What is the worst game mechanic you've ever seen?

What is the worst game mechanic you've ever seen?

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Hunger bar in Minecraft 1.8 or weapon degrading in BotW

Intentional 6 frames of input lag


>weapon degrading in BotW

>he doesn't like to improvise and procure-on-site

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>be me, fighting game character
>opponent is flying-kicking towards me
>go to block at the last second
>fail for no reason
>go flying through the air
>everything goes black

Follow this character for 10 mins while they talk.

Weapon durability. Does nothing but slow down gameplay for a little “realism”


>end up only spending my time fighting lynels because nothing else is worth it

Lucario rage mechanic in Smash Bros.
I play Lucario, and even I get mad for people I beat in 4 hits sometimes.

Thirst in escape from Tarkov, unless you are making a survival game you have no reason to put in food or water mechanics

>80 hour JRPG
>hard mode is only unlocked in New Game+

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>>end up only spending my time fighting lynels because nothing else is worth it

Why? The point is to make due with what you can source on mission, not choosing missions that only give you good things.

I’m going to correct myself, worst EVER for me would be needing to DNA evolve in digimon world 2 fucking horrible

crush counter

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>Weapon durability. Does nothing but slow down gameplay for a little “realism”

It depends how it is done. If you can pick up and auto-equip weapons without using a menu then your weapon breaking in combat and you having to pick another one up or improvise can be awesome.

Without Exp and leveling, the devs needed to figure out a mechanic to make you fight mobs. Weapon degradation was the best they could do.

Speaking of Smash, tripping in Brawl was like a cactus up the ass.

what missions? botw's open structure lets me avoid playing it by running around enemies. The only time you're forced to fight things are tests of strength and bosses. The combats not interesting enough to make me want to fight enemies either

for what though? a shittier weapon than the one i currently have? no thanks

Quest markers

You have to lose battle to unlock a lewd scene.

Alone in the Dark (2007 or 2008)

First there was the "blink" mechanic. Then there was the attacking mechanic where you literally had to move your right joystick back and forth to attack ANYTHING, and god forbid if you did it too fast or else it wouldn't register.

Time windows to complete quests. Or time limits in general like Dead Rising 2.

Physical skills uses HP

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Then double down on it and make guardian weapons and rare weapons more resilient. All elemental weapons break so easily.

Glory kill in Doom, kills the game entire point.

Soul Memory

But that satisfies a fetish so it works

decoration farming

Junction is kino, extracting magic from mobs is cancer.

>progress in pvp is based on wins
>game also has a forced 50% matchmaking, so it doesn't matter how good you actually are because you get lopsided matches
fuck you if you do this

This shit was fucking irritating back then.
>hit all the notes perfectly
>"That wasn't good enough. I'm sure you can do better."
>literally couldn't progress any further


QTEs are up there

this and bamham vision.
RDR2s realistic animations also fucking suck and I hope they don't become a trend.

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junction was great though. the problem was using magic weakens your junctions and also drawing the magic in the first place

>game is hard as absolute shit
>finally beat it after a gorillion attempts
>the last boss was a fake
>have to play through the entire game again to get the actual ending

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name one game released after like 1998 that does this.

The button used to talk to NPCs is also the shoot them in the face button. Bonus points when shooting them causes the entire police force to try and kill you and put bounties on your head so bounty hunters ambush you all the goddamn time

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stickers in sticker star.

Upgrade systems in MMORPGs that can degrade or destroy the items in question. Bonus points if the secure methods are tied to Gacha.

What fucking game is this? 7th Saga?

I can't

>interacting with NPCs through button prompts
fucking CANCER. I dropped Witcher 3 because I couldn't click on people.
Fuck that casualized garbage.

Siege in MHW
75% of the lobby just jacked off for 12 minutes while the 25% moves the progress bar

>forced 50% meme
for tards who don't understand math. unless you're so strong that the game literally cannot find worthy opponents for you (almost no one), then your rating will eventually reflect your true level of skill, so it will oscillate up and down and remain essentially where it is until you improve or get worse. it has nothing to do with being "forced" other than the fact that you're "forced" to accept that your true level of skill isn't as good as you think it is.

boss chaining cc's you need to break free from, but that costs resources from your lowest pool

RE:ORC. Getting hit by a zombie makes you bleed, attracting more zombies. It would make sense in a stealth game, but in a run and gun TPS it's just retarded. Getting hit once basically guarantees death.

That, or the fact the end game presents you with an option to kill Leon, but he's an unkillable super beast.

Ghouls n Ghosts can go fuck itself though, I agree with you.

Running causes you to lose health.

>running drains your health.

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>game is painfully easy but drawn out
>you can't play at a higher difficulty until you're already done with the game

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>You must wait on this NPC to open the door for you
>Stealth mission where you have to stay directly behind NPC at all times or failure.
>Walking slowly while talking to NPC on radio

Final Fantasy IIs stat system where they increased based purely on how much you use that stat

>Unskippable cutscenes
>Unskippable tutorials
>QTE finishers/combat
>Invisible walls
>Nonstop waypoints
>Mode-exclusive weapons and characters
>Difficulty-exclusive unlocks that don't unlock lower tiers automatically
>Weapons look worse as their stats get better
>Most time limits
>Puzzles or enemies that break established game rules
>Grinding, padding, filler quests
>Turn-based combat
>Multiplayer restrictions such as being unable to trade gear to promote grinding/microtransactions

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>game has infinite enemy respawns
>on top of weapon durability and fixed ammo spawns

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>Escort mission
>NPC is slower than your run
>But is faster than your walk

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>turn-based combat
Fucking faggot.

>You must wait on this NPC to open the door for you
>they fucking stop when you get too far

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Came here for this and fpbp once again


Fucking forced touch-screen mechanics

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>new game +
>with unskippable tutorial and intro
fuck that

Random encounters

Yeah I sure do love being actively discouraged/punished for exploring, thanks game

In Avalon Code, the examine button was also mapped to the launch enemy button. There was also no on-screen prompt for whether or not an object could be examined, so you had to examine every single object in the environment one by one. Every time there turned out to be nothing to examine, your character would launch attack and get stuck in a 3-second animation shouting "HAAAAP!" That got really old really fast.

Nier Automata basically

>game has aesthetic as fuck weapons in the early game
>endgame weapons are abominations from some 13 year old's deviantart page
>no way to reskin the good weapons or upgrade the bad ones

>run from every encounter
>too underleveled to beat the boss

95% accuracy cap.
Seriously, fuck all games that do this. I cannot bring myself to play any rpg that does this unless there are sources of guaranteed hits, like Underrail with its PSI school.

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oh sorry I didn't mean to reply to you

Armor lock

The Final Fantasy 2 leveling system. All of it. Jesus Christ.
Can't say I didn't enjoy breaking the shit out of the game with it though.

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yeah, that's why enemies that you can SEE and CHOOSE to either engage in battle in or avoid is better

I (weapon breaks) can't (weapon breaks) understand (weapon breaks) your (weapon breaks) accent (weapon breaks)

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You aren't being punished, you are being tested and you should push on through like a warrior

Basically all of XCom's combat

God forbid your hit rate is anything less than 100%

Suppressor durability in MGS3 encourages you to explore and find alternate and interesting ways to deal with enemies.
>just figured out the other day that you can throw a piece of a gator at a dog and the dog will eat it and fall asleep
I love this game.

Field skills in Xenoblade 2.

JRPGs are a contender for the most boring genre in the whole industry because of how many are braindead, slow turn-based shit. The rest are padded MMO-tier bloatfests which is also cancer

Level grinding, fuck games that do this time waste shit.

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Put your gun away, retard. This never happens

I like seeing the enemies in the overworld and having a choice of either battling them or avoiding them, thanks

Please tell me how random encounters are better in any way

I only began to resent weapon degradation in botw when it applied to the master sword

non-infinite sprint

having to wait every 5-10 seconds to sprint again isnt challenging, it's annoying

What have you been playing where you need to grind?

the game I was hinting at doesn't use a ranking system for matchmaking, it's literally progress = strength

>have to closely follow an NPC in a conversation
>his speed is faster than my walk, but slower than my run

Any sort of "you need to collect [X] in order to continue surviving!"

time limits

Slow dialogue boxes, unskippable cut scenes and tutorials.

I guess it's something only the kinda guy that doesn't swallow cum can understand

Not him, but I'm still trying to 100% MGSV. All that's left is the RNG animals.

Resident Evil type games where everyone walks slow as fuck and they run at a quick jog when in a situation where you're going to be killed/people trying to kill you people would obviously move much faster

Fucking qte where you have to spam a button. Peace Walker gives me nightmares

>be in Saint Denis
>want to get on my horse
>some rando standing next to me
>press Triangle
>grab the fool by the throat and start strangling him
>police are called, chase me out of town
>all escape routes are blocked except the train tracks
>fuck it I don't see a train, start running down the tracks
>choo choo motherfucker, it's behind me
>fuck horse is out of stamina
>horse bucks me off, I fall to the side of the tracks and watch the train obliterate my horse
>perfect bear pelt I was carrying is now ruined


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That's 100% though

Horribly balanced RPGs always piss me off

Usless skills
>by the way, there is like 1 pool in the entire game and there is nothing in it

Useless professions
>you can be whatever you want, thief, ranger, warrior or mage!
>by the way all classes are useless except mage, did I forget to tell you that? I mean, a powerful mage with different spells can literally do anything, why the hell would you pick warrior? Did I recommend that in the tutorial? Well I lied

Having to fuse 5+ of the same character for their upgraded version in a gacha game/games where said characters are locked behind microtransactions.

Soul Memory


>hitting enemies drains your health
>you need to hit random objects in the world to find health pick-ups which may or may not be there
>you can literally kill yourself by punchng enemies or inanimate objects

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GTA San Andreas, Photo Opportunity
>drive halfway across the map to meet Cesar
>drive halfway across the map AGAIN because being in his car is a mandatory mission parameter
>get there
>snap three pictures
>he leaves you
>CJ even snily remarks how he could have given him a ride at least

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Nigga it's a gacha game, what did you expect?

A block button in fighting games.

seems like a thread for little bitches

>game has an inventory limit
>it also lets you pick up every single fork, plate, book, and individual french-fry you come across

Why do Western RPGs keep doing this?

What about RPGs where every class is viable in the end game?

Xenoblade X was good at that

MASH THE BUTTON qte. Fuck that shit.

Forgot my image.

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Every single thing in SWG's NGE.

I will never forgive you, Smedley.

Some do it right and you can instead upgrade them by feeding them your trash rolls, like PAD.

>Warrior = easy difficulty
>Thief = medium difficulty
>Mage = expert difficulty

Christ, I got overencumbered in Witcher all the fucking time
I hate this shit.

God that stupid fucking microphone. Yes Nintendo, I want to talk to my game like a fucking retard. Good job!

>weapons degrade
>limited ammo
I know people think these things make a game more scary or intense when in reality it's just annoying and slows the pace down and forces you to melee them to death over and over instead.

>Dragon's Dogma
>Your pawns are always aggressively eviscerating the environment for items or otherwise running away from you to go pick up useless garbage that clutters their inventory

Literally "Garbage Mechanics: The Video Game"
>running drains your health
>weapons have RANDOM durability
>when you defeat an enemy you have to choose between items, experience, and money
I don't know how anyone approved not one, but multiple terrible mechanics like this.

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>different race options
>They barely make any difference

for all of its flaws Fallout 4 made junk items like that useful, it's one of the only smart design decisions made for that game

>have to beat the whole game just to unlock the hard mode
BW2 was really good, but that mechanic can go fuck itself.

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>Why do Western RPGs keep doing this?

It's more immersive. It makes the world feel more real. What they fail to do is make more distinction between valuable things and common item. No jewels that have worse weight to value ratio than leather straps. What is worth looting and not worth looting should be more stark. Loot is coin and jewelry.

>Four of the races are the same thing, just in different colours
>Three of the others are the same thing, just in different colours
>An eighth race is the same as the other three that are the same, it just has tusks

It'd be more forgivable if they didn't tease us with smug gorilla people, snake men, dragon tigers, and ice demons in the lore.

red dead redemption 2. how you have to press A like twice a second just to keep going on the horse. made the game almost unplayable for me. its not fun tapping like that for minutes at a time

opening the cupboards and reaching for every cam of beans did it for me.
These animations pile up

>only race with an actual flavor is DLC exclusive

It was literally the only difficulty select in any Pokemon game, too. Game Freak is unnecessarily obtuse and hostile towards their fanbase. It seems like they do whatever they can to piss off their loyal customers.

>mfw they think a pretty mediocre overall type is so strong that they have to nerf it, along with a bunch of other mediocre types and an actually good type, creating one of the strongest types in the game's history
>Not only that but that new type has essentially no weaknesses since the only types its weak to are garbage offensively.
What the fuck were they thinking? It'd be like if Sakurai made the last DLC character Brawl Meta Knight x 64 Pikachu x 4 Bayonetta, and made it only defeatable by Bowser Jr.

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the "respawning" in NeverDead or whatever it was called, terrible game in every regard.

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Weapon and armor degradation is always annoying.


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what the fuck is wrong with Yea Forums janitors?

>try to open horse bag or whatever it's called in rdr2
>Arthur walks like a retard and doesn't stay properly near the horse so I can press the button
>some NPC gets pissed because I'm "staring at him" and starts hitting me
>want to loot some dead dude
>press "pick up" instead by accident
>have to wait a whole fucking minute for Arthur to pick him up and put him back down

Anything involving grinding of any kind.

I'll admit I'm a total pleb and divinity: original sin introduced me to CRPGs, but after playing a game that's damn near 50 hours long with absolutely no respawning mobs you have to "grind" I'll be fucked if I'm going back to the other way.

The way they do it in divinity means every single fight you encounter is perfectly scaled to the expected amount of experience you'll have, every single fight is perfectly tuned without any scaling or tricks. Every single fight is a "good one".

Why would you EVER make a game with repeating low level mobs after seeing a system like that work?

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Maybe on my own fucking terms

Terraria Expert mode where you have to wait for about 30 seconds to respawn, and you can't even choose to quit to the title screen during that time.

Stealth with insta-lose, like on Zelda 64.
Its basically a really frustrating "guess what the developers think vision and audio are" that grinds most games that implement it to a fucking halt.
Bonus points if they also shove a bunch of "cutscenes" to drag the section even more.

This shit right here.
And the retard casuals eat it all up.
>you just have to get used to it
How's anal? You just have to get used to it.

this is a server for bad game mechanics celebrating the Y Eeti award discordapp.com/invite/jdEFGnU

gen 1 had a soft difficulty select depending on which starter you picked
charmander is hard, first 2 gyms beat your starter, you're basically forced to pick up an early nidoran or mankey for Brock
squirtle is medium, first gym loses to you, second is neutral, third and fourth beat your starter
bulbasaur is easy, you beat the first two gyms, resist the third, and are neutral to the 4th, bulbasaur line also evolves early

Oblivions leveling system

fuck soul memory is retarded
>killing stuff or getting souls to buy items will force you into the next coop/pvp stat tier, UNLESS you waste a ring slot with a ring THAT YOU HAVE TO BUY IN THE FIRST PLACE AND THAT'S ONLY AVAILABLE AT LEAST AFTER 3 BOSSES
just who the fuck came up with this
they want you to cheat engine stuff into your game if you wanna make pvp characters ffs

>turn based combat
Resetera is the other way, my guy

They all evolve at level 16

That system isn't bad if enemies don't scale with you like vanilla morrowind


You're still spending 30 bucks on shipping from Japan just to show off bad crops?

no I just save reaction images off Yea Forums homo

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>turn based combat
Reddit is a few clicks down friend


Morrowinds system worked tho
Oblivion tied attributes to your stat increases, and you had a max of 10 major stat increases per level, so to play efficiently you had to basically create a class with major skills that you will never use since minor skills dont add to leveling up but still increase attributes *INHALES*
Its completely FUCKED

i think that's exactly what he meant
plus the fact that you have to grind specific skill before level ups if you don't want to gimp your character
i think you need to get a +4 on all 3 attributes if you want to keep up with the level scaling

>n-no u

Rune Factory Frontier

There's probably worse, but it is the one stuck in my mind as worst.
Besides lootboxes, but those aren't really a mechanic.

bring an argument next time if you want better. Not that I'd engage a downie who can only play turn-based shit for very long


even if that were true, how does it invalidate what he says?

Ivysaur evolves 4 levels early at 32 instead of 36 like the other two, should have been more specific in my first post

Nioh did this right.

VtMB was alright

>forced to improvise or find new ways to deal with enemies to save weapons
>or just avoid the enemies entirely because there’s literally no reason to fight them
>in fact fighting any enemy besides lynels gimps you
Yeah great mechanic.

Yea but Ivysaur is weak to 2/3 of every pokemon in the game

I didn't say it does.

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I don't know about game mechanics but the worst player I've ever seen is probably Substanze or Shitstain LATAMonkey as I like to call him

Escort mission where the guys is faster than my walking speed and slower than me running

Does any game do this?

dumb emulator fag. those were piss easy and they gave you like 3 minutes to do them

>Real Time with Pause
>Press Turn
>Danger Time
>Touchscreen shit, especially stylus shit
>Button mashing to fill up bars
>""""Context"""" sensitive actions
>Loot scaling
>Loot affix modifiers
>Skill trees
>Dice rolls for hit chance in action based combat
>MMO cooldowns
>FPS action RPGs
All belongs in the trash
>Why do Western RPGs keep doing this?
One of the many bad habits introduced by late Ultima games that the industry has never forgot, and you're right, D:OS2 is especially offensive on that since 90% of what you can loot has literally no purpose, you can't even sell it.

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refreshing cooldowns.

it also does tons of damage

This, it's a hobby for limp wrists why do this shit? Especially if they do it in a kids game. Had to drop Starfox Adventures as a kid when I got to that part. Every time my ass ended up in the pit.

>doors can hack you

Missable side quests that can only be trigger by backtracking to some random ass location you would have no reason to backtrack to after 10+ hours from your first visit and randomly goes away after some random plot development that has no relation to the side quest in question

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>You are too far from (important character)
>Mission failed/Game over - You left (important character) behind
>AI is dumb as a brick

you don't get to bitch if you're a completionist, you're supposed to swallow whatever shit they throw at you
someone that's also a completionist

>dude bring me 50 wolf pelts to advance the plot lmao

The crosshair in RE6 moving around every time you shoot, so you have to adjust your aim sightly to the left or right after every shot.

>actually you know what's missing before continuing the plot?
>50 RED wolf pelts

>Be young and inexperienced Culter
>Just got my lvl2 cyberlegs
>Feel really proud of myself
>Hack bank terminal for mad brouzouf
>It hacks me back
>Hacks me so hard my cyberbrain explode and I fucking die
>Deja vu
The first 40 hours of E.Y.E. were a wild ride

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When I emulate it I use the rom where the glyphs are automatic

Item identification. It only adds another layer of pointless tedium to a game. Its not an interesting or fun mechanic.

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Recently played through tales of vesperia and that game is the king of this shit.


> he didn't play brave fencer musashi as a kid and getting exited every time you identify a new piece of equipment at the store

The crimson curse
>addiction mechanic that makes you manage another resource
>when craving, heroes will do random bullshit out of your control
>if you satiate them, they get frenzied and still do random bullshit
>so even with a hefty supply of the blood your heroes will do a 30ish round phase of dice roll random bullshit every 30ish rounds.
>frenzy state is useless on support characters and because of its randomness cannot be utilized when needed
>the enemies that apply the curse either: cannot be stunned, have retardedly high dodge, or are fast as fuck and will always go first unless you have sanic speed highwayman with speed itemized and quirks like quickdraw and fast reflexes. sometimes multiple of the above
>all of the aforementioned enemies need to be critted to get 1shot, it's near impossible to itemize for killing them before they strike
fuck crimson court and fuck dodging nigger flies and fuck the crocodillian, im so glad i finished the game with that DLC turned off and turned it back on to play it endgame

MP Death

What is even the reason to do this in the first place? I can't come up with anything.

You can also tame spiders and have them attack enemies which will poison and knock them out.

They can’t handle bleed, and the croc gets countered hard if you can unstealth the bastard

But yes, fuck Crimson Court

those retarded FF spells that are like "instantly die if your level is a multiple of 5"

Vampirism in Oblivion. Ruined my game and had to start over because I couldn't go outside for more than 5 seconds without dying.

iirc croc doesn't stealth, when it goes underwater it just gets 80ish dodge and needs to be stunned before it apex predators your party

Permanent stat losses


No havent played it but I can get the excitement. In that case, isnt it better to have a system that some games have where you can freely identify an item from your inventory only that it takes a few seconds? Would still give you the lottery excitement without the tedium of returning to town everytime your inventory is full.

The dream eaters in Kingdom Hearts DDD
>Previous game let you get new commands by mixing ones you already had and doing this let you gain abilities. Good mechanic that rewarded you for fighting enemies
>Decide for this one that they need to lock commands and abilities behind a nintendogs minigame on top of grinding points in battles with said nintendogs

It's a damn shame, the game could've been fantastic. It's got some of the most comfy worlds and music in the series but it's completely bogged down by that shit.

I think it depends on a) how easy/hard it is to identify things and b) how much can you be fucked up if you use a "bad" item. If a) is too easy there's little point to item identification being in the game and if b) is some serious shit like straight up killing your character it's a major case of bad design. If a game gets both of these right then item identification can be an interesting mechanic, so it's a shame it's almost always done badly.

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damn, you just gave me flashbacks to PREY (2017)
>fill up your inventory with stupid garbage
>walk all the way back to the recycling machine
>might be able to trade it all in for a couple of shotgun shells

that reminds me of the SMT games full party death by light/dark
at least they have low accuracy, but if they hit half your party or MC it can quickly get pretty rough

>Game has stat loss
>It's the only way to retrain your character

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Vampirism is shit in all Elder Scrolls games without mods.


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It's ok in Skyrim because they pretty much removed any negatives other than no daylight regeneration. It's completely broken in daggerfall if you mix it with the night buff perks.

>Shooter with heavy shooting segment
>Checkpoints vary depending on enemy location
>Checkpoint doesn't trigger sometimes
>Have to redo a chunk of the fight again
>Kill two enemies
>Checkpoint Reached

>you can change difficulty at any time during the game

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I can only think of games that do this badly, but I can see there might be some way to do this in an interesting way. Anyone know any examples?

The cooking and food in skyrim. Absolutely useless. No skill tree for it and potions are a million times better anyway.

Why is that bad?

Breaking game flow with narrative and cinematic ejaculations
Taking away camera control and agency
Overdesigned, arbitrary, context sensitive actions not directly performed by player

>unlockable garbage items that get added to the random item pool and cant be turned off

>there are difficulty settings

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BFM is not that big of a world, your protagonist is an idiot and the main town is comfy as fuck so it's always nice to come back anyway
there's only like 2 items that must be identified to beat the game iirc and they put you very close to the town, the rest are for upgrades

guess it varies by game
or your character having to learn what X item is by talking to an npc/reading just the first time

>boss becomes immune to damage and starts spamming attacks that for 75% of your health

i like it if you cant increase the difficulty once you lower it

Gamefreak is lazy,entitled and incompetent.

Why would you not want to experiment with the difficulties whenever you want?

>this is the difficulty the game was meant to be played at
>its retardedly easy

that one ps1 castlevania i believe

This. Why the fuck would they waste all that time making all those food and recipes if all of it’s outclassed by healing potions anyways? Especially in a game where there’s so much shit they needed to fix first before worrying about being chef boyardee.

I don't terribly mind this unless the game actively rewards you more for playing on a LOWER difficulty, like Bravely Second.
It's also annoying when you want to up the difficultly before a boss fight but one starts unexpectantly.

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>you can change the difficulty within the game through reasons explained in the lore

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it ruins the immersion if enemy health and damage is something you can adjust to your liking whenever you please

Whoa bro, don't you want to feel immersed in the wonderful world of Skyrim?

>Making it so you have to replace your equipment every 10 minutes instead of just upgrading your current equipment endlessly

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>deceptive, lying fucking hitboxes
>enemy attacks getting stopped by environmental obstacles seemingly when they feel like it

But seriously, the current trend of "sense of progress" mechanics woven into every game

Durability on weapons. It’s so fucking unnecessary.

name one game that does this.
don't say darkest dungeon, torchlight is not difficulty

>Your attacks are stopped by the environment
>The enemy's attacks aren't

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>Hit an enemy close to death with your strongest attack
>He retains a single HP and kills you

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This. Cutscenes are passé.

Pretty good, actually.

some games do this right, dead rising 2 pretty much guarantees you come across combo weapon material basically everywhere

skills get stuck on random pieces of world geometry

>piss easy open world action game
>hard mode is locked behind a $20 paywall
There is no reason BoTW hard mode shouldn't have been included from the start, or at the very least released as a free update.

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KH Coded, Soul Nomad (if I remember correctly), Dark Souls 2

What isn't

Due to weapon durability, hard mode in BotW is kind of a pain in the ass anyway.

The DLC shouldn't have been split like that at all, either.

Mashing buttons in a QTE

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> boss bar has no hp
> lower your guard
> fucking eat shit and/or die
this has happened to me 3 or 4 times in DMC V

"dodge" with iframes

lol sticks IRL have better durability as weapons than sword in BoTW

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>hard mode is just stat bloat
Fuck Cyber Sleuth's Hard mode holy shit. The final boss got like 6 turns for every 1 of my own party member's turns, and then I switched it to normal just to see the difference and I was able to get my full party to actually do stuff

I barely played it but I remember you could chose to play as an apprentice instead of a proper agent in Alpha Protocol, which would give you access to more shit in New Game plus in return for being a worse character.

But honestly a mechanic like this would be easy to implement. Lets say there is an RPG and your character can chose to do a ritual or something that will make him weaker, but in return the god of luck gives him better loot. Shit like that.

>playing the game on a difficulty higher than normal just turns everything into pointless tedium that's not even hard to deal with, it just makes everything take longer

fair enough

dodges can have a few iframes to make up for the minutiae of hitbox consistency, but phasing through attacks is dumb in most cases.

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A different button each for picking up a weapon, your hat, and items. WTF were they thinking.

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button mashing to get out of grabs
basically anything that forces you to mash buttons
fuck smash for not outmoding this concept yet

Aeterno Blade.
Bravely Default.

>Turning up the difficulty makes the game easier

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Super Ghouls and Ghosts

>with bad enough luck you will lose a boss fight no matter what

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Not really the same thing, but ME2/3 mapping
All to a single button press was pretty stupid

Fuck FF13 and fuck Death spells

>survival game with extremely limited ammo and stealth requirements
>melee weapons have durability
>they can barely kill an enemy before they break which takes 20 swings
Pic not related but fuck silent hill room

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Don't forget BoTW pay to win on-disc paid DLC via Amiibos

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>monster does a flashy move
>barely get tapped by the pinky toe of their mostly-stationary back leg
>get launched into the stratosphere for 90% of your health

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>have to use a menu option to talk to people instead of just fucking pressing A

instant death attacks which you have to cheese your way out of by inflicting rage debuff on the enemy.

I feel no remorse for savescumming LISA

>Not rolling the fuck out of town the second a monster does something flashy

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this is pretty much what makes me hate MH sometimes
but number one spot is the time limit, since even if you don't get hit for 30 minutes if your dps is not good enough then you lost and wasted those 30~45 minutes because reasons

>""""""""durability""""""""" in Dark Souls 3.
>durability fills up whenever you rest a bonfire
Why though? What's the point?

It's not a hard mode that's why

Not a huge fan of instant death attacks in general.
I was happy to see SMTIVApocalyse finally make Hama/Mudo not instant-death spells except when an enemy is smirking, so at least you can anticipate it coming out.
And then I was disappointed that Persona 5 went back to the same shit as before along with keeping the whole
>you get a game over if your protagonist dies

What makes it worse is when you realize how it fucks you no matter how good or bad you are
Play well? Great, glad you're having fun, just know you're basically on a timer until you don't fucking connect with anyone anymore.
Are you a novice? Do you need help? Well guess what chucklefuck, all those souls you kept losing still added to your memory, good luck summoning for help now!

I actually enjoyed that mechanic. Made the finishing blow that more satisfying

>can fit between monsters legs
>either don’t fit or you can’t go under horizontal attacks
Dark souls combat is honestly limited and shit

It doesn't happen in MH unless you're a retard who goes the entire game without upgrading your armor.

here's your frame 1 run for full damage bro
i hope you weren't anywhere near his tail the moment he started running forward because that's also full damage bro

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>>you get a game over if your protagonist dies
I actually liked that in SaGa games, but only because it wasn't cheap bullshit like SMT.
I'm actually a bit disappointed that Scarlet Grace doesn't have that.

Anytime my weapons broke I paused, realize the battle was optional, unrewarding, and equally mechanically unfun, then turned 360 degrees and walked away while the "enemies" struggle to keep up and eventually have to turn back or respawn because they're all MMO trash mobs.
Maybe Nintendo should start improvising their game design instead of copy-pasting whats popular and slapping their gimmick-of-the-week onto it.

Fuck this fucking disaster of a monster
>lets take two broken as fuck monsters and combine their worst moves into one monster

Tick manipulation in runescape. It sure is fun how all high level content in the game is now balanced around imputing actions exactly every 0.6 seconds

Play Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup and report back to me

This fucking shit plagues every game nowadays and it pisses me the Hell off.
>What if instead of designing gameplay we just shine a fluorescent light on what needs to be activated to trigger the next cutscene
Fuck off, lazy nigger developers

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wanna explain?
is it like guaranteed drops from farming or something?

Kh3 attractions

Stop playing world.
Also how in hell does it take you 30-45 min to kill a monster? Upgrade your weapons my dude.

Limited enemy spawns in Dark Souls 2
Also the accelerated weapon degradation was horse shit as well.


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It was cool, although made the boss a joke, on the Titan at the beginning of the game. The only thing that should have existed is grand magic and team attacks. Fuck KH3

the button for picking up items and opening shit also makes you dash fucking 75 miles away if you press it even slightly before you see the prompt

Honestly this, I gave them the benefit of the doubt before launch but they literally have zero build up or progression, they just sort of appear and because it's tied to action you can accidentally trigger it doing something coming out of battle. I can forgive everything else but that because I already expected the rest.

>Harder difficulties actually just gives the AI cheats

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Players getting loads of defenders in pvp

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making your character a loli means you can't carry as much stuff

get this shit out of my ace combat game reeeeeeeeee

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>Increase difficulty
>Only thing that changes is the numbers

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>misses everyone
>except for the protagonist

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>Supposed to emulate the setting of an MMO
>You get a game over if you die, teammates don't even get a chance to revive you. Just booted back to the main menu.

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The 3D fallout games did it great where your weapons will lessen in effectiveness and eventually break but you can repair them so it never feels frustrating. It also gives a purpose in hoarding extra sets of guns.

DSbabbies wont admit that. souls games has probably the worst fighting mechanics of any RPG. roll through everything and memorize patterns until it's your turn to hit the thing then rinse and repeat until it's dead. not to mention all the attacks lock onto you until the very end of their animation and they have deceptive hitboxes you can only learn through trial and error.

i wasn't refering to world actually
hell even world has better ways to deal with breaking enemy parts to actually start doing proper damage
thing is, if you're good enough to not get hit then why should you lose? it's completely retarded and only pisses off the player

trying to solo the last tiers of Deviant hunts in XX half of the attempts ended on time outs, and the rest usually by just getting ohko

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Any of you fags have the original scared shotgun guy image?

I mean... You expect the game to give you a freebie on one fuck up because you feel you are good enough for it?

I played a game where simply running would drain your hp so you had to walk everywhere.

ye i'm mad that they didn't just do the same thing as IMOQ
where you can control the ghost of your avatar and still send party orders like asking for resurrections

>if you're good enough to not get hit then why should you lose?
If you're losing you clearly aren't managing that are you.


Horse riding. Its never been done well.

The existence of beast eye and rage in SMT is to remind you that enemies only let you win.

I give, what is it.

Everything WoW BFA does. Reputations and timegating. Just transparent bullshit to try to make you log in every day to up their subscriber number. Guess what, everyone saw through it and the game is dying now. Good job

my point wasn't about the fuck ups, it's about the retarded time limit for no reason
but also the fact that they can one shot you makes any armor set that's not dps pretty pointless, and that's yet another problem

RDR2, unironically.
It's fascinating because the rest of the game controls like fucking ass, but somehow the horses are smooth and responsive, when they're not occasionally glitching out anyway.

Definitely weapon degrading -_-

Almost everything about SMT4 besides the music.

Just give it all to your pawn

These days I dont even sweat it until I get to yellow.

What's wrong with it? It's not realistic enough or not fun enough?

Press F to pay respects

Losing stats on level up. Stupidest shit ever and just encourages people to save scum.

Ghost and Goblins

>you can change the difficulty at any time but you can only gain rewards from the lowest selected difficulty

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You can't blame them for expecting people to not see through it. They didn't for the last decade, and XIV is still going strong, as well as every other trashy MMO that does this shit- and worse.
I wonder if people actually saw through it, or if they moved onto a different cancer, like a gambler changing slot machines, or an alcoholic a different drink.
Can't wait for MMOs to be properly marketed as the gacha-tier shit they are.

Any game use motion controls on Wii.

Red Steel 2 was f u n

Drawing in Okami. It promises so much, but it delivers little, and it's such a fucking chore in practice.

Are you disabled?

No More Heroes did it alright.
>you have to know the layout of Tokyo to know where to go without pulling up a guide
I know Atlus hates baka gaijins, but that’s just shitty.

Backtracking. Aside from the Shantae games, I can't think of a single instance this is considered a fun mechanic.

I think he meant it just feels like fucking ass, more than anything.
You invent the unnecessary space to create the necessity of transportation that has greater locomotion, but then you make that alternate transportation feel like ass.
What the fuck was even the point? Just remove the goddamn space between A and B you obtuse cocksuckers.
I think that's what he was implying, anyway.

Invisibile War's Universal Ammo

You needed a guide?

No I just hate it because I don't feel in total control like with a mouse or joystick. Sensor can glitch out or when I scratch my nose the nunchuck register it.

Also, obscurely hidden event triggers that are mandatory to progress through the game but have no direct effect on the story.

...which is also something Okami did, but it's better known for being in 4th gen games to troll Rental players

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So SotC?

>got Neutral on my first run of SMT4
>have to finish all those sidequests
>no idea where to go for some of them

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>game has anime
>game is from anime

>Sensor can glitch out
Not unless you're covering it. Also no shit, of course its going to register movement if you move.

That's a decent example.
I mean they had nothing else to do, the game's just a boss rush. Just jump into painting like SM64 and design a level instead of this field of nonsense.
I always figure that if a developer retains something that isn't 100% as good as it could otherwise possibly be, they're either incompetent or had fuck all else to replace it with, which in itself is redundant.
There is a worthwhile argument that fucking about in endless space is to give a sense of scale, but Xenoblade created that sense regardless if you were in a linear corridor or an open field, and it actually had a mess of battles in its open fields so fuck whatever games like Ocarina of Time or SotC were doing with their arbitrary horses.
BotW can suck my nuts as well. Free Climbing is the most unfun bullshit I've ever experienced, nevermind the horses.

Hmm, yeah, I think they just kept making it worse and worse. So bad that people saw through it.

weapon enhancement systems + microtransaction + pvp, the unholy trinity

>game automatically adjusts difficulty based on your performance
>this means any especially hard challenge requires you to deliberately play badly

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I don’t know shit about Tokyo.

>hard mode gives you better loot drops to such an extent that there is little difference between difficulties

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Dragon's Crown, except that rather than being a fake it turns out there's 2 more of the final boss out there.


Rubberband ai in racing games. The earlier NFS games were notorious for doing this.

You get an advantage for having a well-maintained weapon since your enemy's weapons are always shit, unlike Far Cry 2. Their weapons never jam though.

Timegating for non cosmetic content

That's really just an excuse to run 20 dungeons in a row.


>game gets harder the better you play
God Hand is too fucking good.

>turn based game
>reinforcements move and attack the same turn they appear

Bonus points for permadeath

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Holy fuck, what were they thinking

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Hello FE6

>turn based JRPG
>if you allow the enemy to take a SINGLE turn you can get your main character instantly killed which is a game over

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>fighting super strong enemy in a fast paced life and death battle
>can craft potions, ammunition, and bombs while fighting

random encounter

>can't pause during cutscenes

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>unit collision in RTS results in a giant mob of mixed up units that can no longer move individually with agonizing seperation
>different unit speeds results in a long train of stragglers unless you micromanage each bundle of units
Seriously, let me designate some speed limits and formations or something. You always have attack profiles, why not movement profiles?

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Fucking this

any wii game where you need to actually point at the screen

Visual impairments as substitute for actual challenge, in general.

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>No idea if you can pause during cutscenes because it might skip them

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Witcher 3 solved this by having the escorts move at variable speeds. Why literally every escort mission isn't like this now is beyond me.

>can't skip cutscenes

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>you have to play iron man mode to get the full experience as certain features are disabled on regular

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>achievements can only be done in iron man mode
>half of the achievements are insane shit that's nearly impossible without save scumming

Yellow Roman Cancel

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>attacks and running use the same meter

you ever seen the one where you talk with party members and after a while you get special scenes/events that let you improve your relationship with them, sometimes even granting them access to new abilities?
imagine that but you get 4 shots per character and missing a conversation jumps you automatically to the next one regardless of not seeing previous ones and of course you lose the chance to get those abilities but can get the later ones still
Thank you Lord of Magna

Japan only exclusive things



Forced stealth, notably in The Order 1888

It breaks the pace right?

I meant CK2, but I think any Paradox game works

don't bully that poor turtle
He's a dumb-ass, you need to protect him

I'll kick your ass faggot

The reason the game is so long is to cater to weebs that want to spend a lot of time in the game. By locking hard mode behind beating the game it gives the weebs more reason to keep playing the game.

That's exactly what Ive been looking for in an RPG

>very hard is only unlocked from beating the NG+ hard
>there are 10 difficulties total, and each is only unlocked by beating the prior hardest difficulty
>you have to play the game 9 times to actually be able to play on the hardest difficulty
This is probably the biggest flaw in Resonance of Fate.

Regenerating health

>lose to boss
>boss has the same health he had before killing you
Fuck, it's better to just reload the save or some shit


Fucking Xenoblade 1

well if you haven't tried divinity: original sin out then give it a go, I didn't like turn based combat or CRPGs before I tried it so don't assume because you don't you won't like it either. It completely changed my mind about those things.

Also it's better played with a friend and playing it on the 2nd hardest difficulty (the one below permadeath) will be the most rewarding challenge.

>enemy attacks getting stopped by environmental obstacles seemingly when they feel like it
Man, I wish this wasn't so common. It's the stupidest shit when you hide behind some wall or stone pillar and that dragon breath or whatever the fuck else goes right through it. Happens plenty in Dark Souls and Monster Hunter.

>rout map
>enemies reinforce on consecutive turns
>isnt even paced for maximum confrontation intensity but rather to push the player to another part of the map
>reinforcements also have effective weaponry
God i hate fire emblem

Beating the game to unlock hard was already retarded, but remember that there was an unlockable easy mode too. Just beat the game on normal. To unlock easy.

Attack animation canceling by dodging.


Yeah because having to avoid combat entirely except against lynels because otherwise you're just wasting your good weapons is such a good design choice


I thik this is fine so long as difficulty was lazy and its just different nunbers and there's pros and cons to changing it like in TWEWY

>rpg game where you have a party
>can revive party members
>but if MC dies its game over, even if there are other party members alive

Might not be the worst, but I stand by my hatred of the atb system.

>SMT managed to stop this shit in like 4 different games, but still does it on occasion for no reason

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>squad/team game
>AI only goes for you with deadly precision

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shit man that boi caved in quick

Block button for fighting games.
If one is required, the game is already a piece of shit gameplay wise.

>playing Botw
>Lynel strikes me down
>gobble up a plate of meat and veggies
>Lynel strikes me down again
>gobble another plate of Meat and Veggies

>key item needed for 100% completion can only be achieved by playing a shitty slot game for hours upon hours.

I'm looking at you FF13-2

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>Cardgame minigame
>Computer is always a cheating faggot

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Not really a mechanic but fuck Devs like todd howard who think basic passive damage buffs are good progression instead of activr buffs that cater to a play syle.

That notoriety shit in AC games where you had to rip off the papers over and over.

Dropping shit on the floor in RE 0

Micromanaging every single thing like in rdr2

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>turn based combat

Back to minecraft Zoomer


I would have slaughtered an entire village in witcher3 when I couldnt beat some shitty kid for his shitty card, came back with a full deck of monster and wiped the floor with his fucking face

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>unskippable tutorials
>Press the stick to move
>use the other stick to look
>try looking down

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>RTS or 4X game starts with more resources on higher difficulties on top of not being limited of fog of war because go fuck yourself

>game scales to your level or is always 2 or 3 levels behind or above you, no matter how much you level up
Wtf is the point of progression?

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>Tfw no more kino optional tutorials like in AC4

Most players have to grind 40 hours/wk to live (real life)

It's a lazy attempt to keep the game difficult, it would be better to have stats capped in eras but the thing would to just design good enemies

Honestly I wouldn't mind weapon degradation so much, if I had one back up weapon that I could use without degradtion ,like fists or something, the fact that I'm absoulutly fucked if I run out of weapons is such bullshit.

Durability has never been a fun mechanic that has any thought or depth to it besides in shit like Demons Souls or Front Mission.
In Demons, using acid and the scraping spear was viable in pvp because of item burden. You could poke someone down and break all their shit, playing the long game, because most players don't carry a side weapon.
In Front Mission, mechs limbs have durability. You can blow specific parts off to cripple them or disable weapons, but theres the trade off of what you break isn't something you can salvage if you capture the mech yourself.
Every other game I've played just has weapon durability to have weapon durability with zero thought into it, and seemed to only include it because other games have it.

>game scales to your level so much that it surpasses your level and it becomes harder the more you level up
What the fuck were they thinking with this in Final Fantasy VIII?

this and not being able to spam arrow, the best memory I have in minecraft and one of the best in video game was trying to raid discretly a kingdom in a pvp server with friends and being spotted minutes before and at the second we stepped in, we saw all the arrow coming for us, we somehow survived and fought on the walls for like 10 minutes

As far as AAA titles where EXPECT better, I'd have to say FF8's magic system was just a big load of "What the fuck were they thinking?" I mean, really, what were they thinking? The entire Draw/Junction system. Are you telling me not a single fucking person at that boardroom meeting realized the glaring problems with it? Jesus Christ.
Disclaimer: While not my favorite, I loved FF8. This is not a post to bash FF8.

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>when you defeat an enemy you have to choose between items, experience, and money.
Now THIS, is some horseshit.

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I guarantee there is no game where "most players" do that.

To stop retards from thinking "I have to play on the hardest difficulty my first time or my playthrough isn't legit" and getting btfo like in Pathfinder Kingmaker.

Shin megami.
the HRUUUUUNGH floating coffin boss that can cast extra turn move. if you are unlucky enough he can do it multiple times and just 100-0 you without a chance for you to fight back.

>penultimate boss is obviously, demonstrably harder than the final boss
worst case of this I've ever seen was Grandia 2. Due to the way the combat system works in that game you are at a huge, huge advantage if you simply have more people in the fight than your opponents.
Penultimate fight is 4v4. Final fight is 3v1 in your favour.
It is comically easy to win the final fight without even taking damage because of the mechanics of this game. If you understand how to play (at the FINAL BOSS) you can easily prevent him from ever getting a turn.

WHAT THE FUCK? That's not the picture I posted? The picture I posted was of Zurg from Buzz lightyear of Star Command looking at a letter with reading glasses, what happened? I can't post the correct one either, because it says it's a duplicate.

That image would be more accurate in my experience if it was an amulet of strangulation that the god i was worshipping refused to uncurse.

Making all weapons disposable was a bad idea. I actually wanna keep and use some of the cool weapons I find. Just balance it out with less weapon slots and an upgrade/repair system and it would've been fine.

>game has multiple difficulties
>harder difficulties aren't just harder for you, it's reflected in the plot with villains being smarter and more successful, and generally the game is darker on harder difficulties
Has any game done this? And no, I don't just mean multiple routes.

>it's his first time getting picswapped
Just be glad it wasn't porn or something.

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>On the plane of fire
>Archon shows up
>Put on my blindfold to stop eyes from burning fighting it
>Didn't realize the amulet of yendor cursed it
>Pray to god to uncurse it
>Prayed too recently, now god hates me and I can never remove it since no more altars
>Enemies kill my flying mount and I fall into the lava
>Use an amulet of life saving while I'm sinking terminator style
>Revive still blindfolded, surrounded by enemies I can't see, and go down swinging blindly at 50+ question marks courtesy of a ring of warning

So yeah fuck Nethack.

What game?

That would defeat the entire purpose, it's in the game so that they can have fixed weapon spawns at points of interest that can be amazingly powerful if you get them early enough, rewarding you for exploring a harder area earlier while not breaking the balance of the rest of the game.

Because Gamefreak thinks all it's players are drooling retards and only super hardcore gamers who play through the game multiple times would be the only ones interested in a hard mode.

There's a trend in jap game development in making their games super easy and it's kinda frustrating.


>games that allow you to pick "try again" if you die at a boss or similar, but you start again without getting back the items/ammo you spent at your last attempt
Sure, a few times it makes sense, but most of the time your situation is just getting worse and worse as you try again.
Bayonetta and Jak and Daxter 2 were both guilty of this. Often you're better off quitting to the main menu and loading the last checkpoint instead of immediately picking Try Again.

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why feed wonderstone hot one?

Travis strikes back has this issue too, reloading a previous save is better than even getting a game over because it restarts you with 0 lives

Is this an alien posting on Yea Forums?

egads! I hath birthed a demon
may weary ways be left starstruck (forgive the pun)

Finally someone else who hates that damn as much as I do.

Fallout 4 fucking sucks overall but that escort shit almost made me stop.
I tried my hardest to get immersed into that game but the NPC walking speed really fucked me.
Pic Related is a side quest where you escort some dude in a lab coat and a laser pistol maybe 40% of the length of the entire map. At least he's invincible like every other fucking NPC in this game.
>he gets 10 meter ahead of you
>he stops
>you get 10 meters ahead at normal speed
>he stops
>needed to go to the place earlier in the quest so you can fast travel there
>dude won't fast travel with you
>won't fucking move unless you go back for him
>random encounters the entire way including rare merchants
>still gives story to you and walks on ahead out of hearing range if you stop
>will stop himself barely a few steps later
>has terrible accuracy in combat encounters
>since he's not a companion he can still hit you
>unmodded laser weapons still do retard damage to you in higher difficulty
>fucking tickles enemies
Fallout 3 had a similar dude but at least he went as fast as you did and could fast travel.

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I thought this shit was extremly rare though, never thought it'd happen to me?

>saving/resting has a chance to fuck you up

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repeating event cycles, IE Dead Rising, Majora's Mask.

oh wow this is really fun, I cant wait to fight this boss or see this event literally several dozen to a hundred times per playthrough

Mass Effect and Xenoblade. Why the fuck do they do this


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Weapon durability, ruined Way of the Samurai for me.

Weapon durability

That’s retarded

>all these triggered weebs

all you need to know is that it's a mobile "game"

Item level, item power level, whatever you call it
Basically the number in all pieces of gear which tells retards if the item is an upgrade so they don't have to look at the actual stats

This shit right here ruined World of Warcraft for me when they decided to generate the stats based on the item level of the gear rather than generate the item level for each item. It feels like you are just grinding for the system to give you the same item but with a higher number™. Fuck ilvl.

Also the reason I dislike destiny and warhammer vermintide, they fell for the meme.

Blizzard I want my fucking stats reeeeeee

invincibility gimmicks on bosses

>Game has a mechanic that can trivialize most enemies if you take 2 seconds to figure it out
>Normal and Hard become a joke using it because they balanced it for retards to complete without
>Even in unlockable super hard + difficulties it renders the game easy since no enemy is given a way to counter it
If you want to add a mechanic that is easy to use and makes every fight a matter of mashing forward and attack at least balance it around that so the game retains challenge. Even the hardest unlocked difficulty is made a non issue by it.
It only got fixed in the DLC by giving the DLC character a version that requires better timing.

>pick up guest specific item
>fail or cancel quest
>flagged as important so you can't drop it so it will forever weigh down your inventory

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ngl that shit is irritating, but 2Bs sweet ass makes up for a lot of things.

>rare drop can only happen in one time quest that you only can do it again by either NG+ or starting over

Now that I've finished my 100% save

Little Witch Academia: Chamber of Time
>AI doesn't use their fucking spells but instead spams knockback basic attacks that do shit damage and give enemies ridiculous amounts of i-frames
>enemies can be knocked off screen and cannot be attacked again until they -- slowly -- walk back on screen, only for the AI party members to throw them off screen again
>button-mashing mechanics in dungeon are agonizing when playing as characters who canonically bad at magic. for example, the entire Pollux dungeon while playing as Akko
>time cycle, while nice because it reminds me of Majora's Mask, is way too god damn fast

Limited inventory


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>true ending locked behind NG+
>it's a five minute cutscene

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>Unlimited open world PVP without any restrictions.
>Big af punishment for dying (like losing fuckton of experience or all items even ones you spent months to get).
These 2 combined makes a really bad game mechanic today, because it allows some griefers to fully ruin the game by making mass genocide.

Why would you waste your time 100% something that shit

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Epic pvp tanking in eso

Charge moves in fighting games.

I think I'm a bit of an M. Just a bit. Not enough to imagine myself as the M in BDSM but still like a bit of agony. Imagine playing games and then they're so bad that you drink to make them good again. That's me.

>What is the worst game mechanic you've ever seen?
The one that makes you move slower when being shot.

At least, give me a chest to store the rare ones or a way to craft the interesting ones

Having limited ammo.

>that time where you at to literally shout at an NPC

Natures and Individual Values in Pokemon.
"The Pokemon you just caught is shit because Natures and IVs make every Pokemon feel unique!!! :^)"
All this shit does is turn the game into a eugenics simulator to breed the perfect Pokemon, effectively going against the message. Also makes online/competitive play less accessible.

Effort Values could use some tweaks, too. Such as being able to distribute and redistribute the EVs you earn with sliders on a menu.

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sixaxis controls.

> > 80 hour action jrpg
> Hard mode and Speed run mode are available from the start
I love dragons dogma

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Dark Souls

Minecraft went to shit at 1.8 because of all the RPG bullshit they shoveled in, hunger included. When they added an "end goal" that was the same for everyone it went to shit. There wasn't supposed to be an end goal to Minecraft. You mine, you craft, and you do what the fuck you want. Nowadays you have all this wacky shit in the game that makes it unenjoyable. Fuck I'd love to just go back to a server on 1.6 or 1.7.3 at least.

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Bastion I guess



there's at least 50 mods to fix that
if you're playing bone stock minecraft you're playing the wrong version

infinitely respawning enemies drop less finite resources than what you need to kill them, while you have to figure out what the fuck you have to do in the mazelike levels

Why should I have to have mods to make the game fun? I paid for it to play that, not to go through 20 minutes of installing mods just to enjoy it.

You have to use a guide to get all the collectibles in Land Stalker. No way you'd know to do some of the stuff for some of those secrets. I haven't gotten that far yet. What obscure event in LS?

I can see why some people might not like the hunger system, but how does all the other stuff ruin the game for you? You can still do whatever you want, there's just more interesting stuff to explore now.
I probably wouldn't enjoy the game nearly as much without the end, the nether, the enchantments, etc.

fast travel to destination then wait

Almost every time I vault over something in a game, I get killed instantly. Yeah it looks cool and yeah if your game is realistic I can understand adding it in there as opposed to a goofy five foot jump, but that shouldn't excuse something that's 10 inches off the ground needing a vault.

They're not great but they're not that bad. They're really fast, thankfully.

>Vault button is the same button used for sprinting and jumping

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the don't bitch about game mechanics then retard

In the Division 2 a set of iron sights increase your reloading speed but decrease something to do with criticals, on a gun with a magazine.

Timed stealth missions where you instantly fail when spotted and have to restart all over.

charge characters are low iq

>enemies can interrupt you while you sleep/rest, even if there are no enemies nearby when you decided to rest
>game has randomly generated dungeons, towns, or landscape
>level scaling
>changing difficulty only changes numbers
>Super Hydlide's hunger and sleep mechanics plus money weighing you down

>NPC escort mission
>enemy snipers who target NPC and ignore you
>game over if NPC dies
>trial and error

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Why would the game be harder of you have trouble with it

Cabot quest, right?
Fuck that shit.


Compare BotW's weapon breaking to Yakuza's. Yakuza's works great because there's plenty every fight and you can still fist shit satisfyingly.

That's more of a problem that arose because different devs balance their games differently. In a lot of games, hard is fine and normal is a cakewalk, even in games within the same "genre".

SotN? You just skip the OG final boss if you have the right item, even if you do kill him it doesn't end the game and make you replay it.

Literally any optional minigame in any final fantasy ever.
Be it card games, chocobo racing or blitzball.

Escort missions
Quick time events in normal attacks
Dumb as fuck minigames that blockade you

Underrated. A single, fine tuned difficulty level beats the heck out of almost every game where you can select between multiple levels.

Unironically, one of the best magic-based restoration items is behind cooking. Elsweyr Fondue is ridculously easy to make barring the cheese needed, and it gives 200% magicka regen on top of 125 boosted magicka.

And the single best stamina item in the game is the vegetable soup.
Still not much point when you just need the ingredients and a pot to make it and never have to touch cooking again.

The card fighting system in Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories.