Name 1 game with better bosses than Dark Souls 3.
Name 1 game with better bosses than Dark Souls 3
Jackie Chan.
Dark souls 2 :^)
Demon's Souls
Metal Gear Rising
metal gear solid 3
dark souls 2
DMC games have pretty fun bossess. SMT bosses are pretty cool.
The game of life.
i wanna be the boshy
>That thing, your Dark Souls III: The Fire Fades Edition
uh-uh, sweetie.
Gael is the best boss
>no Ebrietas
>no Pthumerian Elder
>no Watchdog
>no Bloodletting beast
What a shitty chart.
>someone actually made this image unironically
I can't
Where the fuck is the good chalice dungeon bosses and Ebrietas?
>mignola artstyle
Dark souls 3 is the best souls game but !
God Hand have better bosses
obviously made by a shitter who couldn't handle chalice dungeons.
the artist has a ton of pics like it
Unironically agree with this. Dark Souls 3 is the best in the series. Sekiro looks like complete garbage.
what do you think about flamelurker and maneaters
This is kinda true but again
that ruins everything.
better in what way?
>This is kinda true
not him but phalanx, flamelurker and fools idol are the best demon's souls bosses (after king allant). maneaters are alright but a bit buggy
for the winz?
Souls bosses are mostly dumb shit. Astraea and Priscilla are the best tho.
alien soldier
I played DS3 back on release. How does the DLC compare to the rest of the series? Is it worth getting?
>dude just roll and circle strafe and attack over and over again until it dies these bosses are so unique and complex
Not their launcher obv
Demon's Souls
Dark Souls III definitely has the largest quantity of bosses of extremely wonderful presentation, difficulty, all the good stuff. Iudex Gundyr, Abyss Watchers, Pontitf Suly, Dancer, Dragonslayer Armour, Champion Gundyr, Nameless King, Lothric and Lorian, Sister Friede, Demon Princes, Midir, Gael; I even derive great enjoyment from the Aldrich and Deacons fight. The whole game really satisfies the itch of being a lone warrior facing down all these powerful beings. But DSIII suffers too much from lack of really tying everything thematically together, producing a lack of care in the player about the world.
The first huge example of thus is the Abyss Watchers. They were in the intro cutscene, Hawkwood tells you their history, the fight is spectacular; it is the first Lord of Cinder, and yet immediately afterward we're thrown into what is ultimately a side story area with Wolnir's catacombs. It's super jarring and uninteresting to go from a super important thing in the world to generic skellytown. Game has this problem in spades.
I loved this fight
For gael last fight of course it is, it's pure kino.
I love Demon's, but the bosses were mostly shit
DLC is the best part of DaS3, as it always is in soulsborne games.
This game.
purin-chan's boxing gym
You're kidding yourself if you think any of these are mechanically good. Pthumerian Elder is the only one that comes close to actually being good. The dog is a shitty boss only made memorable because of the chalice hes in.
Name the shitty bosses
If you consider true King Allant to be a shitty boss for example your opinion is invalid
But Dragon God is shitty, yes
>You're kidding yourself if you think any of these are mechanically good
Don't fucking kid yourself either, Souls 3 bosses involve rolling spastically and abusing i-frames too. Ebrietas and all these chalice dungeon bosses are very good.
this seems only ever so slightly unfair. it's mostly correct, but cleric beast and shadows of yarnham are pretty fun. velstadt should be there for das2. otherwise it's agreeable. i'm not sure how the image determines which qualities denote a good fight, but it's close enough to agreeable.
Allant, Flamelurker and Penetrator are good
the rest aren't
Dark Souls.
Pretty much what this user said . There's no payoff in DS3, despite the great music and decent mechanics nearly all of it is unsatisfactory while in DS everything is built up in such a way that you're really invested until the end despite the shitty mechanics and unfinished second half of the game.
I don't mean to shit on DS3 because the game is good and individually the bosses were mosty good but there was next to no Kino to be experienced. It was all so disconnected. Gael was so fucking out of left field that it left me more confused and unsatisfied than anything else.
Star wars unleashed
Dark Souls 1, Bloodborne
>Dark Souls 3 is the best in the series
It really, really isn't.
It's a hackjob of reused assets and inconsistent story elements combined with nostalgia pandering.
The gameplay is faster because From couldn't be arsed to solve the veteran problem for a game they were half-assing to fulfill a contractual obligation.
And the art direction is pure shit outside of Irithyll and Archdragon Peak.
I said name the shitty bosses
If you can't name them then you're just parroting shit
>no bonfire ascetics in DaS3 so you have to play through all the garbage levels again to refight the bosses
Armor Spider
Blue Dragon
Dirty Colossus
Dragon God
Fool's Idol
King Allant
Maiden Astrae
Maiden in Black
Old Hero
False King Allant
Old Monk
Primeval Demon
Red Dragon
Storm King
Tower Knight
I just did. I said three of them are good and the rest are bad. Why would I arbitrarily list them by name? I'll give you an example, though:
A lot of the bosses are good in concept but are hampered by unfun and stupid gimmicks. Fools Idol's "freeze you on the spot" circles for example, where the player is expected to not only see them all as they appear briefly but also memorise them, in a room with a bunch of columns and with a 3D camera where that's barely possible.
DaS3 made me retroactively love gimmick bosses and hate Artorias clones. Holy shit, stop, this got old in the other shit entry. There's no rhythm or reason to any of it. It's just an amusement park of anime swordsman after anime swordsman with no purpose because DUDE ARTORIAS LMAO. FUCK OFF.
An old zelda game should be up above, DS3 has barely any memorable gimmicks.
AoA is not good. All it has going for it is the challenge of the main boss, and even that's just a straight up Maria clone.
TRC is interesting, but you're railroaded non-stop by enemy placement so it's not very enjoyable:
>murkmen off the ledge where you're ganked by more murkmen
>outside you have the screeching asshole gauntlet corralling you into a room with two knights, then it's outside for more screeching and dashing for cover
>Harald knight and murkmen gank you off a cliff, down to three lothric knights who send you over the edge down to the bonfire
>more dashing for cover across (yet another!) poison swamp filled with Harald knights
>down to the boss
>spooky Sentinel squad harry you from cover to cover
>then you're frantically dealing with those curse faggots before entering a room with assholes whose spells will paralyse you if you're not constantly running
>out to the stairs where there's the option to talk to an NPC, but there are three patrolling Harald knights so hurry the fuck up and mash that dialogue
>fuck fighting them, though, because they have a million hp and rush you down the stairs with those pygmy fucks tossing lightning spears at you the whole time
>yet another swamp with more sentinel ghosts keeping you rolling
>run from Midir faggot, beter hurry
Jesus tapdancing Christ, what horrible pacing.
I wanted you to list them by name because most retards here just parrot shit. When someone says King Allant is a shit boss because it's too easy it makes me question whether or not they played the game.
A lot are gimmicky but I can't see bosses like Old Hero or Tower Knight being shit because there's a gimmick. So what? It's considerably more enjoyable than the repetitive bosses in DS2 or DS3.
It's gimmicky but gimmicky doesn't mean shit. At least you can explain why a boss has a shitty gimmick, I don't have a problem with you in specific.
Gael was the worst offender of all.
Bloodborne if we count the DLC of both games. TOH is superior to anything else From has ever made.
This. Miyazaki's a real shithead for removing all the good parts of DS2 just because he didn't come up with them.
>Fools Idol is shit
Also you listed False King and Flamelurker as a shitty boss, you must be retarded.
I liked Gael's visual callback to Orphan way more than the Artorias shit: it was way more interesting.
Pretty sure he just listed every single boss and even Maiden in Black
This. We need more gimmick bosses, period.
I cheesed every cheesable boss in 3 except Gael
he deserved a fair fight
I did too, really, it was an okay touch. But I loved the most when they didn't do callbacks at all. That's when DS3 was at its best in my opinion, with shit like Gundyr, Sully, or DS Armor. It's as if the game was too insecure not to rely on nostalgiabait.
I mean I don't care that much about references usually but it really got grating in this game for some reason.
pyromancy, dorhy's gnawing, summons
not a playstyle for the lactose intolerant
looking forward to taking 800 hours to beat sekiro since it doesn't look as cheesable
how is pyromancy cheese? I thought it was nerfed heavily after ds1
Exactly. Say what you want about DaS2, outside of a few aggressive callbacks like Old Dragonslayer, it pretty much did its own thing, which (sometimes clumsily) expanded the scope of the series' universe.
Things like the Drang Knights in DaS3 were a nice touch, and if they'd kept things subtle like that while properly using ideas like The Deep, Londor and the Angels/ Divine faith if Lothric, it would have been a much stronger setting.
Pyromancy is the best "casting" there is in DaS3. Chaos bed vestiges are OP.
and on that note, am i the only one who thought the majority of DMC5's bosses were forgettable by comparison?
>tfw blacksy eye'd chalice amygdala to death on the first try
Greetings brie brother.
I never said anything about Souls 3 bosses, but those bosses you listed were mediocre at best. Ebrietas especially. Her entire fight revolves around you just standing between her two tentacles for almost the entire fight where she literally cannot hit you. The only thing that makes her "challenging" is her insta charge bullshit she does sometimes. Its a terrible boss fight.
ranged anything makes all bosses significantly easier since you just sort of walk backwards the whole time to avoid most of the attacks
>while properly using ideas like The Deep, Londor and the Angels/ Divine faith if Lothric, it would have been a much stronger setting.
Thank you, you've crystallized exactly my problem with DSIII. The new ideas it DOES put forth aren't fully fleshed out at all. The Deep is...mentioned, the Angels come and go, and not a single NPC makes comment on the current state of Lothric - the benefits of angelhood versus not, etc.
>Say what you want about DaS2, outside of a few aggressive callbacks like Old Dragonslayer, it pretty much did its own thing
Its own thing was oversized soldier hollows for the most part.
>Dark Souls
literally none of the bosses in the base game except for O&S are good and honestly O&S being good is debatable.
What the heck is this? Did you just tally up the bosses you personally liked then compared them as a way to argue your point? That's not an argument in the slightest.
fuck laurence
took me way longer than it should've
It's a damn shame, because when Miyazaki really cares, he does fantastic work.
I guess his heart just wasn't in it.
*crawls across the room at you*
Bloodborne, DMCV, DMC3
>how good a boss is directly proportional to how much you have to roll r1 and nothing else
Souls was a fucking mistake
>spergs swinging blades indefinitely on flat rooms GOOD
I'd honestly take it over shit like the Ghru.
Fuck those hippity-hoppity pieces of shit.
I think we're looking at things differently user. I mentionned buildup and payoff because I believe that in a game like Dark Souls, there are things that absolutely matter outside of how the boss fights themselves are designed.
O&S wouldn't be half as memorable without the Londo reveal and everything leading up to it, for example.
I would too, but it's just another flavor of the same problem.
mentally handicapped people can't think that hard
>he cheeses boss fights
Maybe if you didn't resort to being a shitter you'd understand why Ebrietas is a good boss. And it's telling anyway, since you call her telegraphed charge "bullshit".
Can anyone relate to this: I don't really enjoy any boss fights. Nothing stands out as a boss I enjoyed fighting. Instead, I enjoy the feeling of triumph after beating a difficult boss.
>Its own thing was oversized soldier hollows for the most part.
The Drangleic footsoldiers and royal soldiers were all human sized, which was a nice touch. Even Syan Knights were.
The real problem with the Ghru is that they're simply mentioned and absolutely nothing is done with them. They're descendants of the acolytes of Farron Keep, and it has absolutely nothing to do with the curse, with the Abyss. It's speculated they're demons, but even demons don't have a large place in DSIII. Just a one-off area whose assets are reused from the Catacombs, just with more roots.
Only real answer of the thread.
Yes, that's definitely something I feel as well. For example, beating Bed of Chaos feels really good. Bed of Chaos is a horrible boss though, worse than Dragon God.
There's a difference between the pure mechanics of a boss, the place the boss has in the story, and the difficulty of the boss. All of them should be considered when pondering the quality.
Yes I agree thinking that a game that has Nito, Seeth the Scaleless, and Iron Golem has good bosses is really cringe
>standing next to a boss in a certain position is "cheesing"
Oh just fuck off. If a fight has something that is THAT easily exploitable it is a poorly designed fight. Just like how Bloodstarved Beast is a bad fight because you can literally just walk to the right and never get hit. Not only that, but I have fought her without "cheesing" her and she is just as shit. She barely moves, has hardly any attacks and none of them are even threatening besides her insta-charge. She is fucking garbage.
Monster Hunter high rank and up. Definitely an acquired taste, not for the impatient.
>nito, seath, and iron golem are bad bosses now
what the fuck
how many levels of irony are you on
i'd agree excluding MHWorld. Theres actually hundreds and they're all fun and unique
How is that any different to something like Pontiff exactly? Plenty of bosses in DaS3 have build-up and a satisfying payoff.
>excluding MHWorld
world has problems and I agree but aside from the frontier-tier aoe shit some remade bosses have, the same "fun and unique" you're using to describe bosses in general applies to them as well
Not him, but I've always thought Seath from day one was a really lame boss. I dig the area, even the Crystal Caves. I dig the idea of killing this beast as old as time, but the fight is just you thwacking his groin/tail until he dies. It's so fucking silly that this absolutely colossal being can get got by a guy hitting his groin for a while.
Seath is a terrible boss. Iron Golem can fuck off with his DaS2 grabs too.
I think Pontiff is a great example of a DS3 boss done right. Same could be said about NK or Gundyr. On the other side of the coin you have shit like SoC, Oceiros, Yhorm or Gael feeling really un-earned due to being DS throwbacks with little to no introduction. "Literally who?"
Overall I feel like the DS cast is more coherent in that way, which is why I'd put it above DS3.
what? pyromancy is pretty strong in 3. pyromancer's parting flame + black flame spam will destroy most bosses and anything that uses a shield. switch to greater combustion or vestiges if whatever you're fighting resists dark. the only real issue is midir and gael, who have high fire/dark resistance. works well in pvp too if you now what to do.
>Preferring only roll spam bosses
No, user you are the NPC
Desu I like the SoC since I roleplayed some characters back in Dark Souls 1 who linked the fire. It was quite emotional for me. Fight's also pretty neat, though I wish they'd have given it moves from Yhorm, Aldrich, and the Abyss Watchers to really cement in that this is an amalgamation.
As for Gael, it's literally the same feeling any other boss gets when they get cut down by the player. Do you think O&S were in awe at Chosen Undead? For them it was another dogged contender, only for them to die. For the player, Gael is just some fucking nobody, but so is the player. It's quite kino.
Agreed. Allant was my favorite fight in Demon's Souls because it was unique, but now it's like "which of the two dozen sword duels is your favorite". I don't even have an answer to that question.
I started DS3 recently.
Just beat Deacons and Abyss Watchers.
So far only good boss was the very first one.
Deacons was just Rat Vanguard with priests.
The areas are quite nice though.
>There's no rhythm or reason to any of it.
Abyss Watchers contrast Artorias because when they return as ash, they walk away from linking the First Flame as they did ages ago. Music is fantastic, fight's fun. Maybe you just hate fun.
I just think a lot of the monsters are too samey, and the final boss was the worst one yet
I get you user. I don't feel the same way about these bosses you mentionned and DS3 in general but I'm happy you enjoyed things more than I did personally.
yeah but a lot of endgame is literally just mansters from the earlier games
nergigante was the only really solid new monster though, I agree with you there
>generic humanoid bosses throughout all of the main story
but Abyss Watchers is a gimmick boss
Devil May Cry 5
ashes of ariandel is half-baked. the zone is nice, but it's lacking in meaningful content. a lot of fun weapons though.
the ringed city is peak souls.
>For the player, Gael is just some fucking nobody, but so is the player.
Not really. To Gael, the player is significant. They defeated Friede and showed the painter flame. To the player, Gael is the one who gave you your quest and safely guided you through the ringed city.
>good boss