Pecker's Feed & Seed

Pecker's Feed & Seed

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Formely Pucker's

I'm sure you got a giggle out of that one, OP.



Cerra el culo, disgusting spic.

at least before I chucked everythang up

How will chucucks ever recover?

looks like they'll have to chuck in the towel hahaha

making simpsons references is a boomer-specific trait

I had a peck before but never a feed and seed!

>In the desert

how come the ps4 port has regular breaks while you play? Like, you are playing normally and all of a sudden ,the game freezes for a second or 2

I've been there. It fucking sucked.

Would you prefer a BAZINGA?

Don't have that issue Mein schwarzigger, but try playing the arena race in Los Santos or going through a wheatfield and you'll see right away the PS4 does not emulate this shit well.

it might be a mobile port I know the one they put on 360 was and it was horrible

PS4 is the PS2 version. The PS4 just doesn't seem to emulate it as well as it does 3 and VC

fancy German stratum

Argenigger detected

I don't get it.

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Chuck's Feed and Seed

Look at the Imperial City slicker pulling up in his fancy armored horse!
