Name a cooler vidya villain

Name a cooler vidya villain.

Pro-tip: you can't

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Step up.

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He's cool if you're like 15 years old, which I'm sure most of us were when we played that game for the first time in our lives.

Literally ceases to be a character in general the moment you get to the Northern Crater for the first time.

At least Kuja and Kefka appeared in the majority of their respective games.

Attached: Sephiroth_impales_cloud.png (633x446, 453K)

Sephiroth controlled (or fused with) Jenova, so it might as well have been him for all intents and purposes

Fuck you s-block! I needed a z-block.

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I'll go with Revolver Ocelot. Anyone else?

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Has Kojima ever written any villains that aren't dumb?

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Mr Freeze

>"Good to see you... Cloud."
>Goes on to make sure Cloud will remember him for all eternity, assuring his continued individuality in the Lifestream and eventual and continual returns until he wins.
Good game, Sephiroth. Good game.

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>west has no problem understanding Xehanort, Terranort, Ansem, etc as essentially separate characters
>still literally retarded on the matter of sephiroth/jenova

This. World off dog is that Sephiroth took control of Jenova, not the other way around, though sheer will power. You are fighting Sephiroth (or his mind in fleshsuits) the entire time.

I can't

Attached: safer sephiroth concept art.jpg (830x1156, 146K)