This game was made with passion. The true 3DS swan song and it’s a shame it tanked. I hope this isn’t the last we see of WarioWare.
This game was made with passion. The true 3DS swan song and it’s a shame it tanked...
Wasn't there a leak that said there would be a Link's Awakening remake and WarioWare on the Switch? We'll get another game and it will sell like hotcakes this time.
Here’s hoping
Glad the 3DS got one before the dual screen line dies
This game came out five years too late. It's a great game, but that's the truth.
Nothing could have revitalized the 3DS, and I think Nintendo realizes that now. Doubt it will impact any development decisions going forward.
I agree. This'd probably have sold damn well if it came out in 2014-2015. Certainly would have 3D in it too.
Actually, 3D might've been the reason it took so long for us to get a WarioWare on the 3DS. They probably spent too much time thinking of ways to use it as a gimmick but couldn't get anything to work.
That actually might be true.
it feels weird to have the 3ds acknowledge the Switch
it didnt tank I was right there pirating it on Yea Forums 1 hour before eshop release
I preordered it at my local ebgames and I think I was the only one that did. Sad.
>tfw WW Gold and Rhythm Heaven Megamix were probably my favorite 3DS games
>also just love both series in general
>still pirated them both
I feel bad morally, but in my defense for RH, I would have fucking bought it if there was a physical release. I really would have, since I bought DS and Fever, so I'd like to have them all physically
everyone's just waiting for the shitch port
Dude, it's Wario. They're always going to use Wario. They're not going to give up WarioWare because the only other option for him is Wario Land, and you know damn well Nintendo is going to actively avoid that shit when they can.
Bought both digitally, but Megamix not getting a physical release in North America was stupid
>actively avoid
Why's that?
What if they made a Wario game that's a mix between Ware and Land?
A Land style game with different and unique game modes, kind of like Kirby Super Star.
No. It's the literal definition of soulless.
How so?
This can't be the last WarioWare if Jimmy T. is obviously one of the DLC fighters in Smash. WarioWare Switch is being saved for a dual announcement involving /ourguy/
I'll just copy my post from yesterday.
>style and characters neutered beyond recognition, LITERALLY SOULLESS
>terrible humor
>made easy as fuck so even a 4 year old can beat it
>short as fuck
>short as fuck
that's literally every wario ware dude, the games shine in replayability which gold has the most by far
I agree on the art style change (though I got used to it, and I wouldn't officially call it soulless) but your other points are stupid. Every single WW game is easy as fuck, as well as being short as fuck. It was 100% no different from previous games. As for the humor, I'd need you to expand/give examples on that, because it seemed just the usual WarioWare to me.
Not an excuse. The first two still have more minigames. Why are you defending less content?
If you say so, man. I'll keep having fun with Wario Ware Gold, though.
Games like this and Mario Party The Top 100 should have been on Switch too.
I'm sure it'll be back, I bought it/liked it
3DS is just quietly going to sleep, it had a good run
If you're a collectfag, jump on these late life 3DS hard releases, they all are getting low prints and will be aftermarketed later on
Yokai Watch Blasters and 3 are expensive as fuck already
I agree, but to be fair MP100 ended up beingsoulless shit anyway. It was a real missed opportunity of ideas. Unless they do more than port it to Switch and add a lot more to it, we're really not missing much by having it on 3DS. It
It also makes me super sad that in the whole system life we didn't get ANY dragon quest monster game localized
the art style change and the voice acting was off point.
>made with passion
They fucked up the voice acting, ESPECIALLY on the games themselves. Plus a lot of the games got changed for the worse for no reason.
>Every single WW game is easy as fuck
This one is easier. Minigames are now longer or move much slower.
>short as fuck
There's less microgames per character here, despite reusing old microgames.
>I'd need you to expand/give examples on that
I can;t really compare two scenes together since they're so different. The original games had much more surreal or extreme things going on whereas here they're more tame. Instead of Kat and Ana fighting a demon who possessed a random lord in the middle of a city, they're trying to get to class and accidentally go to the wrong one. Instead of Mona trying to deliver pizzas while being chased by a competing brand, she's now trying on clothes.
enjoy eating shit I guess
I hope it is. Wario is shit and Wariofags are some of the most obnoxious faggots on this board.
t. assblasted Waluigifag who still doesn't have a game or their character in Smash
I hate Waluigi too though. At least Waluigifags have shut up now that Smash has been out for a while.
Might be made with passion, but god is this an awful WarioWare... And this is coming from someone who loves the franchise since its first game. Nothing will top Inc and Twisted. Nothing.
Rhythm Heaven Megamix was awesome though
Great game, one of my favorite warioware games
The problem is that this game came out 7 years too late.
WW games were always meant to release at launch to showcase the system's gimmicks
Because between Mario, DK, Kirby, Yoshi, etc it's redundant as fuck and doesn't really carve it's own niche.