Where should Resident Evil go next?

Where should Resident Evil go next?

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start utilizing old characters properly

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a remake of the true resident evil 3, nemesis aka last escape aka the best of the original classic REs

You think they will continue with whatever the thing in 7 was as the enemy or create a new one?
So far we've had bio-virus, alien parasite and whatever 7 was. What else could they do?

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REmake 3 then retcon everything after 3 and start again

more bio-virus. with the new engine, they will look amazing

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Which was the alien one? I've only played the original three and the 2 remakes

I agree, but with Certain characters had potential but weren't in the best games

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How about something not a fucking remake?


RE3make for Jill

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This image is sexist. It reduces a woman to nothing but her ass and pussy.

4 introduced alien parasites which continued I think into 5 and 6. 7 made a new thing. I think it was a psychic fungus that mind controls people.

That looks exactly like an ex of mine, she had really bad autism
I would have enjoyed her but the sex was terrible

Remake of code Veronica

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yeah, there's definitely more
like her tits, and her armpits, and her navel, and the little crease between her buttcheek and her leg

I’m the only vote huh?
you can all go fuck yourselves

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I'm so happy I didn't play these

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will they remove the transphobic remarks by Claire?

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The next RE should just focus on OP's image.

thanks for the laugh, user

RE8 which is essentially RE7-2

I need Sherry in RE8.

3 scenarios.
Chris, Leon, Claire

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I love Claire.

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>Sherry's famously big honkers

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A new RE game that is good.


dont forget her face

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You cant forget about their thighs, user, cmon

were they aliens? i thought they were found in Spanish caves

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Maybe alien fossils?

2 remake in the same vein as the RE1 remake

Didnt 5 show it came from some flower

especially the small ring of flab that protrudes around the brim of her spats

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Progenitor virus

I want to hold her hand

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Is her face modded here?


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I know that feel. Claire is perfect.

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Claire is a work of art

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what a cute

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File 3

past a certain age, a Jill without a family can be a bad thing

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>At work all day
>Can't stop thinking about Claire

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>dont make me say it Leon

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where did this whole thing with chris wanting leon to fuck his sister start


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well the real answer is go sideways to keep this train fresh
remake Dino Crisis

I can't believe that a rookie police officer would have the audacity to just come and steal my heart like that

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make it so you have to survive. No weapons and limited health options. Hiding and running is more valued or something.

would you want your sister to reach 40 without having a family of her own?

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>no "Into the Trash" option

They most likely would but they should add even more

made me chuckle

damn, she was packing.

do you think remake 3 will be a big success like remake 2?

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Remake Dead Aim

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It's hard not to think of such a lovely girl.

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straight into the

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Wesker should've saturated her just to spite Chris

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mrs X redfeild

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No, that's RE2 and they already fucked up with the Remake. RE1 Remake is the best remake so far.

Is there any more DLC for this gaming coming soon or is Capcom done with this game?

Well, the voice actors were for it.
Who knows, maybe it'll be revealed down the line.

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wesker has gotten pretty far and it seems like Claire isnt totally against the idea

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I thought some meteor hit Spain.

Samefag image dumping with no contribution to the thread subject

Keep coming to every thread to spill your tears

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>there's only 1 person who likes Claire

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>sterilizing the image by removing the cum bolas

fuck you reddit niggers

Even Alyson and Richard agree Wesker loves Claire. The most anticipated couple, and they have so many fanfics about them.

She probably wouldn't last 7 minutes during the rough foreplay.

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She took a kick to the face, so that says something.

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wesker knows her limits

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Claire truly knows how to endure abuse then.

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Claire is not for bullying. She is for love and cuddles.

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We love a considerate man.

Jordan is my wife

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REmake 3, and then a reboot sequel after that.

The difference was that the series were relevant when they were pumping out sequels to shit.

Also, we learned that the more they rehashed; the worst they got. No one praises Jason takes Manhattan as kino. The reigniting of Sequel and Remake fever doesn't makes sense, because we already know how it ends. The only people who can't see it are the faggot boomers that think history isn't worth learning from.

That said, the RE2 remake was a decent effort. It's far from perfect, but so is every other RE game. It also showed that it wasn't going to get bogged down the same shitswamp that Amnesia, Outlast, and FNAF fostered.

While I'd appreciate an RE3 remake, as I think they'd be more likely to be more ambitious (and Nemesis is a far better candidate for their constant chase archetype), I don't think it's needed. If anything, the success of this remake should let Capcom know that people want that nostalgic RE experience with some modern twists. Which is 100% possible with a new title. They just have to cut ties with the post 3 storyline.




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Vendetta had such a mess of a story. Its only saving grace was that it had really well done action scenes.

I want to spoon with Claire

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that's all you need for a movie like that desu


the action scenes and Rebecca scenes were all great. and that's like 90% o the movie

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Ada and Claire catfighting.

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a new Outbreak

there should be an edit where it just says "DO HER"

It's over. They got him.

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RE Outbreak Files 1 and 2 bundled together.

hello REfriends

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>RE8 (2021)
>RE3make (2022)
>REmake (2025)

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This tbqh


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Alfred wasn't trans, you moron.

>Albert Whiskers
>Rebeccat Chambers
>Barry Purrton
What other RE names would Claire's cats have?

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that will be good. they can scan Voth and use the scans for 2 games

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RE3 and RE8 are parallel works to be release on next gen consoles and also Capcom wanna Remake the Remake because it's too fucking old.

I used to play Code Veronica on my Dreamcast and I miss that game. I was one of the few who voted that... Nemesis is close behind though.

CV is probably most in need of a remake but RE3 is what I'm more interested in seeing.

more ignoring the borefest that was RE7 and more Remaking games with character people actually care about.

that 'soft reboot' hope that was getting kicked around here for awhile would be great.

>stop playing Resident Evil 4!

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That's the current plan.
You can't improve photogrammetry it's the top quality for any game, next step is Virtual Reality.
So Crapcum will remake every single important RE using the RE Engine it's a long term project.

lmao nigga u wilding. I bought that shit for $20 and regret every penny. It's not even a very good paintjob, and that's basically all it aspired to be.

Also photogrammetry means = no need to redo assets from game to game.
For example If you already have a pistol made by photogrammetry that exact same pistol can be used for years without looking outdate.
This applies for every single ingame model.

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Dino Crisis 1 remake

>only 4 choices
Here's my 5th choice. Outbreak remake

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Holy kek.

no way fag

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Claire. Claire Redfield.

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Men of true culture

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Well now I know the name of my new kitten.

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>im gonna say it

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she ah ...
She issu.. myu... waifu!!!

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You can't improve photogrammetry graphics but you can improve game physics. The actual problem with games using photogrammetry is the lack of interaction with the scenary everything looks real but at the same looks fake because everything seems glued to the floor, walls or tables.


Good taste, but REmake 3 first

I tried using a model swap trainer on Runaway and I could not open the door after unlocking the gate. I guess you have to be Katherine. Dunno how this guy got through

must have gotten a breast reduction when she got older

infected with the B virus

this is a 10/10 in racoon city

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To me she would be 10/10 anywhere.

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God, I want to slap my dick on her forehead and ooze all over her face

Goddamn Clairefags are so fucking cringe.


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it's like you're new to waifuism

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>implying women are anything else

I like that costume

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Can someone red pill me

Why would they remake something that's already perfect? They can't recapture REmake no matter what.

he....he said that im nothing more than a collection of holes, then he hung up on me

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Why do they always animate her so stupidly

Yes, but it'll be called a failure since it'll launch on the PS5 which will obviously have a lower install base at first

Okay guys, get this
Operation Raccoon city
but good

Christ he's fast

Literally who

didnt you play the game?

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Only the remake, I'm planning on getting a copy of the PlayStation 1 trilogy

the face of Claire Redfeild, aka the most popular character of 2019

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>the most popular character of 2019
3 shitposters don't make a character popular.

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>be me
>go outside
>beautiful, sunny early spring day
>headphones in, playlist of all my favorite music
>going about my daily run
>realize Claire will NEVER be real
>get legitimately sad

Seriously bros what the fuck?

>They can't recapture REmake no matter what
Kazunori Kadoi don't want recapture anything he want to reimagine the remake as they did with RE2make with new game mechanics and meant for a new audience again same as RE2make.

What are some other video games with canon knot sluts? Is RE the only one?

>tfw spent the last three weeks getting the best results I can
>still can't get a sub 01:30:00 on hardcore B
Can I beat the G3, the tyrant, and G5 without the magnum? Seems impossible.

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I saw a speedrun that clocked in at 1:22 on the Xbox One S so it's possible.

According Kadoi
>“Certainly enough time has passed that it wouldn’t be laughable to remake the remake. I personally think that would be an interesting thing to do” (about RE1)
>"reimagine it in a way so that it bridges the generation gap between people who played it 20 years ago and newcomers” (about RE2)
REMAKE REMAKE almosft confirmed.

BlazBlue has a character that fucks a literal talking cat and has his children.

What's the joy in speed running? No one is going to remember second best and first place lives to be defeated. All you're doing is making a game you obviously enjoy into a job

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Digging on old Resident Evil news I found model it supposed to be Jill (I don't know it is true).
So we already know her R3make model.

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well at least RE gives you unlockables. so its worth it to speedrun fast enough to unlock those

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It looks awful, so it's probably legit.

It's enjoyable once you've done what the game has to offer as a sort of final challenge. It's not about the competition or anything like that.

For me it's because I have OCD and seeing the 0:139:52 is fucking with my brain.

Where did you find it

LOL, there's no fucking way that's Jill.

>supposed to be Jill

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Is it Taokaka?

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Interesting my google recognizes that shit as Jill but an article says it was Mia Winters (doesn't even resembles Mia from RE7).

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Maybe indeed was Jill but she was cut from the final game. It looks weird but the same happens with Chris the first time he showed up no one believed he was the real Chris Redfield.

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Pick three.

1. RE7
2. RE4
2. RE2

I don't like dogs

Could be a beta model for Mia.

I don't know why I think this was true and Crapcom scrapped the whole idea because Jill wasn't really necessary for RE7 but maybe she will appear in RE8.
Also she (barely) resembles the original Jill and Crapcum is using abandoned and old ideas for their new games like RE 1.5 art concepts for RE2make.

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Just finished RE2 first route (Clair A Hardcore). Really loved it and enjoyed the new game play. I know some people hate on the changes and the plot etc but I felt like I was playing RE2 for the first time again.

Would definitely love a RE3 with the current engine. They just need to make the game a little bit faster and make Nemesis not as dumb and harmless as Mr. X. It's also a good chance to salvage the plot a little bit but who cares honestly. Cheesy, over the top plot is a feature, not a deficiency of RE.

Why can't I vote "all of the above"? I wouldn't even care if they release it as RE2 DLC.

They were probably just testing out the RE engine, If my memory is correct they scanned some other people who didnt appear in 7.

is Becca the best Resident Evil?

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>but I felt like I was playing RE2 for the first time again.

Despite the game's more obvious flaws like the rushed 2nd Runs I completely agree. They really nailed the feeling. I would really like CVX to receive the same treatment and get retconned to be less silly.

When taking nu-Chris's appearance in RE7 into account, I find this believable.

Ever since they started doing face scanning the characters are completely unrecognizable compared to their older appearance. The closets they got was nu-Leon in RE2 (because he's so generic); but Claire is completely different.

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>I wouldn't care if it was cheaper than expected
Oh okay

>censored feet
A nice touch

I didn't frequent RE7 threads in the past during its debut. What was everyone's general reaction to Neofield? I personally wish they kept the Revelations Chris design.

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Claire is cute, sweet, strong and lovable!

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RE7 Chris looks like pre-RE5 Chris in his 40s.

iirc this is just nobody, just them testing out the models

made in heaven

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Claire redfeild

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