Nintendo Switch 2 Pro and Switch 2 Lite to launch this year to get ahead of PS5


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Other urls found in this thread:

> According to those with knowledge of what the Japanese company has planned, the so-called Switch 2 will dramatically improve the built-in touchscreen display included with the console.
> While the current-generation Nintendo Switch only has a 720p LCD touchscreen display, the refreshed model will purportedly boast a 1080p OLED panel. The Switch is capable of outputting content at 1080p – as it does when it's connected to a HD TV using the dock, so Nintendo wouldn't even need to update the internals to drive the upgraded display on the Switch 2,
> "While the 2019 Switch Pro has been already reported to be in development by the Wall Street Journal, I also think Nintendo will offer a 'Switch Lite' (or just keep the current version at a lower price) to cover the lower end of the spectrum and offset sinking 3DS sales," he recently told Games Industry.
> "In tandem with hardware revisions and an increasing install base, I am expecting a lot more games from third-party developers in 2019, starting in spring. At least one new game from the mega-franchises owned by EA, Activision or Take-Two will launch on Switch."

legitimately exciting. big if troo

I don't understand why they don't work on a pro dock that has the ability to play current gen games, even if they are not portable.

2022 headline?

They better not skimp on the Hz like all phone manufacturers do these days. Shit better be at LEAST 500Hz

>Going to OLED and thus making less shekels
Stopped reading there

They didn't know it was going to be this successful

They're not making a second Switch 2 years into its life time when it's literally selling like hotcakes.


Wanna know how I know this is made up bullshit

OLED is overkill for a console. I only buy phones OLED but can't imagine any uses for an OLED display for a console without raising prices.

Nintendo are smart as fuck

>know their core fan base is around 30 million
>will buy anything they shit out
>put out 3 handheld consoles one gen
>now do the same with home consoles

Nickle and dimed 6 times in 2 gens I'm impressed

Switch 2 is just what they did with the "New 3DS XL"

>pro dock that has the ability to play current gen games
It'd need both a new GPU and CPU, which would just be a new console.

>1080p OLED panel
Might as well go full bait and say it'll use a 600Hz ultraflat 90-degree deflection CRT.

This, they're better off waiting until 2021 or later to see if mobile hardware improved since then.

If only they were this business savvy in the 90s, because if they switched to Disc drives then they would be so far ahead of Sony & Microsoft it would be ridiculous

I'm ok with that. Have a system much like the wiiu where you could stream onto the switch from the console when at home, and continue to make all the regular switch stuff for portable. It would fucking dominate.

OLED is terrible on phones anyway. That ghosting while scrolling is disgusting. Keep OLED on tvs where it actually makes sense

yikes. Have fun with burn-in.

Didn't Nintendo say they didn't have a Switch revision in development?

Nintendo is fucking retarded when it comes to hardware.
They shot themselves in the foot by not making the Playstation with Sony.

>burn in
Because so many phones and TVs have this problem......

>nintendo is going to launch 2 revisions at once

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You can get exactly that with a PC and hacked switch.


Bait and switch.

my Samsung is a year old and I can practically read the Yea Forums url ghosting through on a white screen.
OLED is hot garbage.

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Sony are a bunch of Cunts, all Nintendo had to do was switch to Disc Drives, Mend their ties with SquareSoft & increase their graphical imput on the N64.

Why do people keep begging for new versions of game consoles every year doesn't that defeat the whole purpose of them?

If I wanted to update shit and spend lots of money every few months I would have gotten a PC.

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Sony are smart for not partnering up with the tech equivalent of the special needs kid.
That N64 buyer's remorse is still palpable.

>buy a switch that you know is going to be forever-hackable before they start patching the hardware exploits
>Have fun with it playing normally online
>buy switch 2/XL which will just have the same games you already bought and work with the hardware you already own
>Hack original switch
>pirate like crazy on our old switch, with streaming and emulators
>play new games on enhanced switch
Feels good to not be poor

Switch and PS4 are not competitors

enjoy your burn in, dumbass

Sony are technical geniuses, but when it actually comes to anything gaming related they are massively incompotent faggots

"anonymous sources"

>so Nintendo wouldn't even need to update the internals to drive the upgraded display on the Switch 2,
no no no no. Games look fine at 720p on the current screen. Nothing would be worse than seeing the same 540p-720p games upscaling to 1080p now

I dont want to build it, I want the convenience of someone else working the kinks out for me

>console is 2 years old
>releasing a new improved version
This would be sega level incompetence.

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So even a worst battery life. Epic

BoTW would be great in 1080p but since it's actually on PC now I don't see the point desu

DESU controls aren't as tight with gyro on PC as they are natively on the switch. If I could get a solid 1080p out of the portable switch I'd play on that instead of CEMU DESU

OLED uses less power than LCD

>According to those with knowledge of what the Japanese company has planned
That's a complicated way to call an anus

it's ok when Sony does it, though

Still no games.

Double 97's, keep seething. By the time the new mainline Zelda, Mario & Metroid games come out the Switch will have 5 97's

>Switch Lite
How the fuck they going to dumb down the Switch any more?

This seems to be more of a handheld thing for Nintendo. The only console that got a different model was the Wii.

>According to those with knowledge of what the Japanese company has planned

Ps VITA would like to know your location

Unless they make games exclusive to it, I'm not seeing much of a point. Especially since the only games I'd want to see improved are the ones already out. XC2 would be infinitely better if it didn't run at 5FPS in big battles or if the textures didn't downgrade to mobile game tier

>1080p OLED panel
If thats true, no way that thing will be any cheaper than $500.

Switch is already underpowered as fuck, not getting a new one unless it has better graphics

I've always felt like short lifespans were an eventuality for consoles. Apple tricks idiots into buying new phones every year.

I'd be pretty goddamn OK with a "dock-only" switch akin to a Chromecast or something.

It'd have to be the size of a portable hard drive or something, but still, mine never leaves the dock so why the fuck not?

Graphics would need a big bump to be worth it. Like BotW needs to look like it does on the emulators for it to be worth it. But I don't see Nintendo going that far in the graphics arms race.

I still want a switch that's not portable but can wirelessly communicate with a regular switch so we can get some of those wii u game ports a bit easier

Like a Vita TV but with Switch? Could be neat.

>he says whil himself in a 6 month drought that's gonna be extended to christmas

> Final Fantasy VII Remake
> Kingdom Hearts III
> Resident Evil 2 Remake
> Cyberpunk 2077
> All of these will be on the switch
You know what this means, it means that Sephiroth, Sora & Leon/Jill will be added into Smash to promote these upcoming ports like Joker

>DESU controls aren't as tight with gyro on PC as they are natively on the switch.
You can get motion controls with a slew of controllers on Cemu.

But then it's literally two consoles. You aren't asking for a better switch, you are asking for a new console to pair with the Switch which would just become a handheld.
The whole point of the switch is that it does both.

wow i cant wait for all these new games made especially for babies

>Square giving up another character when they won't give more than two songs

Now you're just drinking dumb nigger juice if you believe this

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Your own fault for buying garbage.

Handhelds should use VA panels

>any of those games
>ever coming to Switch

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Sony at least waited four years before releasing the pro.

Cope more, all games are made for children, young adults & teenagers

What ghosting while scrolling? On an AMOLED panel right now and I don't see any of that

>Burn in
>Smudgy and ghosting when scrolling
>More expensive
>Uses PWM to control brightness
OLED is garbage in general.

Hahahaha switch updates to 1080p and is still behind the ps4 and xbone.
What the fuck are these nips doing its like they are always one generation behind everyone else.

> Every Resident Evil game is on the switch
> Implying they won't port RE2make on there once Nintendo announces their Pro console
Imagine being so fucking pathetic, Snoy's are mentally ILL

> Defending subhuman westerners who have literally ruined everything that has ever been good
Seriously kill yourself

>>Uses PWM to control brightness
LCDs do that too

>1080p built in
goddamn it, fuck OLED

>on the Switch
Enjoy your 12fps, laggy streamed RE2 Remake.

>Switch Pro has been already reported to be in development by the Wall Street Journal
Lol no

Making fun games

Yeah name it some stupid name like SwitchU so it will flops.

>still pretending that Square is behind the two songs bullshit
Again, that's the composer's fault, not Square's.

True, but I’ve only ever had a bad experience with PWM on an oled screen. For some reason, manufacturers think it’s okay to put horribly low Hz rates into modern OLED screens and it causes headaches and shit for a lot of people

> 97 (BOTW)
> 97 (BOTW 2)
> 97 (Odyssey)
> 97 (Odyssey 2)
> 97 (Prime 4)
Sony hasn't had a 97 rated game in over 20 years, and it wasn't even theirs. Since Konami made it

OLED is worth it for the true black levels though.

>making the same fucking games for 30 years

They do make the best exclusive games...
They then fuck over themselves with third party devs by having the worst hardware. If the nips actually made a console with hardware that was equivalent to the PS4/XBONE they would get all the cross platform games while having the best exclusives. I dont know why they dont do it.

>Nintendo literally won't release the next F-Zero because they're afraid it will be "too similar" to previous entries

>According to those with knowledge of what the Japanese company has planned
Literally "my dad works at Nintendo" tier

I have my s8 on unlimited auto screen shut off (play a lot of jackbox) and it has zero issues

>say something negative about Nintendo
>Nintendofags suddenly start attacking Sony
Why does this always happen?

Where do these terrible rumors come from.
There's no way Nintendo would release a version that's more expensive than the original.

>he says while piling up 1m62 worth of soulclones and "QTE action open world" action games that are all reboots and sequels of older games.

Because someone always says how Sony is better than Nintendo when Sony has nothing to do with the thread?

Sony fags are the only ones that dislike Nintendo, PC fans love them because they can play all of their games on Emulators & Xbox fans don't care because they are teaming up with Nintendo

Switch can't do 1080p really.

Yeah they cant even run a game at 30fps at 720p.

>Gameboy Advance SP came 2 years after the original
>DS Lite came 2 years after the original
>3DS XL came 1 year after the original
Going by your logic all of these should have been failures. Oh wait.

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I use motion controls with my Switch Pro on CEMU. Like I said, not as smooth as on the Switch itself

Yea Forums really is filled with blithering retards.

Three years.
Two if you're Japanese.

And Sony is acquiring T2! See guys it's fact because I read someone on the internet report it. Also have Twitter screen caps to back up my argument.

They just added the "2" for clickbait purposes, it makes much more sense if you just read it as Switch Pro and Switch Lite, i.e. revisions

>least one new game from the mega-franchises owned by EA
Burnout 6 here we go

sony themselves officially said that it was true
nintendo hasnt said anything

Hence why the Wii U created a financial loss, huh?



I am fine with 720p. Fonts will just get smaller and fucking hard to read with 1080 p.

fuck off with your fake news

Those portables had a lower price, though. The slim Wii didn't sell after they released it.

I think this is honestly less about performance, and more about releasing a console that can't be hacked with a paper clip

Okay bro.

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>can't be hacked with a paper clip
That was already fixed.

(X) Doubt

Okay so does this matter at all if I never take the thing out of the dock? Why would you ever buy another one

Samsung manufactures the majority of phone screens including the iPhones.

It's another Yea Forums believes a stupid rumor episode

This is definitely going to happen just like the Wii HD that was predicted and "leaked" over 9000 times

I really hope this is fake. I want boosted dock performance. Not shitty upscaling.

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>114 replies
>no source

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For OLED's, YES! YES THEY FUCKING DO! It's the number one concern for OLED.

>buys iphone with samsung manufactured screen

Not really.. Gamecube came out and they made disks with less storage. Every disk based console since has been at least a generation behind in power. So people, would still buy Playstations and Xbox's because they are more powerful.

First off, samsung screens are fine, I dunno why that user is bitching. Second, apple calibrates the screens themselves, so iphone screens are usually fine anyway


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I don't think this rumor is true, but you'd have to be a fool to listen to such a statement from the company president. Nintendo has literally always denied such rumors because they want to sell you hardware RIGHT NOW, not leave stock sitting on shelves when they're planning on putting out something new.

yes they all fo, rtings even proved that tv with barely three weeks of normal use cause burn in despise whatever lg bullshit out to people.

nintendo need a high end model asap so they stop missing out on the big multiplatform games

Be honest anons, would you buy a switch mini if you didn't have a switch already?

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Depends on the price.

Less than $200 and I might do it.

>less than $200

for any modern console in 2019

wow... you're poor lol

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>switch mini with gamecube VC
literally my dream

And the PS4 Pro can't output true 4K.
Oops, bet you didn't know that, mouthbreathing console warrior.

It's a handheld not a console.
Not going to pay $250 for a switch-lite when PS5 comes out next year.

OP is clearly full of shit and you're falling for it. Good job Yea Forums

Yeah, this is a mobile device in a world where mobiles are releasing every year to huge sales. It may not translate directly to gaming - but if the last gen hardware can support future software, then the upgrade ladder exists, and there is space for both ends of the spectrum, more customers, and more profit.

>Wanting a console that ALWAYS performs like shit

switch is handheld, moron

If it's $200 yeah
It's been2 years, the switch shouldn't be at $300 still but nintendo is being jewish as usual.

>switch cant even 720p on first party games while the ps5 its a pcmr tier pc
Ehy even bother with the tablet at this point

I would probably buy a Switch that is actually portable, with no joycon bullshit and with an actual D-pad, but not now, in two or three years when it actually has games.

>tfw note 8 user and have 0 issues

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This is originally what I thought the Switch was going to end up being honestly. Basically a handheld that hooks up to a beefed up console for the best of both worlds instead of being a compromise.

>And the PS4 Pro can't output true 4K.
Are you an idiot or just a shitposter? I used to assume people were shitposting, but I feel like modern Yea Forums actually believes the shit that comes out of their own mouth.

Also a note 8 user. Didn't know these type of issues were supposed to exist. Hell I've had multiple nights where I fell asleep with my phone on. How many years does it take for burn in to take effect?

>switch mini
Nah. I only plan on playing in docked mode.

PS4 games are either 1800p or 2160i. That's not real 4K

2160 isn't 4k bro
upscaling isn't true 4k

why do u type with ur mouth bro

>Worst battery

Don't talk about stuff you know nothing about.

Sorry bro but your post is definitely getting a yikes from me

You should be asking yourself that question, dip shit

>switch can play a few multiplats mostly indieshit but none of the big games
>new xbox and ps5 out next year
>switch left behind an entire generation

I expect the Switch 2 to come out probably in 2021, don't think the switch lite will be an actual thing tho, if it is I might buy one. Should be cheap with the price cut after the switch 2 comes out.

>Just screen change to output proper 1080
who gives a shit then

That Switch Mini better have cross-compatibility with 3DS/DS

Same note 8 user, I sell TVs OLEDs too, the display phones in my store all have SOME burn in, but normally OLED screen on a phone is just fine because the majority of people are just shutting off their phone , shifting pixels around, on and off on and off. it just can't burn in.

TVs are another beast though,

"True 4K" and "Native 4K" are both the same thing at 4096x2160. I mean, how much harder can this get? Native = true and PS4 Pro has games with Native 4K resolution. What am I missing?

Yeah a PC from 2018 maybe lol

Its hybrid priced as a console.

>tfw want to buy a Switch but rumors of a revision get posted daily

>giving up another character
More like getting free advertising for another character that they also get paid for with every DLC pack sold.

I believe the Switch light rumor. A $200 Switch where you can't remove the joycons and it doesn't come with a dock. That is just aiming to replace the 3DS's niche.

>A PS4 upscaling it's shit 2015 mid tier graphics card from 1080 to "4k" is native 4k
>Shiggy diggty
You understand that we just hit 4k with the 2080ti on PC to push past 60fps on ultra right? There is no way your $500 children's toy with 5 year old mid tier hardware could do that

It's a handheld.

I can play my vita on my TV with PS TV that doesn't make it a console.

Nintendo can fuck off unless they fix the stick drift problems and make online play free again.

You're not missing anything. It's true that a lot of games are upscaled from 1440 or checkerboard, but native 4K is absolutely achievable and present on the Pro.

>will buy anything they shit out
>put out 3 handheld consoles one gen

>3DS released in 2011
>PS4 released in 2013
>New 3DS released a full 4 years later in 2015
>Switch released in 2017

Please explain to me how 6 years later is within the same gen? Just so I'm clear here I'm not actually asking you, I already know the answer. I'm just mocking you. Just want to make that clear because you don't seem very bright.

Developing it 2 years after the switch doesn't mean releasing it 2 years after the switch. They start development this year and don't release it until after the xbox and ps5 come out.
At that point the switch would already be 4 years old.

people stopped caring about the switch

>lets make a switch
>that cant switch
what a genius concept. you must be incredibly intelligent.

Right. If someone said that the PS4 Pro was a shitty choice for 4K, I'd agree. Saying it is incapable of native 4K is just factually incorrect. There isn't any opinion involved with that statement so I can't understand how people try to argue a point that is debunked with a 2 second google search.

Get with the times user. 4K doesn't require the same amount of power it used to. Graphic cards that used to be non-4K now play 4K just fine. Trying to state something about ultra settings just makes me think you don't really know much about computers, graphics, or games in general. Do you just spew misinformed information that you pick up from reddit or something? That is literally the only search results on google that came close to backing up your claim.

>is portable but is more of a gimmick as its battery life isn't that great

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Stop insulting Nintendo Engineers.

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>lets make a 3DS
>that cant 3D
what a genius concept. you must be incredibly intelligent

2DS's flat design was pretty shitty though...

>It's a handheld not a console
Did you just re-categorize the Switch to make it seem less shitty?

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>battery is complete shit whenever i take it to go
>priced as Switch

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Nintendo won’t make a version that doesn’t utilize separatable joy con

It's a perfectly fine concept actually. It would still be able to plug into the dock like the normal Switch the only difference is you would need a Pro controller to use it instead of the joycons.

Hell even seems likely actually because it would be the easiest way to make the console smaller.

The 3D is completely optional to every game and the 2DS capitalized on this.

It would have to remain the same width to use current docks though

It's a console because it's portable battery lifespan is shit?
A high price makes it's a console?

What the fuck?

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Don't worry user, it's still a shit handheld because of it's battery lifespan.

>to make it seem less shitty?
Looked to me like he was hating on it, aka the part about not buying it...

Still though, anyone calling it a console are the ones that are re-categorizing. A handheld is a device that contains all necessary parts to play on the go. Internal battery, internal screen, internal sound, attached controller, and all computing power are contained in a portable unit. The Switch is, in every definition of the word, a handheld.

If you would like to claim otherwise, please tell me without making this about your opinion or what Nintendo may have falsely called it.

>its battery life isn't that great
Wut? It's battery life is great what are you talking about? It's 2.5 to 6 hours depending on how demanding the game is which seems pretty fucking good for a console of its size. I mean Nintendo didn't invent batteries. Our battery technology is still super shit and is the only thing holding us back from going full electric instead of carbon fuels. That's not Nintendo's fault.

Why? My Switch hangs like a full inch on either side of the dock. That could easily be trimmed.

>4096x2160 being 4K when talking about video games
You might be missing a part of your brain

The 2DS didn't capitalize on the 3D being optional. It capitalized on people NOT WANTING the 3D. Same outcome, different concept. The only thing here that is against the Switch "Lite"'s favor is that docking isn't hated nearly as much as people despised the 3D. There is still a market for it though, and that may be enough to convince Nintendo.

Personally, I prefer docking and almost never use it without the dock. I'd rather have a Switch Pro than a Switch Lite any day of the week. Fuck, maybe even a Switch XL with a proper fucking stand would be nice. You have to squeeze together to play on that tiny screen with multiple people when you don't have a young person's eyesight anymore.

What? Without joy-cons, it should be a perfect fit. Mine is.

Native 4K is 4096x2160. UHD is 3840x2160. There are no other "4K" resolutions user.

Yeah but that's the whole point I'm making. A Switch mini would have integrated joycons and other upgrades that would save space. So instead of the the Switch being exactly the same size as the dock plus an extra inch on either side with the joycons they could integrate it all together and make it smaller.

They did that with new 3ds and new 3ds xl, sony did that with slim and pro models

The point of the screen being the size of the dock and the controllers sticking out is because you need to grab onto something to remove it from the dock. Your "improved" design would result in more scratched up screens then we currently have.

Very easily solved problem. Provide an even smaller dock to accomodate the smaller Switch. The dock itself isn't a complicated piece of hardware, in fact it's really just a glorified charger. I don't think arguing a Switch Mini is in the works is all that far fetched but the idea seems to be getting an awful lot of hate.

The proposed switch would be a console revision, not a new one. Console revisions bring in more money anyways. Say nintendo releases a switch pro or something of the sort. The og switch gets a price drop to roughly $250 dollars and the upgraded switch releases for $400 dollars. This allows for not only the switch to get more sales, but for others to rebuy or invest more money into an upgraded switch that can potentially play hogher quality games
There is no downside to it

If they didn't want 3D you could've just turned it off.

Nintendo made the 2DS for concerned mothers who thought the 3DS was going to hurt their children's eyesight and didn't trust their children to never switch it back to 3D when they weren't looking.
Further proof of this was childproofing it by getting rid of the flip screen hing and instead making it a sturdy 1 sided surface. But then the big fucking thing couldn't fit in pockets so they redesigned it back to the 3DS XL style

Attached: Pic006_DSC0264.jpg (3000x2000, 1.33M)

Hopefully, whatever they do, it's backwards compatible.

>has the ability to play current gen games, even if they are not portable
I wonder why they won't do that

to be fair the game gear practically was a console with the battery life it had

So this leak is still make sense after all

Reddit was right again

Attached: Switch_pro_leak.png (530x117, 44K)

But they do this literally all the time because of pic related, and it works every single time
>announce Pokemon game
>once the game is close to coming out, release device revision while dropping the price of original device
>moms buy device in droves because kids wanna play the new Pokemon game
>sells 15 million copies
>rinse and repeat for the next device generation.

Attached: Pokemon Wallpapers 8.jpg (1600x1200, 149K)

I got my Switch on launch day, and I don't think I've played it for more than 200 hours. It would have to be a significant upgrade to get me to buy a second one.

I would buy it but I don't believe it.

only if I could still drop it in my dock. if they eliminate the cartridge slot I will never touch it though

Should I buy a switch now or wait for a revision

Wait for big price drop when the xXboneXx and PS5 come out next year.

>expecting a lot more games from third-party devs

yeah, yeah. Like every other year, and all we end up with is shovelware garbage

>Nintendo wouldn't even need to update the internals to drive the upgraded display on the Switch 2
The EXACT wrong move. Keep the same display and upgrade the internals instead.

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I bet this has nothing to do with dropping switch sales and forecasts..

Why don't they just have a dock that boosts performance

if the OG switch drops like 100 dollars I'd consider actually getting one. They need something at the same price of the 3DS, since they're obviously killing it.

Technology is more than just words on a chinese cartoon forum. What you're describing is a complete redesign of the Switch and you'll end up paying more than we already do. This is $599 levels of impractical.


The human eye has refresh rate cap of 300-1000hz depending on the individual. Though scientific studies show that in practice the average person stops being able to consciously discern framerate differences once you go above 150hz.

Furukawa said there wouldn't be a revision or price cut soon.
>but they said the same about the DS and 3DS!
Furukawa is the CEO of Nintendo. not some random PR

I'd rather take a 720p display if it means longer battery life. I'm not sure if a 1080p display would really sell me on it. The screen's about as legible as it really needs to be at that size.

Different target demographics. They're not meant to compete with each other. Companies do this all the time.

I know this wasn't your original point, but you were just trying to argue that the mini needs to be smaller so that it doesn't hang out of the dock. That was the main point I was refuting when I jumped in.

>but the idea seems to be getting an awful lot of hate
If they made an XL and a mini, I'd be for it, but as of now it needs the XL more. One of the key features they show off is playing with others and the screen just isn't built for that.

>If they didn't want 3D you could've just turned it off.
>If only 10% of the userbase wants this feature, we should just make everyone pay for it
That hurts us and them. Either the console could be cheaper, or they could have a higher profit margin by not including it. Either way your comment is naive.

As someone who was holding off both for smash & pokemon I'm slightly let down by the first party offerings

at least the switch seems to be a great indie & freeware machine when you hack one

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Note 8 user as well here. I have the combat menu buttons burned into my screen from falling asleep while playing Dissidia OO. I use max brightness (+10%) though, maybe that's what caused it.

wtf is max brightness (+10%)? its either max brightness or it isn't...

Because you need to enable the extra 10 percent in Game Mode. If you slide the bar all the way to the right, it's technically only 90% brightness.

That's the point of a Pro. If you don't care about graphics/performance, get the normal version.

Nintendo, the cheapest bastards on the planet when it comes to build quality, is going to make an OLED screen. Riiiiiiiiiiiight

People laughed at this

But then at $90 it was a great sell considering the insides are the same as the N3DS

Thing is the Switch is $300 and Nintendo handhelds are usually $200 and cheaper

Pokemonfags would buy Nintendo handhelds mostly and solely for Pokemon, they can dish out $200 easily

The original 3DS debuted at $250 and nobody bought it until it dropped down to $169

The Let's Go Pikachu/Eevee game did not persuade nor force the Pokemonfags still on the 3DS to buy a Switch, most of its sales are from literally Switch owners already


Attached: media create sales.png (801x588, 356K)

I'd buy a switch that isn't portable with a regular controller with a d-pad desu.