Which one?

Which one?

Attached: cindynico.jpg (3264x3264, 1.54M)

Other urls found in this thread:


they're not real

Left seems like a nice pure waifu
Right is a worn out whore

cindy drops out of the story after a couple hours, so nico.


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Prove it

Left obviously.

I like Nico but Cindy is just so beautiful

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Get laid incel

nico is a lesbo who's never touched a penis
cept maybe her dad's

Cindy is actually pure



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The one of the left washes her pussy.

They're more real than those fake ass bitches that ghost you, lie to you and manipulate your heart, user.

what game from?

I hated Nico when I first saw her, but she's actually really cute in-game.

Unironically left for waifu material
Nico also has too much baggage

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They look like they fuck their customers.

I was just thinking the same thing. She probably smells like sweet cologne too. While right probably smells like a hoe.

>getting ghosted
inner city life must suck

Nico unironically.

Nico actually sells the "greasy monkey chick" look because she doesn't look like a generic ass anime chick and looks dirty, like someone who actually does machine work and isn't afraid of getting filthy. Also we see Nico wear protective gear when working so she even has that over Cindy

Nah, I don't have time for that bullshit, I consort with escorts. What's that line that one Japanese lady said? If it doesn't spark joy, cut it out.

no, they're not, you're just retarded

Which one has the thickest pubic hair?

I think that's obvious

cidney, since she's pure and nico is a slut who is shaven

Left obviously. What kind of donkey fucker degenerate would pick right?


She's probably one of the most genuine characters in the franchise, but maybe that's just because she's surrounded by literal freaks.

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Left obviously. Nico has a fun personality but she's ugly and has a terrible voice.

Both at the same time.

Depends. Does left have her Jap voice or her dub voice?

Fucking A

Iris and Lady

I reject your choices

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So which one of those things hasn't she used as a masturbatory aid?

The one on the right looks like a cheap crack whore.

Cidney is the better design, character and name and is more fun.

Meanwhile Cidney's last name Aurum is Latin for Gold, no fucking stein.

Attached: ffxvcidney2at.webm (1920x1080, 1.53M)

Reminds you of your mum, huh?

Nico is fucking adorable, and has a great personality, compared to Cindy's absolute lack of a personality. Cindy is more physically attractive, but she's boring as hell. Nico seems like she'd be fun to hang out with.

Attached: 1552534307110.png (771x366, 63K)

Nico smokes so she smells like shit

Fuck Cindy
Hang out with Nico

Left has a nice tummy unblemished by trashy tattoos and I prefer shorter hair desu

Left all the way. No tattoos and looks so much cleaner. Easy choice my negros.

lmao how is this even a serious question?
Nico looks like absolute shit.
Her blonde version looks a bit better but she still looks weird as fuck.

Left one, because right looks like that fumbling priest from dmc4? with a wig on him.

Not the kike.

its her dad

I like Nico's personality but pure by looks i pick the left one

Damn, she cute.

nico looks like a fucking horse
I'll have to pass

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Anyone else value personality of women more than looks? Theres this girl at work that I like. She's pretty average looking but shes really funny. Good sense of humour. Its attractive to me. She is also very nice like getting me coffee or sweets from the store when she comes back from lunch. Is this normal?

Nico was surprisingly very likeable.

A girls looks are kinda like a modifier you know. If someone is super hot, but a total cunt it makes them look somewhat repulsive. But if a chick is average and has an awesome personality it makes them hell of a lot more attractive. Anyhow just ask her out user.


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>Cidny is more fun
I agree with you that Cidny is pretty and all, but she is anything but fun, Nico is more fun than her because she has a personality, while Cidny feels like a cheap generic cardboard cut out, a pretty hot cardboard cut out at that but nothing more

I'd Cindy, but I don't hate Nico

cidney is pure! PURE!
nico is a whore! WHORE!

Attached: cidneyface1.gif (268x364, 1.85M)

This. Didn't like Nico until I played the game. Very cute personality

Cindy is hotter but Nico was actually a really fun character, liked her more than I thought I would.

She probably fucks black guys.

if she aint pretty she has to be funny. otherwise shes just basically a man.

that's a hag
we need to go younger

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I think Nico might be my favourite DMC character after Dante.

Cindy has a great spunky and cute personality, the way she dodges peoples advances on her by acting oblivious and turning the conversation back to cars is cute
Nico is generic western woman

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Cindy. The tattoos and horse teeth really ruin Nico.

I’d rather fuck Cindy but as a character Nico is superior.

Cidney has a ton of personality the hell you on about


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>Cindy can literally build magitek vs muh demon's craft
Also Nico's a lesbo so she would probably like getting dominated by Cindy anyway,

Did you post the wrong video or something? Because that sure as hell didn't show a ton of personality.

I liked Cindy fine, but she really didn't stand out much. I don't even remember her doing anything other than pump your gas outside the first fifteen minutes of the game.

>Nico is generic western woman

Cidney, Nico is ugly and disgusting

Right has a personality

>makes a big car because she likes cars guys, wow she's so silly
user, that has as much personality as Link, she's generic while Nico at the least has daddy issues and is actually smart and funny, Cidny is just pretty and a bit smart

>Nico's a lesbo
She is? Is this because she built a vibrating robo hand and said Kyrie would love it?

I get a feeling that Barry is in this thread

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>getting ghosted

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nico > cidney
Everyone who picks cidney has clearly not played both games

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You're gross.

And? None of the shit on this board is real.

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Tell me user, where did they hurt you?

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Southern Bell Animu


Animu Jew


theyre both southern

>runs her own succesful business after she reopened her grandpas garage that people travel to just to see her work
>can build magitek
>obsessed with cars
>cutely oblivious to peoples advances on her, always turns the conversation to cars or her grandpa
>later revealed despite her chipper upbeat outlook she's very guarded because both her parents murdered by daemons when she was 6
>cute and spunky but also dorky, uses smiles to hide her pain because it's better than the alternative
>her engineering expertise was key in restoring light to the world after it fell to the eternal night
>highly cosplayed years before her game released and after too

>some slut that smokes and covered in tatoos that works from a van and only makes trinkets for some guys gay arm
>talks like generic white girl yet somehow is "personality"
>barely any cosplay at all, only some russian shit

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>Animu Jew

His heart, obviously.

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>punches at gladio when getting out of the car then poses after showing her sick donuts
>clearly her being spunky

nico is literally a mocap of a generic western nu

She was also digging Lady HARD, and never took her eyes off that woman's naked tits when they were alone in the van together.


>ignores everything about cidneys past, her parents killed when she was a kid and her upbeat attitude being just a shield to protect herself

>theyre both southern

But bu... (((GOLDSTEIN)))

I haven't played DMC5 yet

Meanwhile, here's a scene that's forty seconds long and shows that Nico has more layers than Cindy ever shows in fifty hours.


>wetting her Daisy Dukes over Dante
She's bi

Well, one of them is from a good game and gives you actually useful upgrades and fun items, so I'll go with right.

Really confused why so many people are saying "left". Didn't know that game even had so many fans here. Was kinda boring to me.

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Cindy is hotter but she'd be used to Chads hitting on her. Nico is probably more likely to actually go home with you at the end of the night and gives legendary head. Like former fat girl head. So Nico.

Design: Cidney
Personality: Nico.

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And she still comes out as generic as someone who always had a happy life, your point? Nothing about her personality stands out, she was purely eye candy and nothing more, what "personality" she has is merely on the levels of Mario

Cindy wins be default.

she's adopted


Nico's voice sounds like it's faked alot of the times

both aren't even best girls in their respective games tho

>Nico (((GOLDSTEIN)))
>None of these niggers read the files/books
She gets the name from her adoptive dad, no jew blood flows in those veins but there is plenty of swarthy (((MEDITERRANEAN))) there.

>generic white slut noises
wow its fucking nothing


the one that doesnt smoke

my man

>She was also digging Lady HARD, and never took her eyes off that woman's naked tits when they were alone in the van together.
Who wouldn't?

Attached: that gay.jpg (500x272, 48K)

You realize the entire point is she hides her past by trying to be positive and chipper so that noone would see how much she's still hurt by it right?

nico is literally generic white girl with no reason for who or why she is the way she is

I'd put nico on the end of my dicko if you get my gist.

You otaku!

They just cant admit FFXV has something over their precious nostalgia goggle game.

I like how beta Nico gets around Dante, dropping spaghetti everywhere

You realize that Nico also had her mother die and asshole father killed by Dante, right

having a tragic backstory does not equal personality

girl: left
game: right

It came out last week.

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One Cindy gf please.

Scrap Queen is best tomboy mechanic.

yeah but its gameplay is from 15 years ago

SHOW, don't TELL. If the game didn't actually come out read off her character bio to you, you'd never get the sense that she's coping with a tragic past or anything like that, because she never acts like anything other than a chipper anime waifu. I've played the game twice and I can't think of a single moment where Cindy did anything memorable or unexpected. Shit, I came into this thread liking Cindy, but now I'm convinced that she's fucking awful thanks to how pathetic your attempts to exalt her are.


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>Didn't know that game even had so many fans her
It's just that one XV guy samefagging.

But look again at the OP. Cindy has longer legs. Have you ever seen a normal human versus model? The torso to leg ratio difference is so apparent. It was shocking to me when I at one time worked at a fashion model building as a side gig. Not really something you pick up from TV or magazines.

Nico by a mile.

WAY more personality and her dumb immature humor makes her adorable.

Plus the extra trashy aesthetic and implied bi-ness, hitting on kyrie and ogling Lady, she’s the clear winner.

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But it's not? It has loads of new enemies and bosses, a new character, a plethora of new abilities for the returning characters to use, et cetera.

That's like saying someone has nostalgia goggles for GTA3 because they enjoy RDR2.

user, datalogs don’t count.

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that didnt influence her character or anything though like cidneys backstory does and cidneys directly correlates to her public face and true self

It's worth noting that her backstory is also presented as the least important part of Nico's character. They bring up her dead, villainous father the first moment you see her, and she immediately brushes it off and gives Nero a sex toy to fuck his girlfriend with while doing barrel rolls in her RV.

Left is cute
Right looks and sounds like southern trash

Left. Nico is an ugly kike with a fucking rotten personality and shitty smelling smoker's breath.

no both of the things i mentioned are from dialog either from herself in her quest line or from cid telling the party about her past when they were on the boat to altissia
fuck off idiot

She at least has a personality, user.

>stupid hair
>literal huge teeth horse mouth
>looks like a 40 year old smoker with 10 inch hanging beef curtains

I'll never understand why anyone likes that ugly bitch. Her ugly horse mouth is by far the worst part.

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>it’s a Barry thread
Who could’ve seen this coming?

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I bet you think a plank of wood with big tits drawn on it with the words (tragic backstory) is deep and personality rich too, huh.

Left. How is this even a question?

Not even a fucking competition.

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But Cidney gives you actual useful upgrades and fun things like the offroad regalia

also nicos stuff does less than cids weapon upgrades do too

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Yeah, they tell you about it. They don't show you how her backstory affected her personality beyond expositing about it. That's what I said. Did you take any literary classes in school, or have you not made it that far yet? These are simple concepts.

>It has loads of new enemies and bosses, a new character, a plethora of new abilities for the returning characters to use, et cetera.
no new systems, exact same pacing. cutscene, mission, upgrades. the game-playing experience is the same.

>That's like saying someone has nostalgia goggles for GTA3 because they enjoy RDR2.
controlling your character in each couldn't be more different. the world couldn't be more different. a completely new narrative experience, and many new novel systems on top of the base open world. you have to do different things. playing GTA3 and the new RDR are such completely different experiences that they might as well be different genres, although i admit they aren't quite. it's really hard to imagine that any thinking person would make this comparison.


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Being an unlikable cunt isn't a positive, my hebrew friends.

Did 15 ever get nude mods

The nostalgia goggle game has actual gameplay, though.

I’m sure you’re more than familiar with that aspect, user.

How would you make DMC5 for 2019 standards then?

>And she still comes out as generic as someone who always had a happy life
Well, that's because they didn't create her backstory until, what, last year when they added the datalog.

nice backpedal

Nico. No contest. Fun to hang out with, I'm certain.

She's super hot

It's a shame that a monster truck isn't the same thing as a fucking personality. I can see where you'd confuse the two, though. But if we're comparing gameplay elements, I'd rather surf around on a rocket fist than trudge around a barren overworld that wasn't originally designed to let you drive offroad anyway.

Cindy can rev my motor anytime if you get my drift

Make sure there's only two buttons and about half an hour between each fight, of course.

user, don’t bother. It’s just Barry being his usual autistic self.

they don't show anything for nico either, we still know why cidney is the way she is, her upbringing, her outlook, her true face etc, even in her quest line when she mentions "a girl who lost her parents" because they had no way to fend off the daemons she gets more serious and is one of the rare moments we see her actually sad about it, because she's actually talking about herself

nico is just generic over the top dmc girl

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Obviously Cindy, duh

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Cindy is only good for porn and eternally blueballing Prompto.

But I'm having fun.

Hard to say.

I have not played DMC5 so I can't say anything about Nico and Cidney is a generic mechanic chick who gives you a really badly designed car upgrade

Attached: FFXV Flying Car.webm (1280x720, 1.88M)


i would do exactly what they did: polish up an old game with cutting-edge graphics and tons of camp. people still play mario games. i expect their sales are going to be strong. saying an action/button-mashing game plays like a 2003 action game isn't condemning it- but nobody should mistake an effort like this for a game like RDR2 which attempted to progress the medium.

No that backstory was there since day 1 as stated in her questline and cids dialog to the party at the start of chapter 9, her bios is just a summary of all that, and additional bios entries for chatacters also get added after doing sidequests or progressing story sections

People died waiting for this.

Attached: Hold O to Win.webm (640x360, 2.66M)

How is making gay weapons personality? Stop being a fucking hypocrite

>wastes 100k orbs
>using highest level of hat
Wow, who cares

long hair is a turn on for me

Stinky smelly pussy eater server


>that wasn't originally designed
It was, gameinformer confirmed it was even after it was out saying they drove offroad when they went to SE, it was not in launch because it hadn't been fully bug tested yet so they had to shelve it from launch version which is why it was a free download a few months later when it was fully bug tested

Right is a lesbian and left avoids getting into relationships with guys. Neither.

>Nero’s Devil Breakers
Pick one

But they mention that Nico's dad died on two occasions, so she must at least have as much personality as Cindy by default, right? What more do you need, really?

Couldnt fuck off longer then 2 days huh? Try fucking off forever now.

Cindy is generic as fuck. Nico is a much better character.
The waifu fags ITT are retarded.

How did RDR2 “progress the medium”?

Nico is just Felicity from Arrow. aka trash
Being "so wacky xD" is not a personality.

>one is a random fight
>the other is a boss
Really makes you think.

hell yeah

Attached: 3AD8A1AE-6532-4DED-A95B-B054BAE68CE4.jpg (714x1024, 107K)

>still gets hit and eats dirt
>weak grunt enemies not a boss
wow its fucking nothing

I actually like Nico way more but I would never date a smoker so I guess I'll go with cid

Reminder, this is the FFXV fanboy you morons are arguing with, a ban evading piece of shit

Attached: Untitled.png (1366x768, 130K)

>party of 5 including strongest party member in the entire game
>regular weak mob enemies
>gets knocked on his ass at the start

so how is that a boss and where did anyone say that the ahrimans which are weak low stat grunts are hard to begin with?


literally dildo

Looks like you've given up since you can't read.

The DMCV WebM is the equivalent of power-leveling to 99 and using every item in your inventory to craft absurdly powerful magic vials, then using almost all of them on Aranea on Easy. Not saying the FFXV one is particularly fair either, but you're not helping your case here- anyone who's seen footage of DMCV before can call bullshit on it immediately.

Fuck off dude, noone cares about your made up boogeyman.

>ensuring that your girlfriend gets the best pleasure possible
Not even surprised that an XVfag would think this.

Now do it on Vergil.

pretty sure thats on hardest

>it's another DMC slam dunks all over XVfag thread


he's gay for dante

xv literally starts with nocto going to marry his fiance and prompto straight up says he wants to fuck cidney and aranea

I just became a tranny too because my dick fell off from seeing it's disgusting face for the millionth time

Reminder that Noctis died a virgin and Nero is currently living with Kyrie and tapping her ass every day.

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But they're gay though.

i said "attempted to progress." which i don't think is up for debate: RDR2 is an earnest, AAA, $750 million dollar attempt at making a mainstream video game both artistic, life-like, and cinematic - while still being a videogame. it's not 'cinematic' like movie games: you're playing most of the time instead of just cutscenes, and when you're playing, it's not mostly QTEs. of course there are characters with motivations, and there is an actual narrative arc that the player goes through- and not just a childish, paper-thin narrative arc like 'hey, this stranger we were walking around with is actually half the bad guy! and now we're fighting!', which is so fully video-game-like. importantly, it's not some indie shit effort, like a crusty art school dropout making a meta-ironic turn based rpg. there is a real attempt at player feeling and experiencing, like you'd get out of any auteur-style game (eg these indies, or kojima or euda.) it aims for these things while still being wholly a game. when you're 'in the action' you're still carefully aiming, navigating your horse or cover mechanics, watching your health and healing, or otherwise competing against either time or an AI opponent.

as i said, none of this is debatable. if you want to say it failed or succeeded, that's where the "attempted" applies.

nocto got to live eternity pumping luna
nero is gay for dante

prompto constantly hits on cidney and is in love with her too

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Based Combat

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The one with the supremely trashy womb gun tattoo.
Why does this make me diamonds?

No. They're gay. Bigot.


Nico Nico-nii~ Anata no Heart ni Nico Nico-nii, Egao todokeru Yazawa Nico Nico~ Nico-nii te oboeteru Love Nico


cidney just wants you to do your best, OK?

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Keep writing your Nero/Dante fanfic while playing your game full of faggots, bro. There's no shame in it.

>he thinks that a jock slapping his bro is gay

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Cindey fucks dogs and children.

Cindy because butcha-U

dmc is literally a fujo game

then why won't she fuck me REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

FFXV is literally an otome game

speak english retards

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Literally this I want her to call me a dumbass in a flustered manner while I lick her belly.

>tattoos asking you to shoot your load right inside her
Gee, I wonder why?

bro there’s nothing wrong with giving your nephew a kiss if you say no homo

Nico actually has a character and isn't just there to be fap bait, so I'd say Nico.

But the guy who posted Scrap Queen is ACTUALLY the correct one.

>making fun of your bro because they dont have a chad body like you


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>isn't just there to be fap bait

i hated ffxv and loved dmc5
but cindy is way cuter imo, both are good tho

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nico has no character she's just "xD wacky dialog" like felicity from arrow


her trashy aesthetic is actually realistic. cidney is literally an anime doll... who cares

>trashy aesthetic is actually realistic
We're entering the Donte logic zone now.

>bros making fun of you because they're rubbing in the fact that until his wedding with his fiance he's with them

meanwhile dmc literally gives nero a dildo for his ass

>this delusion

Attached: 9B92E9A2-D5C5-49D8-A73E-F36E6DF28738.jpg (500x500, 87K)

nothing about nico is realistic aside her face being a literal face scan

cidney actually acts more human and is a billion times hotter

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I'd put my penis inside the blonde one and bounce her up and down over and over until I came inside her and made her pregnant
IF you know what I mean ;)

nico's a a fucking CARPET MUNCHER

yeh a dildo for nero

>meanwhile dmc literally gives nero a dildo for his ass
Confirmed haven't played the game. Its for Kyrie

Barry, I know you’re retarded, but are you seriously this illiterate?

dildo for nero lmfao

>no argument
Should’ve guessed.

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even though multiple characters wear this hat the hat itself is iconic and associated specifically because of and to cindy, that's good character design

nothing about nico is iconic or identifiable or associated to her

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BIG dildo for nero and this poseter who likes to get fucked in the ass LMFAO

its for nero
kyrie isn't even in the game lmao

>muh hat
Barry really out here trying to damage control, huh?

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where's your argument
her hat alone is more iconic than nico

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Too bad the same can’t be said about her game, kek.

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Barry, I worry about you.

xv sold over 8.4m
dmc5 hasn't even sold 3m, it only did 180k or something in japan vs XV being one of the 3 PS4 games in Japan to have hit 1m, it did less than 500k since its somwehere at 200k and 500k on steam too while XV is between 500k and 1m on steam

why are you clinging to reviews when trying to argue iconography?
not to mention xv has more reviews anyway which just undermines your point even more

>hasn’t even sold 3m
>source: my ass

I thought DMCanons and XVfags were bros, Barry? What happened?

Attached: 6E6B8C20-1582-4288-B76D-16DDF1D89A96.jpg (500x400, 21K)

Marry Fuck

it sold less than 500k on steam and less than 200k in japan

Make the right look like Marisa Tomei and not some monster and you got yourself a deal.

you can still be better than your bro

is this some kind of a joke?

>better at anything
Maybe at getting their shit cancelled
