The last vidya character you played as has been hired to kill Tony Soprano, who is being guarded by his entire crew...

The last vidya character you played as has been hired to kill Tony Soprano, who is being guarded by his entire crew. Can they do it?

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Why would I kill him? Since he was killed in the ending of the show

>Pokemon Protag

My Mewtwo will just snap all their necks from several buildings over.


Why bother, both him and the actor portraying him are dead already.

He is already dead.

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Jersey is a glorified crew.
Literally anyone could kill Tony easily.

>Nathan Drake

He is swimming with the fishes

I guess you could say... it ain't gonna go Downwell

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Wish the first one would come out on PC

im late to the game since i take forever to beat games and i just got a ps4 like at christmas, so arthur morgan. i think he could do it if he were careful, but arthur would have to be careful. he would need to pick them off one by one. otherwise no, the wops would maul his ass

fun fact, wop means without papers meaning italian immigrants who arrived to america

Killing a dead man with another dead man, smart.


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Arthur Morgan, so yeah.

>Fire Emblem on the GBA.
High fantasy knights vs spaghetti mobsters, I don't know. At lesat I have magic.

With a suplex after shooting him in the knees

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With the right devil breaker no problem. Pauline better take notes.

The last game I played was Ghost Recon Future Soldier last night. I think Tony's screwed.

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>Agent 47
He is already dead

>last character you played as
Since he is the leader of a faction in Master of Orion 2 and commands the greatest fleet in the galaxy, yes he can do it.

That game could've been so much better, I remember how good the first gameplay looked then you could see how much it got downgraded.

>Slayer of Demons
Considering leveling up increases physical def, he'd probably handle bullets well enough, and a +10 Bastard Sword can probably cut through most things easily

bada bing mate

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