What is Samus' job again?
What is Samus' job again?
Booty Hunter.
Collecting space dragon semen.
killing monsters
rape bait
getting impregnated by me
Reverse Trap. She tricks boys into identifying as a female so they’ll be more susceptible to cutting their dicks off.
Bounty hunter
Which reminds me - how capable of a bounty hunter is she really? How far will she go to meet her objective?
For example, when you need to obtain a bounty mark's whereabouts from some career criminals in a seedy backwater bar, but the federation has outlawed torture, what's your other option?
would you marry samoose Yea Forums
keep in mind she would insist on still being a bounty hunter
She's gonna get a master's degree in FUCKIN' ME
Feminist Icon
>he's gonna get a master's degree in FUCKIN' ME
Full honors in 2 minutes flat.
fap bait
It's technically 'bounty hunter' but apparently the term is much more in line with 'hero' in Japan, as opposed to the anti hero we usually associate with bounty hunters here. That's why we always see her saving the galaxy rather than hunting bounties.
These aren't real jobs dumbfucks. You really think you can get paid to be "rape bait"? Like yeah maybe in a police sting but it's not like they would hire you JUST FOR THAT
No torture involved. You show him a gun, and tell him he better tell you what you want to know if he wants to go home tonight.
He, of course, fights you, and gets his ass kicked. Within an inch of his life because you're a bounty hunter whose taken on much stronger than him. Make him scared. Make him see he could actually die, just a little more pain would push him over the edge.
Thats how you get your answers. Dead men tell no tales, but dying men are an open book.
I would hire cunny if her wanted to be my rape bait.
>You show him a gun, and tell him he better tell you what you want to know if he wants to go home tonight.
That's a crime, you disgusting degenerate. You think you can just go around the federation threatening to murder people?
how do you think artists feel when, despite constant attempts at improving, their most popular drawing is something they made over a decade ago
A lot of Japanese artists are really good as kids and young adults because they have time to practice, then they languish in adulthood as they get sidetracked by wage slavery.
It's kind of sad
Metroid sure does suck ass.
Pulling out a gun and speaking about the fragility of life is no crime user
Me on the left
What? FUCK i hate ESLfags so god damn much. Learn the language or don't talk.
Go test that theory.
I don't have anyone to do that with, nor do I have a permit to own a firearm since getting one in my country involves a lot of bureaucracy.
>seedy backwater bar
I'm assuming the original poster set up this location so that someone couldn't just say "durr she would just go somewhere else" So there.
Also, she's a bounty hunter. She helps the federation but doesn't work for them, right?
Collecting semen is a job though, and space dragon semen is pretty valuable
Oh I know this artist!
They do vore!
your motherfucking life ends 30 minutes from now
How does space dragon semen stack up against horse shoe crab blood in terms of price per liter?
I dunno, but I'm a shithole remodeler. Maybe she can give me some work
How are you doing user? Is there some problem you wanna talk about?
reminder that samus is CANON 5'3 and soft
>he does vore
>the metroid is biting samus in OP pic
Bounty Hunter
Based carlos always makes my day better.
"Bounty hunting" exists because there are some things the federation can't officially do. If a hunter oversteps themselves, well, that's not on them
No you autist, laws apply to bounty hunters just like they apply to anyone else. If you threaten to murder someone you're going to federation jail. Any evidence you got from them would also be inadmissible as they gave it under duress
>laws apply to bounty hunters just like they apply to anyone else. If you threaten to murder someone you're going to federation jail.
Not in a place outside federation control, like a "seedy backwater bar" would have you believe.
>Oh shit this guy that has literally blown up planets is demanding I give him information
>But federation law will protect me so I have nothing to worry about and can keep my mouth shut
If it's "outside federation control" you would never be allowed to enter in your power armor, and in the zero suit or plainclothes you would likely get murdered or raped.
I don't think you understand
Here is the flow chart for those among us with IQs under 90
Samus threatens bad guy with death > Samus has committed a crime > Samus must now turn herself in and go to jail for a long time or become a fugitive
I hope this helps
will you virgins stop arguing about dumb shit and post more porn
They say bounty Hunter, but it would probably be more accurate to say mercenary?
I don't think so. Samus actually is a bounty hunter, she just keeps getting caught up in shit.
user when have we ever seen her actually do any bounty hunting?
Even Captain Falcon had some shit were he was bounty hunting in the F-Zero anime.
>What is Metroid Prime 1
>ctrl+f "karbo"
>0 results
Its almost like you take Samus for a helpless little girl outside her armor.
Samus is a womanlet and can't weigh more than 100 lbs, there is nothing she can do in a direct physical confrontation without guns.
shithole remodele-e
She is a dumb bimbo
samus is a 6'3 genetically engineered super-soldier
samus is a 5'3 genetically enhanced ass-monster
the genetically enhanced ass part is true
everything else is not
So you do. So your (provably wrong) opinion is shit.
Does this look 6'3 to you?
Why every Metroid thread always ends up being fapbait?
depends on the picture's scale
Because that's what Metroid is. A shitty platformer with an industry-definingly hot main character.
>still no rpgmaker game where you play as not!samus on bounty hunting jobs where you can either beat the boss in an RPG battle or seduce them to come back with you to jail, including an entire prostitution sidequest and an extensive slow-corruption storyline
Why live
blowjob and assjob
There are shittons of flash games where you play as samus and losing involves a lot of rape.
Hello American newfaggot. Keep being angry, lol.
remodeling your shithole
>mutilated penis
oh for heaven's sake when will you guys accept it? cut penises just look better!
Zero Suit is the only thing Metroid related that has been relevant for some time.
Professional shit hole remodeler.
here we go
Anyone have a link to that one doujin where the beast kid rapes samus as she's returning from a mission?
I wanna go caving with samus!
Dominating manlets
Samus is even shorter than manlets at her canon height of 5'3.
i love eating ass, its fun.
Poop comes from there dude.
i love eating shit, it's fun.
Settle down, Nintendo customer.
i wish i _was samus
Good taste. Shame he’s been a lazy cunt as of late, though.
Has she found Zelda yet?
Tending to Pikachu.
There's absolutely not enough quality samus sfm
>The only people with qaulity models have preferences for other girls or insist on doing pinups
It funking hurts.
and tending to Kirby.
Wishful thinking from the fag who drew this.
I don’t think japan even knows what bounty hunters do, since they most likely watched subtitled Star Wars, so I’d say she’s a merc
She was supposed to be a "Space Hunter", an explicitly Federation aligned super soldier who were adept at killing Space Pirates. Bounty Hunter was an American thing they just rolled with because it sounded cooler, but it literally doesn't make any sense for Samus
She used to be a bounty hunter, but was captured by space pirates. Now she does televised donkey shows.
No, even if she did marry me she would just divorce me soon and take half my chips and stuff.
Samus seems like a nice girl. I don't think she goes on alimony missions
>not just buying it illegally like everyone else in the forsaken cunt
bounty hunter, which apparently japan thought meant freelance superhero, like a Kamen Rider in space
name one
t.Little Mac
Wow, Samusfags have no respect for the character. Why does every female character have to be reduced to fap material?
idk I don't even play the games I just find her hot
People that primarily post ZSS probably aren't actual Metroidfags, but then again I'm just talking to a false flagging shitposter.
I want a Samus delivery service!!
>average guy
Lmao, someone was projecting insecurities
I want her to step on me
Most Metroid fans to my understanding prefer the Super Metroid look.
I want Samus to hug me.
How did her pussy juice end up on the outside of her waterproof suit?
Idk but I'm more confused why shes sitting on a larger version of herself