F2P now on Steam, not a drill

F2P now on Steam, not a drill


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Bug, since they're including the Core Fighters

>had to go f2p already

lamayo more like Dead On Arrival.

>It's real

well here I go

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free game gimme gimme


Well. That was fast.

Post some boobs already geez

Is this a glitch or something? lol

And it's gone now. I wonder if we'll get to keep it if we got it before it went down, mine is downloading atm.

Full free game is, the Core fighters isn't

thanks for the heads up OP. you're not a complete faggot, i guess. not today, at least...

>captcha: storefront

Are there any mods yet?

i'm not hopeful because it doesn't say I now own it on the activity feed but we'll see

>season pass 1: $92.99

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to make it worse, its only 2 characters, that are already finished and released

Its like Dynasty Warriors 9 all over again.

futa mods

Neat. What other mods are there so far?


they must've fixed it right quick since now it's just a button under free core fighters instead of base game

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Came here to post this

You can pay for them like 5 dollars each, season pass being that pricy is costumes shit

I'd have figured more fighting games would have taken this 'glorified demo' approach by this point already.

$60 for 2 weeks of early access

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Well shit, guess I'm late to the boat.
the only one free is core fighters for me. Hit it for now, but what was the difference between that and free to play?

>characters are $5 each
fuck off slant eyed jew.

>using steam
>the game its FREE on PC
Newfags just gtfo

wow those are some nice physics

not even for free

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How the fuck is a fighting game 50gb? 4K FMVs or some shit?

>he has a data cap


can anyone who got core fighters confirm what their game library/my games list says?

I got it when the full game was still there and i have just "DEAD OR ALIVE 6" instead of "DEAD OR ALIVE 6 - Core Fighters" and want to know if I got in on a store blunder for once

You may as well just get the game at these prices. The girls are $40, the story is $20, I think Bass comes with the core fighters because he's not in the male list. Rig is $4 and you might want Bayman too, so that's another $4.

More accurately

$60 for early access to a $30 game that they are now charging $300 dollars for the full content by splitting each component up and calling it "DLC"

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will you protect her smile?

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I managed to add it to my account but it's gone already. can't find it on my library

>Playing fighting games for single player content


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fighting games have never been good

When are the nude mods tho?
That's what matters.

>he didn't click install immediately

75% downloading, will report back with what roster I got

If it was a fuckup then it's already fixed. Core fighters is free but that's the norm.

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marching ever closer brother

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I think it's one of those f2p games that remains hidden by default unless you have it installed. Path of Exile does the same thing where it just disappears when it's not installed. That's likely a mechanism to prevent steam accounts from seeing a gorillion old free games, or dead-as-fuck multiplayer games filling their library.

For anyone wondering, the available free characters are:

Kasumi (the not ugly ninja girl)
Bass (american wrestler guy)
Diego (fighter mexican)
Hitomi (karate girl who's also half nazi)

I already have a wife user

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is this from doa6?

>no based bayman
suka blyat

So that’s why I’ve been seeing a lot of those characters.

based installing

thats from the gachashit venus vacation

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what does core fighters include?

Reminder to buy Nioh to make up for your thievery.


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well kasumi, hitomi and to a lesser extent diego are all all very normie/beginner friendly characters, at least superficially

How do I get this? Is it not released yet?

Preordered Nioh and will make sure to preorder Nioh 2 too

Can someone who downloaded core fighters post a pic of their store page?

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where did the option to buy the base game go?

>half nazi
What did he mean by this?

kasumi bass and 2 random characters on rotation.

its fucking nothing and you are wasting your time with this shit, go emulate DoA2

Does not having it exclude you from seeing it too? Have yet to see it used online.

half german


psn release when?

>it's real
Jesus Christ.

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It's just Core Fighters, folks.

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I guess you just werent lucky enough to meet a waifufag that bought the season pass

Core Fighter was already leaked so we knew it was coming

But maybe not this soon

No Gen Fu no download.

I imagine that they're all A rank and up since I haven't got there yet.


>literally planned for months in advance

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the best part about the season pass isn't the extra costumes, it's showing everyone how much money i wasted

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wow they purposefully picked the worst one to give out for free. not even worth the dl

it was too good to be true
only got core fighters

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retard frog poster

is this just a PC thing? Not finding it on Xbox.

they announced it a while ago, same thing they did with 5

What the fuck? Hitomi is great, get out of here.

lol dude, you might as well be jacking off to a hairless pug dog


>Have to buy Ryu

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Think they'll ever give out a free fighter any time soon? I remember 5's FTP having Mila be free to own at some point.

wtf is wrong with this ppl

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never seen LoL?

called you want a minimalist game and aren't going to buy every piece of dlc like some retard from Yea Forums?

worst taste go fuck yourself

Same thing happened with DOA5, why are you surprised?

>wait for nude mods
>use dlc unlocker


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because the f2p version for 5 didnt come out just 2-3 weeks after the paid version was released

im not talking about the dlc , look at the core fighters thing that alone is as expensive as the deluxe edition and it doesnt come with the story or bonus

This is the flat out fastest release of the free versions of their games. DW9 and DoA5 both had far far longer intervals.

download doa 6
buy marie for $5
gameplay experience complete

As a fightan game, what is the main appeal of DOA's gameplay outside of fanservice?

The gameplay is simple and fun and doesn't require you to be particularly good at Fighting games to have fun in.

okay now go back re-read what i typed because its still dlc

If Tecmo-Koei had half a brain they would have at least waited for the MK11 launch to drop this (i.e. steal thunder from MK11's release)


Thanks bud.

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being a sick ass fighting game?

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what in fuck

i don't know much about this dev but everything i heard was beyond weird

Just pirate the game and save $5. Then you can get all her costumes and story mode too. Netcode is trash and not worth paying to play with nobodies. Play local on

You're crazy. A 500 concurrent, MK11 would be the final nail in the coffin

It's like spitting into a hurricane either way, but if they had smart marketing they could have stolen some of their thunder

i mean for people who aren't limp wristed onions boys collecting NEETbux

Whats the catch?

Well, now it's completely official!

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you only get a few fighters and no story mode

free is free nigger

>no Marie

no marie rose, nico and honoka

this and this

i love tan lines so much

alright 1v1 me online

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>you get to support a dead on arrival multiplayer pool for people who legitimately paid full price for this game but were forced to wait half an hour for match-ups not less than one week after launch

if KT had half a brain they would make core fighters online only and disable the option to decline throwdowns

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I love Nico!

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What is that E currency sign? Some Asian currency? Are they charging chinks the same price as Americans? The story is $20 USD. Who's getting ripped off here?

That's the Euro, retard.

1€ = 1.13$ so europeans are getting rip off

You get 3 characters with every character being 4$ each.
If you wanted to buy the remaining 22 characters separately, that 88$
But if you only want all the male or female characters, there are 2 separate packs both costing 33$ so getting both will cost 66$
Also if you want the Story mode, that 20$
So the price for getting the "Complete" edition would at the very least cost 86$, 26$ more than just buying the game outright.

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No lobbies
Shit PS2 netcode
Heavy grinding
almost $300 of DLC after 2 weeks
You get to be a cuck for KT

>50GB for F2P?
really TN can't you optimize a little?

this. the game was pirated day one. get the whole game for $0 and say fuck you to KT

word imma do this

yea but they expect fgcfags to actually buy their game after pandering to their demands - learned later than f2p with each person maybe buy 1 thing like a character is more profitable

and then you can only play with yourself like usual

easiest 3d fighter to play
know RPS? you good

How the fuck do you even waste digits so hard?

same as everyone else who bought DOA and is still trying to find a match online

Why is the F2P game bigger than the paid one?

The dlc is alreasy downloaded. Buying it only unlocks it

>400 players 1200 peak all time

(You) too

tits and gameplay alone can't compete with gore/drugs/muhlore in sjw world

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kasumi and hitomi ain't enough pussy and ass to justify 50gb installs so I'm passing on that
if there was one more girl maybe

>what is compression

oh shit only 400 people. now how am i gonna find someone to 1v1!

you're gonna main either Kasumi or Bass

DOA6 gameplay is utter shit

>can't you optimize a little?
Do you realize that high storage usage is a sort of optimization?


they will make more money out of the girl core pack then what they did selling the full game .

that's in the past 24 hours...

is 24 gigs faglord

>core fighters
>no ryu
Fuck you

no one is interested in this shit game. if they couldn't sell more than 2000 copies of this on steam world wide, what makes you think they won't get anything more than a trickle after launch? the game was pirated day one. this title is literally dead on arrival

No, there's nothing attractive about her.

Just like Senran Kagura it's another instance of Japan having shit taste in characters.

So, did it actually flop because they toned down the fanservice to appease outsiders, or because it's a bad game? Honest question.

good deal desu for people who dgaf about penis, you'd actually save $20
well aside that the story isn't included in this set

>Dead or Alive 5: Last Round Core Fighters tops 10 million downloads

the game is fine. no great, just fine. not much better than 5LR complete with shit high/low hit detection and questionable choices on what should/shouldn't combo. netcode is also straight up trash. this game is only worth playing to ogle the girls and for non-serious entertainment in local versus

each of which cost the 10 milion downloaders exactly $0. how many of those 10 million even spent a thin dime? this game was supported by autistic completionists willing to spend thousands of dollars

have they added lobbies yet? or is it still ranked only?
I want to play with my friends

The fanservice is toned down in this one so you don't even get that.

So can i use CreamAPI on this?

ah ? i bought all the dlc and i didnt spend thousand of dollars , u know they do seasonal / festivities discounts 50-70-77%

Toned down the fanservice and the terrible PR about it.

Game is not that better than 5.

TN is probably the only dev that has made F2P fighter work so far
some sales from doa fgc
some sales from super casuals
tons of downloads from freeloaders, even if they bought nothing (statistically false as most f2p games are funded by 0.001% whales)

it atleast boosts online playerbase, and that is worth something

sooner or later lol

Did you forget the waifufag and weebcuck market? I'm sure there are a few 8gaggers who spent hundreds to support "uncensored" games like DOA

Reminder that DOAX3 Scarlet will sell at least double what DOA6 did.

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What is that? Is it good too?

They announced this before the game came out. How retarded are you people?

>censor doa6 girls
>uncensor them for doax scarlet (pc never ever)
fucking genius

There is nothing to censor. Scarlet is just a remaster of Xtreme3.

I want to buy this but I don't want the other costumes in the set. Fuck this.


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DoA fell from the uncensored category. is one of the main issues this game have .

It doesnt have Mila. Fuck them.

theres a big chance of her going to VV , too bad is a gacha grind feast

>Kasumi (the not ugly ninja girl)

>They announced this before the game came out.
We are making fun of the fact that they planned to release it within a year, but the poor sales forced them to release 2 weeks after launch.

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>can't buy Nyotengu
I'm keepin' me money.

My PC is shit, when is this coming out for PS4?

I feel sorry for them, but not sorry enough to give them any money.

>get constantly bombarded by SJWs and gaming media how problematic your game is
>decide to chase after the e-sports money and appeal to those people
>core audience tells you to fuck off
>spend the rest of the marketing campaign trying to appease to your core audience
>they already left
>SJWs don't buy your game either
>forced to go f2p like a week or two after release

They should rename the series to just "dead".

Got a source for that? Didn't think so. Go back to your jello, old man.

actually you can

whenever the store updates, it's on EU psn already

I'll play Core Fighters, and just get Nico, Marie Rose and Nyotengu, and i'll be good, much less than the $60 for the full game

still too bad we didn't get Luna in this entry, I love her so much

dead and alive without titty is just a poor man's tekken.

>get Nyotengu
He doesnt know .

Smashfags btfo!

/r that marie vs chloe comparison pic

can we get this core fighters free version, use a crack, and then just unlock the characters somehow?


just because you're downloading 25GB, it doesnt mean the game is 25GB once it finished unpacking

DOA5 bombed too
It's almost like DOA is a shit game and only faggots play it

No not really. They dont play the same. DOA has easier combos like a 2d fighter.

gonna buy marie and nico and be the best marie and nico on Yea Forums

Ninja gaiden and Godhand bombed too.

its ridiculous how stupid this stuff is. i went to watch the heavens feel 2 movie and a family brought 2 kids with them to the rated r movie, and when the implied, no nudity sex scene aired the mother took the kids out of the theater, and came back right after to see all the blood and killing.

Ninja Gaiden sold fine
NG3 maybe, but I didn't follow it because it sucked
Godhand had a shit marketing campaign and was released right before the next gen

boy you are fucking retarded. Everyone already knew core fighters was coming, so why buy the entire game if you can get it for free and pay 5 bucks for your main? Also do you think they kept shitting dlc for 5 because it didnt sell? fucking moron

Holy fuck I want to suckle on marie's armpits until I die

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Wrong game user, that's the one with the good lighting, models, and physics.

she's available for purchase for $4, idk what you're talking about

Pics or gtfo

>It's almost like DOA is a shit game and only faggots and furries play it

a faggot furry to be exact
also he mains Marie Rose

I wish they just make DoA5LR full version free.

This better not be fake, this shit is too good.

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P-pls respond

No way, with how 6 bombed, 5 is their only cash cow now.

so the only way to get another characters is to pull out the wallet or you can grind for them? I never tried this kind of game before

Does it still sells tho?

it took 3 years before DOA5 went F2P. at the time the progression seemed natural as after 3 years and 3 major releases they would have exhausted their conventional user base and instead would have banked on trickle purchases from CF in addition to the dedicated completionists who funded new costume releases (which are a minor investment as you only need the time from a single 3D modelling grunt for that).

nope. mp is dead except for the same hobo who seems to keep the game running 24/7. probably the only loser who buys all the costume packs too

4 niggers only?


>download the f2p version
>its letting me play the story

nevermind it just lets you play the prologue

>tfw you only care about 3 characters and couldn't care any less for story and everyone else
Sweet. Now we just need lewd outfits to be sold separately rather than in overpriced packs and it's good.

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Source me brother