Heard glowing reviews about this game, provided it doesn’t crash. Worth getting or not? Preferably people who have actually played the game
Is Monster Hunter: World worth getting?
The first 2~ hours are like pulling teeth but after that it's a nice, smooth ride until it's over. There's a lot of post game content, but it's still an enjoyable experience if you don't care for it.
yeah it's great.
The whole game is like that you idiot.
OP, listen, all the ENTIRE game is just slaying the SAME, SPONGEY enemies who RUN AWAY every time you knock 5% of their HP away, using their materials to craft “””””better””””” gear (They all have stupidly useless upgrades eg “going from +4% damage to yellow dinosaurs with feathers” to “+5% damage to yellow dinosaurs without feathers”.
The game is just one long boring and tedious grindfest
don't listen tohe's a faggot who didn't get good, probably plays fartnite on daily basis
Explain how I’m wrong though.
>no pause
Fuck it
Not him but yeah you are wrong.
This was my first monhun game and I managed to squeeze 500+ hours out of it before getting bored so yeah it's worth it
pretty bad game, got bored after 900 hours
Yeah its pretty fun and IB will more than likely good as Capcom has gotten its groove back in every aspect but with fighting games.
Hopefully IB also adds lots more fashion options because the first major chunk of the game is dull for it.
you're retarded, what else to say? Everything you said is so dumb that i don't even want to reply to your "arguments". You obviously didn't even finish main story.
Spend a couple days looking at gameplay and various reviews, you want to make sure you know what you're getting in to. If you feel like you want to play the game after looking at it, then go ahead.
Personally I've been playing Monster Hunter games since 3 Ultimate and World is a good entry.
Non-arguments, really
I'm one of those persons who played "hardcore" MH, meaning old school mechanics, wonderful Plesioth hip hitboxes, and barriers of invisible energy under enemy tails that somehow harmed you.
I love this game and all the QoL changes that removed artificial difficulty from the game and turned the Areas into something more than blank arenas with roughly different shapes. It's still challenging to the more casual players, some battles being outright impossible to solo (event ones like Kulve and Extreme Behemoth) unless you're some sort of DPS Pro God, and there are incentives to go and explore every corner of the maps.
That said the endgame is extremely poor compared to everything else in the franchise (except maybe Tri), and that's saying a lot: You can easily pump 200+ hours of content out of this game.
it's poor because it doesn't have G rank. Iceborn should fix it.
‘Tis a rad game also if somebody is from mhg im shiina uwu
>artificial difficulty
>removed artificial difficulty
AT vaal, AT kirin and AT luna would like to have a word with you
if you get it please stay out of /mhg/, they will suck all the fun out of the game with their drama and shitposting
Yeah definitely worth it, just don't grind sets in low rank since you'll have to start over and do it again in HR, complete the ones you like the most by all means though. Weapons are fine since you level them from low, another reason not to waste too many mats on armor sets in low rank since you might need it for weapons instead.
Be mindful that the combat takes a while to get used to (more if you switch weapons a lot) but it just clicks after some time.
also this, waifufags are mentally ill.
Put 8000 hours into it and I can say it's shit.
Not the best MonHun but still pretty good and also very accessible.
It has quite possibly the most divisive gameplay loop of any game I've ever seen. There are two groups of people, those who enjoy beating monsters over and over again and those who don't. No matter how much fancy window dressing there is, you simply aren't going to enjoy it if you don't like the slow, deliberate, grindy gameplay.
>Is Monster Hunter: World worth getting?
no because the game has zero replay value
since you started so late and missed a ton of shit it's better to wait for Iceborne
Thanks all, think I’ll go for it
>shit and wrong opinion
>lebbit spacing
events are coming back every month you dumb bitch
I would recommend buying it, but also wait a bit longer for some more information on iceborn or sale since you will want the expansion.
I never played a monster hunter game before because PCfag but it was fun. You get a cat thing that follows you around and everyone is wearing silly costumes, very japanese.
it's fun and I think it's worth getting, but I don't like it as much as the previous entries
My friend, who never played any other monhun games, got this one, and clocked in more hours than me
if youre on PC you should be aware that all updates are delayed 6+ months regardless of the shit capcom spews from their mouth
That isn't even remotely true but alright.
KT is tomorrow right?
no, it's already here
its 100% true stupid faggot capcom emyployee maybe if you got paid to fucking work on patches instead of posting on Yea Forums we'd see an improvement in turnaround
no you are right, the whole game is reminiscent of mobile garbage.
Don't buy this game unless you enjoy pointlessly grinding for hours and bulletsponge enemies
This MH game is the one that's least worth getting. Most shallow experience I've had across all five generations, it's literally designed to appeal to and amaze bottom-feeders that put every game down after ten hours of play, that's why it's gotten the best public reception and highest number of purchases.
here bro, now you can enjoy the game too
oh crap thanks
no, it's not true.
That’s every mh game tho.
I happen to enjoy the grind in this case
Have 400+ hours in it as a newbie to the franchise. I'd say it's worth it. Absolutely hate the slow drip of new content and the fact that it's limited time only though.
ok then why have i yet to see the leshen on pc
Wait for iceborne
Dont listen to this buttblasted salty user. MHW is the best in the series and most worthy of a purchase. Its a deep expierence and a joy to play with fun mechanics, I too have played across 4 of those vaunted generations and each game has been meh at best. They finally took all the disjointed ideas and half baked mechanics and actually modernized them into something thats fun to play.
What this user is complaining about is akin to the absolutely ass blasted cry babies who get upset when someone uses a graphics mod instead of ASCII text for dwarf fortress
Do NOT listen to or As an actual grandpa I can tell that these are the kinds of idiots who only "played" the old games and now feel smug about the change of direction.
It is. PC's still on AT Lunastra while consoles got that back in October.
Take your meds gramps.
Relatively speaking, AT Lunastra was only a month earlier than on PS4. It's abysmally slow for this supposed "accelerated" schedule.
I played 90 hours before hitting a wall
Shouldn't you be playing one of your battle royale games...?
monster hunter royale sounds dope
If it's your first MH game, you might enjoy it. The game is meant for beginners and is very forgiving in many ways. I personally dropped it after 30hrs when every endgame ED was slain in around 5 mins. Shit felt so underwhelming.
The story is atrociously bad and thrown together, most of the 10 hour runtime is padded with you having to fight the same monsters over and over and over again. The gear you craft in your first playthrough doesn't even matter because there's better copies of it once you prestige. Overall the whole game is pointless and stupid because you can't even feel good about the hunts because the monsters are so fucking retarded it's literally just you smashing two buttons the entire fight.
I'm 300 hours in so far and it's been great. Lots of different weapons and playstyles to learn.
Also to all new players attempting KT - for the love of god kill lunastra a few times and get the Styx LBG. It makes a night and day difference. Put in some partbreaker/bombadier decos if you have them and you're golden. I'm tired of having to carry people that don't even bother using the right element on DB/Bow, wake her up every time I sleep etc.
Not op but thx, so it's just another shitfest
It creates a flattering image for first time players. Most MH newcomers aren't gonna squeeze all the content out of their first game. MHW has the perfect amount of content for first timers.
>8000 hours
What the fuck, how? Also proof?
>Not recommended: 8000 hours played
I think that user is being satirical.
I loved it. One of my favorite Monster Hunter game.
>janny deleting images
No, error code 50382-mw1 makes it unplayable and there is NO reliable fix.
it's fun and it's like 30 bucks. pick it up or at least pirate it.
Best Monster Hunter to jump into the series with. A little light on content compared to the previous ones, but a little light on content means only a couple hundred hours.
The game is easy if you have played any monster hunter, I used the hunter set from LR cuz it looked good all the way to elder dragons. It's not saying much but yes armor is not very important until late game.
It's not very good, one of the weakest entries in the series, if you're looking to get into monster hunter, you can easily emulate FU or 3U if you want something a bit easier, avoid the newer games
Why do you say that? What makes it worse than others in the series?
Isn't that 5 months, then?
it's pretty much abandoned all sense of dedication and commitment to action that was a staple of the series previously and what made the combat and gameplay so rewarding, it's gotten a lot worse over the years, especially with 4th gen, but World just takes it over the top and basically turns the game into DMC-lite.
before you had to do things like stand still for a whole 3 seconds to heal, now you can literally circlestrafe around monsters while healing. you had to take everything with you on your mission or find on-site procurement, now you can fully access everything you own at any time. you had pretty limited item space as well so you had to balance taking gear, gadgets, and craftables to still have enough space for loot to bring back.
everything has just been eroded over the years of the series and it's lost what makes it special, the only way that any difficulty can come out of the game now is by throwing monsters that spam aoe attacks out the ass at you like some mmo instead of a proper fight, it's sad really.
I'll sum it up for you
>it's not in the switch so is shit
Yes. The other user was exaggerating. Still, 5 months is a long delay regardless and the content release is hardly "accelerated." A lot of the extra content is already in the game and CAPCOM is just artificially delaying it.
Yeah, you need some autism to enjoy this type of game. I'm having fun though. FUCK PAOLUMU.
i don't understand why people make these oldfag arguments against playing the game, then cite QoL changes ruining the game to people who have never played MonHun. i mean, they'll either like it or they won't, but being able to heal while moving or not won't have shit to do with it.
I'm talking about newcomers like myself, it took me a while to get used to each weapon and the combat in general because I kept switching between weapons.