Why is she so perfect lads?

why is she so perfect lads?

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Because she's standing next to Amy Winehouse


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>it's another real life women 'cosplay' as in-game characters they barely even know/recognize as a way to garner attention episode
yawn, I think I will continue to prefer my 3D hotties, to 3D games


how do you know she doesn't like the games?



>girls enjoy games
ok sure buddy


Oh I get you you are one of those idiots that think women don't play games, because games are for men right?


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Girls do actually enjoy games. But only ugly girls.

this boy has no chin

But that is a man that likes capcom games, you can see him taking dick in his ass.

I want to see her raped by a nice British man. Then when she is finished being raped she calls for help to another british man. He also rapes her. Finally she once that ordeal is over, she finds yet another British man willing to help her. He also rapes her.


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> shows ass
> perfect

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Finally. Color nipple you guys think she has?

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Listen up you fucking incel, I know a handful of girls who play normie games and love them.

you're stupid, get out in the real world for once.

Alt Nico is alright, IMO.

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t. a roastie and delusional white knights

yikes! are you lot not going to donate to your twitch whores tonight, or did you run out of donation allowance?

pink n puffy

Doesn't change her retarded facial animations

huh, she actually is cuter with blonde hair. is her skin lighter too?

I've never donated to anyone on twitch, I was just pointing out that girls do play game.

That is not perfection. It's an ass. All girls/women have them. Don't let it ensnare your mind. Age will take it from the both of you. Instead, look for someone who loves what you do, values what you do.

This is an actual tranny (cute) who has a videogame channel where she talks about DMC and Resident Evil and stuff. She's maybe the only good-looking tranny I've ever seen, and she knows her shit about vidya, so I'll give her a pass.
Inb4 >her
I don't care if she has a dick. She's cute and I like her videos.

Man hands/hip/legs/shoulders.

Why didnt you give me a You?

You'll note her ass is completely rendered in as high rez as possible, while you can see the edges of her tits.

Oh yes! I forgot all about candycrush and farmville. Cheers user!

Actually a big DMC fan. She's also a dude. Or was. Or something.

she's also done porn.

imagine being this simple

what the fuck kind of response is this?

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But did they model the nipples?

there you go

>best girl
>really fun to play in 4SE
Lady DLC when?

>is her skin lighter too?

I don't think so but yeah > she actually is WAY cuter with blonde hair.

Literally fucking perfect. Would suck her feminine dick all day.
Fuck anyone who disagrees.

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(S)he's still a dude.

you know women get orgasms during rape right? this is why the majority of them spread their legs on the reg and can't settle down

once you get raped you wanna get raped some more

This is what you look like without the makeup but 1000 times worse you living failure, now go do something right once in your fucking life and kys.

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I absolutely agree that you'd suck that dick. No arguments here.

The makeup only slightly masks how bad she looks. She still looks terrible with the makeup on.

Imagine being this delusional.

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You mean content? Yes. It's terrible. Suffering every second. I wouldn't wish it on anyone.

I would stick my penis deep into that boi puss.

Now post a picture of yourself for reference. If you're an uggo, better prepare a noose for two.


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men orgasm while getting raped too
that's why they open their boypussy for bbc


except women(male) don't need pounds of clown makeup to look good. Because men don't wear makeup

Have sex

Absolutely cringe & bluepilled

You'd love that so you can jerk it to a real man huh you faggot

Still cute

Post more.

Is "it" jewish?

Age makes fools of us all, anons. You can't escape it.

Shhhh, Lady is sleeping

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But somehow you know that.
(You) are an idiot and will end up with an ugly fat person.

When i believed it cant be even uglier someone posts it from a side view

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No, I'll likely end up a volcel because I have a gut but don't find fatties attractive. Get it right user. I wasn't saying fuck a fatty. I was saying don't let a bitch steal your shit because she has an ass that looks like every 5/10+ ass.

the only man of reason here

The fact that your mind immediately jumps to other guys' rubbing their dicks speaks volumes, ya fawkin' sissy. Sounds like it's time to noose up and stop punishing eyes, fugly.

Are you even human?

A berserker packin' man and a half.

Ok Ahmed.

Just take your HRT and shut the fuck up