Buy Windows 10
Buy Windows 10
I pirate all software
I love you Halo 4 Cortana but I pirated it
Windows 10 is free if you aren't a nigger
And it won't even require Windows 10 on PC, DX12 is compatible with Windows 7 and Steam has never required Windows 10 with any game and never will.
Done, now what?
Please keep posting these, we're not done yet.
Show me your butt and I'll buy it right now
it's preinstalled on the computer when you buy it, user
>I actually bought a Windows phone back in the day because I had such a hard on for Cortana
Windows 7 is a deal breaker.
Microshit can have my money if it's compatible.
Otherwisde I won't care.
I've waited 15 years for this to happen.
I can keep waiting.
Fuck that Zoomer shit.
Windows XP all the way, baby.
>Cortana, google "Cortana rule 34"
It adds to the price of the computer idiot
Like nigga why are you all always so horny, like you shoot a load once and the urge gone for the day lmao
kill yourself
So what are the positives/negatives of Win 10? I know it can collect data about you if you don't opt out, but what else? How does Windows 7 function better? Also, would it still be worth using in a year when Win7 support is dropped, and the only way to get continued support and security patches is through business licenses?
How much does Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC cost? That's the only edition of Win10 worth installing.
>if you don't opt out
sweet child...
>it was free for a year and even longer than that with the disability loophole
You can switch to 8.1 and keep getting support without any business licenses. It's literally Windows 7 with less transparency in the UI and a full-screen Start menu.
im gonna marry cortana!
You can't fuck an AI
you can't opt out and no amount of warm blanket third party software can block the telemetry, anyone who says otherwise is selling you something.
t. warden
No, you're not.
Because she's dead.
I got it for free and linked to my account
That era of weeb Cortana fanart was glorious. It's too bad what happened to her character
>using MS account instead of a local one
You can't stop all the telemtry but you can stop some amount of it beyond just the basic turning off settings here and there. Would still just recommend anything else besides Win10 though.
I love Cortana and want to buy her game but I hate store client bullshit, I'm just going to buy the MCC on gog in 13 years or whatever
The MCC is coming out on Steam at some point. Comes with Reach and ODST, too.
how popular is halo in japan?
Allie Sin
Maybe I'll buy Windows 10.
>tfw will never have AI waifu I can bully in my lifetime
Why didn't they give Cortana actual clothes? Who the fuck would design an AI that looks like that?
my pc came with it and it runs fine, so no need to buy.
the only annoying part of windows is user access control, just turn that shit off.
Come on user. That answer is easy to answer and you know it.
Wink wink
she choose to look like that
Already switched to W10 last year with my Ryzen build. Honestly I don't see any issues with it, don't know what the fuss is about other than outdated stigmas from when it first launched.
because retards on here will never admit they are wrong and will call you a retard and a shill for pointing such out.
>Steam has never required Windows 10 with any game and never will.
Proofs? I want to believe you're right, faggot.
The proof is in the pudding.
Find me a game on Steam that requires Windows 10. Doesn't exist. No Microsoft game on Steam has ever required it nor any other game.
Halo Wars was released on Steam for Windows 7 even though it's on the Microsoft Store.
Recore requires windows 10.
The burden of proof falls on you if you are going to be the one to make such a claim.
Welp, there you go.
You're a fucking idiot and a liar.
I've heard mixed things about recore and sunset overdrive working on win7. any word?
This doesn't need proofs. It's true as long as it's not disproved.
No, it doesn't. They Ctrl+C/Ctrl+V'd requirements from the MS Store, but the Steam version actually uses DX11 and works perfectly fine on 7/8.1.
Recore does not require Windows 10. It is advertised as such but works perfectly fine. There is no limitation to Windows 10 because Steam does not require Windows 10 and you're retarded for pretending to know what you're talking about.
P R O O F ?
Pretty cute
Nigger I've played it on my Windows 7 system. I've never used Windows 10.
The fucking retail box lists Windows 7 and Windows 8. Stop being so fucking retarded and look it up yourself.
Just pirate it and run it on your Win7 PC.
>Yea Forums defending Windows 7
All proprietary software is shit. Go FOSS or fuck off.
fuck off /g/eddit
>no proof
Show me a FOSS OS that can run every game that is currently sold on Steam and GOG.
Post more Cortana.
>I can't google
>make a claim
>cannot provide proof yourself
>invalidate your own argument and look like a retard
>go on full damage control
keep seething
now was that so fucking hard? be prepared to validate your claims and don't get upset when you believe people to just believe bullshit with no evidence
you aren't even getting a (You) for that dumbshit
oh nononononononononono
>someone posts a flat out lie
>twist it as if someone else is lying even though you could figure out the truth yourself in 10 seconds
yes epic
Was Recore even worth playing? If I could get it on sale, of course.
It's fun if you like platformers. The definitive edition fixed a lot of problems and the game looks pretty nice.
Do any of those fixes include performance improvements?
>do this
>cortana's cpu usage increases tenfold
>computer gets warmer
Being the Xbox has always sold like shit their it's probably the type of game a westabo plays to act special
who is the other girl?
Yes, it's well optimized. There were some problems in the beginning of the release supposedly but I never experienced them and supposedly they were fixed.
I remember not being able to remap keys but I'm positive they added it eventually.
It's the typical meh console port but with initial problems fixed. As long as you don't have performance issues that I never had and they did fix the remap issue then it's good.
I'll keep an eye out for it, then. It was one of those games I was excited for, but forgot all about it right before it launched.
implying it doesnt come preinstalled on some HDDs and SSDs.
fucking MS, had to format just to start using the drive.
i thought this was a crossover from another series or something, didnt know she was from the halo universe also.
when do we get our holo waifus bros?
No. I already paid the OEM tax for my laptop and installed over Windows with GNU/Debian.
jesus. i just want a hologram to jerk off to. not this weirdo incel shit.
So you're saying that if I'm in a Master Chief costume that little girls will want to hold my hand?
I'm a virgin and this is cringe.
get ready bros
Oh shit i can't unsee
Allie was fine tho. Even with those dead eyes.
did cortana just sieg heil
>AI went from uselessly retarded to being capable of beating a GO grandmaster in only 20
it might actually come quicker than you would expect
where are those other 27 images user?
Cortana would be hot if she was at lest 100 lbs heavier
>mfw I just realized two months ago that the Microsoft Siri knock off is purposely named after Cortana from Halo
It's literally her voice
How did you
I never played a Halo game
Yeah, I got it ever since it showed as an option years ago. Only today did I choose to activate voice commands for Cortana, and I can only say
>it's not her actual voice
My dick just got harder.
You can still get it for free though
Japanese people sucked at CE because they didnt know how to look around with the right stick and aim with the left at the same time
I also can't do this with your fucking gamepads. Am I Japanese now?
Windows 10 is such utter shit, too many useless features and the wannabe tablet touchscreen interface.
Settings keep resetting and the cancerous updates that break the system. I'll stick with Windows 7. Microsoft slowly turning into Apple's bullshit "feature" laden bloatware.
race war soon
I don't wanna upgrade to 10 but I really wanna play Sea of Thieves :(
wat do?
>like you shoot a load once and the urge gone for the day lmao
Really? When I get horny, and find some really good porn, I can't just fap once, I have to fap like 4-5 times before I'm satisfied. Not at once though, but like every 10-15 minutes.
Buy the trash separate so you don't have to install windows 10. Get an xbone
The final level of Halo 3 is one of the best levels in history and you can suck my fat cock if you disagree.
It collects data even if you DO opt out, go do a whole bunch of fiddly shit to disable a bunch of shit to stop it from automatically turning that shit on and 'updating' whenever the fuck it feels like it regardless of your settings.