Fact: There's not a single 3D Japanese game that has level design on the same level as Doom...

Fact: There's not a single 3D Japanese game that has level design on the same level as Doom, a game from 25 years ago made by about 10 people.

Attached: doom 1.png (999x826, 62K)

pretty much any zelda dungeon is more compelling and has superior level design since you actually interact with the environment

> Fact: There is a not a single AAA FPS game that isn't more popular & discussed then Doom, a game that only Boomer incels who grew up with it care about

Shh, child. Adults are talking.

Attached: 1500px-Doom_2_INO_MAP19_map.png (1500x825, 801K)

>since you actually interact with the environment
You could've just said you haven't played Doom.


Any Souls game

Also in terms of enemy layouts Doom leaves a lot to be desired compared to Japanese action games.

>walk forward
>shoot eye above door
>walk a bit more
>jump twice (by walking)
>eyeball boss fight

Unironically this.

>walk forward
>collect *insert color here* key
>use *insert color here* key


Attached: 1500px-Plutonia_RCP_MAP25_map.png (1500x785, 607K)

unironically kill yourself dude lmao

>Bloated mess with thousands of redundant and unchallenging enemy encounters
Yawn. Protip: Being mazy doesn't mean good level design.

>No, he showed how retarded my logic is!
Seethe more.

Based and redpilled.

no, I'm just telling you that you're a fucking retard for even mentioning zeldie games ITT

fact: doom levels are just a bunch of corridors with zero aesthetic logic and all you do is kill monsters and fetch keycards

that's Devil May Cry

Zelda games are infinitely more relevant then Doom has ever been, nobody cares about your literal who boomer shit

Funny. I was about to answer OP with DMC1

Doom has some of the most overrated level design in gaming.
The first episode of Doom 1 is great but the following episodes and Doom 2 are littered with mediocre levels. But apparently OP is a retard who think that making them non-linear is the only thing needed in order to make good levels.

94, keep seething. Call me when Doom games become actually popular & relevant. DMC3 is considered the pinnacle of Hack/Slash, whereas Doom is a footnote in gaming history to most people born after 1990

Westernkeks on suicide watch

>dude look multiple paths so much variety and depth
>all are 2 meter long, identical staircases that lead to the exact same point
>dude look at this optional content such rewarding exploration
>is a single, tiny room

I'm not the user who mentioned Zelda. I'm showing you that you can't even make a decent argument at criticizing something with your retarded logic.