Bruh.. someone save this man
Bruh.. someone save this man
have ever had hard boiled soi sauce soaked egg? It's fucking delicious dude
what's going to happen to these retarded streamers when their 5 minutes are up and they burn through their savings and have no actual skill or education to fall back on?
He is a multi-millionaire. He is set for life.
doesn't he make like 500k a month off zoomers? He's already set for life
McDonalds.. Seriously i'm considering working as a clerk my whole life.
>their 5 minutes
lmao the oldest fags have been doing this since 2011/2. That's 7/8 years, from YouTube to now Twitch, and if they've played their cards right they start working with publishers and people from the industry.
kill yourself zoomie
Not to mention EA payed him 1mil to play their shitty game.
he's referring to actual retards like ninja who will likely blow through their savings like an idiotic lottery winner
you make it to a mil then you're good for about 30 to 40 year in most places. he's probably a piece of shit though so maybe he will burn through his shit. in either case
anons, being a millionaire is shit, be useful. It's way better (or both if you can swing it)
EA paid this fag a million bucks to lovestream Apex. That's not counting daily Twitch donations and such. he should be a huge, and I mean HUGE fuck up to not be set for life
english please
fame + money is a curse, just money is a blessing.
Yeah, no millionaires ever run out of money.
He's worth like 12 million dollars ALREADY. By the time his fame declines he'll be worth AT LEAST 20-30 million dollars. He has NOTHING to worry about.
>anons, being a millionaire is shit, be useful. It's way better (or both if you can swing it)
dude made a million from playing apex for barely a week. he doesn't need sympathy
This. Just look at those lottery winners, most of them are in debt right now eventhough they won hundred of millions
This, people think if you get a million you'll never need to work again ever, actually I give you 6 months top before depression sets in. Better invest that money into starting something meaningful
sorry. I was trying to say that the money doesn't mean much ultimately if you are a useless human being.
I wasn't really talking about ninja in particular and we all know he's a rare example, what about the rest of them?
>being a millionaire is shit
You're an idiot. Being financially secure should be EVERYONE'S goal.
because most lottery winners are idiots.
>a mil sets you for 30 to 40 years
Sorry bud but this isn’t 1990 anymore
Probably get jobs with game companies, or other tech companies. You're retarded if you think what they are doing is unimportant to any industry or job in existence.
There are youtube fags waaaaay older than 2011 who were living off youtube bucks. AVGN has been a thing on youtube for 13 years.
They sell Ninja branded clothes with his face on them to kids at walmart, he's going to be fine
did brendan pass down the curse onto ninja?
They end up like DSP or Wingsofredemption
This guy gets it.
Fortnite is so fucking gay.
I meant of the Let's Play/Commentator kind
He's a dying streamer and he's 27, you can easily blow all that money by the time you're only 35.
And yet so many financially secure people are deeply depressed and kill themselves.
Financial stability should be the RESULT of a deeper more meaningful personal goal, not the goal itself.
Looks like he just woke up. He streams for like over 8 hours a day so he is probably getting ready to stream as quickly as possible, explains why he hit the stream button.
Prolly going into gaming journalism then. Not like you need any qualifications for that.
Good goy
I remember Tejbz and Hutch were huge on YouTube back in the MW2 days. They now stream on Twitch with an average of 200 viewers. It's kinda sad watching them now.
adderall abuse
it's literally meth but rebranded.
He should stop drinking redbull
That shit is not healthy
Audits. If you really think the IRS is going let this go on forever you're a fool. Nobody comes between a Jew and his taxes.
If he knows how to spend it he never will.
Moon already has cars and a house, and says everything is sitting on the bank cause he's a fucking nerd.
So was Dennis Rodman.
This shiteater will waste all that money, will end up as a worthless no good imbecile, we'll laugh at him and we'll move on.
James is a huge exception to the rule though. Look at faggots like lord Kat, hope within chaos, and that girl with the goggles. All broke as shit.
Disability checks.
Dude have u seen Fatal1ty? He was the ninja of boomers
You are a fucking idiot. If you work so that you can virtue signal about your "moral superiority" and not just because YOU NEED TO FUCKING SURVIVE then you're literally delusional.
No I'm not familiar with him
>Probably get jobs with game companies, or other tech companies. You're retarded if you think what they are doing is unimportant to any industry or job in existence.
This. They usually go into commentating at pro events and shit too
I guess I was being too factious. Money is nice but if you sit in a closet your entire life or live a hermit lifestyle you may as well be dead. A million doesn't mean much in that sense, especially because remaining in that wealth often requires some good advisement.
Those niggers don't like risks. anyway, money is cool. Wasn't saying that you couldn't use it. Only that it doesn't mean shit without a proper head behind it
his wife will cuck him and take at least half of it in a divorce, screen cap this.
Lmao, trying to pretend like you aren't jealous. Yea dude, you're much better off than the multimillionaire
>Johnathan Wendel, also known by the gamertag Fatal1ty, is a former professional esports player of the first-person shooter titles Quake and Painkiller and entrepreneur. He was an early pioneer of competitive gaming and was once considered one of the best professional gamers in the world.
you'd suck him if you could, right zoomie?
I didn't say that, calm down fanboy.
>Brendan unJUSTED
>now Ninja has got the JUST
Is it a curse that transmit?
Seananners is still pretty big haha, man good times.
he was actually good at vidya though and rode that success on a wave of branded merchandising from PC hardware to snack foods
>No I'm not familiar with him
this dude looks like a trailer park meth head just like deadmaus
Looks like a drug addict, he'll OD.
Hardly, they usually get pro players to commentate events, not twitch or YouTube fags.
Ever heard of MC Hammer?
esports tournament commentators.
Ligma will do that to you
except Ninja is white so...
I use to say how stupid kids in the generation are for wanting to be twitch streamers when they're older instead of stuff like doctors, etc. but i've come to the realization..
They're actually the smart ones. Make 250k a year and rack up massive debt vs make millions a year for letting kids spam twitch humor emotes in your chat.
Thing that pisses me off the most about that colossal faggot is that when i want to google for real ninja shit (you know, when i want to learn new moves or get a shopping list going for new nunchucks and hand claws) the results are loaded with that blue haired cocksucker
He is on twitch now. Kinda weird.
But he is good at Vidya also and doesn't give a shit bout anything
Lot of fucking literal baby boomers in this thread.
ever read stories about lottery winners? you should its actually interesting how they can blow through literal millions of dollars in less than a decade
Isn't that like getting John Madden to commentate for Handegg?
A friend of mine got 900k from an insurance lawsuit. He immediately quit his job and bought a fucking 240k car the very same day he got the money.
Six months later and he was down to less than 300k and his wife said she wanted a divorce. Haven't talked to him in years now.
so because he played the system fairly to a point where he benefited greatly, we are to disregard his well being? He's still a human, user.
I know this is Yea Forums and all, but one of these days, you guys are going to realize that, in the end, constantly being edgy has done you no good but made your presence much more undesirable.
the jealousy is so strong in this thread
What's ligma?
Yeah, heard about a local woman going through 200k in a week.
you got a genuine laugh out of me
who is Ligma?
why are jealousfags saying this dude will blow through his money?
he's dedicated enough to stream often and is not throwing mega parties or buying supercars
assuming he'll blow his fortune is a stretch. people really seethe hard at people making money off entertainement, especially video game
Most do it as a hobby after their dayjob
A smart man can invest a million and supplement his life quite well. A moron will blow it and live in poverty. Let's wait to see what kind of man this kid will be.
Shut the fuck up you faggot. No one told him to be a sellout
aww is zoomie mad we're shitty on his idol? don't worry next time he's streaming you can give him some of mommies money and feel better, hey he might even read you donation and say your name! wouldn't that be exciting?
>make millions for just playing a game
>live like a fucking troll
The majority of people are wayyyy too obsessed with material goods. Not material goods but like shit to make you look rich and successful. If the average person was offered
>average home, car, etc. but payed for for the rest of their life
>have a bugatti
They'd choose the car.
A lot of these streamers don't spend a whole lot of money. Many of them save up and a lot of them just don't know how to enjoy their money outside of video games so they don't often make big purchases.
Some of them will play it smart and be set for life. Most of the small ones will end sucking cock for a cheeseburger.
right? you can tell some dudes are about to punch their screen in anger just because this random guy made a fortune off video games and they're stuck on min wage
they're like athletes
either they have smarter friends who show them how to invest, then they become filthy rich, or they blow it all and become poor as shit
pretty how it goes, I have many finacial advisers who make just mad. But ultimately they see me a form of wealth for them so they protect my investments from myself. that sounds weird but it makes perfect sense if you're a successful idiot. I don't know ninjas situation so who knows. Maybe the kid is smart as shit and is growing his wealth.
He has a wife and a kid and a big family. He will be fine but might go on vacation
you only give a shit because he's e-famous. go save some hobos mr. bleeding heart.
they shoot muslims
this just happened in NZ like 8 minites ago
poltard murders 35 muslims
So what exactly happened?
I wonder how many streamers take what they get for granted. Maybe i'm wrong but I have a feeling after years of being worth millions, they stop appreciating what they receive from people. Kinda like
>What, $20?? that's it????
big cringe
when he goes broke we'll all get to say "All retards with money will will die like dirty bitches regardless of race".
>hurr you guys are just jealous he won't blow through his money
Unless he has someone responsible handling his financial affairs the chances of him blowing throw it are extremely high.
not when his wife likes taking trips to paris and shit
Can you buy me a hamburger, user?
spam the cringe emote! omegalul!
You guys really think money just evaporates if you're rich, huh?
People have been saying this shit since the dawn of internet content and now there are people who have been able to sustain their careers for over a decade
not to mention the outlier cases like this fuck and pewds who can basically retire as millionaires whenever they want
turns out being entertaining enough to get eyes on you or being charismatic enough to trick dipshits out of their money is a marketable skill
stay mad that you dont have either
>inb4 youre a double major in 2 engineering fields and have 7 successful kids from your harem of wives
battle royale is dying but triple As are pumping millions into the genre not only developing them, but paying top streamers to feign interest.
I don't think Apex will even be relevant come Summer
If you are rich and stupid, it indeed does. And fast.
Jokes on you I have no job and have 0 dollars in my bank amount and I have severe depression. There is no chance that being handed a million dollars would be even 1% worse for me. Also if I were given 1 million dollars I would never need to work again for the rest of my life I guarantee you.
that was a darky though
What's the big deal? Nothing happened. He was just writing something it's not like he was masturbating or snorting cocaine.
Okay but what does that have to do with that Ninja dude?
Only relevant post itt.
he's gonna lose HALF that money in the inevitable divorce. he's fucked.
Nice reddit spacing dick rider
>Ninja thread
>over 100 replies
>about literally nothing
i hope you all fucking kill yourselves
i had to watch just because of this stupid thread and literally nothing has. its literal clickbait. its the guy just sat at his computer lookin like he just woke up, clicking around looking at his emails or whatever. EXCEPT - someone put some sad music and some text saying "something was clearly wrong... Ninja ALWAYS speaks to chat at the start of his stream".
i wanna shoot up a school right now.
fucking hate zoomers.
The based move if you come into millions is to invest and then start a dream passion project
if i had millions id pay some autistic jew to invest it all properly and then start a very small game dev studio with like 10 employees
enjoy your fbi visit
well, because battle royale is dying, so is his subscriptions since this is all he's really known for
i'm not gonna argue that he'll blow his money and end up in a dumpster like many here will, but his 15 minutes is close to being up
man, even zoomer comebacks are fuckin dogshit
>if i wanted a comeback i'd wipe it off your mom's mouth
real boomer comebacks
Is this Melvin, the brother of the Joker?
Well it probably won't be all that different from what happens to most Americans when they get out in the real world and realize that they half assed their way through school and that any actual career requires some sort of time investment through higher education, training or just working your way up.
They'll end up in something dead end like a call center or retail store, after possibly trying unemployment, and probably be stuck in one spot forever, stuck in a bad relationship because you're both fiscally dependent on each other and don't have the social skills to meet new people outside your existing friend group, and just playing games and possibly still streaming because it's the only thing that lets you escape the disappointment of reality and to keep from thinking about how much work it'd take to turn things around.
This is what people keeps thinking will happen to famous let's players like Pewdiepie back when he started becoming famous.
Years later, he's still relevant, granted he became more of a youtube personality than a gamer these days, but he's still doing fine since he still makes a lot of money from his merchandise and sponsors.
>not when his wife likes taking trips to paris and shit
Traveling ain't expensive bro.
This guy will go on a killing rampage soon or later., probably when some of his viewers will leak some fake ass discord logs accusing him to be a pedo or similar shit, just look at him, i bet he barely can distinguish what's real and what's not.
i heard one streamer who lost his sponsorship or whatever killed himself by crashing his mclaren. too bad he killed a mother and child while doing so. anyways, it depends on how smart he is with his money. so many of these newly rich folk end up broke years later due to mismanagement
beggin ya to have sex
What the fuck man
do you have an alternate link or the video file itself? I think it was taken down in the middle of me watching, only got like 3 minutes in
What does that even mean? So what he went live by accident.
Is he really a tard if he did that though? Sounds like /ourguy/
>Remember lads, subscribe to Pewdiepie
This can't be real
>everyone concerned as ninja accidentally goes live on twitch
To me it looks like he's been crying going off the color around his eyes.
Doing God's work
A society of ugly people are projecting about people looking almost like them instead of the illusions they see on TV.
Cant load it.
He was driving for so long with like 20 magazines just sitting in his lap and full tactical gear on.
NZ people are retarded
>/pol/niggers aren't dangero-
>subscribe to pewdiepie
>remove kabab
>need for speed
holy FUCK
>no actual skill or education to fall back on?
thats when you are wrong kiddo, most companies will hire them for their skills, I mean, if they are famous or rich is not for nothing, they got there in a successful way
Is he seriously taking adderall along with drinking all those fucking Red Bulls in his mini fridge? Guy is going to die of a heart attack real fuckin quick doin that. How do I know? I take that shit myself, and if I so much as touch an ounce of caffeine while I'm still on it, my heart goes into overdrive. Shit is NOT healthy. You need to be avoiding caffeine to the utmost while on that shit.
I thought this board was 18+ only
Ligma balls
>in 40 years this dance will be nostalgic
are you retarded?
this is actually the dumbest post I've read this morning.
Why does he look so gross? Something about his skin makes him look diseased
Maybe video games do cause violence after all. You do know that /pol/ and Yea Forums share the same userbase, right?
goes live on twitch...what? fucking headlines
>all those people just lying against the wall when he comes in
I thought they were already dead when he came in but i guess theyre just lying together in fear?
>yes, back in the good old days, we used to play fortnite, floss and dab all day long. that was truly our golden age
This honestly. I HAVE had a heart attack from a potent adderall/energy drink/liquor mix, and I am not even unhealthy (IE have run marathons so I have a pretty healthy heart).
video wont load for shit
is he killed or does he kill himself?
I honestly hope to god this is real, but logically I doubt it is, this has to be some movie or promotional material that's just really obscure and no one outside of Kiwiland has seen it, the biggest red flag is the cop response time, the dude runs around all over the place and in and out of the building more than once and there's no sirens or anything
he drives away to eurobeat
im not fucking kidding
So what is this? Some dude shooting up a mosque? Barely looks real. Maybe I'm desensitized.
I don't get why he started shooting random people on the highway as well. I thought it was an ideologically motivated shooting but it looks like he's just killing anyone.
New Zealand rarely deals with mass shootings.
It's not like Burgerland where the cops set their watches by kids getting murdered.
sweaty dirty sticky cunt
>while fleeing the mosque, stops and waits for pedestrians to leisurely cross the road
>suddenly remembers he just killed 35 people, blows the horn and floors it
That was easy, jeez.
You know I don't like Muslims but I still have a heart. Remember that, we all need to remember we are our fathers mothers sons.
He's basically a kids daytime tv presenter these days and he needs to treat it as such, thinking he can do that for 8 hours then go offline and play Apex for another 8 just ain't healthy.
>white people don't dese-
this wouldnt have happened if he could have some sex
what kind of counter strike map is this? looks realistic
U work for this millionary loser money blue collar cuck
All of this. I can legally get adderall because I have had ADHD all my life, borderline autism. And I choose not to take that shit because it's actual fucking methamphetamine and it's just not worth. You can manage even severe ADD/ADHD through diet and exercise.
>Maybe I'm desensitized.
Seek help, user
He was just paid 1 million dollars to promote apex legends, dude will be fine.
>immidiately starts thinking about sucking
Eh. I don't plan to go shoot people or have violent thoughts so I don't think it's anything to worry about.
Why isn't this loading for me?
if one could tkae this many imagine dozens of him? would clean up the country in a few weeks
Did this get oy veyed?
Jerma's like 37 and he's still a streamer and has the energy of a 20 year old
please tell me that you're lying
Fucked up shit.
Imagine being so rich and successful that you cant even sleep.
Unless its another Jew with bank accounts in Cyprus.
It's the grainy video and almost no super gruesome shots like in other gore shit. Sort of takes you out of it from the perspective too. Those two people at the end of the video crossing in front of his car were so lucky.
At least 40 confirmed kills imo. Will he beat the high score?
except the muslims would start fighting back and blowing themselves up which takes out 100 whiteys without the worry of being shot before doing anything
That’s some scary shit
what's he shooting at at 13:20? random people?
You're saying you just boil an egg in onions sauce?
There's more wh*tes than muzzies in Europe atm. The muzzies would eventually lose, but hopefully take out a lot of wh*tes before getting eradicated. It would work out for me since I hate both though.
>Adderall is literally evil and will kill you
I take 40mg a day and drink 2 pots of coffee a day at least. Just because your hearts suck ass doesn't mean its bad.
welp, time to watch initial D again
not if they start without everyone expecting which is what probably most muslim think of whites, they don't think they'll fight back and therefore not being worried about it
The incels strike back
Actually Ninja said he doesn't spend much money and saves all the cash he earns from streaming.
Say what you want about him and about streamers, but he's pretty smart financially.
The horrors of humanity on display
Shut the fuck up, you have no idea what you're saying your edgy piece of shit.
>hears sirens
>gas gas gas starts playing
People don't realize the best thing about the million dollars it the safety net, You can have nice things but very first thing upon getting that money is deciding how much of it you are NOT going to spend for the foreseeable future.
This is actually going to be quite interesting seeing how the media portrays this story. Whenever there's shootings they say whatever they want because no one knows what happened, but this time there's an actual video of the entire fucking thing. I've skimmed a few articles and I'm already seeing a lot of bullshit and lies.
All of the videos are down or dont load.
i would do the same, i'll buy a house not too big but located in some safest area invest hard on the computer and save the rest of the money
Cucking is a everyday occurrence. So consider yourself caped.
i wonder how it must feel to have your entire career be at the whims of a bunch of attention-deficit children that are probably half your age
>I've skimmed a few articles and I'm already seeing a lot of bullshit and lies
such as?
white incel dude shoots up innocent people at a mosque. don't see the media portraying it as anything else
So was he a /pol/tard or just some kike?
fucking hell
2 weeks with Yea Forums frozen here we go again
Did he announce it on any of the boards?
some balding white dude