>white character
>voiced by a black voice actor
White character
>superhuman, flamenco dancing vampire
>not voiced by a superhuman, flamenco dancing vampire
Its like you don't know who Phil Lamarr is.
Still amuses me how he is the voice of Ramza Beoulve.
how the FUCK did he swim in the super high specific gravity water?
How the FUCK did he survive me blasting his faggot face with a grenade launcher?
Why the FUCK did he kill my qt emma gf?
Well, Vamp IS Romanian.
>mystical mysterious character in mgs2
>he regenerates because nanomachines in mgs4
kojima please why no
There was a time before MGS4's release when the prevailing theory was that Vamp resurrects from water. Then Kojima kills it with muh nanomachines.
>btw im gay ;^)
why kojima
Regenerates with water? How? Why? What was the context? Okay, every time he "dies" he falls into water then comes back later. How is that not just another layer of "nanomachines, son?"
Just call me deepthroat
They had to explain his name somehow.
how did he get away with it?
The nanomachines dun everything retcon killed MGS
unironically nanomachines
>anime character
He also played Marvin in Pulp Fiction.
>having the name Vamp means you're bisexual
What did he mean by this?
the water room was originally designed for a cut boss, Chinaman
the room has nothing to do with Vamp, he was just slapped in there when they removed Chinaman
MGS2 has tons of cut shit
>aw man I shot Marvin in the face
One of my all time fav scenes
At least water resurrection makes sense with Vamp's mysticism. Nanomachines was a dumb plot device for everything in MGS4 because Kojima was too half-assed to write things
>black character
>voiced by a jew and mocapped by an asian/white guy
This is a legitimate question - how DID he get away with that? Maybe because it was juuuust before the time when people were hypersensitive to bullshit?
Yeah is that like a Japanese-specific thing or something? Like the term christmas cake? Or is it referencing how vampires are usually seen as sexual/seductive beings?
>bisexual vampire
Is that a...
>black character
>Indian character
>both played by white women
what did Naughty Dog mean by this
>look up his Wiki
>that fucking list of his VO work
How can one man have such a wide range of voices?
You forgot
>used to be a white character
Billy West and Tara Strong also have great track records.
Nobody can beat Mel Blanc though.
>used to be a white character
It was a jewish movie. The media only manufactures sjw controversy when it's conducive to their interests
>Maybe because it was juuuust before the time when people were hypersensitive to bullshit?
Exactly. Same thing with White Chicks. Imagine the shit that movie would get if it was made today.
Except White Chicks was fucking garbage.
Looking back, a lot of 2004 media felt more 2010s than 2000s.
White chicks is about black guys pretending to be white, not the opposite.
Remember lads, subscribe to pewdiepie
have sex
says the /pol/ incel freak
no sweaty
Chloe was retconned into being Indian cause the DLC took place in India, does that count? She always kinda looked half native half white to me, but half Indian/white girls are the prettiest race on the planet.
I'm pretty sure you could fit at least 3 more buzzwords in this setence, lame.
she was clearly never full white, not with that jet black hair
they never said what her race was before, and now it is known she is half Indian
the only thing she had going was a slight accent that she still has in Lost Legacy
she really didn't change that much, especially considering LL takes place a decade after 2
none of this is really enough to be considered a retcon
>half Indian/white girls are the prettiest race on the planet.
lol no pajeet.