
About to start Way of the Wise. Heard it's difficult. This true?
Any tips or things I should look out for?

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i only just got this game

How far are you through it user?
If you've played it yet.

it's not as bad as way of the demon but the gear train starts getting real here.
I hope you liked diablo, also, get used to rerolling all the stats on your weapons to optimize your damage output. You'll need to.

this is the major aspect keeping me from loving nioh. i fucking hate diablo loot

also, start investing points into onmyo talismans and ninjutsu. they break the main campaign in half but if you're not running them past WoTS you're gimping yourself beyond the point that it makes any sense.

why the fuck are you playing NioH then? It's Diablo meets Onimusha marketed as a souls game because souls just happened to be popular at the time NioH was made.

Toss that shit in the trash and buy Sekiro instead.

When will we hear more about Nioh 2 lads.

because I like the setting and gameplay enough to tolerate the loot system?

When it comes to stay optimisation any advice?
I've gone for familiarity bonus and stat bonus A.
Ive also rolled with elemental damage of lighting on katana and fire in Odachi. Not sure what else to look out for except close combat and ki or skill damage .

I'm surprised to hear Way of the Demon is harder. Because while boss fights made me have to learn my shit and their tactics it felt easier than my first run through.

My Onmoyo is pretty decent at 45 and I use alot of the talismans except sloth. I don't use Devigorate or the defense/attack debuff either on Way of the Demon. But I use carnage, self defence buff, kakkai, and the buff that damages you over time but gives you a high outgoing damage output and other stuff.

Use an Axe, for whatever reason they're extremely OP.

im about to re pirate this and start a new game i hope i can get into it this time, trying this and DS1 and seeing if itll hold me over until sekiro

This is where things really change up. Red enemies will be a much larger threat, but your build options will vastly increase. Now is a good time to start planning more around the kinds of new effects you want to use. If you're competent in the mechanics you'll be alright, but stay sharp. It's a much bigger change than Demon.

Phone posting aside how does this look for starting Way of the Wise? Don't think anything needs changing but I could be wrong.

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both WotW and WotN could've been alot smoother if gear dropped just 20 levels higher than what they did

If you're a Soulsborne fan, drop and refund.
You'll hate this game; you'll find it shit.

Seriously, don't bother.

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People I've seen posting when lurking in threads always comment on "builds". I don't understand and here is why.
I'm currently running with a light armour set that focuses on ki recovery that allows me to run with agility A. I run mostly with katana and spear and have leveled them appropriately. I use alot of Omoyo magic and have leveled that up.

Is that by definition a build? I never use Ninjitsu and I would rather not focus upon a singular weapon as the variation in using 2 is what keeps the combat fun and refreshing. I'm also not keen on specialising on one weapon skill because that for me would take the fun out of the game.

Where does this meme come from?
I love Bloodborne and Nioh and find Dark Souls medicore.

Don't listen to people saying Tonfa suck, I love them, fav weapon to use to whittle down enemy stamina bars with its mid stance Y finisher.

Death and despair. Be wary of corners and ceilings.

post your stats too

Sure, he's my spear first which I use just as much as my katana.

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Give us a break—Nioh is a Dark Souls reskin.

Build just refers to the combination of equipment and effects etc. you have on, usually to define or aim towards a particular playstyle. Builds on Nioh are very loose and free though as it largely encourages using all types of skills and has a wide variety of effects. You don't really need to focus too heavily on one thing if you don't want to, but temper your equipment so it has the effects you want that work for you, and make use of what's available to experiment. Many things are possible

My stats as requested.

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Cheers user. Was slightly concerned I'd have to narrow my playstyle down but knowing as long as my stats compliment my playstyle I'm good to go I'm content

I'll show you my build in a second which will give you the gist of what your goal should look like, wait for it.

level with me, did william want to fuck his guardian spirit?

While holding hands and making eye contact.

>people can only like one game

Stop it with this shit already.

You aren't a real fan obviously.

No problem, the thing to keep in mind is just how many options there are. For example a lot of people think they have to pump their damage to even more broken levels than the default to counter how strong enemies can be, but there are several attack debuffs available. The weapon effect Weaken Melee Weapons works on 80% of enemies and is almost always applied if you're actively fighting. Quickchange scrolls are also extremely useful.

Take my advice, defense is a meme based way of demon. Damage is all that matters because most actual threats will one shot you anyway. It's all about not getting hit.

Wouldn't you?
Moth-fu still comes first.

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Speak of the devil. The stat itself has little bearing but there are countless ways of reducing, outhealing and negating damage, most of which are available to all agility classes, yet heavy armour sets are even more capable of doing so.

this. learn to block and learn to dodge. all you want with your armour sets are attack modifiers, specfifc skill buffs, elemental boosters and bonuses to the duration/ damage of some of your specific slotted skills like carnage talismans, shuriken damage if that's your style, bomb damage etc.

If you really like twin swords the before you go into way of the demon, do the last DLC set and pick up the armour set for the guy who has the double element twin swords. It's fucking good.

If you like ninjutsu then get the ryu hayabusa set and his sword.

the armour sets used to be a lot better back when you could glitch the game out to give two armour set bonuses stacked on top of each other on one armour set, but they patched that shortly after abyss mode got released. fucking shame because it was one of the few things that made the abyss mode grind something I could look forward to.

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yeah, you really, really want those AA- skills and Close Combat damage up bonuses.
20% is the holy grail of CC damage rerolls, should be on literally every single weapon you have as well as the armour pieces that can have it because they all stack off each other.

What does status augmentation do for status effects?

It makes them easier to apply.

>Tonfa proficiency 0


So that's really handy for confusion I assume?


how can you find dark souls medicore after playing nioh

because souls is utter shit lmao

What do you mean?
Dark Souls was good but after 2 and 3 I got sick of it. Same shit different coat of paint. At least Bloodborne varied things up

It would help it along a bit, yep. To be honest though I'm on WotN and still don't really have any trouble applying status ailments with anything I use.

I just wish I was able to use Omnyo as my primary damage output, only closing to finish off people

New enemy placements and a few new boss moves, gotta watch out for those.

Hey retard, he already said that he's on Way of the Wise which is NG+3, kys

When do the DLC enemies make their way into main game? Hated those 4 armed Yokai fucks.

I've found major differences in damage taken between a +0 armor and a +30 armor in Way of the Nioh/NG+4, so I wouldn't say that Defense doesn't do anything.

Way of the Wise...

You see those fucking annoying ninja dogs, the snake heads and the tall blue demons inside the first level/Onryoki level.

About to start Mount Hiei right now. This game drives me up a wall and yet I love it. It's funny how the boss fights turn from "okay this is impossible" to "seriously, how did this stump me" over the course of a dozen deaths or so. And I'm impatient enough that I'm still liable to get wrecked by mook who does something I don't expect. But the triumph is fantastic, and the Diablo loot is just a bonus for my lizard brain.

This so much.
Never played diablo but I love the loot system in Nioh. Having it fixed each time would ruin future NG pluses and stop me from exploring on multiple playthroughs.

Most of the base game bosses are one trick ponies, and you'll just unlock more and more options over time, which is why people say the game gets easier and easier.

Just sloth, buff, and use your spirit animal and NG is trivial shit. The only hard content is the multi boss fights.

Indirectly being the source of damage through elements is just what it does, though the direct offense spells themselves are no slouches really. It distinguishes it well from Ninjutsu.

In contrast to DLC bosses?

the direct damage spells are nice but you basically run out halfway through a mission

Worst enemy?
Favourite boss?
Most hated boss?

Worst enemy is the wheel monk, or those DLC dudes with the four arms.
Best boss is either the final dude from the 1st DLC. Date something. Or Maria or Nine Tail Fox. Also shout-out to bat girl and frozen lady.

Worst boss has to be Centipede or Umi-Bizo because they're piss easy and boring. Also massive FUCK YOU to warrior of the West

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>Worst enemy is the wheel monk
They're super easy though

Worst enemy is either the foxes or the dogs
Favorite boss is Toyotomi Hideyori
Worst boss is Shima Sakon because of his retarded jump-tornado attack that you can't block, can barely react to and you almost have to predict it in advance even though it's unpredictable, else you get one shot

That's what Unlimited Onmyo stacking is for. There's also Sacred Brushes in a pinch, and that one grace set that gives refills on activating Living Weapon.

Wheel monks are annoying when you're fighting them as part of a group. They effectively fuck you up if they ride into you while positioning. They just really piss me off. I love Raven Tengus but everyone seems to hate them.

>I love Raven Tengus but everyone seems to hate them.
It's because there's not many ways to fight them you always do the same thing, only a few moves but also do a lot of damage with them which only feels repetitive, also any wind damage enemy/boss fucking sucks by default, Onmoraki would be unbearable if you couldn't break his horn

Worst enemy and worst boss both only have a single true answer and they are kusarigama oni and Great Centipede. Best boss is almost the entire cast though.

You'll start finding gear with star skills on them. You just have to get lucky with drops/crafting to get good star skills.

Ideally all your weapons should be CCD 20%, FamDam Bonus A, CtA (highest stat scaling) A, final blow damage 24.9%, a good star skill, and a good set bonus. Sometimes you'll have locked effects like elemental effects, but you can torii gate glitch and reforge them if you want to really break the game.

Also if you're really married to 1kat, just craft a kingo set and Atagi Sadamune with a good star skill like Iai quickdraw or flowing shadow since the set bonuses synergize perfectly with 1kat.

Agi bonus shares an effect slot with famdam bonus and can be acquired on ranged weapons to benefit your melee anyway. So you never want it on your melee weapons, only famdam bonus.

Their moveset is actually very varied on terms of purposes the moves fill, it can fight at so many ranges, but it doesn't particularly restrict your own options. I find there's many ways to take them down and fighting them is always fun. They require a similar approach to Hino Enma but there's a lot to play with in that scope.

>Their moveset is actually very varied on terms of purposes the moves fill, it can fight at so many ranges, but it doesn't particularly restrict your own options.
In melee they always do the claw into kickspin, then either do a kickspin or a staff bash, repeat ad nauseum. I don't know what weapon you're using that makes them fight differently.

I use all weapons, I just don't stay in the same place. Their attacks just look similar but they change between the combo, the staff sweep, the dash attack and the spin kick, on top of the wind wave and the three aerial attacks they have. Because I'm always moving to take full advantage of the situation there's never a dull moment. Then you break their Ki and the fight changes pace like with everything.

Fuck Kurisagama enemies
Bane of my existence

What's everyone hoping from Nioh 2?

For them to revert much of the game's balancing and mechanics back to the Alpha and start afresh, letting them design the game around all it's strengths instead of short sighted demands. But since what should happen is unreasonable I'll just say cut down on the overly specific effects, make inheritables more reliable in how good they are, give Electrified the old Blustered effect, make sloth effect only affect action speed not movement and greatly reduce it's length, and add more of everything.

Never understood the complaint with sloth. You don't have to use it but it can help players who are less good at the game to play through it entirely.

It doesn't help them actually improve or learn how to play the game, the strength of it along with how much damage you already do just actively removes gameplay for the benefit of a hollow victory. There are many things already in the game to help players while also letting them help themselves. Not to mention sloth can be inflicted on the player too, which is extremely dull to deal with.

I completely agree with you.
It's just I can imagine alot more casual people shitting on the game without it for obvious reasons.

Sloth was available in the Alpha. Casuals will always shit on things they don't attempt to understand regardless. Even now it doesn't stop them. I'd rather the game itself be better than for it to bring itself down for nothing, then those same people can still potentially see the light.

I haven't gotten to moth spirit yet but for her to be one of the bigger motivators for me to continue playing the game... I'm ashamed

I suppose. Admittedly without sloth people are forced to get good which might make them enjoy it in the long term.