based. Where else can I kill zombie kids?
God I hope they're black.
What the fuck are journalists and why do they decide how the world works?
This game just keeps looking better and better to me. The more is pisses off and annoys game journos the more I want to play it. I will admit its petty and childish.
>Games journalists
No takes them seriously right? They're basically a step below sports journalists
The zombies represent minorities and the protagonist represents a Trump supporter
>too white
Why are people like this nowadays?
Journalists aren't people. if their point of view agrees with me or not, they should be treated like trash and with the utmost contempt.
why go to war when you can import shitskins to outreproduce the white goys?
really made me think
>kill children
Would be based if true.
>Tfw accidently dabbing on libs by abusing their own hysteria
So what do we do here, Yea Forums? I mean, no minorities but it's a snoy game, we hate it or love it?
>suck Walking Dead's dick
>first hour is a cop shooting a little girl zombie in the head
>but Days Gone is bad!
Well congrats to whoever wrote this article. /pol/ might actually buy a game.
>Games Journalists
bioshock, dead space 3
Don't really care, desu, as long as these threads send some clicks toward my site.
Honestly, if they trigger /pol/ then I support them.
What is this recent trend where someone takes a cropped screenshot of a OAG article to post here? There's one up constantly.
This is the 5th oag shill thread today. Damn you're getting desperate.
I didn't know it had a school level
Oh hey the header conveniently cut off again. Funny that...
>yeah I'm a reacrtionary moron with room temp IQ
>I'm not as bad as the other guys though, they're a nazi
Just do what Yea Forums usually does. Like it to spite people. Hate it if it gets popular. Like it again after a few years and act like it was always liked a pretty underrated game.
Because they're a bunch of social justice zoy-smilling nu-male cucks trying to earn male ally good boy points. Especially from Kotaku.
>Yea Forums makes fun of Days Gone
>"game journalists" say they hate it
>suddenly Yea Forums loves Days Gone
Dead Space: Mutant clone fetuses
Dying Light: Screaming children zombies
These retards
my fucking sides, they can't get people interested so they have to play the outrage culture card
fucking lol, these kids can't make a project for shit. hope those niggers can trick some kids into buying their shit. my fuckin sides.
I don't remember voting these people in charge of the whole planet.
You are actually retarded and can't read
You know that this is like, the complete opposite of triggering /pol/, right? you dumbo
I get the impression half of the people posting in this thread have poor reading comprehension skills.
Pretty much par for the course here, only now its "games journalists" where as before it was "normies".
Can't wait to kill zombie kids as a strong white male rebuilding society and civilization AGAIN
Not him but I don't think you guys can read. Also retards have been bitching about IGN and now Kotaku who both called the protagonist a dull white dude as easy outrage culture clicks, because you all froth at the mouth at perceived attacks at white males.
Snoygers are in a desert this year, they are defending EA and all that shit for survival.
>Want to play it because it's "too White"
>Don't want to play it because it's still a movie-game
A conundrum.
Confirmation Bias: The Post
>a game journalist reporting on game journalist
God, how depressing. Is this what games journalism has come to?
I'm malaysian you faggot, and same fagging won't stop you from being embarrassingly retarded
>too white
Nice racism, faggot.
It shouldn't matter if they're all Albino.
>>Don't want to play it because it's still a movie-game
It's an open world game mostly focused on survival horror aspects, it looks like a better Last of Us
I am gonna buy it day one.
v just talks about how it's a has-been genre and fags who like it are normalfags and probably where the same shirt they did 5 years ago. Basically it's hipsters calling other people fags for being out of date. v never disliked it cause of some Idpolitics shit.
you know what dude? on a real level I think you're kind of a cunt. I'm sure you are aware of this dynamic but couldn't be arsed to type it out.
>too white
That's how it is all the way up through mainstream media senpai. Most of 'em steal news from Reuters and they all operate on the same news ticker.
>I'm malaysian you faggot
Thanks for confirming that you need English lessons. Christ you sound like a retarded phoneposter. Learn to read, dumbass.
Why's journos shitting on his whiteness but Arthur Morgan and Dutch was Unshaken during previews for RDR2?
Why does /vpol/ constantly post this guys blog? One angry Incel is top cringe and not a source of news at all.
probably had more money to pay them for better outrage buzz.
Don't forget that the only black guy in the gang gets killed by a bunch of southern racists, and is then forgotten as if he never mattered.
They're worse. Gaming "journalists" are barely tabloid writers.
> Kotaku loves NieR: Automata & Persona 5 saying they are the best games on the PS4
> For some reason hate this game
What did they mean by this?
It's all over the side of media that hates (too strong a word... dislikes) modern games made pver the past 9 years. It's like a whole otherside gaming.
how can you browse a website like this but not know this shit?
Because shit talking Rockstar is a good way to never get invited to their early game demos.
I listen to Yahtzee but know what genres to ignore his opinions on, that's it.
lol, it's so typical. man fuck these woke kids, I'll never get that shit. white people going crazy from all the milk I guess
Isn't this site satire?
>you know what dude? on a real level I think you're kind of a cunt. I'm sure you are aware of this dynamic but couldn't be arsed to type it out.
I didn't type all that out because I don't care, not because I couldn't be arsed to do it. This is Yea Forums and this isn't a genuine thread about the game, its an obvious bait thread for shitposting. Why bring logic into shitposting?
>loved Nier: Unlimited Butt Works
Wait really?
Yeah well they think they are entitled to it.
Not to mention it is the kikes who give these fucking drones their projected voice into the populace. Without the media machine as their megaphone they would just be some sad little worm shit posting on plebbit or gamefaqs.
Nier and Persona are fucking nothing like Days Gone, are you retarded?
I miss the old journalist days where GamePro makes a quick review and then gives it ratings.
Maybe I can do that. Know a good site where I can post my reviewed games? It'll be better than the current video game "journalists".
No he wasn't. He was killed by a couple of Pinkerton Agents. The Irish one was killed by the southern racists.
Eh? What? I thought Lenny got shot by Pinkerton mercenaries.
shh don't tell them
>Don't forget that the only black guy in the gang gets killed by a bunch of southern racists,
>lol, it's so typical. man fuck these woke kids, I'll never get that shit. white people going crazy from all the milk I guess
Did you think you could have a vidya thread without /pol/, vidyu-chan?
These people don't play games, they just use incorrect or out of context observations as a way to bitch about niggers, kikes or other /pol/tard topics.
Based article
I think this game will be dangerously boring, but thank god someone is making a AAA game that isn't a black or female MC
they're obv going after the middle america/ Sons of Anarchy demo with this game. Why is that racist, but pandering to the 'woke' basedamericans is perfectly ok?
Why is anyone reading game journalism? These people are literally retarded. There is no integrity left in virtually the entire field.
Why aren't mud children playing cross-dressing Mario and Link nintendy Switch classics as young as possible?
What's wrong with you goys... I mean gays... I mean guys?
>Why is anyone reading game journalism?
Because they're not actually playing games. Videogame spectatorship is tremendous. Look at twitch.
>but thank god someone is making a AAA game that isn't a black or female MC
Imagine thinking white protagonists are somehow uncommon
I know right? I thought it was a game set in coastal Peru. Fuck Mochicas. Fuck poopskins.
You daft nigger the journalists ARE /pol/. They have literally become a bunch of race baiting faggots that now hate things because race. /pol/ would love this shit.
100% genuine niGGers. Used to shill a lot on 8ch.
Uhm, no.
Is there a game where you can kill only kikes?
seething leftytranny