Gearbox teases Borderlands 3 screenshot
Watch it be "The Borderlands Collection".
All 4 Borderlands games.
That's Borderlands 2, I recognize that location
What type of fucking moron would EVER play this dogshit? Everyone here fucking hates this trash, get lost shill.
I liked it but i highly doubt their ability to make the 3rd one any good, also expecting it to be epic exclusive.
>It's just Maya standing at that one spot in BL2 where you could sacrifice guns
It's another fucking port isn't it
borderlands 2 for switch
probably a port of the VR version
but they said it's ANOTHER game , so it's probably not the same one.
It's a pretty mediocre franchise, just went back and played 2 with some friends and it's pretty bland.
That's what I want: A burch-influenced IP in the SJW era.
the image is not modified in anyway its a screenshot from the switch version
Borderlands 2 vr is supposed to get a PC release once the exclusive shit is up which was like 6 months after ps4 launch I think. You're probably right.
oh boy the handsome collection for switch!!
Is randy going to prison?
Because this needed a thread.
go eat ass opie
I wonder i the shilling here will be as hard as it was a decade ago
>it's another episode of artificial hp/attack boost while grinding for 0.00001% gear drop chance
instant buy for autismos that's for sure!
It's a meh shooter, it's only fun to play with friends if you can get past the awful writing and leddit humor
nah thats a port my man
>It's a "Everyone mindlessly shits on Borderlands" thread
>Boring, stock near literal NPC responses
Go suck some fucking dick. Some of us actually enjoy borderlands style of gameplay.
That's Maya from BL2, though. Surely it's not a rerelease, right?
Wow you guys are absolute fucking idiots.
Who cares.
So, there's a thing called a joke.
It's used to make people laugh.
The joke is that they just took a blurry and obvious screenshot of Borderlands 2 and posted it as a "tease" after everyone already knows the thing they're announcing is fucking Borderlands 3.
Everyone shits on the game but it's pretty obvious that most people consider it a guilty pleasure. Won't help that Bungie, Ubisoft, and now Bioware have set the standard for looter shooters so low that all Gearbox needs to do is make sure copies actually have the disc in the box to be showered in 10/10 GOTY awards.
can't wait for Yea Forums's reaction when Epic announces this for their store during their keynote at GDC
>some of us enjoy eating shit
how wide do you think maya's cooch is? i bet you she constantly masturbates with the biggest orb she can muster
Millions of people. I've been waiting for BL3 for like 4 years.
>Borderlands 2 3DS port
What kind of games do you play, user, when you're not busy posting in threads on Yea Forums for games you don't care about ,that is?
Ok let's say it's a joke then. Fine. Well it's a really lame and unfunny """"""""""joke""""""""""
A joke has to be funny, unfortunately for Gearbox they're run by guys like Randy Pitchford, whose comedic skills are that those of a rock.
It's more ironic. They aren't trying to be that funny. It's just a play on the whole "blurry" photo leak shit.
Well at least they posted a representative screenshot, then.
Based chinks freeing Steam from Randy's shovelware.
retards who dont know diablo 2 still has a community
Wow I can't wait to have more Borderlands shill threads here!
Does Yea Forums actually give a fuck about normielands? I thought you guys were patricians
>It's just a joke you idiots!!
If it is then it's an abysmal one.
Holy fuck , I didn't know we're in the presence of literal comedic geniuses.
giv maya gf
Are they ripping off Sega to fund it again?
>Autistic fucking retards come in
>Analyze a fucking obvious "blurry leak photo joke" picture
>W-what? Is this a re-release? Surely not!
>That's Borderlands 2!! I recognize that location!
>That's Maya-... This is a port, my man!!!
I didn't say it was a funny joke. I was just pointing out how you guys are fucking autistic and retarded.
I want a Gaige gf
Well it turns out you are
Its epic store exclusive
No u
Yeah, you know all about humor as a prolific poster on Yea Forums.
Burch is gone though
Holy fuck imagine being this BTFO
No one cares
It's funny how delusional and echo chambery Yea Forums threads get. They all tell themselves their version of contrarian reality is what actually exists
Literally who cares. Tales from the Borderlands was legitimately better than either of the main games. Gearbox are failures.
Randy isn't.
>Epic Store exclusive
Yeah but no u
>its an fps diablo
>Each character has 1 active ability
>Have 4 at best equipment slots
>Take three attempts to have basic shit like a reforge system, STILL no rune system
Hard pass from me.
>It is just boarderlands 2 remastered
We are never gonna get another BL game bros
>always online
absolutely based gearbox
Good don't play it then. No one cares if you don't so fuck off out of this thread
I'm not sure Pitchford can really afford to do that. They're literally broke and up to their eyeballs in debt.
>now you recall the abysmal PSV performance
I still can't believe they released the game in that state
F2P would be great. Also the always online me is gay. What are you faggots always doing where your computers isn't on the internet
Is that the switch version?
For more BL 3 Dev info
Whatever happened to that anyway. Was pretty creepy. Loved it
the absolute state of this thread
borderlands is a garbage series and gearbox is a shit developer
2 was boring as shit.
>servers shut down or are in constant maintenance and full of lag
>cant do anything about it and you just wasted money and time
Hasn't Randy been going on and on about how he respects women and then they post this?
>servers shut down or are in constant maintenance and full of lag
What game?
Cage the Elephant was the high point for the series
Everything else went downhill from there. In other words, the series was never good
Diablo 3 was unplayable when it released you couldn't even login to play and AH was an awful addition but the always online part meant you couldn't do anything about it.
nobody cares, Randy.
I played on launch it was up and working within a few hours. Sure you lost a few but the game has been running for years now. Sounds like you have nothing really
>caring about anthony burch the video game
Who the fuck cares?
Seriously what the FUCK is with that photo of Randy, WHAT was going on?
Its borderlands:fight for the vault
Lite skill trees(3 levels of depth of 3 different paths) and you level by killing others and npc enemies that spawn like skags and psycho. The first classes shown were only 3, though I assume a 4th would be ready by release. Another soldier clone, a stealth character like zero minus his crazy damage scaling, a mechanic that can upgrade his guns to higher rarity with other guns he finds and can digistruct a turret bike like the one moon jumper from tps. Concept art showed a girl, assumed to be siren but she had no visable tatoos. Winning lets you win the "vault", fully of cosmetics for your character/vehicles, voice line quips (mechanic has a caaatch a ride quip when uktimate is activated for instqnce), money for the shop (where you can outright buy the skins)
Setting is a game show hosted by torgue and a special guest that is random. Some games its tina, others its hammerlock, sometimes its past vault hunters like lilith or gaige.
Epic store exclusive for 6 months, available for xbox and ps4 as well. Steam is the only one that has to wait.
>nothing really
Are you telling me you can't think of any online-only game that has been shut down?Maintenance and other connection errors are common in all of them too.
>Everquest servers still up
>Wow servers still up
Idk why boomers get so scares of online games when that shit has been around for forever
What game? Name some. Who is down all the time?
literally google anything with shutdown and you'll get pages of games
Nobody said they can't be successful
maya best waifu
>Teases ANOTHER game
>Borderlands 2 location
>OP claims Borderlands 3 screenshot
OP... How fucking retarded are you?
Borderlands 3DS*
>Handsome Collection Switch Edition
OP is Randy Pitchford
That's just Borderlands 2.
That's Maya at the top of the Dam.
>gearbox is all out of ideas
>have been for years
>randy will unironically announce a borderlands 2 extra hd mr. torgue fucks your ass raw edition
>the actual plan is to make borderlands 2 like skyrim and rerelease it every couple of years on everything
pls gib more monies
That actually sounds like a mistake that fuckwad would do
Battleborn 2
dunno I've never been able to get past the grating writing
Battleborne 2 The fall of Gearbox
The funny thing is Gearbox never had ideas. They stole the idea of Borderlands from some indie animator they were pretending they were going to hire.
Well the artstyle of it anyway.
>it even opens with the bus
The tease is for Borderlands 2 vr PC port you retard.
It's pretty fun.
And the 4 heroes angle. And the wasteland setting. And the opening. Really the only thing Borderlands didn't steal was the "64 bajillion guns" angle. But then you could probably credit that to Diablo if you really wanted to.
>borderlands 2 rerelease
>VR port
randybobandy would be this much of a piece of shit
OF COURSE you won't find the joke funny when someone ends up explaining it to you. Doesn't diminish its power and the fact that it's still a joke.
No one here ever wanted or enjoyed these games; they were the first blatantly viraled bullshit games. Fuck you,
The more they bullshit the less people will care for the actual reveal
If you have to explain a joke then there is no joke
>not tales from The borderlands s2
user, I...
They better at least pull a bayonetta and make it a 2 pack
The first game was better anyway
post yfw you're not anthony burch
Oh course! Another one of Gearbox's famous brand of irony!
I'm still in stitches over Oscar Mike shouting "FEMINISM IS AWESOME!" after killing a female character in Battleborn.
Could be saying that hes just not going
>visit every borderlands thread
>"oh boy do i hate borderlands!"
>"i really really REALLY hate borderlands!"
>"oh didn't i tell you how much i hate borderlands?"
>"hey guys, borderlands thread? cool! let's discuss how much we hate it. I hate it SO much! What about you?"
>thread reaches bump limit
Can you double niggers just admit they you liked this game?
How do you get past the beginning in B2? I am seriously astounded how anyone managed to do it. This beginning section is so off the walls retarded that I am still having trouble processing the design years later.
>give the player two shit guns right off the bat
>give the player an endless wave after wave of hitscan enemies RIGHT OFF THE BAT
>entire beginning section is literally a battle of endurance as you fight your way through a bunch of screeching bandits for some vague purpose inchasing after Claptrap
>all the bandits are inexplicable bullet sponges
>ammo drops are some of the rarest I've ever seen in a first person shooter.
How did this series take off? How did such a poorly designed, terribly-written game get a goddamned trilogy?
>Shootz and lootz Oh boy! Oh boy! Oh boy!
Mute the audio and git gud.
It's the beginning of the fucking game, retard. You must have the motor skills of a stroked out downs kid if you aren't able to aim for the fucking head.
ResetEra is that way.
>trusting anything from Gearbox after the dumpster fire of presequel
Nah, Borderlands is completely dead.
Most probably a Switch port
>4 bl games
Kek dumbass
Tales from the Borderlands.
Seeing as how you didn't refute any of my points, and instead resorted to "git gud" like a brainlet retard, I am going to assume that you are in fact, Anthony Burch. God Dark Souls was such a fucking mistake. Turned an entire generation of gamers into tryhards
Bite my entire ass.
You're complaining about bullet sponges in fucking Normal Vault Hunter mode. The only reason why you couldn't even get past Southern Shelf is either you're playing with a controller or you are in fact brain dead.
Biting your entire ass wouldn't be possible you morbidly fat fuck. Keep stroking your penis at your Platinum'd Dark Souls trophy list you unimaginable shit stain. I bet you think a woman is going to drop her panties after finding out you beat NG++++++++ without dying once.
I still can't believe Sony repeated their mistakes with the Vita by shoving ports/big projects off to third-party no-name devs with nary any Vita experience.
Tales doesn't deserve to be paired with the rest. It's too good for them.
Whine, bitch and moan, nigger. It's not going to change the fact that you're bad at video games.
It is called "extremely insecure", user. Their writing, their humor and stuff are just that: insecure. As if Gearbox hired a lot of people who were outcasts at school to write dialogues in the game, so many layers of sarcasm there are.
As if being good at video games was somehow an achievement. The way you condone shit game design and constantly blame the consumer and not the product, I'm surprised you aren't currently sucking off some game journalist right now. I'm sure the AAA publishers and gaming journos would love having you as their spokesperson. Hopefully all the smegma you have ingested keeps you youthful for years to come.
Who the fuck cares about Borderlands any more? The first one was mediocre, the second one was garbage, and the devs are all fucking retarded.
You should get a job in video game journalism.
BL3 missed its opportunity when we’re now saturated with Deadpool winks and nods of being “in” on the joke.
Borderlands 1 remastered with borderlands 2 features.
>Gearbox in 2019
Jesus, how much money did they have to bilk out of Sega to get THIS one made?
Well they got the resolution of the switch perfectly.
It's BL2 Vita remastered for Switch
This it's fucking awful and full of ironic lel memes xD
kys if you play this dogshit game
People who are willing to play anything? Fuck Yea Forums's blind hatred of videogames.
>replying to a obvious randy thread
fucking hell I hate you losers
Randy stop shilling your stupid boring franchise with L O L RANDOM characters.
Jesus Christ how boring can this series be?
that's a really old screenshot, here's a more recent one
Switch port?
What are the odds that its Ebin Exclusive since they'll use the Unreal Engine.
>tfw it's just borderlands 2 for switch
Only the first game had any merit, the rest are trash.
>Borderlands 3
>post yfw you're not anthony burch
>let's hang
inform suicide watch pronto
I was 13 yo when Borderlands 2 came out I feel old. Not joking times flies.
I'm not hyped about Borderlands 3 because I don't enjoy that kind of games anymore also my friends grew up same as me is not the same.
>beginning of the game
>bullet sponges
either you were somehow playing on Ultimate Vault Hunter mode, which is irredeemably shit for making the bullet sponge meme come to life, or you never updated your level 0-1 guns in time
everything else is fair enough though, even if you had to exaggerate the bandit spawn waves
>1 player
More porn
i think you already know, user
>I don't enjoy that kind of games anymore
I feel the same about B3 also I can say the same about Halo Reach and MW2, I was an innocent teenager when those games where good. Now I'm 25.
didn't they shut down the servers already?
how'd he manage to get on?
>I was 13 yo in 2012
Nigga what the fuck
>tfw you're the only person in your friend group that still playing games
Those nights playing until dawn Black Ops, Borderlands, Halo will never happen again.
I'm 21.
>I was 13 yo when Borderlands 2 came out
What the fuck?
I've been in this thread before
I born in 1999. I'm 20 yo now.
Its clearly borderlands 2 60$ switch port
What a bloody loser ya are lad
Ya must stop playing videogates at 16
If you keep playing after 16 you need to seek profetional help since you are clearly suffering since videogames are a menthal illeness
>mosaic picture to tease
>nope, it's actual screenshot
>not being in your early 20s
seething boomcels
2012 was seven years ago.
I was in high school in 2012
Now I'm barely 24
today on random Yea Forums shit, a scot has a semi-stroke
I hope there's a friendly AI following you around. Single player is a pain in the ass.
And I hope not
Tired of A.I. Roland, Lilith and especially Mordecai and Brick stealing my second winds when I need them
Fuck off, Randy
>people like maya over lilith now
wtf happened?
>people don't like a literal coal burning crack whore
A cuck characterized her to be a cunt.
I'm still waiting for a Borderlands MMO. It's basically one already but having it setup as a MMO instead of just a single/multiplayer game would make it so much easier.
>Gameplay, map design, classes, quests, bosses, raids, loot, etc
All of it is already MMO worthy in design, just give me a Borderlands MMO so I can have a more constant flow of content.
i would enjoy a borderlands. had some great times with some friends in bl2
Where's my B1 remaster Randy.
Here's you Borderlands MMO, bro.
you niggers have to stop
I actually kinda hope it's a switch version or a VR thing or whatever because the implosion would be hilarious. Seems like something gearbox would do anyways.
borderlands immortal
The only way they could fuck it up any further is for it to be a TCG
I do not believe it is in their power to fuck it up that much. There's no possible way they could actually manage to out-fuck-up the entire industry combined in a single swoop
Physically impossible
i cant see it being a bad game if they stay traditional
Don't forget that it will probably runs on 20 fps
It's actually pretty good. Best "looter shooter" out today, that's for sure.
>The only way they could fuck it up any further is for it to be a TCG
Nah, that's what Project 1V1 is supposed to be.
Just remaster Borderlands 1 with some mechanical tweaks
playing borderlands 1 then playing borderlands 2 makes me desire this so much. if only bl1 could have the same production quality