>Doc said it's getting boring, and that a new character isn't going to be much of a help
This was supposed to be the Fortnite killer, what the fuck bros
>Doc said it's getting boring, and that a new character isn't going to be much of a help
This was supposed to be the Fortnite killer, what the fuck bros
Other urls found in this thread:
Doc cheated on his wife, fuck him
His influence makes or breaks games like this especially since Shroud is out right now since he injured himself in the most zoomer way imaginable.
cry more faggot
Literally who
Who the fuck is doc? still, even if fortnite gets more sucessful than apex legends, apex still has better gameplay, you can't argue with facts
I got bored or Apex fairly easy. Pretty much over battle royale games tbqh
Doctor Who
>play game for 6-8 hours daily for a month
>gets bored
>calls it boring
Who the fuck is doc and why the fuck should I care about his opinions?
Seriously. A game is going to get boring if you no-life it. There's truth in moderation.
>injured in the most zoomer way imaginable
He stuck a juul up his ass and it got stuck?
>trusting streamers that are paid to play
Who gives a shit. Play the games you want to play. If you like Apex play it. If you don't then don't play it. What cares what some boomer that's lower than a reviewer says?
correction: he didnt recieve his weekly paycheck from EA so now he hates the game
He wrecked his scooter and then mid fall redirected his body so he landed fully on his left arm, in an attempt to protect his aiming arm.
>it's boring and a new character isn't going to be much help
Isn't this what he said about his wife?
This is worth considering but he has things to compare it to. He played PUBG and Blackout significantly more before hitting a wall.
What this game really needs is another map. I don't even care if it includes all areas in the current map.
All I want, and I'm sure other fags who play this game want, is a map twice as big and 100 players in a match.
But it's the same genre. Idk how he's not burned out on battle Royale games entirely
It fucking amazes me how popular scooters are. What do you even say, "I'm a pro scooter-er"?This is the worst timeline.
just play overwatch :)
This, especially for somebody who's played thousands of hours in the BR genre.
It's sad how much Doc has changed since he fucked that tittystreamer. He's so hostile and defensive now, the lighthearted gags are mostly gone and his streamed has turned into watching a man with no self-awareness brag about being good at the lowest common denominator vidya.
>implying he does it for fun
he probably ranks the games by which bore him the least.
>I'm sure other fags who play this game want, is a map twice as big
Other fag here, fuck a bigger map with everyone hiding in a hole for half an hour, I want a smaller map to force confrontation sooner
Adding more verticality would be nice also, maybe have the kill zone rise up from the ground in addition to closing in
Agree with putting more players in a match though
I'll never understand how this faggot got popular and remained popular. Hope his kids disown him as they age and wisen.
he just says that shit, all he did was talk shit about pubg while playing it nonstop for god knows how long
nu /vg/, everybody
>Have a friend who watches this guy
>We all think he's cringy as fuck
>He tries to act like him
>Bases his opinions on him
Why the fuck are some people so obsessed with streamers
Being hostile and defensive is literally his whole schtick you imbecile
Sounds like Yea Forums
>play same genre for literal years straight nonstop
>complain that the latest specific game in that genre is boring and not the genre itself
just pretending
To an extent, yeah, I know, but it changed quite a bit after he came back from the cheating thing. You can be hostile in a joking way and still keep it mostly lighthearted, not everything is a legitimate rage.
>Oh no, less children will play the game
Meh, doesn't bother me
Hey user, you do you.
>almost in tears while ranting about how successful and awesome he is compared to stream snipers
>just pretending guys dont worry
shroud died of elbow complications check twitter
it's called diminishing returns
hopefully this means BR will finally die very soon
They paid ninja millions to stream this. Now it's dead lmao
Why does Fortnite have such staying power? Can zoomers even put it into words or is the best they can come up with is " i dunno its just fun lol"
i'm here to shitpost about topic but apex is fun
wait are you serious
is this why this game was a fly-by-ass success?
He also said Fortnite is a boring and fundamentally bad game.
Doc doesn't even play Fortnite
no one can take third person seriously
who the fuck is doc
Apex can't even break top three on twitch anymore, dead game.
And he's not wrong
doc needs to get shot at again
reported to twitch police, enjoy your ban
I don't know how anyone can play any BR more than like an hour or two a day tops
Yes, they did pay Ninja $1 million to play it. Probably similar deals to other streamers.
Yeah he's not. The map design looks like it was made by a college student.
doctor (you)
It is boring.
>everybody fucking crashes with no way to rejoin
Worse than early access.
The map is already small enough, if you want more confrontation you should be asking for a game mode with 100 people on the current map, and the zones move in twice as fast.
I'd probably like to play that as well desu.
As if it wasn't obvious from day -1 that it's just gonna be a boring cash grab that will only get updates for it's cash shop and everyone would forget about this another battle royale in less than a year.
Some EA corporate slaves will definetely form a cancerous community around it and repeat "get woke go broke doesn't work, incels" all day every day, untill no one would be bothered to give them (you)s anymore, and eventually they will off themsleves, ridding this sinful earth of their filth, as it often happens with trannies.
honestly can't believe they've let such a popular game go so long without getting fixed. literal millions of dollars are being lost every day people keep crashing.
>friend of mine doesn't play a lot of games
>usually something like a sim to kill time in, likes to chill when he does game
>Ape Sex comes out
>he loves it
>first game that's hooked him in years
>shit is unplayable for him, none of the fixes work
Truly the darkest timeline.
I just like the idea of a br game with no stupid fort building and decent gunplay. Is that so bad?
it's the best out there
almost as if br games are super fucking shallow no matter how "tight" you make the mechanics. hmmmm
The playerbase is somehow getting stupider
>queue with high levels
>all of them hotdrop because they think theyre badasses
>cant get a gun. die instaltly
>somehow too shit to land before everyone else at max lvl with 500+ kills
Seems like another attack on the white race, doesn't it, vidyu-chan?