Made in Abyss

Imagine this as a comfy game with 10/10 soundtrack.

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Nanachi a qt.

What gender is that bunny child?

god i wish i had a nanachi to hug and tell everything is gonna be alright

So Etrian Odyssey


I want to fuck the bune

Who else is seeing the new movie this 20th?

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Imagine a game where obvious pedophile mangakas get caught arrested raped and killed in jail

Imagine killing yourself.

Kill yourself homosexual

is it an actual movie with new content or is it just a director's cut of scenes from the anime?

Imagine being at computers

Imagine it as an AO game where you can fuck Nanachi and Riko

Recap movie.

pedophilia ok
drugs bad

this anime is pedophile garbage

imagine liking some shitty shock value, 'anime is for mature adults moooom' anime

Loli/shota =/= pedophilia UNfag

And Reg. I'd probably fug every child character from that series desu.


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>imagine a game based on this shit series that skipped the most interesting part of its own premise in order to have more gore, misery porn and monsters eating poo out of a little girl's butt.

Wow yeah. The possibilities are endless!

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>I only know about the anime from Yea Forums posts: the post

ch 51 when
season 2 when

Stop pretending to be retarded. The anime didn't even cover deep in the abyss.