How do you personally play Fire Emblem games? Do you give yourself any unique rules to increase the difficulty...

How do you personally play Fire Emblem games? Do you give yourself any unique rules to increase the difficulty? Do you only use or refrain from using specific units? Do you reset if you lose units?

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I play them in card format!

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>want to do a solo run in a gba game
>character becomes too strong and clears everything up to the last couple chapters with ease

I try to use units from different classes and/or that use different weapons to have a varied party, even if it's not necessarily the best way to play a specific game (since some of them have unbalanced classes).
I also only promote my characters but never reclass them.

All female runs tend to be interesting, depending on the game. In FE6 though it's "Shanna and Roy become gods because they're the only 2 that can fight until chapter 6." Also almost every girl starts at level 1 base class and is therefore a pain in the dick to train.

I use the units that I enjoy using.
Such as my wife Cynthia.
or L'Arachel.

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Unless required, I only use men. Women should not be at the forefront of a battle.

Reset on lost units because modern FE isn't made with permaloss in mind.

How about women as classes that are generally in the backline like healers and archers?

It makes no sense for them to be archers as that is a class that is required to be physically fit despite what video games have taught you. As for healing, if you need healing as a crutch, you're doing something wrong.

It's sad how true this actually is.
Child units kind of fuck you out of being able to enjoy permaloss because losing a unit means losing an entire chapter.

Lolis only

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FE was never designed with permadeath in mind so that's a moot point

I didn't realize we went from whether women should be deployed to whether you need specific classes. My bad.

Women were made to be healers though

If an enemy gets a crit at any time, that chapter has become locked into an iron man state. Any deaths that happen because of it and outside of my control are losses I will be forced to take and try to recover from. This is how I tend to do first playthroughs of any game at least.

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Usually 0% growths ironman while using my favorite characters, trying to get a low turncount if possible.
Haven't played much FE recently though

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Personally bench every Myrm

always use horses
Paladins are the best
Seth is the best paladin

Savestates forever


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I prefer gacha format.

Unless there's special scenes/differences for playing on a higher difficulty, I play it not on the hardest difficulty (unless it's a very easy one like SoV), I play with the characters I like, and I use the classes I like if they're available (I prefer armored units, like Gatrie). I don't do self-imposed rules because I hate nuzlockes in Pokemon and I hate gimping myself in other games unless it's a action filled non-turn-based 3D game from before 2005. I reset if units die because that's fucking shameful, I'm not even playing on the hardest difficulty.

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Start on hardest mode available, proceed to clear all difficulties. On replays, do themed limitations. Things like only using units from a certain kingdom or that are related to each other, only female units, low turn count run, etc. Gradually build up the support library over the course of these playthroughs. Though to be honest I've only done all this for my favorite entries in the series.

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I think I'll do a "Serra's fan club" run.
Also, are there any supports a character doesn't have that you wish they did? I kind of want to see Serra and Farina be narcissistic together

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usually deathless, sometimes i try full on ironman, do some 0% growths

It was. That's why units like Isadora and Sophia exist.