Holy shit, someone made a Witcher 3 mod to make it look like BotW!!

Holy shit, someone made a Witcher 3 mod to make it look like BotW!!


Attached: BOTW3.jpg (1225x644, 90K)

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holy shit why should I care? like why???

hahahaha....hahaha...haha...ha ok now go to sleep, you have school tomorrow.

>BOTW unironically looks better than Wigger 3
u funny

nintenfags seething

Attached: kek.jpg (200x200, 8K)

it's so funny how fast nintendies rage when you insult BOTW. emulated that shit, it's so fucking boring and looks shitty at high resolutions

is this morrowind?

not really a fair comparison since BOTW is a mobile game. When is it coming to Google PlayStore btw?


wtf I love Witcher now?

On a side note this mod actually shows how Witchers 3 optimalization is almost non existent since even with that shit mod I get like 25 fps max while I can play games like DOOM,Shadow of War,DMC5 and many more recent releases without an single problem on my potato.


Attached: 1493149861295.jpg (700x913, 110K)

>even with that shit mod I get like 25 fps max
Hahaha this can't be real. How fucking poor are you?


Have you ever at any point used food stamps? This is important.

shut the fuck up schizo cunt

Not that much anons and I dont even know what food stamps are. I just dont spend my money on retarded shit like PC that I would have to upgrade every single year instead Id rather wait and get an proper high end machine. I literally just bought a flat on my own thanks to that but neets here wont understand that. Just because you leech of someone doesnt mean everyone does faggots.


Attached: 363463676.jpg (700x913, 109K)

Obviously your machine was never high end to being with, otherwise you must be running some 10 year old rig.

Have you been "saving" for a high end rig since 2002?

Its an laptop from 2014 but as I said I could play some recent releases in 30FPS and 720P without any problems. As I said I just bought a flat on my own and im 22 so yeah now I am going to get an proper gaming PC. I plan to spend at least 7k that I already have put aside just for PC without monitor and shit like that but I still wait so I can get something even better.



I thought this was a funny joke but with the way Yea Forums is noawadays I guess it has to be console war bullshit

this fucking forced seething meme is the worst thing to happen to this retarded board


Attached: 1003.jpg (203x200, 5K)

>I plan to spend at least 7k
You don't have to lie to us.



still mad?
its been 3 years already

Attached: ZELDA TREE.webm (1280x720, 1.4M)


>on a PC


>he didnt refund BOTW

to be honest i can handle based and cringe but 'seething' is like a deformed, incest down-syndrome child of the previously mentioned shit


i don't own a switch, fag

The fact that fags here get legit mad over consoles and insult each other over "MUh grafixz XDD SEETHE & COPE FAGGUT" is fucking petty

cope, nincel

You dont have to believe me lmao we're on Yea Forums after all. Yes at least 7k. I dont know maybe I am a little bit autistic but as I said Id rather wait and be patient with my spendings than buy something thats shit or medicore at best so I will have to upgrade it or just change it completly next year.