Post your opinions that Yea Forums will crucify you for. I’ll start

Post your opinions that Yea Forums will crucify you for. I’ll start

Both Half Life games are overrated and are responsible for the decline of FPS games

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getting a gf is easy

videogames are for kids

traps are gay

Halo Reach is a good game.

The Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask remakes were good.

Right but falling in genuine love isn't

Kojima is overrated and is responsible for the rise of movie games.

RDR2 is shit, slow boring garbage, under the guise of the buzzword "comfy". With terrible mission structure and a bland open world

I actually like the Epic store. Or rather I’m willing to give it a chance. I get the arguments that it’s a shit service, which is true it’s bare bones as fuck, but I find it unlikely to not improve and the free games are a nice way to buy my patience.

I would just prefer GoG though.

I agree, but I wouldn't say he was responsible for the rise. He did help though. God of War and RE4 helped that cinematic trash more, because QTEs in cutscenes

Jamil is best boy

There is no game worth playing that you cannot easily emulate

may have flaws, but a really good game.

even though I love HL1 I have come to realise that there is truth to this

Video Games are in a terrible state of decay and will never leave said state.

>Both Half Life games are overrated and are responsible for the decline of FPS games
That's the same kind of dumb opinion that people have about Re4 and survival horror.

Buzz me mullato

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I don't like games that have over sexualized characters. Not for SJW reasons, I dislike censorship more. I'm just a prude who finds DoA fanservice and shit weird.

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same. i will never understand the folks on Yea Forums who obsess over that shit

It has no effect on gameplay so who cares

Yeah agreed.

only 2, 1 did nothing wrong

sonic cd is good

I dislike exaggeration as well, but I hate when a game isn't allowed to have a single cute/hot character.

I thought most of Yea Forums liked it

MGS V plays almost just like the classics if you turn all display settings to OFF and actually play the best levels in the game (high-level FOB's). 700 hours in and I can't put it down kojima is based

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>Both Half Life games are overrated and are responsible for the decline of FPS games
no you're thinking of halo

>The Last of us, Half Life 2 and Ocarina of Time are my favorite games
>I love Detroit Become Human and genuinely believe it does the branching narrative thing better than anything Telltale ever made
>I watch Game Grumps regularly and think the show got better when Dan came on. I also love Super Mega and got a VIP ticket for a live show
>I hate fighting games other than Mortal Kombat and Smash
>There's nothing wrong with playing in easy, using walkthroughs, or quick saving regularly.
>I absolutely loathe excessive fan service as I'm deeply sexually repressed

FromSoft should continue making soulslikes because it's all they do well, and the reason they've become successful.

FF13-2 is actually an acceptably mediocre jrpg, whereas 13-1 and 13-3 are literal dumpsterfires

FF15 has its moments, and is better than puritans pretend

DMC5 is not as good as DMC3, and marks an overall appeal to a different audience

Zelda BOTW isn't a Zelda game at all.

RDR2, Assassin's Creed, Witcher 3 are all the same game in different skins and in the case of witcher, raped an otherwise admirable franchise for shekels

Color Splash is a great game.

>DMC5 is not as good as DMC3, and marks an overall appeal to a different audience

this is true though

Battleborn was alright and didn't deserve the shit it got due to Randy and Blizzfags

If your excuse for playing a woman is, "If I have to stare at someone's ass, it better be a woman's.", then you're a fucking insecure brainlet. Be honest, you're role playing that character, ain't nothing wrong with that, and some female options do have better voice actors that make it more immersive than their phoned in counterpart.

BotW was just okay

Trans rights are human rights.

We do but it's the contrarian favorite Sonic

Dark Souls 3 > 2 > 1

DmC's story wasn't as bad as people make it out to be, it's mostly misunderstood by classical fans who didn't even plan on giving the game a fair shake.

Veronica should be dating me because that fucking asshole chadley isnt EVEN A FUCKING GAMER WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU VERONICA

Linux isn't meant for gaming.

Wonderful 101 sucks.

League of Legends is the only MOBA better than Dota 1

My only experience with Linux is server admin stuff. Are there any distros out there that are actually built for running games? Or is it all just emulation like wine?

Emulation, rarely are games ported to it

Harmony of Dissonance is a good game with a killer OST.

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>Call of duty isn't bad. Its uninspired and not so innovative, but its mechanically sound enough to be decent. You could call it mediocre maybe, but not bad.
>I think league is in a better place than dota at the moment. Dota was a lot better than league in the past, and for a larger amount of its lifespan but patches have pushed it further down the shitter
>Theres nothing wrong with battle royale. Good in concept, but execution has just been flawed. Eventually we'll get a good one.
>implementation of multiplayer is almost always a benefit for the game unless it explicitly forces the removal of other mechanics to allow it to be possible. There is nothing wrong with games omitting single player entirely, so long as they are priced appropriately

Final Fantasy XIII>Final Fantasy X

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i like playing video games on the easiest difficulty

Sex fanservice is nothing but a detriment to the industry because it suckers people into accepting bad practices. If you can masturbate to your game, you'll gladly accept lootboxes, DLC, microtransactions, season passes, a lack of optimization, and overall terrible game quality. The same people who say "oh no the game is totally good even if you ignore the sex" would literally boycott it if their waifu wasn't in it.

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Dota2 is fun if your not a negative sperg about everything. It also builds team-making skills you can use in real life.

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Witcher 3 was the best Witcher
The Outer Worlds looks great
I’m pretty content with the overall state of the Vidya industry right now.

I like Juste's theme

Agreed with all but the first (although I like those games) and
>There's nothing wrong with playing in easy, using walkthroughs, or quick saving regularly.
Fuck you

It has some good tracks but some shit in it is unbearable

I agree that dota can be fun. It was better before 7.00, but its tolerable. I'm not sure I agree with the team making skills thing though.

A scenario where everyone is anonymous, has no meaningful consequences, and has equal power doesn't really exist in real life, so it doesn't really train you for anything.

Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate and Monster Hunter World are both great games, both have their flaws and their strengths

The first Sonic Riders is a legitimately good racer and anyone who thinks the controls are "complicated" has never played a video game.

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I should clarify.

Playing with a good group of friends or regulars from a friends list can improve your ability to form coherent teams. You begin to understand the ins and outs of socializing when a common goal is at stake in solo que at least (i.e. saying "please" instead of "fuck you").

Guitar Hero was a shitty ripoff of Guitarfreaks that only succeeded because it had a dadrock soundtrack.

Sony is garbage

>black sabbath
>dad rock
Yeah having tons of shitty j pop and shitty alt rock is good. Fuck off. Guitar Hero’s real crime is not having the master tracks and instead doing covers.

Brave Fencer Musashi should have enjoyed the same success as Zelda and become a franchise.

Duke Nukem Forever and Aliens: Colonial Marines are perfectly acceptable, decently fun 6/10 games.

Goldsrc > Source

The ISA were objectively the good guys in the Killzone series.

Multiplayer games are dead and will never return, and so are RTS games.

NCR is objectively the only decent option in New Vegas. New Vegas is also the only good Obsidian game, and it's still overrated buggy shit.

The Soldier is the most underpowered and frequently nerfed class in Team Fortress 2, and Pyros are the most overpowered and frequently buffed. Demonigger's winbombs still haven't been fixed after 12 years.

Star Wars Battlefront 2 (2005) was overrated trash, and inferior in every way to its predecessor and the EA reboots.

MGS4 is the best Metal Gear game, there was literally nothing wrong with it, and Yea Forums was full of MGS4 11/10 GOTY A MASTERPIECE BY KOJIMA for months after its release, and that was the only time Yea Forums was ever right.

Jurassic World Evolution is a fine, albeit flawed game. The world needs more dinosaur games, and hype for them.

Western females are still, on average, more attractive then Japanese females, however this is not an absolute metric.

PS4 has no games, and is worse in every single way than previous playstations except for grafics, but it's still the best console this gen, and Sony has won 4 console wars in a row now.

Assassin's Creed Odyssey is probably the best game I've ever played.

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The first 2 Fallout games are pieces of shit that only get recognized because of the voice actors and some dialoguies. Bethesda's take on the world is way better, and it's what stopped the saga from dying.

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I like playing games for fun

All rock from before 1991 is Dadrock.

Unfortunately the crappy sequel on PS2 ruined any chance of another being made. Musashi is easily one of the best games on ps1 and its a shame it gets overlooked.

This is true though, Sony entering the game hardware market is one of the worst things to happen to this hobby.

I wouldn't call it crappy, just kinda mediocre and repetitive. It's like they put all the budget into the art direction and forgot to make an interesting combat system.

Black Sabbath is metal not rock. Rock music is trash

Oh, shut up

It kinda depends. I wouldn't really know because I only play either with irl friends or soloqueue (don't have online friends that I haven't met in person at least at some point), but most of the stuff feels automatic desu. If you click as a team you click, and there aren't any real issues.

Most people play to have fun, not explicitly to win. You and you can learn how to calm down angry people and not piss people off for no reason, but its hard to stop a guy from sabotaging the game if he's getting a genuine kick out of it, and if you want to do something silly that sabotages the game because you think its fun you just can do so with no real consequences besides a number and a few reports. Anyone old enough to actually play the game decently mechanically is probably old enough to have all the skills one could potentially learn from it already (ie not be an asshole for no reason) and only fail to apply the skills ingame because they can't empathize with others through a computer screen or have emotions clouding judgement.

Western RPG’s are superior to JRPGS
Fallout 76 is a amazing game
Dark Souls is trash

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Care to explain the TF2 one? I can see why people would see him as overrated a tad but find it hard to justify that he is worse than the Spy, regardless if playing pubs or competitive.

Achievements and Trophies suck because they killed cheat devices like Gameshark and Codebreaker. I bought the game, I'll have fun the way I want dammit.

It depends on the game. In a more silly and lighthearted game seeing things like bikini armor is whatever, the game is obviously meant to be cartoonish so the lack of realism doesn't matter. It's more annoying to me in a serious story when a character looks ridiculous but I'm expected to believe they're a perfectly natural part of the world and take them serious as a character despite having nothing but their nipples and vagina covered.

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It's okay for games to have bad gameplay if it succeeds in other ways. It's okay for video games to intentionally be frustrating and ''unfun'' if it serves a purpose. Most good horror games do this.
Games have different goals. Not all of them need to be aiming to deliver the exact same thing.
Gone Home was actually a pretty good game because of this.

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Sorry, I forgot Spy exists, because he's so underpowered that nobody uses him and functionally does not exist.

Are normalfags really dumb enough to do this? I beat my dick to mercy at least once a week,but overwatch is still a bad game that I've stopped playing.

I just think it looks stupid and keeps me from taking the game seriously.
I also despise the ''weeb'' fanbase who defend any game solely on the basis of it showing more titty and ass than other games. It's retarded.

There’s a big reason why DoA hasn’t been considered a good fighting series since around 2. Tits and ass carry it, and not the shit mechanics.

I've never before seen a retard so based.

>All "Souls"games are shit
>TLoU had a bad and predictable story
>DotA is still a mediocre game made for people that can't play more difficult games
>All Fallout and Elder Scrolls games are bad
>All 3d Zelda games are boring
>There are no games with a story that surpasses even the most mediocre of books or movies

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Spec Ops: The Line is a bad game

>DotA is still a mediocre game made for people that can't play more difficult games
I can agree on the mediocre part but from having played it I strongly disagree on the difficulty. MOBA in general are easier than RTS, sure but they're probably more difficult than anything else. I'd put them about on par with fighting games.

I really dislike nero and wish that dante and vergil were the only playable charcters

Here we go!
Politics in videogames can be good
Videogames are not art
Visual Novels are not videogames
Kingdom hearts has always been crappy, you just liked it because you were a literal child back then
Same with starfox and most of the old games this fucking board fetishizes
Mobile is great for videogames, most of you don't give it a chance on principle
Blizzard is legitimately worse than EA

Can my cross be rosewood? I like rosewood.

I do agree with blizzard being worse than EA

>Videogames are not art
This is objectively wrong.

The last thing I appreciate from Blizzard is the original WoW. Everything past that has been a dumpster fire and I wish nothing more then for that company to get put down because all of their fans give me cancer

user everyone agrees with you Those daily threads are made by shills.

Meet Your Match was a good TF2 update.

That 16 year old-esque 'opinion' is making the real metalheads look bad, m8.

I don't mind sexy characters but i've never liked DOA at all

When Imagine Dragons is considered rock you know it’s gone to trash man.

Steel Battalion
I tried

Most of those are okay, politics are fine as long as they're not stupidly obnoxious and done well.
Define art
true about kingdom hearts
wrong about old games though, they're still good this day in age
Mobile games are fine the problem is making your next BIG project a mobile game, especially when your company comes from a long line of making console or pc games. The sudden switch over is a big fuck you.
I agree, fuck blizzard but also fuck EA.

>aesthetics have no effect on experience

Check out the scholar over here

>Mobile is great for videogames, most of you don't give it a chance on principle
This. Touchscreen offers limitless possibility for controls and being able to play on the go is great. Its a great concept, simply lacking in execution, arguably because the hardcore community dismisses it immediately, resulting in a vicious cycle of appealing to casuals because they are the only audience.

Traps arent gay you fucking retard

I don't think Sony has a single good property. They could be erased from existence tomorrow and their first party gaming legacy would not be missed.

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Shit man how do I even start. I'm not going to even lie about this but I rarely post these opinions here since I always get called a zoomer or other buzzword.

Turn based jrpgs are shit and outdated as fuck, any modern game that makes you wait turns is shit.

Apex legends is good

Fortnite is shit

Arena FPS games are shit and unbalanced (start with 50 health and start with shit weapon and if you die with all weapons and armor congratulations you start over)

The retroshit between nes-gba all look the same and are ugly just like the retroshit like shovel Knight and that ninja gaiden ripoff

Only people who hate consoles are loser virgin fags who can't get laid so they play on PC and put on dresses and fuck men

Fighting games are shit. All of them should be like smash where moves are executed by simple commands like tilt or smash attacks.

racing and sports games are a waste. Why play football when you can grab a ball and some friends and go outside to play. Lazy fucks.

60fps is nice but graphics are better.

4k is a meme

And finally

Anime games are shit, they should all be banned from this board. That includes touhou.

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RTS died with Starcraft 1: it's a walking corpse of a genre.

MoBA's were a mistake

The only good battle royale game is Hunt: Showdown and it's barely even a BR game.

JRPG's stopped being relevant after FF8

Dark souls 2 was the best of the series

BRINK was one of the best multiplayer fps games of the last 10 years.

Sea of Thieves is a good game

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Since when would Yea Forums crucify you for hating fortnite, racing, and sports games

I think we should have The Legend of Sparda video game, prequel to Devil May Cry.

Should also mention I'm 18 so my gen thinks like this and you're outdated views don't affect us.

I don't care about the vast majority of games that exist. I tend to only follow the franchises I grew up with (though it is possible for something newer to join that lineup if I'm really taken with it), so I've missed out on tons of things that most people would assume "all" gamers are familiar with. And I just don't care. It's a hobby, something I use to chill out, so putting pressure on myself to "keep up" or "branch out" is a concept that I can rarely abide anymore.

I think thats most people though. Most people primarily play games from 1-2 genres pretty much.

A lot of people are like that

Dark Souls 2 isn’t a good game, it’s a great game.

Clearly the best, why do people fight it

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No you are a zoomer! You have ADHD!!!
This brand new AAA game is for oldschool boomers like me !!!

Kh3 is equal quality with the other numbered games.The ones dislike it mostly outgrew the series as a whole but didnt want to admit their childhood was shit so they go old game good new game bad.

>Kh3 is equal quality with the other numbered games
I agree the series was never good.

battlefront 2 is fun and in a nice state now and is getting better with every update that comes.

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Yeah but it's a fun cowboy sim

Epic games isn't spyware and the threads are a fucking waste of time.

That and "Classic" WoW is a fucking scam. You're paying for retail to play a stale vanilla you can never go back to. It'll collapse within a Year.

Dad of war is a fantastic game an a much needed semi-reboot of the series, which was getting seriously stale after 3

FFXV has its issues but it is overall a decent entry in the franchise, and unlike XIII and XII I actually LIKE the main characters.

The KH series is no less ridiculous than the majority of JRPGs, the only legit issue is that Nomura seriously did go to far with the spin-off games (though most of them are good)

The Dragon Quest games are boring slogs

Platinum has put out more shitty games than good ones.

I feel like PS4's exclusive games this gen are the best out of the 3. Outside of Mario Odessy and Splatoon 2 most of the exclusive game Switch games haven't really grabbed me

If the most notable feature of a game is the tits and ass fanservice angle, then its a shit game. Senran Kagura and Dead or Alive are painfully mediocre series that people only defend because MUH ANIMU WAIFUS. Just fucking watch SFM/Blender porn of it, you'll get a better experience

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I agree. I like tasteful service, not constant, in my face tits and ass, like the Japs think I'm some kind of pathetic loser with no taste.

because HL2 was worse than HL1 they made the genre more linear and like playing through movie sets? I guess I can see that.

Plenty of people with good minds here.

>ESO was actually good sometime later after it came out, and especially in 1.6, it was at it's peak. Now it went downhill but all of a sudden it's a "good game", when in fact the pvp is trash now but nobody played more than 10 hours of it early on to like lvl 15-20 and had some opinion that was most likely wrong or trash.

>M&B:W had the best PvP in any game ever, with absolute perfection in weapon and armor choice.

>Total War: Warhammer 2 is a great game.

I might make more opinions that get shot down in Yea Forums.

GTA V was the best in the series and GTA VI will take place in a new area that hasnt been talked about yet.

Bayonetta (as a series) has better gameplay than Devil May Cry (as a series) but DMC are the better overall games. Bayo 3 really has to do a lot if its going to surpass DMC5 at this point

Fuck off Bobby Hill

If you don’t pirate games you’re a cuck

Here we go.

People who say FE:Fates is garbage only know the story or are bandwaggoning since most of its maps are good.

4k and PC Gaming are busted memes.

The west can't do shit at character design.

Microsoft should give up at the gaming industry.

Grinding in some games can be entertaining.

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I never played Witcher 3 and don't particularly care about the Outer Worlds, but I agree with you on the third bit. I feel like anyone with a good measure of talent(although it's still possible for people to get successful on a fluke, but that is hardly harmful) can get into the industry with the rise of indie games. That's pretty cool, since most other creative fields are really hard to make a career off of.
Sorry if I'm putting words into your mouth here, this is just my opinion as to why I like the Vidya industry right now, you can have your own reasons(obviously).

I'm not the guy who you replied to, but c'mon. People can play however they want. Video games are still toys for the player's enjoyment.

The Uncharted series is good

Resident Evil 4 isn't just a bad Resi game but a bad game period

Especially with this added bit to goad people into responding, this looks a lot like bait. Have a couple of (you)'s, free of charge.

I like almost all Pokemon designs, and feel that 95% of them are good, even for ones tjat are "universally hated" like Bibarel and Rhyperior. I even like "the posterboys of bad Pokemon design" like Vanilluxe, Trubbish/Garbodor and Klefki. The few that I personally don't particularly like I'm even indifferent, except for two of them, which are Armomatisse and Mega Aerodactyl. I don't really get how people can hate a large chunk of a specific generation's designs.

Weapon upgrade mechanics only exist to force you to grind rng materials and bottleneck your late game viable weapons.
I fucking hate this in Dark Souls, by the time I get a new weapon I simply can't waste time and materials to learn its moveset and make it viable.

>Recent game that was very popular
>Saying it is bad means Yea Forums will crucify you
How fucking new are you? This isn't reddit, people here are about as contrarian as they can be.

>Both Half Life games are overrated and are responsible for the decline of FPS games
You're a bit late, this has been the hottest Yea Forums contrarian opinion for months.

10/10 doens't mean the game is flawless, it means it belongs among the top 10% of all games. There is nothing wrong with giving any good game, even a game with some flaws, a 10/10 score.

I rather like strong female character who are put into over sexualized situations, but are over all hardcore to the point that they can definitely kill anyone in lore - specially when push comes to shove.

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The argument here is that what do you do if you DO find a flawless game?

I know that in theory a flawless game is impossible, but that's the point, there always needs to be room to improve, a mythical position to strive for. If you don't, then the 10/10 score becomes increasingly "less". It's why we live in an age where 5/10 is dogshit and 7/10 is considered 'average', rather than overall solid or really good but flawed.

Shit, my favourite games of all time I can only realistically grade at an 8/10. Games like Thief 2 or Saints Row 2 are games I go back to time and time again, yet I can immediately call them flawed even for their era.

3 > NV