Xbox Acquisitions

We know they're looking at more studios. Which developers will they acquire and announce at E3 in only a few short months?

This was rumored by Jez from Windows Central, but with the recent announcement of Back 4 Blood in partnership with Warner, I doubt it came to fruition.

Still a possibility. A studio based in Texas and a studio associated with PlayStation have been teased by a supposed insider, Ready At Dawn was confirmed not be in discussions with Microsoft, Housemarque is working on a PS exclusive supposedly, so Bluepoint is one of the few names left. We know they want to take a stab at their own IP, too.

All we've heard is that Microsoft was considering them at one point.

Who do you think is up for grabs? I wouldn't be surprised to see Relic, maybe a Techland and at least another smaller team akin to Compulsion. Probably another five studios is reasonable to expect all in all.

Attached: phiphi.jpg (593x295, 29K)

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Get a Japanese studio and make all of their 2D waifu mascots inside the game develop by them.

Relic for the PC audience
Red Barrels for the horror audience
IOI for the stealth audience

Probably playful since their working on a Ms ip

playful said no already

Playground said no and look what happened

Playful wont be bought though theyre also a trash studio

Then Ruffian

Do acquisitions even matter when they're gonna port the games to everything any way? At this point it's like Activision or EA making an acquisition.

Techland definetly wont sell themselves but that would be interesting(they're working on a new AAA IP by the way apart from Dying Light 2). Its probably another medium sized studio that made medicore as fuck games or some shit like that. Instead of buying Dead Labs,Compulsion or fucking whatever these fags are called they should went with an proper studio with good record. You mentioned Techland so why not People Can Fly? They worked with MS before and yeah they work on a game with Square for couple of years now but overall this didnt stopped MS from getting Obsidian so thats possible.

Can you guys name me 3 companies and game franchise that benefit from acquisition, cause I can't. Microsoft is inept.

Valve. Either alliance or buyout from Gaben. I believe that MS wants to go PC to justify money thrown at exclusives. They see that MS store fails to deliver and they want to grab something that everyone uses - which is Steam.
Gaben gets old, also every single last of Valve's endevours failed miserably (Steambox? Steampad? Artifact?). It'd be a fairly wise decision to just let Steam go.

with all their PS experience?
they're more likely to get bought by Sony
or doing a PS exclusive

Bluepoint are interested in making their own IP and are going to need someone to back them. If Sony wants them, then have at it. I doubt they'd decline. That doesn't seem to be the case, though, and Microsoft is throwing money around at the moment.

Sega has been investing more and more into the PC market and CoH2 remains one of the most played RTS games to this day and still makes some money from mtx. DoW3 certainly made things bad for the studio, but I still don't think Sega would be willing to part ways with them (not before giving them one more chance at least) unless MS offered a really big amount of cash.

It’s practically impossible for a foreign company to buy a Japanese one.

Doesn't Bethesda own Tango?

Attached: Sony Take Two.jpg (1280x720, 56K)

Fair play if Sony makes the move. I doubt it, though. This thread is about Microsoft, the company that actually has money, buying up your favorite studios.

bluepoint seems like a waste of money to buy
remakes are what they do best
Xbox already remade the only two IPs they have worth a damn, halo and fable
the studio would have to completely restructure to work on a new IP, so it'd be 4-5 years for a new IP from an untested studio that may be mediocre, instead of doing what they do best
just a waste of talent on a petty buy, purely because they are somewhat sony related

Take Two has rejected acquisition offers before, I don't see why they would accept now, especially when they are doing even better than they were in 2008.

Yes, they do. It is literally possible for US company to buy a Japanese one.
>Sue Chang and Chris Matthews, who wrote the initial piece for MarketWatch, told that Kulina’s note was their only source for the rumor. Matthews reportedly said "The stock shot up at the start of trade today to lead the S&P 500 and I was simply looking for plausible explanations. Joel’s in a good position to know what's moving individual tech stocks, even if they are just rumors. In terms of timing, [Take-Two] stock was well up before his email went out, so it was not his dissemination of the rumor that sparked the move."
Literally some analyst was throwing ideas for a reason why stock jumped all of a sudden, and everybody lost their shit. It's fucking nothing.

I'm sorry, user