Do you guys think fairness is important for games...

Do you guys think fairness is important for games, or is it more important to win by any means necessary outside of cheating?

Like, is a victory hollow in chess if, for example, you castle without your opponent knowing what that move even is? Are you obliged to either dumb yourself down to their level or bring them up?

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Fairness is important. So is reading instruction manuals so that you know the basic functions of the game.

If you start on even ground you have no obligation to explain mechanics you deduced independently
But it's kind of a dick move

Not really. Only if you decline to tell them when asked. You should remain silent until questioned to promote critical thinking.

He did ask

It's all contextual. If you're in a chess tournament it's a reasonable assumption that your opponent knows about castling. If you're playing with someone completely new then you should probably explain things if you want them to keep playing with you.

Jon was so obviously in the wrong. If you think otherwise you're a fucking retard and anyone who you think is your friend actually hates you. Fuck you.

Arin was right

Fuck off Arin

This. But of course 95% of people in this thread don’t have good friend relationships as well as have a hate boner for Arin

Shut the fuck up.

If the contest is for fun then you should share information.

They both started at the same level.
Arin is retarded so Jon learned faster and won.
Jon was the better player and Arin's anger was unjustified.

Daily reminder that Arin and Danny are both backstabbing snakes.

They don’t want Jon on after he shouted out /pol/ facts irl. How is that backstabbing?

Arin fuck off, let it go.

If they were truly friends then that wouldn't matter. Not everyone is a faggot like you. Arin just cares about money.

>Start evenly
>Figure something out before your opponent
>Are supposed to immediately tell this to him
Arin is a retard

If you are playing chess against someone that doesn't know how to castle either teach them after you do it so they can, or you are just a scrub that can't play actual skilled players that know the game.

Breaking rule 1 and 2 are valid reasons to end a friendship.

>Hey, uhhh, black people are burning cities over and over and trying to violently assault white people on the streets. Our media and law enforcement are turning a blind eye to this. Can we like, make this stop?

If I was Jon, I would have told Arin. But when Arin brought up the concept of "equal terms", that's when he went full retard.
In any competitive situation, it's up to the competitors to use their own wit to overcome the opponent. If your opponent is struggling, you're not obligated to help them. Arin is acting like you are.

If your opponent is making a mistake, never stop them
Jon did the right thing, if this wasn't a competition and instead was a cooperative game then Jon should have told Arin
If you don't know what you're doing then don't compete
>Arin's little bitchfit
cry more Arintards

Not knowing what the controls are is a facet of literally every Game Grumps episode
Arin complaining about not knowing the controls when he explicitly chooses to go about their business in this way is intensely hypocritical
It would have been nice of Jon to tell Arin, but he was certainly under no obligation to do so