Give me 1 (ONE) reason you aren't playing AC Odyssey right now Yea Forums

Give me 1 (ONE) reason you aren't playing AC Odyssey right now Yea Forums.

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don't want to

i got bored of origins 20 hours in and never played it again

I don't believe you

It fucking sucks dick. Worse AC game by far, somehow even though its a copy paste of Origins which was ok. Only good shit is the AC4-like pirate gameplay boarding other ships etc. The combat, story, characters, all suck cock. Also for an RPG it has a very scare amount of customization like the stupid fucking spear head on your back the whole game
>b-but it relates to the story!!
I dont give a fuck. Worst AC game hands down.

playing RDR2 like a sane man

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also "hold A to parkour" was the worst design decision they ever fucking made. what a fucking downgrade in every way besides dialog options when compared to something like Unity


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How about you give me one reason to play it instead?
"You can capture 150 enemy camps" isn't a reason

not a reason

Assassin Creeds main story is always the worst part about the games.

Already beat it.

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I don't play bad games

OP I gave you some reasons why this game is shit but you seem to be responding to people not really giving you reasons? Is it because you know I'm right and Odyssey is absolute dog shit trying to be an extremly shitty and gimped version of The Witcher 3

>Give me 1 (ONE) reason you aren't playing AC Odyssey right now Yea Forums.

Because I'm into history and it will be painfully obvious to me how parts of the game are not historical. I'm ok with unrealistic sneaking abilities but I'll know when the clothing, culture and technology is wrong and I will not put up with it. Especially when it is done wrong on purpose for "progressive" reasons.

I love it OP. Hated the ending though. If I were to new game plus it I'd get the bad ending. Very much enjoy that Ubi keeps up the free updates.

But I am OP. I just don't see how I can get to level 50 to take down some of these targets--I have ~25hrs and am only lvl 30.

don't have any good reasons to,

complain more when you haven't even tried it out

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you didn't give me reasons you just said everything sucks cock. The only mild reason you gave was that there is a scarce amount of customization, which I would disagree with as the skill tree lends itself the many different play styles and the perks on armor and weapons actually affect these play styles pretty significantly. For sure it's not as much customization as most top down rpgs but I wouldn't call it "scarce" either.

>inb4 but he said it was historically innaccurate too!!!
right, and it's pretty obvious from that review that he's an autist just like yourself and he was able to get over it

I didn't play any assassin's creed

The combat is now arcadey hack n slash combat bs with hit that dont feel like you made any impact at all. There's no more proper hidden blade. parkour is "hold a to climb" I mean I can just list everything about AC Odyssey, compare it to any other AC game and it always comes out as Odyssey got rid of the feature, or made it shittier. This game is not an AC game and everything about it screams wanting to be Witcher 3 but we had to make it within 1 year time. Shit there stuff that the game lacks that ever Origins didnt or didnt bother to add it until "later" as if I'm coming back to the garbage. Its just the worst game in an already mediocre franchise. Also I did give more reasons its clear you cant read. One other thing ill give you is the battle to decide who rules an area is a cool idea. Too bad cause it sounds awesome in concept but like everything else with this game its just disappointing and lacking.

i like good games

I agree with all of this stuff, still having a great time with the game though :^)
you guys keep your expectations way too high

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>playing games

Yeah customization is scarce. You get like 80 different versions of the same armor with some new stats on it Look at Unity's customization Customizing each piece of clothing. Customizing if you want to be a two handed blunt weapons guy, a claymore guy, sword guy, or rifleman and I'm pretty sure there are others as well. Unitys customization alone makes it a better RPG than that bullshit littered with fetch quests you have to grind until you can play an actual mission which is slightly less shitty.

You are the problem with the videogame idustry
>your expectations are too high!!
>just accept another shitty bland open world game, but this time we'll take all the good stuff from the other shitty games from this franchise and remove them so we can have the ultimate shit game
kys friend

I didn't accept it, if I accepted it I would have bought it.