>Lady Gaga will be in Cyberpunk 2077
and just like that, i don't want to get the game now. why to fuck up and ruined a great game CD Projeckt red
>Lady Gaga will be in Cyberpunk 2077
and just like that, i don't want to get the game now. why to fuck up and ruined a great game CD Projeckt red
did you not see the hour long gameplay video?
it's obvious it was going to be shit, cdprojekt games have been declining in quality starting with witcher 1
Can you kill her tho?...
Very nice thread OP but can’t you contain your autism to one thread a day? I don’t think anyone crares about your hate ones for CDPR
They really want to be Rockstar don't they? I'm glad I pirated The Witcher 3 now. The game was probably going to be good, but now the gameplay doesn't matter, they're shoehorning some pop-diva in just for the sake of doing it.
I like Judas, and Alejandro is alright, too
>I'm glad I pirated The Witcher 3 now.
Why do retards say stuff like this? You think anyone buys that you were somehow not going to pirate something?
The fame monster was a great pop album.
I said it because I knew some butt-hurt cuckold like you would reply to me.
That would be cool. Lady Gaga is one of the few good pop artists to come out of 2010. She's developed pretty nicely now that she's broken off and started writing her own music again.
why is that a big deal?
>I was only pretending to be retarded :)
Be a good lad and thank the niggers who are fucking your mom for $1 an hour for me would you?
Listen to true cyberpunk/industrial. Listen to underground, fuck mainstream jewish-reptilian meat-puppets.
At the risk of triggering Yea Forums with my pleb taste, She did a good job with Metallica for that Grammy's performance.
The way she use to dress actually could translate into Cyberpunk very nice
what the fuck is cdpr doing? why can't they just make a good fucking cyberpunk game? we literally have not a single open world AAA cyberpunk game and instead of giving that to us they are putting the sun, music that is not hard synthwave and popstars nobody asked for in it
it actually sounds lit
i get the feeling that cdpr could take a shit on their drones faces and they would still find a way to defend them
Lady Gaga is still my celebrity dream fuck
WTF? That's it, the game is RUINED! Cancelling my pre-order as we speak.
Check out Ruiner soundtrack (great game too), she did most of it.
a great game, that's what they are doing.
oh how i love watching faggots rage incoherently about the sun. it makes my penis tingle.
I don't know about you anons but I AM ANGRY
>Already Fucking Ruined
oh, ok
Lady Gaga is the big bad and she has an army of clones with different versions of herself
>call the game great when its not even out
>call it bad now that gaga is in it as if it matters to its overall quality
zoomers really do have sub 70 IQ
This thread is for tourists, please leave this thread if this is not you. Thanks.
this is far better than garbage like SOPHIE and arca
can't ruin what was shit in the first place
Who the fuck is this supposed to appeal to, do they honestly think the guys that would spend their time playing fps games and rpgs would give a shit?
Obviously not, so what's the angle? Pure publicity?
This shit just tells how bad the priorities are for this game.
Imagine if Sekiro had Justin Beiber as a character, you'd know there was something terribly wrong.
What a major insult to people that are looking towards this game, I guess you are a just a bunch flaming queers according to this move.
>Cyberpunk is fucking shit
>WTF I was going to buy it but now that there’s a literally who singer I won’t
Nice thread faggot OP.
Who cares? She's just weird enough to be in the setting. Seems fine as anyone else to me, is this really worth sperging over?
well look at this, no longer afraid of some suntan?
>What a major insult to people that are looking towards this game,
You’re trying way too hard to stir up outrage. Stick to sunposting.
I get the feeling that CDPR shitting on your face is a fetish of yours. Have you considered sending them an email and asking for a dev to come over and do it for you?
What? Tired of bitching the game has sunlight?
>a famous pop singer that was just in an Oscar-nominated movie
>her crazy costumes are basically cyberpunk in and of itself
Yeah, you're definitely fucked if that's the top of your standards.
Why do faggot mods allow this? OP is directly related to how shit Yea Forums is these days. He’s the one spamming the Obsidian and CDPR threads and shilling Biowhore trash.
I'm not stirring up outrage, I'm criticizing the move as nonsensical and that I'd personally be insulted if a game I was looking forward to jammed in some useless faggot ass pop star into it that has nothing to do with any of it.
It speaks badly of the game frankly.
Remember when Bowie was in Omikron? Shit was cash. This is a callback to that I think.
I am pretty sure that he is phoneposting. Banning phoneposters for shitposting is impossible.
>giving a shit about the Oscars
>giving a shit about fashion
Thanks for proving my point of being a flaming queer or you could be a woman I suppose, but either way wouldn't' get why a man would be bothered by this.
lady gaga has a weird looking head, not shaped right almost like she was molded
shes one of us tho i'm pretty sure, a gamer, we cant eat our own.
You and me are probably the only two people old enough to know who Bowie is.
Technically they are staying true to the aesthetic of the game they're adapting, the problems however are that a) the original trailer had a completely different aesthetic, and b) said "Bladerunner"-esque aesthetic is a lot more unique and it's what people want. Going with a more generic daytime GTA aesthetic won't garner them more sales, many games have tried that and failed ie Watch Dogs.
that doesn't kill it for me but it does make me less interested. I'm sure they are thinking about trends and pop culture here and not the aesthetic and the vibe.
no hate from me, just disinterest. great musician btw, saw her at namm one year
>it's what people want
You mean what autistic shitposters on Yea Forums want. I am not autistic and love the current look of the game.
Can I romance her?
Everyone knows who Bowie is
>being this much of a misanthropist
It's unavoidable that I would know what movies got nominated for Oscar's. It was everywhere
>singer is voicing a character in game now
>i am less interested in game
t.a genuine retard
I find it ironic how I can phone post on Yea Forums but can't phone post on Yea Forums when I'm on the bus or a car passenger seat.
calm down you sperg. it's just a rumor.
it's on the level of "i heard there will be little green men from space in the next elder scrolls game" shit.
>posting quintessential zoomer-core Bowie
Yes, but you'd be stuck in a bad romance.
>Everyone knows who Bowie is
Nope. The underage zoomers we have posting on Yea Forums know neither of Bowie nor of Cyberpunk. I've been here long enough to notice some trends.
>zoomer core
Are you delusional? Its a movie from 1986.
If somebody said they didn't know Bowie, it was probably either
A. An isolated incident, or several, in which case you're an idiot for getting this worked up over it
B. Somebody fucking with you. In which case, guess what you are?
Shitpost more. This thread needs a good bumping.
Stop gatekeeping David Bowie
Yay, a modern culture reference in a futuristic game. Might as well put in some Trump jokes and some moral lecture to the players of the game while they're at it.
I don't see what's wrong with this. The designs she comes up with are pretty outlandish and futuristic. She's a good fit into the setting if you ask me.
Oh wow and it's not like the 80's is being dredged up for Nostalgia bucks and aesthetics now, is it? Stranger Things is zoomer core, set in the 80's, IT is zoomer core, set in the 80's, the 80's and all the things in it is being whored out the same way fat girls dive into "vintage fashion" like it's their food trough.
I'm sure you've noticed some pixels too.
We're not asking you. That's the point.
This. I don't care for her or her music, but she does wear some pretty insane outfits that look straight out of a cyberpunk setting sometimes.
Lady Gaga looks very Cyberpunk, and he is pretty decent actress, so if she will be as character in Cyberpunk (preferably fuckable) then im FOR IT motherfucker!
At this point it seems like the 80s has forever surpassed the 90s at least stylistically. I can't imagine grunge core ever getting such a pop culture revival.
Came here to post this. How the fuck could anyone be hype for this after seeing the "press x to hate cybernewspapers" tier god awful gameplay video?
What could have been...
I fucking hate this place
Because we hate "Lady Gaga"
just rewatch mad max
Don't worry, this place hates you as well, you fucking drone. Go suck some more corporate cock.
Which Mad Max game was set in a totalitarian city state and allowed me to play as Journos and Rock stars?
Ok which non-"shitty 2D indie" mad max game was set in a totalitarian city state and allowed me to play as Journos and Rock stars?
modded final fantasy
Just make your own game at this point, even if it gets made you'll just blame it on the jews/discord trannies when it's shit
>Just make your own 3D grand adventure game with a hundred hours of story, write your own music and do your own 3D Modelling at this point
Thanks user
I get the feeling that CP2077 may be the only game that may be able to create the same amount of butthurt from you people if it does well. I'm looking forward to that almost as much as the game itself. I get the feeling this is only the beginning of the assdevistation that will be caused.
Because Yea Forums is made up of reclusive teenage boys who are still in their hating all pop music phase.
>Yea Forums being right about anything
>"Lady Gaga"
Yes. We all believe that you don't know who Lady Gaga is.
Aren't they doing some brand new music for the ingame radios? Having her be some 2077 pop star with a few songs ingame plus a side quest seems like it could be cool
CyberPunk2077 is trash
Lady Gaga is BASED
good. gaga can be kino desu senpai.
Epic for the win TORtanic dudes and dudettes! This is going to be AWESOME!!!
What's so bad about Gaga being in the game? I think the last time I saw her was in American Horror Story, she kind of faded away after Judas and the edge of glory.
look at this retard not having the capital and know how to make a simple media project. You're even dumber than the investors I lie to.
>faded away after Judas
Million Reasons/Joanne was huge and Shallow won an Oscar this year. She is far from faded
Because Hollywood celebrities are for normies, and Yea Forums is above normies and don't want them in their elite playground, I believe.
I think she only played bayonetta.
Weird I just fapped to her last night. Is there a term for that? When you do something and not long after, through sheer coincidence, something related to it is announced? Because I get that feeling a lot.
Yea Forums is the most normie board on Yea Forums though?
This game has been a shitshow for years, where have you been? CDPR have no fucking idea what cyberpunk is.
This fucking board is a parody of itself
The Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon
It's a tricky thing.
Targeted ads can play off it.
You getting a sense in the air can cause it and make you think you have precog, but you were riding a train you didnt know you were on.
It can stroke your ego in a malicious way
it can also help you solve problems when you take advantage of it.
It has many ins and outs.
I just fapped to some bitch by the name of "Larkin Love" and then straight after I seen this thread And the file in OP is her
Fap majik
The more I hear about this game the more I am less interested.