What game are you most knowledgeable about in regards to either mechanics or lore?
What game are you most knowledgeable about in regards to either mechanics or lore?
Other urls found in this thread:
FFXI mechanics. Haven't played in about 3 years, though, so I might've forgotten some stuff.
Siege or Ace Combat in terms of mechanics. MGS in terms of both.
>you get the best craft results and skill ups if you face the right direction on the right elemental day and the moon is at the right phase
I would ravage the shit out of Kirino, but that doesn't change the fact that Kuroneko was best girl.
Pokemon, I play smogtours
Civ 2, Diablo 2, probably Civ 5. Final Fantasy 6/7
One of the best perks of pint sized pussygurls is you can fit multiple pint sized pussygurls within the confines of a normal pussygurl's space.
Probably Metroid prime series and fallout/elder scrolls series
Super Mario games are probably something I’d say but lore only half exists in those games DESU
Dota 2 and TF2
is this from a show? where can I watch more of this?
Are you me?
I am a Tetris master in mechanics and some lore shit. AMA
Mortal Kombat
Probably the souls series.
Fallout 3
Go on, quiz me
Devil May Cry and Guilty Gear
whats the name of the russian song that Song A is based off of. no googling!
Oreo. Is an anime not hentai but there's a lot of great hentai, especially Number2.
Project reality or dungeon crawl stone soup, I probably have 4000 hours in each over ten years.
Who is best husbando of both series?
Everyone knows only the elemental day matters.
Was Chromehounds. It was my first online game that I invested heavily in the main competitive mode. So after the servers were shut down way back, that was the last time I ever got deeply into a game. It still hurts.
what do they eat?
The song of the man that arranges the blocks that descend upon him from up above
It's Korobeiniki are you shitting me
Dante and Slayer.
Kingdom hearts and warcraft
Both on lore
Fuck i need to sort my life out
I'd say the Xenoblade and Mother series
Long live Stalin
He loves you.
Repeat these words
Or you know what he'll do!
What's the deal with the aliens in Tetris worlds? Why was that their technology?
Probably dark souls and fallout new vegas, and I would fuck kirino until her nose bleeds and keep going after that, I would do the same to my irl sister.
Probably resident evil. Not really proud of it, but yeah.
XCOM. 3000 combined hours will do that.
Get yourselves checked, she's a CARTOON. She's not real you fucking freaks
In order
Super Smash Bros.
Grand Theft Auto
Mechanics wise Pokemon. Lore/writing wise KOTOR 2 and New Vegas.
There are some questions that even I can't answer
which one my good moefag?
I had autistic levels of knowledge of that game. Stats, drops rates, spawn times. It was obsessive.
I'm not great at many games that require quick reflex like fps or fighting, so instead I get really "good" at games that require attention, planning, builds and grinding.
Megaman probably
Dark Souls
Vigilante 8
Most Zelda games
Mgs series
Warcraft series
Diablo series
Counter strike series
Tf2 once upon a time
League at one point
Fallout/elder scrolls
GTA series
7 days to die
Minecraft with and without mods
Craaaaazy taxi
Tony hawk 1-4
Halo 1-3
Star wars rogue squadron
Too many my mom died when I was a kid so I used games to forget about it so I spent a lot of free time diving into games
Did anyone find out if a 4 leaf clover ACTUALLY does anything?
Also why is FFXI such a near perfect experience?
We're not real either but you still talk to us.
dungeons and dragons
Which edition or variant (Pathfinder, etc) is the best one?
I like Pathfinder, even if the creators went SocJus. The art is nice and rules are good. I hear 5th edition is best though.
And best waifu?
5 years ago I could tell you most of the names, dates, countries, and actual/fictional events tying together all of the alternate history in Metal Gear. I could recall most of what you might find from the MG Wiki, but a lot of the finer details have faded from memory now.
I really miss the ruse cruise.
...morrowind prolly even though I'm shallow in even that
I used games to forget about my mom too but she was always around and is still alive
Different sides to the same coin sucks man
Team Fortress 2
Pre-S4 League of Legends
I get very autistic about minmaxing in PvP games and being able to calculate things like how long it takes certain units to kill certain enemies or move certain distances. Some fucking ridiculous blind Baron snags as Lux.
The Elder Scrolls
Warhammer 40k
When I was younger I had, on numerous occassions, spent over 6 hours talking about either with my sister's pothead boyfriend. He seemed absolutely fascinated and I appreciated that. Later I learned he was so high I could have been talking about how butter smells when it melts but I enjoyed it nevertheless.
I'd guess Crusader Kings II. That game has a lot of hidden shit though, there's no way I know everything.
Up until about a year and a half ago, Star Trek Online. Both mechanics and all the goofy anime-tier lore as well as the plotlines Arc retconned.
become like user from last night and draw yourself fucking your waifus
Not any game in specific, maybe MH, you can give me basically any weapon type against basically any quest that isn't a fucking boring pain to do like most giant monsters and I will be alright.
I wish someone would make a version of this with a smaller penor. For my friend. He can't self insert like this because of his small penis.
Wtf i was literally gonna name the exact same two. I think I found my lost brother
5th edition has by far the most community and resources for it, its the best place to start. People complain that its too simple compared to the likes of 3.5 or pathfinder but its so easily modifiable that you can find any number of home brew rule variants too add complexity if thats what you like.
civ 4 and eu3 probably
Not that guy
I love 5e the most. It keeps things fairly simple with advantage system. It's a lot easier to DM things.
If you like pathfinder you should check out starfinder. I'm in a game and we are up to level 9. My character is about to die due to chestbusters I'm pretty hyped because I rolled up something better anyways.
So they fucked at the end right?
Without protection.
Warhammer Fantasy
Devil May Cry
Final Fantasy
Call of Duty
Is the Vita VN any good?
Smash 4.
A little less versed in Ultimate. I am not sure why Dash > Jump > Tilt stick back results in an instant Bair aimed in the direction of the dash. Attack canceling is weird.
Kinda based
rocket league mechanics. kill me.
You can actually guess the password to the Caraway Mansion because the game uses a save specific seed for all the rng in that current save file and it won't change after you've successfully saved the game at least once on that file.
For example, you can count the patterns of the telephone poles going past the train window on your first train ride to timber and perform some maths to figure the rng seed then use that for the mansion's code.
Its also possible to go through the entire game with only around 8 random encounters if you walk/run toggle in a very easy to replicate pattern in the first Laguna sequence.
Spelunky and RotMG
I'd say zelda, but I'm not so keen on events as I am the machinations of the games universe.
Is there any good porn of this
Made my dick and my eyes cry
mario 64
Probably most obscure PS1 games that I grew up with, like Azure Dreams and Digimon World 1.
I've probably beaten Crash 3 like 20 fucking times so that I guess
BioShock 1 for both mechanics and lore.
Played maybe a dozen runs over the years; up there with STALKER and Dark Souls 1 as my favorite game to just restart and enjoy a run.
csgo and dota 2
Phoenix Wrizzle
I've played through Kingdom Hearts so many goddamn times in my life that I can't watch anyone play them because seeing them play the game wrong hurts my soul
>watched someone die to dragon malificent in KH1 for a whole hour
I wanted to grab the controller and end it
Thoughts on 3?
>not kuroneko
but, you bait very well
hellmoo shards. but not hellmoo, that shit is lame now
She fucks her brother in the end, it's kinda gross.
Dragon Quest. I probably know the most about 9.
Lore-wise Devil May Cry, mechanics-wise nothing really besides like Pokemon.
Streets of Rage 2 and Borderlands 2
God of War. More the former than the latter, but both by Yea Forums's standards. The former for SWFU1, too (though I'm too rusty to know much of what I once knew).
>being a shit-taste anime-only
She's the bottom of Kirino-lite while the real one gives her life couseling details. A sad cuck queen coping as a lesbian with her fellow runner-up that also existed only to teach the MC who he truly loved.
she lost
>Thoughts on 3?
Pretty good game overall when I look at it for the sum of its parts. Issues come from some of the worlds and the execution of scenes toward the end of the game. Like I don't really have a problem with the death of everyone to the heartless but only have a problem with how it was showed. The events that followed, however, pretty much made up for it for me.
Interested to see how the game looks a year from now because I can see balance changes and updates improving on the mechanical side of the game. Most people don't know but KH1 and 2 have seen significant balance changes from inital release and the updates through the ports and the patches within those ports. Right now I think its on the low side of an 8 but could honestly be a 9
incest is best
Skyrim with mods.
Zelda and Resident Evil
Pokemon. I know every pokemon by name, most of the moves (except the retarded ones like Rototiller or Ion Deluge), most of the abilities, all of the mechanics, all of the type advantages/weaknesses, etc.
I don’t know why or how I have all of this useless knowledge in my head, but here we are.
Elder Scrolls Lore. To the point where it has because increasingly difficult to talk to normal friends about the series. Mechanic wise, Pokemon.
The one where you can fuck your little sister
Fallout: New Vegas
>824 hours
half life yo
Only fat beta weebs like autistic moeblob girls like kuroneko.
I want to impregnate Kirino so fucking much, guys.
I used to obsess over Castlevania and I still know everything there is to know about the series. It helps that there have been no new releases since 2009.
I'm a ten year vet of DMing 3.5 / PF. My group tried 5E for six months but we couldn't really get into it so we jumped back to PF. It's great for beginners and it's definitely easier to learn than 3.5/pf.
yeah, Pokemon, same here
it's not useless if you actually care about winning / beating other people
you will get your ass beat if you don't know shit about Pokemon
probably dark souls 1, minus the PVP aspect. watched tons of speedruns and challenge runs. did a few myself.
TF2 in mechanics and elder scrolls in lore
Half-life or Valkyria Chronicle.
Get in line
why did worst girl win?
nibba the yandere and the catgoth is way better then that slut
Final Fantasy Tactics. I mod the game after all.
Okay then hot shot, quiz time.
What were the digivolve items that were dummied out?
Who is the only digimon you can learn DG Dimension from?
Where do you find the Training Wand?
Seriously, I need to actually know this one.
Pokemon, Dota 2, HoN, Overwatch(unfortunately), and WoW. All in mechanics, and lore for wow
I dropped off of Elder Scrolls stuff once ESO started. How much has changed?
Monster Rancher 2
I'm fairly sure I'm in the top 3 or so people for comprehensive knowledge on its mechanics.
Go back to your ironic anime Discord you faggot.
and you can go back to your trash trans discord you faggot
Go back, fag.
I bet you I know more!
Europe 1400: The Guild, Civ 4, Dark Souls, Final Fantasy 8
Dark Souls 1 and 2. Couldn't pick one over the other.
Has to be Pokemon.
>My younger sister dresses like this
>She falls asleep in the living room sometimes
>Can see her panties
Pisses me off bros I just want to play vidya in the living room in peace
Rome Total War of course
I might as well have programmed it myself at this point
This gif launched a thousand boners for me
maybe you should see to your boner since it has trash taste
Pinch her ass, she'll get the message an never sleep in the living room again
just think of how shit Kirino is and it will all be over
Kirino's yandere.
She's tsundere you dummy
Super Mario World
League of Legends
she is garbage
You know what to do
My nigga. After soloing all the groto bosses I started just doing random shit to see what would happen. Funnest run way probably the 4x ranger I did. Don't bulli I was hospitalized for months and that was the only DS game I had
hey thats boku no pico
Holy shit, are you me? I speedrun the first 3 kh games and I’ve spend the last several years of my life playing private vanilla wow servers to the point where I’ve memorized almost everything.
treyarch call of duty zombies, specifically
Monster Rancher Battle Card Episode 2
I can recall each of the NPC's decklists(and their various based on difficulty) as well as the optimal fuck A rank in the ass list (Hint: Plant is over-fuckin-powered omg) Also I had to Vs. myself to optimize PvP deck lists because none of my friends were good enough
Why is she in that position and wiggling her bum in the air?
I'd say Final Fantasy 7, Resonance of Fate, and Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2 for both mechanics and lore. Though my KH series lore is sketchy because I don't keep up with the mobile game and I don't care for the handhelds much, but those games at least I know really well.
Oreimo is the Overwatch of anime.
Battle Network series. Still #1
i would say nu-xcom mechanics and strategies but i havent played since xcom2 was first released so who knows
Nigga, what rock do you live under
Probably Dark Souls 3. I know almost everything about that game and how its mechanics work.
Don't give a shit about lore since it's nothing but speculaitons anyways, but mechanically souls series and stalker series
only LoLfag in thread
I just know too much about Pokemon, but I feel like everyone does they're just are unsure if they should share their power level
Blazblue's stupidly fucked lore.
Seriously, why is it so complicated? And why do I force myself to learn it all
Warcraft and Warhammer 40k in terms of lore.
Mechanics wise pretty,much any tycoon game.
What's your grade in TGM 1/2/3
Dark Souls trilogy, know every item location, enemy moveset, and secret/hidden areas
Probably Touhou Lore
Kingdom Hearts and Pokemon.
when it comes to the game itself, i'm pretty sure i know everything about gothic 2 and absolutely sure i know everything about gothic 1
Warfarme, Dota any Soulsborn game, Kings Field, CS:GO, Quake, Warcraft 3. Honestly too many games.
Hotline Miami
MGS saga
Dota 2
Taro's games
god help me
Pat her head and call her a good girl?
>[File deleted]
>[File deleted]
Nice one OP you triggered the faggitor.
>file deleted
>10 hours later
Always interesting to see janitors disagreeing over what should be deleted and what shouldn't.
>KH lore expert
i'm so sorry
I write guides and walkthroughs by extracting and parsing the game source (instead of zoomer-tube because old school people still prefer to read) to find exact mechanics. I've gotten Cease and Desist notices and angry letters from devs because they somehow feel violated by having the inner workings of their applications exposed. Also, this process usually finds a *ton* of bugs and sloppy optimization which I point out. The process usually takes about 160-200 hours per game. I'd say there's at least 20 games that I know more about than anyone else in this thread.
What was the actual plot of the first Castlevania and SotN? I know you're stopping Dracula but I know nothing more.
Well post a link to one then.
People with reputations to protect don't post their identities on Yea Forums and it'd be easy to discern. Get real.
Yeah. I didn't think this guy really made stuff like that either. You'd think they'd be bigger if any of that was true.
I'm a big FPS fan
They're not big because only completionists enjoy knowing how things work to this extent. Most faggots just watch youtube and never actually learn the games.
For example, this is mine from 20 years ago written in Word Perfect 6 (hence the format not being supported warning). It was never published, because only things like AOL existed back then and the internet hadn't caught on. I only made it for personal use. People have been doing this for a LONG time. It's nothing special at all.
You think it takes unique skills to extract and parse code? Any hobbyist dev can do it.
FF7 one.
Everything outside of what day it is turned out to be bullshit.
FF9 ... I have a portfolio of these which landed me a job making them in 2002, and I've been getting paid to do it ever since.