3x3 thread

Post em

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Too lazy to make an updated mosaic, here's mine:
Ghost Trick
Dark Souls
Tales of the Abyss
Hollow Knight
Super Metroid
MegaMan Battle Network 2
Metal Gear Solid 3
Cave Story

+OoT, MGS, Super Metroid, P5, TP, SotN


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DS, MGS3, SM, HK. Didn’t like EB

Objective review of these, from left to right
> 10/10
> 8.5/10
> 9.5/10
> 6/10
> 10/10
> 9/10
> 5/10
> 7.5/10
> 9.5/10
Good taste, TP is garbage but my nostalgia cannot accept it

Is DMC 5 really that food to already be ranked along those all time classics or are you just shilling it?

7/7, is DMCV worth for someone that only played 3 and 4, and has no emotional attachment to the characters other than, "Man these guys are fucking cool."

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It’s better than Bayonetta which is my #12 game, it’s probably the best pure action game ever made. It has no pointless filler and a perfect ending.

I’d say so if you liked the gameplay of 3 and 4 since it’s mostly the same with less filler.

sounds fun
hotline miami is cool
pretty decent.

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If you played 3, then you have enough of a baseline to work off of. 1 aged like milk, and 2... has Lucia, at least. There's a demo, though, so try that and see for yourself.

Perhaps the most consistent 3x3 I've ever seen. You'd really like the Tenchu games I'd bet.

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What are these all about? Is this just your favorite 9 games in a 3x3 mosaic?


7/7, also are you an alien? Don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone put ff5 with a cod game in one of these. I thought almost all 5 fans were hardcore weebs.

> Objective
> OoT 10/10
> TP 7.5
> "TP is garbage but my nostalgia cannot accept it."

Fucking retard from the start. Objective means looking at something critically without personal feelings or attachments getting in the way. You contradicted yourself, you piece of shit.

> 6/10. Tried to capture the beauty of LttP in 3D and fucking failed. People remember it fondly because it's more than likely their first exposure to LoZ.
> 7/10. Controls have not aged well. Rereleases of the game fixed them, but this version is docked because of it. Ugly as sin in this version.
> 8/10. Removing the live-action cutscenes was a mistake. Extra content wasn't needed. Still the grandaddy of all current Survival Horror, and oozes atmosphere. Plus, that voice-acting.
> 8/10. Story was meh. Lock-on has issues. Load times are annoying; second best DMC to-date.
> 8/10. Best Metroid for a reason. Suffers from wonky controls at times, which are fixed in later games. Most technical out of all the 2D Metroids.
> 8/10. The start of QTE-pocalypse. Obligatory escort mission through second half.
> 7/10. Case of all style and no true substance. Haru arc brings down the entirety.
> 6/10. The best 3D Zelda, but that's not saying much. Tried to go the most "realistic", and, as of being rereleased on Wii U, shows its age.
> 9/10. The start of the genre everyone knows as Metrodvania and arguably still the best. The extra game modes after NG+, and the fact you could easily miss 1/3 of the whole game unless you explore proper, as well as a combat system that is tight and holds up to this day and an artstyle that has become timeless... the downside is the voice acting.

There's no such thing as a 10/10 game, no matter how hard one tries.


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+MW1, MW2, Halo 3,Halo 2
Didn't like Dark Souls or Black Ops 2
OoT, MW2, Burnout
GTA, DMC3, MGS32/2
OoT, TP, DMC5, RE4

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OP here but why didn’t you like Black Ops 2? It’s one of my favorite shooters personally.

recommend please

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6/8 based dudebro
4/4 probably fable

Try dragon’s dogma


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can you just spoonfeed me on the names and what order I should play them in

1. Dragon's Dogma

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only 1 gaem?

forgot image

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Depression 3x3

Do I have a type? I pulled this off the top of my head. I don't have too many memorable titles in the PS3 era despite playing a lot of games then.

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What's the general rule of these? All time fave games? Games I really enjoy for different reasons? Anyway

3/4 Resi4 is my all time fave game, TP is meh. REmake and OoT are obviously great.

3/3 Love the BN series, need to finish DS.

Dishonored was a great surprise, I should go back and do the DLC and start 2.

2/2 didnt play enough of BB to consider it. But its great, HK and MM are outstanding.

2/2 top tier taste in zelda and resi.

2/2 Max Payne and VC. How can I best enjoy MGS3 today? I have a ps4, pc and 3ds and switch.

3/3 MW2 unironically has an amazing campaign.

4/4 Love fo3, really should finish 4. But making it work at 2560 with all my mods is a headache.

1/1 DOOM is great, I should go play Chaos Theory, I love stealth games and somehow missed it growing up.

7/7 MM is my favorite Zelda, and Resi4 is my all time fave TPS/game ever. TLoU is ok but hasnt aged that well imo.

3/3 Dead Space 1 and 2 are both 9/10s for different reasons and are equally fantastic games that have aged very well.

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this post would have been bait less than a year ago but now i am sure this is unironic

lands of lore, dungeon master, dark heart of uukrul
divine divinity
>fallout nv
dark sun shattered lands
age of mythology
>HoMM 3 just fuck my shit up edition
disciples 2, kings bounty
princess maker 2

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I genuinely think it’s a pretty good game with a ton of content and a good story with more choices than most rpgs. It is the last good CoD game if it makes you feel better.

I still think the first 2 MW games were the peak of the series personally, but BO2 comes close. It's certainly the best in terms of gameplay anyway.

I liked MW1 and 2 but BO2 for me anyway was the last gasp of local splitscreen shooters. The 4 player splitscreen with bots is a lot of fun and it was a good swap out for when we were getting bored of years of Halo CE and Nightfire.

I agree with that, but what makes me rate MW1 and 2 higher is that they have the best campaigns in the series in addition to fun bonus modes. Sure, BO2's campaign has more replay value, but most of the characters and missions are nowhere near as memorable.

9/9 good taste op

>a good story
its a shooter, nigger. it needs good gameplay of which it has none. lacks the mega autism of genuine military sims and lacks the enemy variety/level design of genuine high quality FPS games. campaign is literally railroaded, a literal fucking military game where everything is on the rails instead of actually simulating battes, fuck this should not be okay. this cinematic shit needs to stop. multiplayer is for actual real life retards.
>with more choices than most rpgs
well again, its a shooter so we'd have to compare it to deus ex or alpha protocol, and its dwarfed by those. no point in getting in typical RPGs because i am sure you think jrpgs and bioshit are the bulk of the rpg genre

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What was your favorite gear? Ranked top 3 for me was:
>1 - Command Jaeger
>2 - Fer-de-lance
>3 - Mamba

Maybe we have different tastes then seeing how I thought Baldur’s Gate and Half Life were trash, and I don’t like military sims. I did like Alpha Protocol though. Btw Touhou is weeaboo trash and doesn’t compare favorably to other shmups.

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No him, but you have to give CoD some leeway. Scripted cinematic rollercoaster rides with some sprinkles of player agency here and there is kind of the defining feature of the franchise. It's the series that popularised that format in the first place. MW1 and 2 were unique experiences when they first released.

You do realize in Black Ops 2 the story choices are determined by gameplay correct and not selecting dialogue choices like so many games.

>Maybe we have different tastes then seeing how I thought Baldur’s Gate
>no point in getting in typical RPGs because i am sure you think jrpgs and bioshit are the bulk of the rpg genre
called it
>half life
and yet you like cinematic cawadooty garbage
>doesn’t compare favorably to other shmups
a normalfag and a cavefag, yikes

play like 1000 more games then come back

>he actually likes touhou
All opinions disregarded

>You do realize in Black Ops 2 the story choices are determined by gameplay correct
yes, its like deus ex but poorly implemented
> like so many games.
maybe normalfag games
>you have to give CoD some leeway
no, this would be reason to not discuss it at all

>liking touhou
and thats a good thing!

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Dude you play nothing but autism sims according to your 3x3, I’m not taking your opinion seriously.

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6/8, don’t like half life or dota 2

Really hard to pick between KH1 and 2 and I'm still not entirely sure on it. Same between Oblivion and Morrowind since I limited myself to one entry per series.

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8/8, good taste user


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>doom 1/2
>quake 1/2
>gunman chronicles
>chronicles of riddick
>serious sam 1/2/3
>hard reset redux
>painkiller black
>swat 4

and then come back

>doom 1/2
Played both loved them
>quake 1/2
Liked 1, 2 is shit
It’s alright
Awful games
I liked it
>gunman chronicles
Haven’t heard of that one
Shit horror game, play RE you faggot
>chronicles of riddick
It’s alright
>serious sam
Mediocre reddit humor shooter
>hard reset
Never heard of it
What doom 3 should’ve been
Looks like trash
>swat 4
I’m actually interested in this one
I liked it despite the utter nonsense plot

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touhou is a good shmup

>Shit horror game, play RE you faggot
so you didnt play it

can't you play japanese voice with english text for SOTN ? I didn't but I think it's possible.

It’s not a good horror game. If I want atmospheric horror with a meaningful story I’ll play Silent Hill. I want to be creeped out with a good soundtrack, I’ll play RE. It offers neither. You know nothing of what makes a good horror game.

If you’ve played any saturn or turbografx shmup you’d know what real quality is.

If only FEAR had something else massively appealing to go with its horror like being an all round solid FPS.

It might be called FEAR but what makes it good has nothin to do with horror

Have played quite a bit of arcade and doujin shmups and can confirm
touhou is a good shmup

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Oh boy a horror game where I’m well armed, it’s decent as a shooter with some good AI for the time but as a horror game it’s not very good.

>It’s not a good horror game
its a horror game in the same way that doom is a "horror" game

just fucking play it. you didn't play anything on that list did you?

You realise that you viewing it as a horror game with the shooting as a peripheral feature or something is what's limiting your opinion on it right? Why not think of it as an FPS with horror elements to go alongside it.

Fear marketed itself as being le scary and it’s a shit horror game compared to RE, SH, Fatal Frame, Clock tower etc. As a shooter, it’s alright, as a horror game it does nothing to invoke fear in me. I’ve played some of them but not all of them. Some like vietcong I’m not really interested in.

>Fear marketed itself as being le scary
so did doom, romero swears to this day that it was terrifying when it came out (it wasn't)

Weirdly my dad always said the same thing from what he got from watching my older brother play it. I've never got it

Alone in the Dark came before Doom so Doom in no way should have been considered scary.

Dragons Dogma
6/6 my type of guy

Just made mine for this please rate

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Wow, a lot of overlap.
I don't care enough so in no particular order.

>Super Metroid
>The Ultimate Doom/ Doom 2
>Pikimin 2
>TBOI: Afterbirth +
>Majoras Mask

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6/6. Nice one putting Asylum over any of the others

doesn't make touhou any less good

it's only flaw is the repetitive bosses, other than that it's the most well made out of the lot of them imo

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4/5 +MW, MMX, SH. -witcher
4/5 +P5, Fire Emblem, MGS, DaS, Oblivion. Wasn't big on Arkham games in general.
4/6 +Q3, SC, Payne, DE. -BS, psychonuts
4/6 +H3, Metroid. -WW, Melee
3/3 +Civ4, WA, Contra. Last of Yea Forums's old guard, gotta be exhausting.
5/5 +DS, MM, RE4, S2, Issac.

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holy shit user you're literally me

god tier taste

7/9. Good taste, user.
7/9. Nice.
9/9 SGTT. Supreme God Tier Taste, user. Congratulations.

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