m8, they slapped on random drawbacks for no reason when it wasn't an issue in the first game.
peak boomer game for middle aged fucks who have wet dreams about taking their guns out from under their beds for something other than masturbating on and into them
it's the same fucking game in a different setting with some polished up mechanics
if you didn't like it before you still won't
I found the most clothes when looting around hotels surprisingly. There are more suitcases around and I usually get one piece of clothing.
It's to make up for removing the 3 stat min-maxing bullshit from div 1. Now you gotta bullshit min-max the mods on your gun.
And That's A Good Fucking Thing
>those ridiculously inflated magazine sizes in the first game
>Being retarded and having mods give a negative to something they should do the opposite with is ok because devs can't into moderation
Or they could just you know not have ridiculously scaled numbers?
And there's absolutely no build diversity in TD1 because of that. I'm having fun min/maxing guns for my builds and I'm sure it'll be balanced out at level 30 with specialties.
There's not gonna be any build diversity this game either m8, either you run dual subs just like D1 or you're gonna get bodied in dark zone.
>hopefully all the cheating will be dealt with by then
dont expect much. this is a company where people hacked to get high scores when blacklist came out, ruining everyones fun, and last time I checked they hadnt fixed this shit
I kek'ed.
Chest High Wall American Police Simulator with RPGLite Skinner box.
Do the abilities become interesting? That was the biggest turn of for me for division 1
I've seen things like radius upgrades, duration increase, more targets. more health, etc. I can see the higher end ones being really good and integral to building around a gadget.
That’s actually surprising.
>89gb download.
>1gb away from finishing download and decide to sleep
>download is back to halfway and have to wait another 3 hours for it to finish
>another retard who somehow thought a TPS Diablo was gonna be realistic in any way
>The game is literally an action RPG loot shooter.
>action RPG
>The Division
>Action RPG
>not having fiber with gigabit up and down
Holy freaking wow lol.
Had fun with Anthem. Would I enjoy this?
Despite my gripes I'll admit some of the abilities are nice, like the drone that flies to enemies and shoots, or can be a bombardier in a specified line, or a couple other options. Then the turret being either the big standard or outright unlocking the flame turret or one that deals with heavy armor better. The chem launcher is very niche but can definitely lead to some fun, shield is still laughable even in a squad, seeker mine you now have to plot its course for attacking, and med station is now a bundle of mini drones that can be a healing or a buff or annoyance to enemies.
If you could find fun in fucking Anthem you could easily find fun in licking windows or playing TD2.
If you managed to have fun in anthem I figure you would also have fun fucking a spiked dildo. So yes you should enjoy divison
>Had fun with Anthem
Its a cover based shooter where cover is extremely important, so its a lot different gameplay wise than Anthem. When it comes to gear its plentiful and stats have a bigger impact than Anthem's loot, at least wit my little experience with the game.
I didnt have fun with Warframe and everyone kept telling I should play that instead.
At least with that you didn't have to waste money to find out.
wat, mine is only 44GB
>way better than the first
I know you're lying. I'll accept that it's better than the first, since I played both closed and open beta and have sunk over 500+ hours into the first game, but "way better" is bullshit.
Only PS4 has that fuck huge patch.
>have to wait another hour to play it on uplay than epic games store
for what purpose
Your autism is showing
Not possible
Epic shelled out money so uplay had to give them something.
I played and enjoyed the first one, and played the second one's beta and quite liked the gameplay, but these games are all about loot, and the loot is just so lame.
>generic guns
Like, really?
If you liked the first or were on the fence, you're gonna like this one. Incorporates pretty much all the improvements the first saw plus other good changes.
If you didnt like the first you still aren't going to like this.
Are classes different this time around? Everyone had the same basic loadout in 1.
I miss PSO so much
But Yea Forums hates everything.
no way it's possible
play on the ephinia server bro, they gotta discord and there's usually at least 50-100 people on and they're all usually chill.
good times
Anyone with an xbox one x can confirm if there is a 60fps mode?
Bioware employee...
I'd probably buy it if it was an FPS. I hate over the shoulder TPSs. I got the first one with a GPU and the movement felt horrible and sluggish.
That's loot tho and only gun drops would be dumb
>looter shooter
>damn good
Ubisoft employee
Gonna buy it tomorrow. Looking forward to it.
It's just nu/v/ - Part and parcel of being a newfag is being a contrarian to the "contrarians" on Yea Forums. Good post though.